King of Dauntless

By dancingcece

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Amity a calm and friendly faction. dauntless the brave worriers. what happens when an amity girl was never fi... More

Chapter 1: Amity
Chapter 2: Choosing Ceremony
Chapter 3: Dauntless
Chapter 4: New Faction
Chapter 5: Day in Dauntless
Chapter 6: Training
Chapter 7: My New Life
Chapter 8: Fights
Chapter 9: Day Off
Chapter 10: Tattoos and Friends
Chapter 11: Welcome to Hell
Chapter 12: In Trouble
Chapter 13: Punishment
Chapter 14: To Good
Chapter 16: Week After Week
Chapter 17:Final Fight
Chapter 18: Capture The Flag
Chapter 19: Visiting Day
Chapter 20: Are you Afraid?
Chapter 21: No Control
Chapter 22: Sleep
Chapter 23: Good Morning?
Chapter 24: Normal
Chapter 25: Mad Man
Chapter 26: Finally Dauntless
Chapter 27: Max's Decision
Chapter 28: The Arrangement
Chapter 29: What's Up Doc
Chapter 30: Bed Rest
Chapter 31: Sleeping Arrangements
Chapter 32: Back to Life
Chapter 33: Nothing
Chapter 34: The Names King
Chapter 35: Patrol
Chapter 36: Husband & Wife
Chapter 37: Newlyweds
Chapter 38 :Trouble in Paradise
Chapter 39: Patrol 2.0
Chapter 40: New Friends
Chapter 41: Play Dumb
Chapter 42: Troublemaker
Chapter 43: Office Day

Chapter 15: Eric The Trainer

3.7K 96 21
By dancingcece

I jolted awake.

Looking around feeling unsettled I try to understand why. Everyone is still asleep but it feels like it is earlier than when I wake up. I was about to lay down again until I saw someone standing by the door. Jerking up I look straight into those piercing blue eyes.

"Good your up!" Eric commented.

Now I understand why I woke up in a state of panic; my life felt a threat near me.

I send a glare at him before I slowly get out of bed to get ready. I was expecting him to just leave when he saw I was awake and getting ready, but that was not the case. As I was talking my night clothes off I turned to grab my training clothes only to notice he was still there. Leaning against the wall he was just watching me change.

I roll my eyes at him and hurry up.

"Enjoy the show?" I ask rhetorically as I walk out.

He gave me an amused look and silently kept walking. Expecting to get breakfast like I usually do I wasn't prepared for him to take me straight to the training room.


I hear him say right next to me.

"Excuse me ?"

"Are you deaf I said run!" he yelled in my face.

"I do believe Max did explain that our training had to be supervised." I smugly tell him thinking I won.

He did not look pleased with this response. He got close to my face and breathed really slowly.

"I don't need some number to tell me how to do my job. Now do as your told and run"

Huffing out I mentally compromise knowing I would have started my day with a run anyways.

After an hour of running he stepped into the fighting mat and beckoned me over.

"What not going to have me run till I drop dead?" I tease.

"Just get ready to fight."

A little nervous with how all our previous fights have gone.

"Maybe we should wait until four gets here. He is supposed to watch us." I explained.

"What sacred without your precious little Four around." he mocks, starting to get annoyed with me.

"Well are fights do get out of hand."

He quickly sweeps his legs under me trying to knock me down, but I jumped fast enough to miss it.

"If you're done talking now let's fight."

We started lightly sparing with each other; throwing punches and blocking.

I turn to block his hit I then grab his outstretched arm and used it to flip him over my back. He landed with a loud bang. Wide eyes, mouth gaping, he tried to catch his breath from having the wind knocked out of him; he was not expecting that to happen.

As Eric stood from the ground Four had entered meaning normal practice would be starting soon.

Looking between the two of us, Four raised his eyebrow in a silent question.

"What's going on here? I do believe that I'm supposed to be supervising your training."

"I don't need your supervision with my trainee number boy!" Eric coldly spat at four. "Now if you're done distracting us we have more training to do."

Four looked at us surprised at how we were training and not trying to rip each other's throat out.

As the trainees came in fours attention drifted leaving us to whatever training Eric has planned.

Eric is showing me how to properly defend myself when a weapon is involved. It started out slow, but now I've got the hang of it. I grab his hand with the weapon and twist it really fast to disarm and then I kick the back of his knee to get him to the ground.

This continued for a few hours until I noticed everyone getting to go to lunch; I was really hungry having not eaten breakfast.

"Good. Now let's try it again." Eric instructed

"When can we go eat?" I whine 

"We train until I say so." Eric demanded

"Well I wouldn't be hungry if someone would have just let me grab breakfast this morning." I snapped.

A punch hit me right in the face. I stepped back shocked at how it turned into this from our light sparing.

I got low and tackled Eric to the ground; throwing a couple quick jabs to his side. I then straddled over his body throwing a punch to his face hitting his nose. He flipped us over so he was on top. I blocked the punch thrown my way with my arm; I threw my legs up and knocked him forward off my body. As he fell forward to the ground I slid out from underneath him and got up ready for him to fight, but he grabbed my leg pulling me to the ground. I hit my head falling and laid on the mat disoriented for a second.

Eric still had my leg in his grasp and dragged my body to where he was. He pulled his arm back ready for another hit.


We both stop and turn to see Four jogging in the room towards us.

"What are you doing?" He exclaimed with eyes wide. "This is why you are to be supervised!"

Eric rolled off of me and stood in front of Four rubbing his jaw that I hit; you could already see a bruise forming.

"Go to lunch>" he abruptly said as he started walking away.

Four turned to him with wide eyes. "That's what all this is about? Lunch!"

Happy I finally get to eat. I confidently walk away ready for food.


I turn abruptly hearing my last name; I see Eric glaring straight at me.

"Be ready." he omnessly tells me.

I slowly walked away shocked; Eric called me something other than Amity.

"You guys are crazy!" Four yelled after us.

On my way to the cafeteria I saw the rest of the initiates heading back to the training room. I sit by myself ready to enjoy my lunch that I just got when none other than Eric walked into the room.

"Why are you still here? Everyone is already back in the training room." Eric states. " It doesn't take that long to get lunch."

I roll my eyes as I start eating my food. How stupid can this guy get?

He stood in front of me waiting for my response. As I continued to eat he grew more frustrated by me not acknowledging him. He leaned in about to grab my food from me out of his anger, but I smacked his hand away.

He pulled his hand back, startled that I smacked it away within seconds he turns back to his usual stone cold attitude.

"I did not get dinner last night, you stopped me from getting breakfast this morning, and I had a long day of training that I still have to finish. I fought you to get lunch, do not think I won't fight you for touching my food!" I blatantly tell him as I finish my food.

I stand and start heading back to the training room and Eric follows closely behind. In the training room everyone's busy doing whatever Four instructed them to do. 

Eric goes and stands on the mat waiting for me to join. I get up and prepare to fight. Not expecting what he did next, all I could hear were everyone's gasps.

Eric pulled out his gun and had pointed it at me.

"Eric No!" I hear Four yell in the commotion.

It was like instinct. I just started moving.I quickly grabbed his wrist with one hand and the barrel of the gun with the other. I jerked it out of his hand in a fast motion, throwing it to the ground, but before I could get away or tackle him down he grabbed me by the neck and started choking me. I quickly formed a plan, grabbing his arm. I lifted my body weight up and kicked him hard in the gut . He stumbled back, dropping me in the Process. Right as we both were picking ourselves up, Four came and stood right in between us.

"What is wrong with you?" he yells at Eric.

"Out of the way four."

Knowing his tone I could tell he wanted to continue this fight. Smirking, I put my hands up ready to fight. Eric pushes Four out of the way with a smirk on his face. We start sparing using every move that we learned today.

We have been sparing for what feels like forever now; covered in sweat and bruises. Four finally stepped in to break us up because we are both too stubborn to quit.

"That's enough!" he pushed us apart " go get cleaned up and head to dinner you guys are done for the day."

Laying on the mat I was trying to catch my breath and from the corner of my eye I could see Eric bent at the knees huffing.

"You know what King you're not so bad." Eric chuckled as he walked away 

There it was again him using something other than amity to address me. This is going to be interesting.

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