Trouble comes easy (Spanking...

By The_Scarred_0ne

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Alexis "Alex" Marie Kingston is what you would assume is a rich brat and Mr. Ezra Pierce is a strict but frie... More

Chapter 1:Meeting Ezra
Chapter 2: False Promises
Chapter 3: Missing Assignments
Chapter 4: Basketball Tryouts
Chapter 6: Trouble Times Two Pt.1
Chapter 7: Trouble Times Two Pt.2
Author's Note
Victoria Burke

Chapter 5: Quiz time

4.1K 49 20
By The_Scarred_0ne

Its been about a month since I started at Bridgewood Academy, and though I have gotten in trouble with Ezra a couple of more times after the initial week, it's been nothing major though, it was mainly because of the lack of self-control in my mouth but that doesn't mean that it didn't hurt, I swear Ezra just makes it so painful even if the spanking was short plus his lectures just make you feel so guilty and also makes you feel like maybe you should go hide in a hole and never come out.

Mr. Saltzman told the class that there is going to be a quiz tomorrow and that we should come prepared for it.

Uh, I hate quizzes, they are always so hard. I don't plan on telling Ezra though cause he would nag me about it so much!!

I went inside room 302 and Ezra greeted me politely. When I sat down he asked me if I wanted to inform him something. Which I replied with a sheepish no.

" oh so the quiz you have tomorrow isn't even worth mentioning," he said in a teasing yet stern tone.

"What the..." I decided to stop when I saw his glare and definitely did not want to get in trouble." How do you know about that ?"

" I had a conversation with mike."
He said in an obvious tone.

"Mike??" I asked him even though I did know who he was talking about.

"I mean Mr. Saltzman," he said hurriedly

"What's up between you and him anyway. Why are you on a first-name basis and talking to him anyway?" I asked genuinely curious cause I haven't seen him really talk on the phone with any other faculty member other than Mr. Saltzman.

" that's none of your business, is it Kingston?" He asked in an amused tone

" well I guess but I am really curious"

"Haven't you heard curiosity killed the cat?" he said chuckling a little bit.

I am definitely going to find out though cause I can't handle being curious and no getting answers

"Now, back to the topic, you are going to study as hard as you can for this quiz. Do you understand Alexis Kingston?" He said in a stony tone.

"Sir, Yes Sir," I said in a military voice which he apparently didn't think was funny cause he just glared and threatened me " Don't take this as a joke? If you don't study we are going to have to have a different type of talk" 

I obviously knew what he was talking about but I didn't really want to talk about it anymore so i just mumbled a yes sir.

After the basketball practice, I was so exhausted cause Shawn made us do drills for all of the practice apparently we are not in perfect shape. But I think that's bullshit and that he is a sadist and likes torturing people but anyway I crashed so hard on my bed as soon as I reached my house.

I woke up around 1 am and realized I missed dinner but I was still too exhausted to get out of my bed. Then I suddenly remembered the quiz, "fuck, ahh I just want to sleep" I said out loud in my empty room.

Now's let's way the pros and cons of not studying right now, pros- I can sleep and don't have to get out of the bed which I might add is really comfortable right now, cons- Ezra is gonna bust my ass if he finds out I didn't study even after he warned me.

But what if I just told him that I did study and I am pretty sure he wouldn't spank me if he thought I studied even If I didn't score well plus how hard could the quiz even be. With this thought my lazy side won the match I decided to go back to sleep and leave the consequences for tomorrow.

You guys remember when I said how hard could the quiz be well I was wrong it was so fucking hard that I had no idea what the question was even asking for, let alone the actual correct answer of the said question.

Fuck you Mr. Saltzman I thought you were the nice teacher.

At lunch, Bree was trying to convince me that nothing was going to happen and that I just have to make Ezra believe that I did study. Even Ian, Jace, and Cole(who is also part of the gang) who were there at the table looked concerned cause I looked so nervous.

Calm down Alex before you mess up while trying to convince Ezra. With that thought, I changed the topic and started talking about other things with everyone.

The mentor session could not come any sooner as I stood in front of room 302 yet again trying to calm down.

I knocked and heard a come in, as soon as I saw Ezra's face I knew that he knew how I did on the quiz.

"Good afternoon Alexis, how was your day?" He asked in a polite but stern tone.

I just mumbled it was good and looked down on my feet.

"So how did your quiz go today?" he asked in a tone that just screamed that I know but l want you to say it.

I was contemplating what to say but my mouth being the bitch it is just went ahead and said " I did my best"

" Oh really! so would you please explain why you failed the quiz even though you did your best" he said in a kind of sarcastic tone. When I kept quiet and stared at my shoes, he continued,

"Did you even study yesterday cause I know there is no way you did so bad after studying as I told you to?" He said in a disappointed but still cold tone.

My mind went blank hearing his tone, I don't know why but I have come to hate disappointing him, I didn't even care if my parents were disappointed not that they cared enough to even be disappointed but Ezra was different, I felt that weird feeling like guilt and regret whenever he was disappointed in me.

"Ezra I am so sorry." Well, there goes my brilliant plan of convincing him that I did in fact study. Stupid mouth you're gonna get me killed one day.

" I was just so tired from basketball practice that I went home and fell asleep. When I woke up it was already morning and I had no time to study" I said trying to get some mercy out of him and omitting my inner battle at 1 am cause that wasn't gonna help my case at all.

"Managing both school and sports is your duty. You can't just neglect one for the other, no one forced you to take part in basketball, you made your own choice and you have to take responsibility for your own actions. Do you understand Alexis?" He said in an objective tone.

"Yes sir" I mumbled knowing my fate. He told me to get it over with then. I went and laid down on his lap, no matter how many times I find myself in this situation it is always so humiliating.

"Do you understand why you are getting this spanking Alex?" He asked placing his hand on my butt.

"Yes sir. I did not study even after you told me to and I was irresponsible for not balancing school and sports" I said giving him my best remorseful tone to make him go easy on me.

"SPANK SPANK Alexis you need to understand  SPANK SPANK the importance of  SPANK SPANK SPANK school.  SPANK SPANK I know missing a few quizzes  SPANK SPANK or assignments might not be big deal for you SPANK SPANK SPANK but it builds your character  SPANK SPANK and I want you to have the result  SPANK SPANK that I know you are capable of  SPANK SPANK"

"OWWWW Sorry Ezra I won't do it again," I said with tears filled in my eyes 

" Oh I am going to make sure you don't cause if you do this spanking will feel like a love tap," he said in a threatening tone.

He continued for a few more minutes and then got up and pulled a small paddle out of the closet and laid me down on his lap again. He starting spanking me with the paddle and motherfucker that hurt so much.

"owww Ezra, it hurts, oww stop "

" WHACK WHACK Good, It's supposed to hurt  WHACK WHACK this is the only way anything even goes in your head  WHACK WHACK WHACK no matter how It was in your old schools  WHACK WHACK WHACK I am going to make a fine student out of you  WHACK WHACK or we could keep doing this until you do  WHACK WHACK I don't want this to be repeated  WHACK WHACK and you better do what I tell you to do  WHACK WHACK  cause the next time I won't go this easy. Do you understand Alexis Marie Kingston?  WHACK WHACK"

"Oww ye-yes sir," I said sobbing, did he literally just say that he was going easy. I felt like I was going to die any second.

He spanked me five more times and then put the paddle on the desk and pulled me into a hug. i was mumbling I am sorry's while trying to catch my breath.

"It's all forgiven, just don't repeat it," he said while rubbing my back. I just nodded against his chest not trusting my voice anymore. to be honest, I didn't even care that I was sitting on his lap crying after being spanked, I just wanted the comfort that only he seems to give me.

As I was leaving the room, I turned around and asked him " So what kind of relationship Do you have with Mr. Saltzman?"

He just chuckled and said, "Goodbye Alex, have a nice day!"

I am definitely going to find out what's going on between those two and how to stop Mr. Saltzman from telling every damn thing I do to Ezra.


PS: if you guys have any prompts or ideas you wanna see in the book feel free to share them in the comment section.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter and have a good day!

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