Russian Roulette | Rusame | C...

By Miriorite

957K 31K 170K

Russia, a dragon and America, a prince used as a human weapon of the military. In a world where everyone has... More

The End (Prologue)
Beginning of The End
Standing Out, Fitting In
One Way Ticket to Hell
Holding Hands in the Hallway
White Winged Paper Girl
Truth or Lie?
Blackmail is Such an Ugly Word
An Act of Trust
A Life for a Life
Story of a Family
To Kingdom Come
Winter Wonderland
Life on the Line
Art of War
Open Fire
Head Over Heels
Fated Alliance
Story of Eternity
Mending of a Broken Heart + Fanart Contest
Echoes of the Past
Heated Tension
Lost in Translation
Eternal Rest
Crimson Veiled Woman
Illusion of Living + Contest Results
Nocturne in E Flat Major
Don't Lose Your Head
Snakes and Ladders
Meeting of Monarchs
A Trip Down Memory Lane
White Lies and Dark Truths
Untold Feelings
Weapons Don't Weep
Dance with Death
Healing and Hurting
The Hunt Begins
The Price of Freedom
Two Sides of the Same Coin
Spin the Bottle
Pay the Price
Life Long Partners
Waltz for Two
Reflection of Truth
Fragments of Memory
Festival of Lights
Once in a Blue Moon
The First Step
Midas Touch
Valentines Day (Extra)
Restless Nights
Onwards to Asia
Cabin in the Woods
Shadow Dragon and Prince
The Other Side
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Gates of Heaven and Hell
Tender Affection
Parting Words
Downfall of the Strongest
Long Awaited Reunion
Winding Pathways
It Can't Get Worse, Right?
Terms and Conditions
"You're Awake"
In the Heat of the Moment
The Traitor and the Fool
The Final Floor
Garden of Eden
A Hint of Jealousy
Serpent's Tongue
Bound to Falling in Love
The End of an Era
Midnight Conversations
Winter Solstice
Unveiling the Truth
Distant Dreams
Drunken Confessions
Nightmare and Daydreams
Insatiable Greed
Bittersweet Memories
The Adventures of Little Russia (Extra)
Oceanic Mysteries
One Room, One Bed
Requiem of Good and Evil
The One Left Behind

Cause for Concern

10.6K 398 1.7K
By Miriorite

The next day rolled in almost as if nothing had happened. Beautiful chirps of the morning birds masked the screams of agony that happened the night before.

Lives were lost, yet their killers still remain, roaming freely around the kingdom. That's what the entire school was babbling about. The presence of a revolution brewing was what people assumed, despite the lack of information they had.

After all, even they themselves knew the kingdom's systems were flawed. It was only a matter of time before everything came crashing down.

These people, what were their motives? For money? Fame? Or perhaps purely for the betterment of the world?

Out of the three options, the least likely would be the third, considering how ruthless they were in cleaning out the entire estate.

But the most concerning thing was, it could be anyone, the scale of their operation was unknown. What sort of big plans are the revolutionaries planning at this very moment?

Unbeknownst to everyone, the 'leader' is currently preoccupied with the pestering of his teammates. "I swear to you, the answer for number 9 is C! I double checked already as well," Japan clutched the ivory sheets of paper in his grasps, presenting it to everyone.

Certainty leaped off the pages, clear for everyone to see. His clean strokes were especially confident, paired with his unyielding emerald gaze that bore a hole right through America's heart.

America spoke as he pushed his lunch tray away to make room for the paper, "I'm fairly certain the answer is A, but I'll entertain the possibility of a mistake."

His gaze scanned the pages, making mental calculations as well as digging through the depths of his memory. North, South, and Russia watched as this dispute unfolded while also enjoying their lunch.

Eventually a man slid over to sit next to the prince, he used his crimson finger to point at the question. "Your highness, you read this part wrong, judging by what I overheard," the Chinese man snatched the quill out of Japan's hands.

A few minor corrections were made to the workings, "and so, Japan's answer is indeed correct."

China no longer wore the pitiful torn up dress, replaced with his usual apparel, as well as a silver hairpiece. It was no doubt that China was the most fashionable out of all of them, he frequently switched up his outfit or accessories.

Though he isn't wearing it, the dress is still in his possession after Ukraine insisted he kept the dress, because apparently it 'suited' him.

"It appears Japan is indeed correct, oops my bad," the prince shrugged with a smile. South couldn't help but turn his head to stare at America for a good few seconds.

"Don't give me that stare, I'm human too, I make mistakes."

Diverting the topic, North spoke, "I've been wondering about that bet you two made, what did Russia request for in the end?" An amber gaze landed on the prince, making America groan in dismay, "ugh why'd you have to remind him? I was hoping he'd forget..."

"We're gonna have an official fight," Russia said with a smirk to rub it in his prince's face.

Even Russia just learnt about this the other day, apparently the school has a system to issue official fights between students, when requested. The loser of the fight would have to do whatever the winner requests, one win equals one request.

Of course, these 'requests' are monitored by the school heads, to prevent outrageous requests that may lead to dangerous circumstances.

"Why not just request what you would request as the winner's prize now?"

The prince slammed his hands on the table, "that's what I asked! This psycho wants to take every opportunity to fight me." A pale finger pointed straight at Russia accusingly, "he said he wanted to beat me till I can't walk, how scary."

"The more arrogant you are, the more I want to wipe that smirk off your face. Stop talking so much or I'll repeat what happened in the crater."

The prince stuck his tongue out in response, "same tricks won't work twice, you just caught me off guard that time."

These types of arguing back and forth was a usual on their table, it happens almost everyday. To the point everyone else learned to filter out the background noise when it starts up again.

"If you don't wanna shut up then how about we just go fight now?" Russia grabbed the prince by the collar with a menacing gaze. "Sounds good! Bring it, you overgrown lizard."

A tail slithered around America's body, entrapping him inside. Using this to his advantage, the tricolored country dragged the prince out to the field, EU was already there, almost as if he knew they were coming.

He eyed the tied up prince with a nonchalant gaze, "I assume you two are going to fight now?" A nod of confirmation was given by America.

With the wave of the star God's hand, a balancing scale appeared, adorned in a golden glow as well as minuscule glowing stars floating around it.

"Libra, a constellation of fairness or also called the scales of justice."

Two oddly realistic hearts made out of tiny stars, appeared on the two sides of the scales, still beating as well, "these represent you two's hearts, it's only to assure fairness, I won't do anything to them."

Without realizing, Russia had put a hand to his chest to feel his heartbeats. It thumped loudly against his chest, still there. A daily reminder that he was still alive and breathing.

I guess some things are just hard to comprehend, especially with divine beings involved in the equation.

"Take your places on the battlefield."

The tail that entrapped America, retreated back to its owner, with his newfound freedom, he could finally stretch his limbs in relief.

"Hope you're ready to get your ass beat again," America arrogantly took a stand in the battlefield with Russia following shortly after. "Your win streak ends here."

EU on the other hand, glanced ever so slightly at the glowing scale, the two hearts still remained there but one was flickering. It was almost like the slightest wisp of wind would dissipate it.

"How odd."

China, South, North and Japan eventually followed along to watch the match.

Word travels fast here in the academy, almost everyone was consumed by the gossip that America was going to fight Russia. Especially ever since the tournament, both have proved to be exceedingly skilled at fighting.

Inwardly everyone wondered who would win such a fight, the prince or the guard?

"Trying to harm your dear prince, how unsightly, how shall I punish you? Maybe I'll chop off your head like how you were supposed to die in the first place. Play as dirty as you want." His sly grin fanned the flames of anger in the dragon's heart.

By the corner of Russia's eyes he saw more and more people flood in to watch the show.

Slowly, glowing blue scales crawled down the rims of the dragon's eyes as well as his azure horns catching fire. It illuminated the room in an electric blue glow, anyone who looked into it for too long would find themselves swallowed into a sea of all blue, like a riptide.

The prince's lips pressed into a thin line as sweat slid down his face, the temperature was rising alarmingly fast. "When did you learn to trigger it?"

"I'm a fast learner, I figured it out."

'Even so, it's only been a short time, it seems he only learned to trigger it. Fully controlling it and adapting it to be better will take longer.' The prince's train of thought was interrupted by the starting of the match.

Russia had acted first, lunging straight at the prince with his claws extended. His claws have also been enveloped in blue flames, singeing wisps of America's hair.

That was a lucky miss by the skin of his teeth, but then again, now he was stuck in a sticky situation. The prince had dodged towards the downside of Russia, at this rate, he could just use his tail to capture him.

Metallic sounds emanated from the prince's hand, it had morphed into a gun and was pointing straight at Russia.


The recoil made America shoot backwards quite a distance away, it seems he had intended for this to happen to uphold the distance between them.

It was no doubt that due to the nature of the weapon's America was the most skilled at, long distances would be ideal for him. The bullet he fired grazed Russia's cheek, even more azure flames formed where the wound was.

The dragon was not about to let the prince get away safely, he threw himself on top of America before he could send another shot.

Where America's head used to be, was a gaping crater, "honestly if I moved my head a second too late, my brains would be splattered on the field right about now."

"You talk too much." The dragon's husky voice vibrated next to the prince's ear, sending shivers down his spine. Flaming blue claws embedded in the ground, slashed to the left, leaving claw marks as it moved.

'It's gonna cut my head into pieces if I don't move quick.'

Two slender thighs snaked around Russia's waist, flipping the two figures over. With the sudden switch of positions, America used the faint moment of disarray to point a gun to his head.

"You were so protective of me as well during the tournament when China stabbed me, why the sudden change in personality?" The prince's eyes were dauntingly lifeless despite his teasing words.

"I'll make this clear, you're mine and mine only to hurt, no one else touches a single lock of your hair. Get that into your thick skull." Blue flames coming from his horns travelled up the gun to America's shoulder.

The gun was still technically part of his body, transforming it back to its original state as an arm was even more complicated now. It drooped slightly, almost like molten lava.

Guns have a barrel, it's like the tunnel where the bullet goes through to exit. The structure of America's guns are parts of his body, for example, the gun barrel is made out of his veins.

Having his gun being melted this way, also damages the parts of his body, since it's made out of it.

Scorching pain spread through the prince's entire arm, his retreat reflex triggered, making him jump back a few steps. The agonizing pain of being melted made him stagger in his steps, but he wasn't a genius for nothing.

Adapting was also a quality essential to being good at fighting. After a few seconds of brainstorming, America managed to find a way to heal his arm back to its original form.

"Damn what a fight," North commented while munching on something. With the raise of an eyebrow, Japan glanced over to see the three of them eating popcorn, as if watching a show. He had been too engrossed in the fight to notice his comrade's antics.

A look of disbelief clouded the samurai's face, "where did you even get popcorn?"

China shoved his hand into the bag of popcorn, "the temperature is so high that popcorn can pop, want some?"


"Yeah sure," Japan finished off his moment of silence, taking a handful as well, before going back to watching.

Without being able to catch his breath, he was knocked down again. He could no longer be so reckless around Russia's fire, he still isn't used to healing injuries of such fire damage. The potential side effects he could experience were not going to be pleasant.

After being pinned down again, America raised his hand that had been turned to a blade, to hold back the claws coming for his throat.

Sparks ignited on collision, the blue flames blazed brighter than ever.

The azure dragon lunged for his throat once again with success, though he did not press his entire hand, because that would burn through the princes throat no doubt. He knew the heads would interfere if he showed any intent of snapping his neck, Russia wanted the fight to last.

Trails of blood dripped down the tip of the claws that did pierce through his pale unblemished skin.

In a moment of alarm, America raised his hand to shoot Russia, but before he could manage to transform his arm, something encircled his other wrist.

It was a handcuff.

And not only that, he could feel the circulation of his ability stagnate. "Ability suppressing metal?" Japan furrowed his brows in discontent.

Once again, America was stuck in a situation he must once again adapt to. But to everyone's surprise, Russia sunk his teeth into America's still extended arm.

Blood dripped down his arm and stained his pure white uniform. Confusion only remained for a few seconds before the agonizing sounds of flesh tearing resounded through the room.

Russia had tore off the prince's arm, he threw it far away so America couldn't use it as a weapon. Not that he could, with his ability suppressed like this.

With his ability unavailable, he couldn't stop the bleeding of his arm, nor could he think straight.

The entire room went deathly pale at the horrid sight, even Japan stopped eating popcorn out of nausea.

Stifled groans of pain choked out of America's throat, his breaths became more and more labored as his blood continued to stain the field a crimson color.

"I did say I would beat you till you couldn't walk," the Russian traced the tip of his claws down the prince's chest, until halting on his thighs. Everywhere he touched was like fire scorching his skin, it would become numb. Knowing where this was going, the American let out a heavy laugh, mingled with heavy pants.

"Do it you coward."

Even in such a situation he would give such a shit eating smirk, it pissed Russia off.

Sinking his claws a little deeper made the edge of the prince's mouth twitch, the usual warm liquid dripped down his thighs.

America's vision was starting to get cloudy and the ceiling seemed to swirl.

How pathetic.

Wasn't he supposed to be strong?

How could... no... he couldn't lose.

As America was about to retaliate, long red strings descended from the sky, it snaked around Russia's limbs and threw him off the prince.

"I believe the winner is clear, there is no need to continue the fight seeing as though one of our student's well being is threatened."

No matter how hard Russia struggled, to no avail was he able to break free. Not even his flames were enough to snap them.

UN controlled Russia like a puppeteer, holding him back from attacking America. "A puppet doesn't disobey its puppeteer, now stop struggling and kindly deactivate your ability."

"I..." the Russian paused for a second, "I don't know how to disable it, I can just tire myself out."

It seemed like he was telling the truth. UN smiled in understanding and walked towards his new victim, he fished out a metal bracelet from his pockets, and put it on the dragon.

His ability abruptly shut off without a warning, an ability suppressing metal bracelet. Definitely a better looking option compared to the handcuffs. "Consider this a punishment, we don't allow students to go as far as bite each other's limbs off."

Yet UN himself only chose to interfere after it happened when he could've interfered earlier. It seems, he quite enjoyed the show they put on today.

EU was already next to America, he helped unlock the handcuffs using a constellation key.

"It appears America will be fine, so tell me Russia, what do you desire from America? What would you like him to do as your prize?"

Amber eyes gazed over to the price who sat up with eyes closed in concentration, the bleeding slowly stopped.



Don't be fooled, of course Russia using that much of his ability will cause side effects and injuries.

Sorry the update took long. I have no excuse.

Notes : 1 spell check

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