A New Unexpected Exorcist (D...

By 4everaddicted2anime

7.3K 247 15

This is my very first D.Gray-Man fanfic! A girl named Iriki suddenly arrives at the Black Order European Bra... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1: Lost
Chapter 2: Shocking Arrival
A Note About Iriki/ Authors Note
Chapter 3: First Failure
Chapter 4: So-Called Allies
Chapter 6: Terrible Secrets
Chapter 7: Hide and Seek
Chapter 8: Saviors Betrayal
Chapter 9: Lavis POV
Chapter 10: (Lavis POV) Mai
Chapter 11: Earl's Decision
Chapter 12: Tyki's Offer
A/N: Possible Hiatus
A/N: I'm Back
Chapter 13: Precautions & Fears
Chapter 14: Encounter With...
A/N End of Hiatus

Chapter 5: Savior

461 16 1
By 4everaddicted2anime

I calmed myself down and sat against the wall. Link stared at me for a little bit and then walked over with the chains.

"You know you don't need to put those chains on me. I'll answer what I need to to get out of this room." Link stopped, watched me for a little longer to see if I was lying, and then put the chains down. He did it with a bit of hesitation showing me that he did not trust me at all.

"Then tell me how you know so much about the Noah and it seems like you know them personally." He just came right out and demanded me to tell him this. The answer to this is quite simple, but I think that they should wait a little longer before I come out and tell them who I really am. It's gonna be extremely difficult to tell them how I know so much about the Noah without making it seem as if I am on the Earls side.

"I..... I.... I... was told all this information about the Noah by someone within the Black Order. Also to tell you about the other thing you asked about, the reason why it seems like I know them personally is because....." Link cut me off from finishing the next sentence by covering my mouth. What the hell! I thought you wanted to know! Link seemed amused at how I just came out and answered the questions, well only one of them, without putting up a fight. It still makes me wonder why he decided to cover my mouth when I was going to tell him my relationship with the Noah.

Link uncovered my mouth and stood up. He waited until I proved that I will not continue on with my answer and then walked out of the room. As I was patiently waiting for Link to come back, I heard a conversation going on outside the room I'm currently residing in. The next thing I know a red haired boy with green eyes comes into the room. I silently examined the bookman boy as he started to get closer to me. His head was held somewhat down making it seem as if he is trying to not let me see his face. What's up with Lavi? He rarely does this. I just can't stand seeing him like this. I mentally shook my head in disbelief when I saw his facial expression. Lavi had the look of complete horror written across his face.

"Iriki, I.... " he said this with a shaky voice. I leapt from my spot and swung my arms around the bookman successors neck.

"Lavi!!!! I'm so glad you came! " I tried my best to brighten up his mood but it didn't work. His head lowered even more so that he was only looking at our feet and the ground. Each second that passes by amplifies how curious I am to who or what caused him to act in this way.

"Iriki, can I talk to you about something?" I unwraped my arms from his neck and looked deep into his emerald green eyes. My face went from happy to an extremely worried look.

"Sure, although if it is personal then we probably shouldn't talk about it in here, " I continued in a soft whisper, "They're watching us, well mainly me, to make sure I don't do anything suicidal I think." Lavi pulled my extremely close to him and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Then lets just go outside." He lifted his head from my shoulder to see me nod, then intertwined one set of his fingers with mine. Lavi led me to the door of the padded room, he opened it, and we exited the place where I was about to be chained to the wall. Link saw us come out of the room and gave Lavi and I a questionable look. What did these two talk about before Lavi came in? I have so many questions swimming around in my head.

Lavi walked along the halls leading to the world beyond the Order. As we were walking, I saw a ton of people giving us confused stares. Among those eyes were Lenalee, Allen, Johnny, Kanda, Krory, Miranda, Reever, Bookman, and more people whose names I haven't learned yet. I looked up to Lavi to see that he had a slightly noticeable smirk on his face.

When I looked back in the direction of Bookman, I could swear that I saw Lavi standing next to him. There can't be two Lavi's; my mind must be playing tricks on me again. W ithin the next few seconds I caught myself staring at Bookman, so I quickly turned my head and continued walking with Lavi. When we got outside I expected him to stop, but he kept on going.

"Um Lavi, can't we just talk about it right here." By now I was extremely nervous. I don't know what he is up to. I wonder if he is still being serious.

"I'm taking you to a hotel to tell you", he pointed out towards the nearest city and continued, "There is one over there."

"Why does it have to be a hotel?"

"Your reaction is why." He had said that rather calmly, almost to calm for comfort.

".........." After that we started walking again in complete and utter silence. The more I let my thoughts take over, the more I thought about what he had said: Your reaction is why. Why did he have to make this so confusing?! We kept on going until we got to the hotel. We walked in, still holding hands, and the bell went off.

"Welcome, how may I help you two?" Once again, I heard the lady speak from behind her desk.

"One bedroom please." Lavi said this before I could even get the chance to talk. What?! Only one bedroom?! The lady handed him the room card and we went to our room.

AN: Hello again. Sorry about not updating my story for over a month. I made it extra long to make up for it. So I want to ask you guys something. Who do you think Iriki should get into a relationship with? Or would it be better for her to not be in one? Please comment with your answer. I need to know in order to start on the next chapter.

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