twelve: amusement parks

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After play practice and arriving back home, Deena stood by Sam, both hands on the taller girls shoulders. "Please be careful."

"I will, Deena."

And with that, Sam was already out the door, her fists clenching, shortly after unclenching them. She sighed heavily, staying on Deena's front step for about ten minutes before she managed to walk over to the front door of her house.

As much as she didn't want to walk in, she knew she had to soon, or her mom would actually get legal action in. As much as she wanted to run back to Deena's, to cuddle her and softly kiss her, she knew that she couldn't. Now now.

So she twisted the doorknob, slowly walking in. She looks around, and for once, the house was quiet. There wasn't the yelling she was used to, no slamming doors, nothing. Until she heard the sound of glass smashing. She nervously clenches her fists as she spots her mom walk down.

"Samantha Fraser!" she yells.

Before Sam could even speak, she was greeted with glass being thrown in front of her. She luckily didn't get too hit, just a few little cuts.

"I know you were hanging out with those outcasts all week," she insults.

"Because! Because I don't wanna go home to this constant yelling, constant fucking abuse! I need a break from-"

With a tug on her hair, Sam groans in pain, storming up to her room. And while Sam cuddles the stuffed animal Deena gave her, she just sits there.

While she's doing that, Deena is sitting in the woods, on a big rock, the streaming river below her. And as she looks around, at the frogs who would jump around, at the leaves that would break off and fall, at the branches, at the animals that would sometime come around.

And as she lays back, she remembers.

"Go on Deena! Look at you, running around with the rabbits and frogs!"

As Deena ran around, chasing the rabbits and sitting with the frogs, she realizes just how exhausted she was.

Walking back over to her mother, she chugs the water, laying down on her mom's lap. She runs her hair through Deena's hair, hugging her softly. "I love you, Deena," she smiles. "I love you too, momma."

A sigh falling off her lips, she throws a stick into the river, pulling her gray oversized shirt over her hand. She heard the sound of branches cracking, but she decided to play it off as it just being an animal at first. Until she spots a moving figure.

She reaches for a rock, it currently being her only form of something related to a weapon. But when she spots the figure walking up to her, she freezes.

And her stomach drops when the figure approaches her. "Deena," a familiar voice hums, and Deena is relieved. Not by who was talking to her, but relieved by the fact that she wasn't about to get beat up again by Briar and his idiotic jock friends.

But another part of her didn't give a shit. It was dark out, past midnight, if anybody found her there, it would've most likely been in the morning, and by then she probably would've bled so much that she would need urgent care.

"Look, Deena, I'm really sorr-"

"Don't! Don't fucking start with me, okay!?" she yells, throwing the rock into the river. "I was just going to apolo-"

"Yeah, I know what you were going to do. Apologize. Fake it? Because how do I know you aren't a fucking drunk mess right now? And somehow you managed to spit out the words I'm sorry without stammering around? You can't say that when this is what you do to me."

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