When It Rains [Sameena]

By cloudedmess

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โ˜† I'm only happy when it rains, I'm only happy when its complicated, And though I know you can't appreciate i... More

one: sorrow
two: essays
three: darts
four: are you okay?
five: practice
six: rain fall
seven: mistake
eight: grounded
nine: angry kisses
ten: bridges
eleven: a step forward and eight back
twelve: amusement parks
thirteen: the play and the essays
fourteen: the plan
fifteen: date
seventeen: later

sixteen: moving out

777 15 11
By cloudedmess

Waling up to a knock at the door, Simon walks to it and opens it, lazily rubbing his eyes to make it clearer to see.

He didn't expect to open the door to a very angry woman. He was so tired he didn't even notice who she was at first, but after he slaps himself to wake up more, it all hits him.

"Ow! Wait, Ms. Fraser?"

"Where is my daughter?"

Her yelling booms throughout the house, Simon could swear he could feel the floor shaking at one point. His ears ring from her yelling.

He looks behind him and spots Kate, grumpily walking over. Kate was always grumpy when she was woken up this early.

"Simon, what the fuc-"

Simon slaps her on the arm, earning an "ow" from her, but she shuts up and tugs onto Simon's arm once she realizes that Ms. Fraser was there, standing on the front porch or Deena's house, her arms crossed, anger fuming inside of her.

"Ms. Fraser?" Kate begins, stuttering.

"Where is my daughter!? Where is Sam? I know she's in this house, probably upstairs, getting harassed by your friend, the Johnson."

Kate clenches her fist, but Simon holds her back, knowing that punching her wouldn't do any help.

Sam walked downstairs, almost falling over due to how tired she was. But when she spots her mom standing at the door, she feels almost all the tiredness drain from her body as stress overcomes her, she starts walking backwards.

But she runs into Deena, who was concerned at why Sam seemed so worried. She wrapped her arms around Sam, planting a kiss onto her cheek.

Sam just points at the woman who was standing at the front door, Simon and Kate preventing her from coming in. But she pushes her way past them, Simon falling onto the floor and Kate falling onto the wall. She runs up to Sam, pushing Deena off of her.

She falls back on the stairs, hitting her back on the edge. She groans in pain, but tries her hardest to get up when she notices that Sam's mom was pulling her down the stairs, yelling in her ear. And Sam, she looked so sad. A sad she couldn't even manage to put into words.

"I'm tired of you doing this, Samantha!"

Sam clenches her fists, shaking. Because she was scared. Her mom was so much more angrier since she didn't have anybody to spill out her anger on since Sam's father had recently moved out of the house. Sam gulps as she feels a rough slap come across her cheek.

"Leave her alone!" Deena yells, almost falling over as she gets up.

"She's my daughter."

"She's my girlfriend!"

"Sam! Who do you care about more? Who would you wanna stay with?" her mother asks, letting go of her aggressive grip of Sam. And Sam just stands there.

She hated how she had to stand there, with everybody's eyes on her, waiting for her response. She wasn't debating on an answer, she was scared. She was obviously going to pick Deena, but her mom had always been there, even though it was traumatic, it hurt her a bit to walk away.

But then she remembers. She remembers all the times she was yelled at, all the bruises and cuts and scars on her arm, all the traumatic experiences.

And she looks at Deena, and all she can think about is happiness. Kissing her, cuddling her, feeling safe and at home with her.


Her mom stands there, and for once, she genuinely looks sad. Behind all that anger, there were more emotions. There was sadness. Which came as a shock to Sam, who was backing up to Deena. "Are you serious?" her mother questions.

Sam nods, shaking. She wanted to be angry, and yell out everything she could, but she was scared. She knew what her mother could do.

Sam's mother was manipulative, guilt trippy, abusive, angry. But in her mom's eyes, she saw genuine pain. A sigh falls off her lips, watching as her mom walks out the door, slamming it. Deena hugs Sam, rubbing circles on her back.

"It's okay," Deena reassures her, kissing her softly. "Try not to worry about it. For now."

She nods, but just as she was about to calm down, the door slams open again, and there was Sam's mom, pushing through Simon and Kate. She throws a bag of Sam's stuff onto the floor, stomping back to the door.

"Wait.. what is.. is this... mine?" Sam asks, picking up the bag.

"Yeah. I'm kicking you out. That's clearly what you want. Come back and get the rest of your shit. Because apparently everything I did for you just adds up to nothing Sam. Just because you found a fucking GIRL that you like."

Sam's emotions all kicked together, not knowing wether to scream out in anger or cry. So she does both, clenching her fists and cracking her knuckles.

"Did for me? What did you do for me? I had to do everything myself. Feed myself, which I hardly did, care for myself, pay for my own shit from a young age! You don't let me show any emotion, and when I do, it's only allowed to be happiness! You have me plaster on such a fake ass smile, you make me have it on so much that I almost forgot what being happy truly felt like! I'm so tired of hearing that yelling constantly, so tired of being neglected, abused."

She was pouring out all her emotions, the anger being expressed in her yelling, trying to hold her tears back.

"I've found somebody, people, who make me truly happy. And you even try to tear that away from me! Because you never want me to be happy, do you? Remember when you said you'd rather I of been the one who was stabbed? And you claimed it was because you loved me!"

"I also said that it should've killed Deen-" she begins proudly, and Sam turns to look at Deena.

She stood there, not understanding why Sam's mom saying that hurt her so much. She let go of Sam, her arms falling down to her side. It was a type of pain she didn't understand. Because she couldn't care less about how Sam's mother treated her.

But she cared at the words she said.

"Get out."

"Yeah? What're you gonna do about it, Kate?"

"Get the fuck out of this house!"

She shrugs, slamming the door. Deena just remains standing there, in silence, a somber look on her face. Sam stands by her, locking their hands together. But Deena doesn't do what she normally would, she doesn't react. She just stands there, letting all her sadness pile onto her as Sam squeezes her hand.

"Whatever," Deena manages to speak up, her voice hoarse and weak.

"W-What..? Should I go back and get my stuff? Is that okay with you, Deena?"

She nods, walking back upstairs and locking herself into her room. Simon looks at Kate, and Kate looks back at him, sighs falling off of both of their lips.

"Do we check on her? Give her sometime?" Simon asks, pouting.

"Give her sometime. Maybe Sam can talk to her."

Sam was walking back to her house, the familiar feeling of emptiness overcoming her as she walked inside. For once, she wasn't greeted with the same yelling she was used to. She was greeted to a silent house, so silent she didn't know how to feel.

She packed everything necessary into the bag and walked back over, plopping it onto the floor. Simon and Kate looked up at her, their brows furrowed.

"In her room?"

The two nod, watching as she walks upstairs. Standing in front of the closed door, she knocks softly, turning the locked knob after.

Deena looked at the door, her hands in between her legs, debating wether to get up or not. But when she hears Sam's soft voice, she feels warmth.

So she gets up, unlocking the door and being greeted by a hug. "So, what about that date?" Sam asks, sitting down next to Deena.

"Would sound good right about now," Deena laughs, bouncing her legs. "I could take you on it then."

"Listen, I know this is a dumb idea but," Deena starts, and Sam's brows are already furrowed, a confused look on her face.

"There's a party tonight-"

"Deena. No."

"But. It's where it all started. You asked me if I wanted to go to the party with you. I did. And I got really drunk and got hit in the arm with a dart," she laughs, looking down at the floor, "and I was drunk and told you that I love you. I was clingy. And I know I was drunk, but drunk words are sober thoughts. Because I do love you, Sam."

Sam laughs, shaking her head. "It's nice and all, Deens. But, every party, you get harassed, or I do, and it goes bad."

"But this one, Sam, it can go fine. After the date, we can go to it. With Simon, with Kate. They'll watch out. I want to be able to go to a party."

"I'll just take you to a gay club then."

"Sam!" Deena says, nudging her. "Okay, fine! You can go, but only if you make sure to be careful."

Deena nods, a stupid goofy smile plastered on her face. "Where you gonna take me for that date?"

"Somewhere nice," Sam smirks.

"That is?"

"Movies. We can be one of those couples that people complain about. Making out during the movie," she laughs, "how's that sound for you?"

Deena rolls her eyes, laughing. "Sounds good."

"Wanna look at the movies they've got?"

Deena nods, but just as they're about to look at the movies, Kate slams the door open, a stern look on her face. Deena and Sam look her up and down, noticing Simon, clinging onto her leg. They both share a confused look, but Deena just laughs, this wasn't something that she wasn't used to.

"Deena, get him off of me!"

"No! Deena! Don't!" Simon yells, earning a kick in the face from Kate. "Ow! Stop!"

"Why are you even on Kate anyway, Simon?" Deena asks, standing up with her arms crossed.

"She was attacking me!"

"I ate the chocolate bar you wanted!"

"You mentally attacked me!"

Deena laughs, as does Sam, making Kate roll her eyes, Simon following after. "Take this seriously!" Simon yells, making the two laugh even more.

"Take it seriously?" Sam laughs, "what is there to take seriously out of this? You latched onto Kate's leg because she ate your chocolate bar!"

"Shut up Fraser!" Simon yells, a laugh falling off his lips, giving Kate enough time to kick him off. "No!"

Kate looks back at Simon, who was on the floor, pouting. "What're you guys doing today?" she asks, looking back at the girls.

"Date. Movies," Sam smiles, wrapping her arm around Deena. "And we're all going to a party," Deena happily pipes up, making Simon jump up.

"A party!?" Simon happily yells, his stupid goofy smile on his face. "Deena, no," Kate sighs, looking over at Sam. "You agreed to this?"

"She said that Simon and you would watch out. She wants to be able to go to a party without something bad happening. It took me a while, I told her it might not be a good idea, but she did convince me. I think it might be worth a try."

"You drunk already?" Kate teases, earning a laugh from Sam. "That's fine, somewhat. But though Simon can watch out, he's gonna be drunk. You take that man to a party, even when he has to do something serious, he's always drunk, or tempted to chug three beers."

"When's the party?" Simon asks, moving his hand through his hair. He didn't deny anything Kate had to say, nor did he argue with it, because she was right. Simon knew she was right, so he was honestly fine with it.

"Midnight," Deena answers, twirling Sam's hair on her finger, "movies are at eight."

"Have fun," Simon pettily groans, knowing he wanted to watch that movie. "You can come, you know?" Deena laughs, looking at Sam, "right? You okay with that, Sam?" Sam nods, kissing Deena on the cheek.

"Okay. We will," Kate says, throwing her hand over Simon's mouth before he can complain about whatever, "we will stay out of your way also. You two can have fun being those couples in movie theaters that just make out the whole movie."

"Gosh, I hate those people!" Simon begins, looking at Deena for backup support.

"No! Deena!" he continues, noticing that Deena was embarrassedly looking down at the floor. "You used to hate on those people with me!"

"Oh come on! There's other things we can hate on together! Like those shitty romcoms!"

"I hate those so much!"

"I know! They're so corny!"

The two continue ranting about how shitty romcoms are, Kate and Sam staring at each other. Sam got the hint that Kate wanted to leave the room whilst Deena and Simon talked on and on about whatever they were on at thus point. She wanted to also, honestly, so she got up and followed Kate downstairs, both sitting on the couch together.

"Thank you," Kate pipes up, looking as Sam moved her hair out of her face.

"For what?"

"For helping, no, you know what? For loving Deena. You've made her happier, she loves you. I haven't seen her this happy before."

"She's happy because you, Simon and Josh are here, too, you know? And there's really no need to thank me. I'm just loving my girlfriend."

Kate smiles. "I like your word usage, blonde."

"Blonde, wow," Sam sarcastically acts angered, making Kate laugh.

Simon and Deena stood at the bottom of the stairs, watching as Kate and Sam talk. They smile at each other, deciding to walk over to them.

"Hey, guys," Sam smiles, pointing at her lap, indicating that she wanted Deena to sit on it.

Deena did what Sam wanted, sitting on her lap as Simon and Kate sat on the other sides of them.

Later that night, at the movie theatre, Deena and Sam were sat next to each other, Simon and Kate in the row behind them. Simon was happily watching the horror movie, as he really liked horror. But Kate couldn't help but get weirded out each time she heard Deena and Sam pant after kissing.

"Try not to lick each other," Kate whispers, making Deena jump. Sam just laughs, and they both go back to watching the movie. Simon was stuffing his mouth with popcorn and soda, stealing some of Kate's pretzels and cheese. He kept some candy in his pockets, which he had bought from the theatre, though to Deena and Kate, they thought it looked quite suspicious how it was kept in his pocket. Sam thought it was normal, though.

After the movie ended, on the car ride to the party, Simon felt like he was gonna throw up from how much butter he put on that popcorn. And how much he had ate of it. His stomach felt like it was turning, groans falling out of his mouth as he fought back the barf that was going up his throat.

"Open the window if you're going to!" Deena insists. Kate was trying to keep Simon's head by the window incase he did throw up, whilst Sam was looking for something he could throw up in, because she thought that throwing up on the road wasn't the best idea. She found a paper bag that still had a sandwich wrapper in it, throwing it up to him.

And then he throw up, the smell of the barf reeking through the car. They rolled all the windows down, trying to get the smell out of the car.

"I don't think drinking is going to help your.. barf problem," Sam laughs, but Simon shakes his head.

"No! I want to drink tonight, it's been a while," Simon pouts as Deena parks the car. "She's just looking out for you, Simoney," Deena laughs.

They walk into the party, Simon running over to the beer, getting a red party cup and filling it up. Deena put her arms on Sam's waist, kissing her softly on the lips. Sam smiles, leading her over to the table. They have some beer, and Kate even has some also, saying "fuck it" before she chugs a cup.

And for once, they have a party without somebody messing with them, rather it be mentally, or physically. They have a party, with them just having fun and enjoying the night. An actual party, what parties should be. Without Deena or Sam being shamed for being a couple, without getting harassed. They just party until they have to head back home.

They went home because Simon started throwing up too much. At Deena's, they stay up late playing video games, knowing they'd be hungover tomorrow.

And they were, very hungover.

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