If I Fall-A Dramione Fan Fic

By Lola2Hatta

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ON HIATUS, READ CHAPTER 17 FOR DETAILS. Draco Malfoy may no longer be a death eater and he may have gotten ou... More

02-The Walls They Built
03-Mend Me Slowly
04-Take Leave
06-The Truth
13-Trust Me
Much Love, Sorry
Lets Go!
Darkness Surrounding: 01-Prologue: Wake Me Up, Bring Me Back
02-Madness on Daily
All of the Above

16-In the Open

4.8K 168 51
By Lola2Hatta

Well I'll wait till you listen
I won't say a word
To follow your instincts
Would just never work
You are silent but strong
Yeah I'm playing that card
And you're noticing nothing again

When the sun finally rose the next morning Draco and Hermione were still awake, they’d lay in his bed all night just talking. She had told him that she had specifically taken classes this year to be able to become either an Auror, a Healer, or possibly a Curse Breaker for Gringott’s, and how currently she was leaning most toward healing. After she established herself, she wanted to also work with The Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures to help fight for fare wedges and conditions for house elves. He’d told her of his want to become a potions master as he’d excelled so well in the subject. Then, as the sun was almost completely risen, he had to ask her the one question that terrified him.

“Breakfast will start soon.” He said.

“Thank god too, I’m starving.” She said drawing circles on his side as she lie across his chest.

“Where do we go from here though?” He said quietly pulling her close.

“Well you decided if you want to tell your friends, I’m going to tell mine if that’s ok.” She said as if were as easy as that.

“Your friends will never be ok with this. You realize that right?” He said annoyed at the fact.

“What is this Draco? I mean are we going to just share a bed and what not, no expectations, or is this something more? What do you want this to be? I won’t tell anyone if you don’t want me to, but if this is something, I’d rather not keep my friends in the dark.” Hermione said.

“I want you in my life as long as you want to be. That’s what this is, me wanting to prove for as long as I can that I’ve changed, and that you deserve someone amazing. You can decided a label if you need it.” He said kissing her forehead.

“Well then I will tell my friends we’re in a relationship,” she said trying to hide her blush. “What will you tell your friends?”

“Well I only have one friend, so that’s easy, I’ll tell Blaise ‘remember that girl you caught in my bed before we came back? I snagged her’.” He said laughing as she shot out of his arms.

“BLAISE SAW ME IN YOUR BED?!?!” She yelled.

“Only for a minute, don’t worry. I told him I didn’t defile the Gryfindor Princess.” He said smirking. “Honestly though, I’ll tell him I was lucky enough to that you’re willing to tolerate me. Although I should warn you, Blaise is quite the gossip, so the rest of the school will probably know before lunch.”

She laughed at that. “I’ve never even heard Blaise talk, it’s kind of hard to believe him to be the school gossip.”

“Oh trust me, thank your lucky stars. Once Blaise starts talking, he never shuts up.” Draco said imaging his best friend’s reaction.

“Well I suppose we might as well face the music.” She said getting up and kissing him quickly before leaving his room.


Hermione and Draco left separately for breakfast, Draco heading straight down, and Hermione deciding to go meet Harry and Ginny at Gryfindor tower. Draco walked into the Great Hall smiling as he sank into his usual seat at the Slytherin table. Blaise was already there, reading the paper and stuffing his face.

“Merlin, has Draco Malfoy decided I’m worth of his presence?” Blaise said mockingly.

“Shove off, I’ve been busy alright.” Draco said casually.

“Hopefully not corrupting the head girl any further.” Blaise laughed until he saw the look on Draco’s face. “HOLY SHIT YUUDDFOWWERDDAHEEGRLL!” was all he could get out as Draco slapped his hand over his friends mouth.

“I swear to Merlin Zabini, you won’t live through breakfast if you don’t shut up!” Draco hissed as everyone at Slytherin table began to stare at the two.

“Then tell me you’re joking. Tell me this is some sick way to get back at me for waking you up.”

“I didn’t deflower her you idiot. I’m merely….. Seeing her I guess would be what you’d call it.” Draco whispered.

“Seriously Draco, this isn’t funny. I know I was an ass, but don’t get my hopes up. This information is gold, so look me in the eyes and swear you’re dating Hermione Granger, mudblood born ice queen.”

“Don’t you dare call her that!” Draco hissed threateningly.

“Good lord! It’s bloody true. You’re with her! People are going to freak when they find out, you two realize that right? The dam Dark Lord could rise again and it wouldn’t cause as much of scene as this will. It’ll be wicked awesome to watch though.” Blaise said grinning like Christmas had come early.

“Go ahead and let it loose Blaise, it’s not like you could keep a secret if your life depended on it.” Draco said rolling his eyes at the excited boy beside him.

“HEY! I kept that time you kissed Millicent in third year a secret!” Blaise said causing a young girl across from him to burst into giggles. Draco inwardly groaned.


Hermione walked into Gryfindor common room after waiting outside for almost everyone to leave. She wanted privacy while talking to Harry and Ginny, knowing both had slight tempers. The last thing she needed was to be shouted at in front of everyone in the Great Hall. As luck would have it Harry was already sitting in an arm chair by the fire, obviously waiting for his girlfriend.

“Hey.” Hermione said behind his chair. Harry jumped up and walked over to her taking her into a big hug.

“Hey, I feel like I haven’t see you in months. You didn’t stop by and see us on the train and every time I go to the Great Hall for a meal, you’re on your way out.” Harry laughed.

“I know I’m sorry, I’m taking a ton of classes, and with Head Girl duties, I’ve been pretty much going no stop since we left the platform. I promise though, I’ll come spend Sunday with Ginny and you, I’ll even go over your weekend homework for you.” Hermione knew that’s all it would take to be forgiven. Not having her on hand was probably killing Harry’s grades.

“Thanks!” He said hugging her again. “So how is the whole Head Girl thing going? Malfoy’s not being a total git right?”

“That’s actually who I wanted to talk to Ginny and you about.” Her voice shook a little as she spoke.

“Talk to us about what?” Hermione whirled around and there was Ginny who walked over and hugged her. As Ginny let go though she stared at Hermione for awhile before speaking. “YOU MET A BOY!”

Hermione stood there for a moment blushing. “How do you do that?” She finally managed to say.

“Wait I thought you said you were here to talk about Malfoy?” Harry said utterly confused.

As the word Malfoy hung in the air, Ginny’s eyes grew twice normal size as she pieced it all together. “No.” She said quietly to Hermione who just nodded. “You’re serious. Merlin’s grey beard you’re serious! I KNEW IT! I TOTALLY CALLED THIS ONE!” Ginny said proudly.


Ginny looked at Hermione questioningly, “do you want to tell him or would you like me to?” Hermione bit her lip and just nodded as Ginny lead Harry back to the chair he’d vacated and pushed him down. “You’ll want to be sitting for this trust me.” She said as she kneeled before him holding Harry’s hand. “Hermione has a new boyfriend.”

“Ok…?” Harry said still confused.

“And she came here to talk about Malfoy.”

“Ok…?” At first Harry was still confused, then slowly but surely he began to piece it together. “EW! FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT’S SACRED PLEASE TELL ME IT’S NOT MALFOY.” Harry screamed as Hermione walked to stand by the fire.

Hermione just looked at him to give him his answer. “What the hell are you thinking? He’s Malfoy Hermione, Slytherin Prince, Death Eater, Ferret boy!”

That’s all it took, “He’s not those things anymore Harry, now come on, please just trust me. I’m not asking you to be best friends with him. I merely would like it if you could choose to accept that this is my choice and that I am perfectly capable of handling this.”

“Fine, but if he does anything I’m going to turn him into a ferret and keep him as a pet.”

“You can if I don’t first.” Hermione said smiling as she pulled Harry in for a hug.

“One other thing.” Harry said. “You have to tell Ron.”

SONG: This Photograph is Proof (I Know You Know)
Artist: Taking Back Sunday

A/N: Fun fact since I have no author's notes? I saw TBS back in 2003 when they opened for Blink 182. They proformed This Photograph is Proof and Cute Without the E. I hated them! Like with a passion lol. Then one day I was too lazy to skip over these songs and the rest is history. These 2 songs are definitely in my top 10 now lol. Anyways, Happy Reading Loves!

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