What would you choose?

By Catmonk

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What would you do if you were given everything you could ever want but it costs the world? What you choose be... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Floor One
Floor Two
Floor Three
Floor Four
Floor Five
Floor Six
Floor Seven
Floor Eight
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chapter Twenty-Seven

29 4 0
By Catmonk

"You belong in this world with your friends. You deserve to have an amazing life surrounded by amazing people. You're safe now. I love you. Goodbye Autumn."

I woke up and I swear I heard Jay talking. I was led in what looks like someone's office. I got up and looked around. There's loads of book shelves and a small wooden, white desk with an oval mirror above it. I stumbled over and stared at my reflection. My hair's long again and once again bright blonde, it's in plaits like usual. I looked at the calendar and realised it's the Monday the world ended. How am I here? I'm supposed to be dead. What's going on? I heard someone slam a door, so I quickly reacted and jumped out the window and onto the main street. Luckily, I was on the ground floor instead of the ninth.

The sky's blue again and the birds are singing. There's a cool breeze, and the ground is covered with luscious grass. Everything's back too normal. Is everything truly back to normal? Does anyone else remember what happened? A man dressed in a blue suit is walking down the street and I decided to find out the answer to my question. "Excuse me sir but do you remember what happened?" He didn't answer instead looked at me as if I were crazy. "Do you remember the city being destroyed and the monsters?"

"Are you okay? Do you need me to get some help?"

"No. Sorry." I quickly walked off before the guy could ask any more questions or call the cops. No one remembers. I was kind of hoping Jay was wrong. I didn't want Raven, Aiden, or Luka to forget but they have. I had finally made some friends, but I lost them just like I lost everything. I'm once again fully alone. At least everything's back to normal and everyone's back to life especially Raven. I don't really want to go home. If I go home, I have to face my uncle but I have nowhere else to go. Screw it. I'm not afraid of him anymore.

It didn't take me long to get home as I took the bus. I opened the front door and there stood my uncle looking down at me. "Where have you been? I woke up and you were gone." My uncle shouted.

"I uh... I was at..."

"Stop stuttering you pathetic girl!" My uncle slapped me. I could feel my rage building.

"No. You don't get to tell me what to do anymore. If I want to stuffer then I will and guess what it's my fricken hair, so I'll do what I like with it." I pulled out my hair bands and let my hair flow about.

"How dare you speak to me like that!" Uncle pushed me to the ground. I was about to shout back, when someone else did.

"Don't you dare touch her!" I turned around and saw it's Aiden who shouted, she's walking towards the house followed by Luka and Raven. I got up, ran towards them and hugged them tight.

"You remember?"

"Yes but no one else does," Raven answered.

"We woke up with our memories intact so hoped you might still be here as well," Luka said, cheery.

"Who are these people and what are they doing here?"

"We're her friends and we've come to save her from you just like she saved us and if she wants, she can come live with me," it's Raven this time. Is she being serious? Are they really here to save me?

"What are you going on about?"

"Raven spoke to her parents and they're more than happy to let Autumn move in," Luka smirked.

"Perk of having nice parents," Raven added.

"Really?" I asked, nervously.

"Of course. You gave up everything for us, it's the least I could do." Jay's right, they're my family and like I've always wished, they've come to save me.

"She's not going anywhere."

"Yes I am. I'm going to go pack a bag and if you try to stop me, I'll let everyone know you're the reason my family are dead." My uncle fell silent. This is the first time I've ever seen him speechless. I pushed past him, quickly packed a bag then left. I ran down the road and didn't look back.

I got round the corner. It's like I can breathe again. I feel free. "That was so nerve racking," Aiden laughed. "Now we can go celebrate and party the night away at prom tonight.

"No thanks," me and Raven said.

"Please. It'll be fun and we deserve it after the hell we've been through."

"You know she won't stop," Luka laughed.

"Fine," we moaned. Never in a million years did I think I'd be going to prom especially with friends. Then again, I never expected the last few months to happen.

"Speaking of prom." Aiden said, "I firstly want to say thank you for saving me and I will forever be trying to repay you. Raven, will you go to prom with me?"

"Of course, I will." They hugged. Me and Luka cheered. "Also, I love you to." Raven stated as she kissed Aiden. I'm so happy for them. The apocalypse really changed Aiden. It's bettered us all. Everyone went off to get ready for prom and seeing as me and Raven weren't planning on going, we had to go shopping.

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