Incapable of Love | IwaOiKage

By Boke_Beany

363K 13.5K 12.8K

Everyone is born with a soulmate mark, placed somewhere random on your body. Some easy to cover, some hard. S... More

I'm Strong, Right?
Why am I Surprised?
Who is He?
Screams and Shouts
Seijoh Match
Grocery Shopping
All Their Fault
We Will Win
Impress Me
A Glance: Kindaichi
Christmas Special
The Week Isn't Over Yet
Ferris Wheel
A Glance: Yamaguchi
Ignore It
What They Asked For
...what's a Goody Two Shoes?
Inevitable Announcement

A Glance: Rei Ikumoto

4.8K 173 48
By Boke_Beany

HI IM BACK WITH AN UPDATE :D I've been wanting to write this chapter for a while but I didn't know when would be good and I wasn't really sure where to head with this but I'm really satisfied with this chap! Hope you like it!! (Contains slight victim blaming? Idk if the term is correct but basically blaming someone for getting an illness so)


Akaashi Rei, previously Kageyama Rei, maiden name Ikumoto Rei. She was born and raised in the outskirts of Tokyo, close enough to be considered Tokyo, but out enough that prices weren't raised. A studious kid, mostly seen in the library with mountains of books. With long black hair, deep purple eyes and clear skin, she was practically a perfect child.

The Ikumotos were a wealthy family, earning their fortune from a long-running career in marketing. They were also a traditional family, despite how their company needed to keep up with times to grow. Their teachings were strict, any and all forms of defiance were looked down upon heavily. And Rei obliged, followed every rule, every step, every order. It didn't bother her, it was all normal.

And then she met Kaito Kageyama, her soulmate. His humerus sprung with dazzling tulips. Rei didn't know they were soulmates, as Rei was prohibited from touching the opposite gender in honour to "preserve her innocence". They became friends. Her first friend.

Kaito was a fun guy. He wasn't approved by the Ikumotos, him being a guy and all, but Rei felt more close to him because of that. He played volleyball throughout high school, lots of girls were into him. They would often crowd around Rei, asking her details about their 'relationship'. Rei was confused, they were just friends? And when she said so, the girls would giggle, before asking them stories about Kaito, to which she happily told. Why not share them, her best friend was amazing.

University came, the two conversing regularly despite going to different institutions. Kaito got a degree in computer design technology, but chose to spend his time as a coach teaching kids volleyball.


Rei never played the sport, nor was she interested. But Kaito taught her once, a small reunion before Kaito moved to Miyagi. Rei remembered watching in slow motion as the ball slipped out of her hands, her feet moving back on instinct and tripping. She could see Kaito rushing over to catch her.

And then their skin touched.

And their marks burned.

Rei fell onto the ground, the hand Kaito reached out now to his chest, the man himself hissing from the pain. Rei's wasn't as bad, her soulmark was a simple sunflower, but it still hurt. They say the older you are the harder it hits, and Rei was inclined to believe it.

Kaito passed out, Rei called an ambulance.


When the Ikumotos found out about Kaito being her soulmate, everything flipped on its head.

Rei didn't know what to do. He didn't want to marry Kaito. He was sweet and kind, yes, but she didn't see him that way. It was confusing. She didn't want to go against the family orders, afterall those who rejected their soulmates were looked down upon, broken to society. And that would ruin the family name. She couldn't do that.

So she sucked it up, and agreed to marry Kaito. She didn't know how he felt about the marriage, he talked about finding his soulmate a lot. He always seemed excited, naive in a way, the thought of having someone special made him happy. And Rei understood, she wanted someone special that made her happy, and Kaito did that, just not in the way she expected a soulmate to. But seeing the look in Kaito's eyes when he woke up and saw his blooming purple, then looked at her with adoration in his eyes...

..she really couldn't say no.


Everything felt wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Kaito was diagnosed with a non-curable illness a week ago. The medical bills were rising, Tobio's school fee went up as he wanted to join a volleyball club, the family calling Tobio the 'lucky heir' to the agency (because why would Rei get it) that was at a low, Rei and Kaito kept fighting and it all felt wrong.

Rei could see the hurt in Kaito's eyes, she sees a lot those days. She avoided the curious but confused looks Tobio gave them when he would ask for a playing buddy. It all bubbled up.

And she hurt her baby. Her poor baby.

She screamed a lot, fighting with Kaito constantly, watching as his health deteriorated. Then Tobio came in again, asking for Papa to play volleyball with him. He was just four- she hurt her four year old son.

Kaito wasn't fast enough to stop her, and just like the day they touched Rei could see it in slow motion. Her hand swung, hitting Tobio near his stomach, the small boy falling down and looking up with terror filled eyes.


Angry. Rei was angry, so very angry and she was done.

Even seeing them made her heart hurt and she couldn't stand it anymore.

It was their fault, their fault her father avoids her. Their fault her mother ignores her. Their fault she was barely acknowledged as an Ikumoto. It was Kaito's fault for being weak, he couldn't even go out for long and suddenly she was the bad wife. Tobio slowly stops talking to her and suddenly she was the bad mother.

So she left.

She left her soulmate, her son, her home.


Kageyama Rei was once more Ikumoto Rei even though she was technically not considered one and living alone. Legally divorced now, she spent her days working. Working and working and working.

Her secretary had to force her out after five days of no sleep. Rei was annoyed at that moment, but she was grateful when she could finally fall asleep. Maybe she could give them a raise, they were a god send.

The next day they made her go out early, recommending her a classy bar. It was the weekend afterall and apparently "A beautiful lady such as you shan't rot alone when in my presence" as they put it.

So Rei relented, wanting to drag her legs but stopped herself. It wasn't proper.

The bar was mostly calm, one of those more 'relax and hang out with the bros' type of bar instead of the 'get drunk and pass out in the middle of McDonald's parking lot' kind of bar.

She didn't feel like drinking alcohol though, so sat down and stared at her diet coke. That's when he came into her life.

"Are...are you ok? You've been staring at that glass for 5 minutes without blinking.."

Akaashi Nobu was his name. He was quiet, with a calming aura about him. Maybe he caught onto Rei's quiet nature, maybe he was just wanting to vent, but he told her his life.

He was soulmate-less, proved by the slowly fading blank soulmark on his neck.

He had a son, Keiji, he named him. Has him with his ex-girlfriend by accident and she didn't want the child. So he took care of him. He was 8. A year older than Tobio-


She smiled, telling tales about her job and about that new bakery that opened in the corner plot near her apartment that makes the morning air smell like fresh bread and warm chewy cookies.

By the time she got home she had a new number on her phone and an annoying secretary teasing her.


They've been engaged for a month, Keiji was now 11. The boy was quiet, calm and logical like his father, just less smartass jokes. He had piercing dark teal eyes, which were probably from the boy's mother. They got married 11 months later, Keiji being the best man and Rei's secretary (and best friend) as the person of honour. The ceremony was short and sweet, Rei's former boss walking her down the aisle.

Rei met Nobu's eyes and it felt right.


Rei was eating dinner when she got the call. Normally she wouldn't answer, she was busy enough, and calls ruining her eating time wasn't needed. But the calls rang, they rang and rang and Rei got annoyed.

"Hello. Who is this?" She said, voice strained.

"Hello, ma'am? Are you Ikumoto Rei?"

"My name is Akaashi Rei, but yes. What business do you have with me?"

"I'm calling to tell you about Kageyama Kaito? We have records that he's your ex-husband?"

"Yes. What about him?"

"Well after his recent death-"


"I'm sorry, death?"

"Ah, you haven't heard? Kageyama-san died a few days ago. I'm sorry for your loss."


"I- Thank you. What about him?"

"Ah, right. You're listed as Kageyama Tobio's biological mother, is that correct?"


"Yes, that is correct."

"We're still working on the legal side, so Tobio-kun is staying with his neighbour for now, but his custody will be transferred to you as you are the closest known relative. The process will take around a month or two, you will be informed when the process is settled."

"I- uhm- ok. Thank you"

She hung up.


Seeing Tobio again brought back bad memories. And Kaito was gone. Her ex-bestfriend ex-husband was dead and all that was left of him was the stupid house and-

and Tobio.

He looked so much like his father now, already 13 years old. The same volleyball love. He was quiet too, just like Keiji.

She hated it.

It felt as if she was coming back to her parent's grasps, taking care of the 'heir' because Rei wasn't good enough and Keiji was 'tainted' without the Ikumoto blood. She hated it and she hated him.

Rei ignored the worried look Nobu gave her.


"You're treating him like you're treating your parents-"

"They are NOT my parents."

"The boy is innocent, it's not his fault!"

"You don't know anything-"

"What I do know is that you're treating that young boy like your parents treated you. He doesn't deserve that! You know how messed up that made you, don't repeat their mistakes on Tobio because you see yourself in him. He doesn't deserve it.."

Nobu walked out leaving her in deafening silence.


Rei was trying, she really was.

The new psychiatrist appointments were helping. It was slow, but it was helping, so she was going to do it today. or try to, at least.


"Hello, Tobio.. How are you?"

Sure, that'll work.

"I'm doing good. You?"

"I'm doing good, Tobio."

Ok, what should i say now..?

"I- I.. I hope you did well in your exams. I heard from Keiji that you acquired help from your friends?"

Of course the first thing that comes to mind is examinations.

"Ah, yes mother. I think I did pretty well."

Rin hummed, "Well you see, Keiji also told me something else, well, he didn't really tell me, I overheard."

"It's about your soulmates, I heard you got together."

She didn't know Tobio still talked to his soulmates after the disaster that was his first year. Sometimes she thinks of what would've been if she hadn't left.

"Uh-uhm, yes."

"Are you...happy? With them? After all they did?"

"I- yes, I am."

And he sounded so genuine.

"Good...Tobio, I'm-"

-sorry? I'm so sorry. For hurting you, for yelling and screaming and leaving you and your father and-

"I- I have to go. Bye Tobio."

"Bye, mother."

"Tobio I lo-"

She hung up.

I love you.


Tobio was in the hospital. Fuck, he was in the hospital, in a coma, lost lots of blood- oh god.

He looked so pale, so live-less, like he'd been Kaito died. He was so happy recently, his new volleyball team sounded nice from what Keiji told her because why would Tobio tell her himself and he had so much fun with his soulmates, he seemed so in loved and so loved.

But now here he was, the heart rate monitor slowly beeping, reassuring Rei that he was alive. He was alive and he will survive and he will wake up because she didn't know what she would do if the only reminder of her former best friend was gone forever and she would lose her won blood and-

-the heart rate picked up speed. Oh. Oh my- wake up please, Tobio. Please wake up, please don't leave me before I can apologize, don't leave me before I can make amends.

And he woke up, he woke up and Rei could finally envelope her son, her precious son, who had to suffer so much alone. She didn't want her son to go through that again, she didn't want her son to think she would leave him like she did before.

"Tobio? Oh my- you're awake!"

Tobio spun to the left, surprised. "Mother..?"

Rei ran towards her son, already tearing up. He was alive.

"God, Tobio I'd- I'd thought you'd die I-" she babbled as she clung onto her son's patient dress.

Oh god I thought I lost you please-

"What... what happened?" Tobio said slowly, still unsure of how to feel.

She told him, crying. It hurt and she hugged him as if he'd disappear if she let go.

Tobio shifted uncomfortably.

So she apologized, she apologized and apologized because she was so, so sorry and it was her fault and Tobio looked so confused and unsure and it broke her heart more.

Tobio didn't forgive her. She didn't expect him too, she didn't deserve it, at least not yet. Tobio could be angry, could hate her and she wouldn't blame him but it still hurt-

But she promised, she would do everything in her power to earn Tobio's forgiveness and show him that he was cared for and that she was so sorry for abandoning him.

She would.

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