An Indescribable Feeling

By DayDreamRomantic

1.7M 74.2K 14.4K

When a worldwide sickness means BTS have a time limit to find their final soulmate, they come up with a plan... More

An Introduction to The Plan
Back to the Beginning
What is Love?
Faith in Fate
Conflicting Emotions
Must be a Dream
Looks, Touches and Thoughts
We Need to Talk
Making an Effort
Communication is Key
Observations and Realisations
Understanding Each Other
No Filter
An Honest Conversation
Getting Closer
Princess Deserves Pancakes
Jealousy and Intimidation
Make Yourself at Home
Random Gifts & Silliness
Time Limits
Uncomfortable Celebrations
The First Lesson of Independence
Right Moments
Promise Judgement
Just Hope
Joyful Knight
I just want to BE happier
Surprised Upset Grateful Awkwardness
Kindred Spirit
Patience is a Virtue
Light It Up
Love Isn't Easy
One Cliché at a Time
Unleashing the Monster
Nothing Matters More
A Happy Beginning
Starting Again, Together
A Time for Us
Building Up Confidence
Sweet Gentlemen & Infectious Clumsiness
Ignite Your Bones
Concern for you, And for me
Playful Possessiveness
Don't Wake Me Up
Run Bangtan!
Running Back To You
Make A Wish
Nothing But You
Dreams verses Reality
Leaps and Bounds
Waiting For You
Leaving You In Awe
Feeling at Home
Let It Roll
Very Loyal Idols Verify Events
Torture by Teasing
Catching Up With Jealousy
Meaningful Conversations
A Lesson in Revenge
Let's Dance
How to Land
Realising the Repercussions
Showing Progress
It's a promise
Loud and Proud
Questions, Answers, and Surprises
Wang Yibo
Traces of Doubt
Too Much and Not Enough
Unforgivable Lies
Asking for Forgiveness
Proving You Wrong
Unfinished Business
Making a New Plan
Love The Way You Rap
What Happens Next
New Beginnings
The First Test
Look at Me
Jokes and Drama
A Pirates Life For Me
The Power of Fans
Loneliness and Sacrifices
The Final Step
Restart and Recharge
Beautiful Destiny
Rock, Paper, Smile
Teamwork makes the Dream work
The Right Reaction
RE: Evaluation
Just Wanna Have Fun
Another Day Free
Starting off with a Bang
Favours from Friends
Meeting the Fans
I'm the Charmer
Not One Hundred Percent
A few of my favourite things
I Spy a Criminal Undercover
We Are Bulletproof
While We Wait
I can be your lamp
Getting Everything Wrong
Trending Again
Show Me That
Interviews with Anna - Episode 1: SKZ
You're My Proof
It's a date
GOT a Premiere
A Lotte Change
Our Best Is Yet To Come
I say MORE
Beginning of the End
Come Back To Reality
Author's Note

Birthday Wishes

10.7K 585 110
By DayDreamRomantic

Anna had never seen her birthday as a special day. She wasn't one to celebrate. At most, she would go out for dinner, or perhaps eat her favourite food, or watch her favourite movie. So, it didn't bother her that her soulmates had to work on her birthday. They had tried their best to clear their schedule, but they still had to work until the early afternoon.

She spent the beginning of the day as she usually did, attending her Korean lesson and then heading to work at HYBE. In the afternoon she was waiting for a message to say the boys had finished, but instead, she got a different message. Unfortunately, their work was taking longer than anticipated, but they asked her to join them and promised they could still have dinner together. Anna wasn't surprised, but she was a little disappointed.

Nevertheless, she was curious to see what the boys were working on. While she didn't mind seeing spoilers of BTS's future releases, the boys often tried to keep things a surprise for her, but recently they had been particularly secretive.

When she reached the door of the room they had told her to go to, there was a note on the door along with a blindfold. The note asked Anna to put on the blindfold before opening the door. She looked around the hallway wondering what was going on, but no one was around.

Trusting her soulmates, she put the blindfold on before reaching down for the door handle and opening the door. She took a careful step forwards into the room and felt a presence on either side of her. She felt them take her hands and she knew which of her soulmates were guiding her. One hand was large and slender, while the other was smaller and unmistakable: it was Taehyung and Jimin.

They led her further into the room and guided her into a chair. Each of them gave her a kiss before disappearing. Anna was confused, wondering whether she could take her blindfold off yet when Taehyung came and whispered in her ear.

"Count to ten and take it off."

When she could see again, all seven of her soulmates were standing in a line in the big empty space in front of her. Music started playing and she immediately recognised it as one of their older songs, one she never thought she would get to see live. She was still a little shocked at what was happening as she watched them begin to dance. By the time Namjoon started rapping, Anna was smiling widely and was super excited to watch them perform for her.

"You worth it. You perfect. Deserve it. Just work it."

When it got to Yoongi's part in the chorus, she was full-on fangirling, putting her hands up in the air and screaming. They lined up again and made an adorable pose one at a time, and she almost died from their cuteness. They weren't holding back.

For Jimin and Jungkook's interaction part, they both ran toward her. Jimin took her hand while he sang, and Jungkook gave her a kiss on the cheek before they had to run back into position and continue dancing with the others.

"Oh, my lady, put your hands up. Now scream."

Taehyung winked at her during his part in the chorus, and Anna did as he said, putting her hands up and screaming again. At the end of the song, they each sent her finger hearts before turning and hopping away as the lights went down.

She was waiting for the lights to turn back on so she could thank her soulmates her arranging his surprise performance for her, but when they turned on, she realised that wasn't the end.

The next song started and she knew what it was even though it wasn't one of their songs. She wondered how they knew she loved their performance of this, as she didn't remember mentioning it. They were lined up in a row again when Jungkook started singing.

"Cause you are the one."

They moved into formation and started dancing as Jimin sang. They had changed outfits while the lights were off. Jimin was wearing an all-black outfit which looked even better than in the video she had seen of their original performance.

Just before the second chorus was Anna's favourite part: when Jimin takes his jacket off. So, she was very happy to see him replicate that in this performance and may have screamed a little.

There was something different about the dance to this song compared to their own song's choreography, but either way, she loved watching her soulmates dance. Anna particularly took notice of Namjoon since he didn't take part in the original performance.

"I won't go through the ordeal of not having you again, so you'll be able to rest in my embrace."

Like before, when the song ended the lights went out and she waited with bated breath to see what was next.

The next song changed the atmosphere of the room. When she first saw the translation of the lyrics for this song, she was shocked, to say the least, and surprised at some of the lines.

"So, this song is an award I'm giving to you."

They didn't dance at first, probably giving themselves time to recover from the first two songs. Instead, they played off of each other. Taehyung especially liked to stand as close as possible to the others, touching and teasing them and, as a result, her as well.

"I'm here to save you, I'm here to ruin you."

On the other hand, Jungkook liked to stare directly at Anna during his parts. His gaze held her in a trance, and she couldn't look away even if she wanted to.

"Yeah, I'm a bit dangerous."

When they did start dancing, she could only watch in silence, mesmerised by the movement of their bodies.

"I'm taking over you."

As the song ended and they walked away from her as the lights dimmed again, she wondered how much more of this she could take and what would happen next.

The tone changed again, and Anna's eyes started to well up with tears as one of her favourite songs began to play. The only times they had sung it live were on Japanese shows, and she had only been able to watch unofficial recordings of those performances. Ever since she had first heard it, she considered it to be the most beautiful song she had ever heard.

"Stay by my side and laugh. A future without you is a world without colour."

Anna shivered as goosebumps appeared on her arms. This was so many dreams coming true at once. Not only was she hearing this song live, but they were performing just for her, singing to her. She felt her throat close up with emotion, stopping her from being able to sing along with them.

"I'll give you my everything."

As they approached the final chorus, Yoongi and Hoseok approached Anna and reached out their hands. Taking their hands, she was led towards the others until she was standing in the middle of her soulmates who formed a circle around her as they sang.

"I want you to believe in me."

Tears were now running down her cheeks, as she was overwhelmed by emotion. Anna turned around so she could look at each of her soulmates, stopping at Jungkook last as he sang the last few notes. The others moved in closer, and Anna felt one of them wrap their arms around her from behind. When he finished, Jungkook stepped forward and wiped away her tears.

"I didn't mean to make you cry."

The arms around her tightened, and she heard Taehyung's voice whisper in her ear.

"Did you enjoy it?"

"I can't... believe you... it was so... beautiful!"

The boys chuckled as she struggled to speak, and then Jin made her laugh.


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