Justice League Transformers:...

By Flashbolt157ninja

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In this story the Flash, Green Arrow( who didn't die in Crisis),Supergirl, the Legends, Batwoman, and Black L... More

Chapter 1: Attack on Qatar
Chapter 2: Sam Witwicky Getting His Car
Chapter 3: The Pentagon Meeting
Chapter 4: The Flash, Green Arrow, and Supergirl Comes to Help
Chapter 5: Sam and Mikeala
Chapter 6: Security Breach!
Chapter 7: Sam's Car Comes to Life
Chapter 8: Scorponok Desert Battle
Chapter 9: Decrypting the Message and Heroes Arrived
Chapter 10: Bumblebee, Flash, Green Arrow, Supergirl, and Vibe
Chapter 11: Meeting the Autobots
Chapter 13: Agents of Sector 7
Chapter 14: The AllSpark
Chapter 15: Battle in Mission City

Chapter 12: Finding the Glasses and Hiding the Autobots

810 18 6
By Flashbolt157ninja

While driving back to Sam's place, Kara was riding with Optimus while Cisco rides with Ironhide. Flash and Green Arrow were right behind them. It was quite inside the cabin. Kara sighs while looking at the sky.

"Are you alright, Kara? You seemed quite back there?" Optimus asked her, via radio.

"Yeah, I'm okay." Kara replied. She lets out a sad sigh.  "I was just thinking about how I can relate to you guys about losing your home."

"My Autobots and I heard what happened to Krypton, I'm so sorry." Optimus said.

"My cousin, me, our dog and cat Krypto and Streaky were the only ones that survived." Kara said in a sad tone.

"At least you 4 survived the destruction of your planet." Optimus said.

"My cousin and I found a new families who took us in and treated us as we were their own. We made new friends on this planet that we call home now. And we both promised to protect our new home from any threat." Kara said.

"I'm willing to aid you, Kara. You are willing to carry out your family's legacy." Optimus said.

"Thank you, Optimus Prime." Kara smiled.

Meanwhile with Cisco and Ironhide, they were having their own conversation.

"So... why do you call yourself Vibe?" Ironhide asks.

"Oh, well 10 years ago, S.T.A.R. Lab's Particle Accelerator exploded releasing Dark Matter giving people, like Barry and me superpowers." As you saw, Barry has super speed, a power that didn't only come from Dark Matter, but the Speed Force. The Speed Force is a living energy force that gives the user super speed and other abilities with it. So we and some other members of our team became superheroes." Cisco explained.

"Interesting... And what are your abilities? What can you do?" Ironhide asked.

"Well, it's this thing I do, I touch something or someone, I can not only see the past, I can see the future, but most importantly, I can see where people are. That, and I can shoot powerful vibrational bursts at my enemies and I can create portals or as I call them breaches to anywhere on Earth, or any Earth in the Mulitverse." Cisco explained more.

"That is a very interesting ability you have, with that ability, you could help us win this war." Ironhide said.

"I promise I'll do everything in my power to help you guys, I promise." Cisco declared.

They drive down the road for a while before they finally reach to the neighborhood. Bumblebee pulls into the driveway with Optimus behind them. Sam and Mikaela got out of their car. Cisco and Kara reached them after they got out of Optimus and Ironhide. Soon Barry and Oliver arrived with them.

"I need you guys to stay here, all right?" Sam said to Mikaela, "You got to stay here and you're gonna watch them."

"What about the rest of us" Barry asked.

"Stay with them until the coast is clear." Sam replied to him.

"Gotcha." Cisco said.

"It's probably best we don't let anyone know our presence." Oliver said.

"All of them. Do you hear what I'm saying?"

"Yeah, okay, okay."

"5 minutes, Sam." Kara said.

Sam rushes towards the backyard in hoping of not getting caught. Then he sees his father coming out the house.

"Thanks for staying on my path." Ron said to his son.

"Oh, yeah. No, no, Dad. Hey! Sam said, approaching him, trying to stay on the path. "The, oh, the path. I'm sorry. I forgot about the path." He reaches to the door, pushing Ron back in, "I'm gonna sweep the whole thing right now. How about that?"

"You know, I buy half your car-" Ron said.


"Then I bail you out of jail and then I just decided to do all of your chores."

"The chores. Oh."

"Yeah. Life is great, huh?"

"Life, well, life is fantastic, is how good it is. It's so-" Sam, turns to see Optimus and the others in their bipedal form, Oh, trash cans. Sorry, Dad. I'm going to do the trash cans now."

"No, no, I don't want to strain yourself." Ron opposed.

"No, don't, I won't strain yourself, Dad."

"I'll do it. Come-"

"It would hurt my feelings if you do it."

"You sure? I don't mind, I don't mind, I promise... "

Bumblebee approaches which made Sam freak out more.

"No, no, no, I'm going to do it. I'm gonna so the trash cans and I'm gonna scrape the grill and I'm gonna, I gonna sweep up the whole, uh, house. Right now."

"Tonight, right now?" Ron asked in confusion

"Right now." Sam said.

"Shh, shh shh." Bumblebee said to the Autobots.

"The-uh- I love you. God I love you so much right now." Sam said.

"You know, Mom wanted me to ground you. You're 3 minutes late." Ron said.

"Right? Oh well, just another thing you did for me, Dad, because you're a swell guy. Sleep good, handsome man!" Sam said.

With that Ron heads back to the living room and Sam sighs in relief.

"Sam, we may have a problem." Cisco said, emerging from their hiding spot.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? No, watch the path! Watch the path! Watch the-please, please, please. No, no, wait." Optimus walks carefully around the path, but did not see the fountain. "No, no, no!" Sam shouts but it's too late as Optimus' bipedal crushes the fountain. "Oh no!"

"Whoops. Sorry, my bad." Optimus said.

"Oh, I-you couldn't-wait for five-you couldn't wait for five minutes? Sam asks "I told you to stay! Just stay! God!"

Cisco looks at the ruins of the fountain after what Optimus had done. "Oh man. Someone's going to be pissed about this.

Mojo then arrives in the backyard and Mikaela along with Barry, Oliver, and Kara arrived as well.

"I told you to watch them. I told you." Sam said.

"Okay, do you know what? They seem to be in a bit of a rush." Mikaela said.

"Oh, this is bad." Sam said.

Mojo barks at Ironhide and then moves his foot and urinates.

"No, Mojo, Mojo! Off the robot! Sam shouts.

Ironhide sees the dog and flips him with his toe and prepares to crush him, "Nnh, wet."

"No, no, no, no, no, no! Easy! Easy!" Sam rushes in and grabs Mojo, "Hold on! Hold! This is Mojo. This is Mojo. He's a pet of mine. He's a pet. Okay? That's all." 

Ironhide draws his cannons at Sam and Mojo. Cisco and Mikaela stands next to Sam, trying to calm him down.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Ironhide, calm down! No need to get this violence!" Cisco said to him.

"If you can just put away the guns away... Put the-put them away. Please." Sam begged.

"You have a rodent infestation. Shall I terminate?" Ironhide asks.

"No no no no." Sam replied "He's not a rodent, he's a Chihuahua. This is my- this is my Chihuahua. We love Chihuahuas! Don't we?"

"He's leaking lubricants all over my foot. Hnnh." Ironhide grunted.

"He peed on you? Bad Mojo. Bad Mojo! Sam let's Mojo back in the house.

"Bad Mojo." Ironhide said.

"I'm sorry. He's got this male dominance thing. That's all it is." Sam said.

"Hhh. My foot's gonna rust." Ironhide groaned.

"Really, are you serious man." Cisco teased, "You're acting like a child 'Ironhide."

Sam meanwhile makes his way back to the house, "All right. Whoa-ah. Okay, okay. Shut up and go hide!"

"Just hurry." Optimus said.

As Sam runs into the house, Barry, Oliver, Kara, Cisco and others keep an on the parents.

"Autobots, recon." Optimus said to the Autobots.

"Just stay quiet." Oliver said.

Bumblebee looks carefully into the window. Ron and Judy were having a conversation about Sam while having whine.

"I hope he's okay. He's in the kitchen." Ron said. "Got some ice for his nose. I, uh, I had to slap he around for a bit."

"You did not. You didn't even ground him." Judy said.

"Almost, Almost."

Meanwhile in Sam's room, Sam looks everywhere for the glasses, but still finds nothing.

"Where is it?" He then sees Mikaela, Barry and Cisco being lifted by Optimus.

"Time is short." Optimus said to Sam.

Sam helps them into his room.

"They really want those glasses." Mikaela said.

"Yeah, no kidding." Barry said

"Please hurry."

Sam tosses magazines around and stops, "Okay. Yeah, no, no. It's definitely gone."

"What do you mean?" Mikaela asked.

"My glasses were in my bag. They were in the backpack and now the backpack is in here."

"Well, They're gonna be pissed. So-so what do you gonna do?"

"So what I think you guys should do is you should- you should check this whole- this whole section here.

"Yeah, all right."

"Just give it a clean sweep, and I'll get-I'll get the corner here.

Mikaela searches until she finds a steel box.

"Yeah, no, no, no. Not there. That's my- that's my private-sorry." Sam said talking the box from Mikaela, "That's nothing."

"You just-you just told me to look..." Mikaela said in confusion.

Sam hides the box underneath his bed, "I know, but I didn't mean to look inside my treasure chest."

"You should be way more specific so I don't get trouble in your room. I'm already stressed out enough." Mikaela crossed her arms.

"I could just use my superspeed and look around the room in a flash. Barry said.

"Really Barry. Flash puns. Cisco said.

"What, it's funny." Barry replied.

Then Kara appears from the window, "Umm, Sam. You might want to see this." Sam hears noise from the backyard. "What is- Oh no no."

He goes to the window outside and sees the Autobots in their vehicle forms. Oliver stood next to them.  

"Did you find them?" Oliver asked.

"No, but what is this?" Sam asks him.

This is hiding, right? Cisco asks but Sam's not buying it.

"This isn't hiding. This isn't hiding. This is my backyard, not a truck stop. Oh God. Oh!"

In the living room, Judy watches the news while Ron walks back and forth.

Witness- "Okay, I saw it. The UFO landed right here, and now it's gone. My moped's under there, man! Who's gonna pay for that?"

Mikaela and Cisco sees Optimus back in his robotic form, "Sam, Sam, Sam, Sam, Sam! He's back here.

"I can't deal with this. I can't- what?" Sarah rushes to the window to see that Optimus has destroyed Judy's flowers, "Oh, no, no, no. This is my mother's flowers..."

"Oops!" Optimus said.

"Okay, listen." Sam explains to Prime, "You got to listen to me. If my parents come out here and see you, they're gonna freak out. My mother's got a temper, okay?"

"We must have the glasses." Optimus said.

"I know you need the glasses. I've been looking everywhere. They're not here. There definitely not here."

Optimus pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance, "Keep searching."

"I need five minutes. Ten minutes." Sam begins to shuttering, "Okay? Please, I'm begging you. You got to- you're making a racket. I can't concentrate. You want me to look and I'm hearing..."

"Calm down, calm down." Optimus said to Sam.

"Hey, Sam, you need to calm down. Take a breath." Cisco said.

"You got to do something here.You got to do something here." Sam said.

Optimus turns to his soldiers, "Autobots, fall back."

"Thank you. Please, for five minutes. Good? Good? Okay." Sam said.

The Autobots started to move away from the house.

"Move!" Jazz said.

Ironhide pushes Ratchet.

"Get away!" Ratchet said.

"What's the matter with you? Can't you be quiet? He wants us to be quiet." Optimus asked.

"This place is too small to 5 giant super advanced robots and you guys are making too much noises. Oliver said.

Ratchet walks away from the house until he runs into the electrical wires. He spins and triggers his lights and sirens. He tumbles towards the neighbor's yard. He falls to the ground crushing the green house. Oliver and Kara quickly rush towards the medical officer.

"Oh shit. The neighbors are going to be pissed." Oliver said.

"Ratchet, are you okay? Say something!" Kara said.

Ratchet gets up after getting shocked, "Wow! That was tingly! Ohh. You got to try that!"

"Yeah. That looks fun." Ironhide said with no mood.

The power on the telephone explodes and it causes a black out for the entire neighborhood.

"Well, that's just great. What else could go wrong." Oliver said.

"Sammy?" Cisco hears Judy and alerts Optimus.

"Uh-oh. Optimus, they're coming. Do something!"

"Ratchet, point the light." Optimus said.

Cisco opened a breach letting him and Barry out of the room to the backyard. Sam tells Mikaela to duck down. Then there was a knock on the door and they here Ron's voice.

"Sam, are you in there? How come the door is locked? You know the rules no locked doors in my house.

"You know he'll start counting if you don't open the door! Judy said.  

"One more chance. Five..."

"Oh, dear."

"Four. It's coming off the hinges, pal."

"He's counting, Sam, just open the door."


"Oh, my."


"He's counting."

"Stand back."

Finally Sam opens the door and sees his dad and mom at the door. Judy has a baseball bat in her hand.

"What's up? What's with the bat?" Sam asks them.

"Who are you talking to?" Ron asks.

"I'm talking to you." Sam replied.

"Why are you so sweaty and filthy." Judy asks.

I'm a child. You know, I'm a teenager."

"We heard voices and noises and we thought maybe you were-" Judy said.

"Yeah, it doesn't matter what we thought. What was that light?

"No, what light? What? There's no light, Dad! There's no light! Sam said as Ron and Judy entered the room.

"You got two lights in your hands! That's what it is. Sam said.

"There was light under the door." Ron said.

You guys can't just storm in my room like that. What is this? Cops? You have to knock. Communicate."

"We did-We did know for five minutes." Ron said.

"I'm a teenager." Sam said.

"We knocked!"

"You didn't knock. You were screaming at me, okay?"


"This is repression, what you're doing here. You're ruining my youth, okay?"

"Oh, for Pete's sake! You are so defensive! Were you... masturbating?

From a distance, you can hear a record scratching. Mikaela just scoff hearing that.

"Judy." Ron said.

"Was I mastur- No, Mom! Sam said.

"Zip it, okay." Ron said.

"No, I don't masturbate!"

"That's not something for you to bring up. That's a father and son thing, okay?"

"I mean-"

"Father-son thing."

"You don't have to call it that word if that makes you uncomfortable. You can call it... Sam's happy time or-"

"Happy time?" Sam and Ron asked in confusion.

"My special alone time..." Judy said.


"Mom. You-" Sam groaned.

"Judy, stop."

"With myself."

"Mom, can't come in and-"

"I'm sorry. It's just been a rough night." Judy said. "I've had a little bit to drink."

Sam looks and sees Ron searching around the room. " No, no, Dad."

"Yeah, well, we saw a light." Ron said.

"Oh, parents." Optimus said as he and Ratchet tried to hide again from Ron who is now in the bathroom.

"I don't know where it is, but we saw it." Ron said.

Optimus sees him, "Whoa!"

He vanishes and the house shakes again. Sparks fly out of the electrical box.

"Earthquake! It's another one! Another earthquake! Get in the doorway!" Ron shouts as he hides in the bathtub until the shaking stopped. And all of a sudden, the lights came back on.

"Okay!" Judy shouts.

"Aftershock! Aftershock! Oh, I hate these."

Kara quickly rushes to the window, "Optimus, they're coming! Hide!"

"Affirmative. Autobots, quick hide." Optimus said to the Autobots.

"Good Lord, this floor is filthy, Sam." Judy said.

Ron reaches to the window and sees the backyard trashed, "Oh. Oh, no! Look at the yard. The yard is destroyed. Sheech! Judy? Better call the city. We got a blown transformer! Power pole's sparking all over the place! Aw, man. Yard's a waste. Trashed. Gone. It's a wash. The whole yard."

As they left, Ironhide emerges from his hiding spot. "The parents are very irradiating."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Ratchet said trying to calm him down.

"Can I take them out?" Ironhide asks Optimus.

"Ironhide, you know we don't harm humans." Optimus said sternly. "What is with you?"

"Well, I'm saying we could, it's an option." Ironhide shrugged.

"Hey, buddy, save it for the Decepticons." Cisco told Ironhide.

"Fine." Ironhide said with a pout.

"Uh, guys, I think we got company." Barry said seeing several vehicle lights coming closer.

"We should get out of here before they find us." Oliver said.

"Affirmative. Autobots, retreat." Optimus said.

"Consider it, done." Ironhide said.

"Alright, let's go." Barry said.


Personal Note
Sorry this one took so long. I had a long busy day, but here it is. Until next time.

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