04-Take Leave

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These city walls ain't got no love for me
I'm on the ledge of the eighteenth story
And all I scream for you
Come please I'm callin'

As Hermione was getting her things settled in Ginny's room, she couldn't help but smile. She knew soon everyone would be back from playing Quittich soon, and she would have to talk to Ron. It didn't matter at that moment though, she was comfortable. She was back at the house she'd grown to love growing up. It was magical in more ways than one.

She thought about how right Miss Weasley had been. With the lack of her parents over the summer, she'd had to try and mend, Miss Weasley helped her so much. Soon it had become very evident that she wasn't an orphan. She'd stopped being an only child in 4th year. The Weasley children and Harry becoming her brothers and sister. She realized then that, although she missed her parents, she had a family. She also thought that maybe if the spell couldn't be reversed, she could still survive.

Just as Hermione decided to try and nap before everyone got back, the door burst open. Ron Weasley stared at her for a moment, his face red as a tomato. "I thought you dumped me! What the bloody hell are you doing back here?"

Hermione lay on the pillow for a moment just breathing slowly. She needed to calm herself before this turned into war and hexes flew. The last thing she wanted was to anger Miss Weasley all over again. Gathering all her calm, she finally rose from the bed and spoke. "First thing Ronald, how dare you barge into the room screaming at me? Have some decency, if you would like to talk though, you're more than welcome to sit down.

"Second off I am here because this is where I have been staying all summer. Where your mother invited me to stay.

"And lastly and listen to this closely, YOU DUMPED ME! I told you this would happen, I knew the first chance you got you would try and blame me. In the end though, you told me if I left to Malfoy's trial we were done. That was your choice. So stop pinning it on me." She took a breath scolding herself for losing her composure so quickly.

"Now if you would like to talk about this, I am all ears, but calmly. I'm tired of having screaming matches with you Ron. It's exhausting and it gets us nowhere."

Ron looked at Hermione and attempted to take a few breaths to calm his voice. "You left for two weeks Hermione. You left me to go help some greasy git who’s done nothing but help make our lives worse. I am stuck here, grieving while my girlfriend is off saving our enemy. What about my feelings on it? Did you think about that? I am so tired of everyone caring about what they want and forgetting about me!" Ron hissed in a low voice.

Hermione stood there gob smacked at how much he sounded like a spoiled child. "You could not be more self-absorbed sometimes Ronald Weasley. I did think of you! I've spent the better part of my summer here, by your side. I am sorry that Fred is gone. Trust me when I say not a day goes by that I don't think about Tonks, Lupin, and Fred. I wish I could take your hurt away, but I can't Ron. Just like everyone around who lost someone, you have to heal your own way and in your own time. I can't keep being your outlet, so it is time for you to do this on your own. If you can't handle me being here while you do that, then I'll leave. If I stay though, I won't stay as your girlfriend. I need some time as well, to figure out my own things."

Hermione watch emotion roll over Ron's face. Unfortunately they were moving too fast for her to see any of it. Then his face began to go beat red and she instinctively took a step back. "Get the hell out then. If you don't want to be with me you have no right to be here. Go off to where ever you hid the last two weeks and stay there. I can't even believe I thought I loved you."

Hermione stood there with tears in her eyes, trying to say something. Nothing came though, all she could do was stare for a moment. She looked at Ron and realized that, even if the boy she fell in love with came back, she could never love him. His attitude right now tore her heart too badly. So she left, apparating out without another word.

When she arrived back at the Leaky Cauldron, she was glad she'd decided not to check out. She'd feared a fight with Ron and kept the room as a backup. She quickly scrawled a note to Miss Weasley saying she would be staying at The Leaky Cauldron until school the next week. She also asked to be owed about Harry's birthday dinner. She didn't care about Ron's feelings, she was not going to take this out on Harry. Then quickly she ran down to the front desk to have an owl deliver it.

Returning to her room she threw herself on to the bed, the last bit of self-control she had slipping away. All she could do was pull herself into a ball and weep. She'd never felt heartbreak and honestly, no book would have prepared her for this feeling.

She didn't realize how long she'd been laying there when a knock came to the door. She looked out the window realizing it was pitch black out. She slowly pulled the door open, she was not expecting who she would see.

"You left your book downstairs earlier." Draco Malfoy said handing her copy of Hogwarts: A History to her.

"You came, 6 some hours later, just to return my book?" Hermione said cocking an eyebrow.

"Well I read a bit of it. Then every time I tried to come back you weren't here. I figured I should try and follow that agreement thing you rudely forced me into. If you'd rather I keep it though, that's fine with me." He said tucking the book under his arm and pretending to leave.

"Rudely! I asked for both of us to be respectful of the other. How is that rude?" She grabbed the book and walked back into her room to slam it on her nightstand.

"You insinuated I was a tramp going to lead disgusting girls in and out of our common room like some ruddy muggle fashion show." He walked over to her slamming the door of her room.

She ignored the question burning in her, 'how the bloody hell did Draco Malfoy know what a fashion show was' "Firstly Malfoy, I do not remember inviting you into my room. Secondly, you already made it perfectly clear you plan to do as you please. If that's the case, why do you care how I said it? Feelings hurt?"

"If you cared for manners Granger, you wouldn't discuss my physical encounters in public nor have an argument in the hallway of a hotel. Weasle and you are perfect for each other. Completely classless."

That's all it took. Hermione froze, feeling like he'd slapped her across the face. It took all of her strength to not let her tears escape. "GET. OUT. MALFOY." She screeched. "NOW, GET THE HELL OUT OF MY ROOM OR I WILL HEX YOU TILL YOU DON'T REMEMBER YOUR OWN NAME!"

 Draco jumped back. "Bloody hell Granger! It was a joke. I'm sorry." Everything stopped. Draco and Hermione stared at each other wide eyed as if they'd just seen a murder. Never, in all the years they'd been forced to be in each other's presence, had Draco Malfoy said sorry.

A smile creped across Hermione as she looked at the disgusted face Draco was wearing. "Did you just apologize Malfoy?"  She said a smirk locked on her face.

"Get stuffed Granger. You were yelling like a mad woman. Voldemort himself didn't scare me as much. I went into defense mode." His tone rye and annoyed. With that reply, Hermione lost all composure she'd had and fell to the bed in a fit of giggles.

"The great Draco Malfoy just apologized... Get me a vile... I want this memory for future reference..." She said between fits of laughter.

"Savor it Granger. It's the last one you'll get from me." He said walking out the door, slamming it behind himself.

Song:Savin' Me
A/N: Hello dears!!!! I hope y'all enjoyd the last chapter. I also hope that you're going to enjoy this one. Awesome news as well is, I think I'm going to get to work on another chapter right now! I'm moving this week so that's going to slow me down for a bit. So I'm making up for it by giving you an extra. As always vote and comment if your enjoying things. I'm curious how many people are keeping tabs!

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