You're My One and Only (A Jar...

By LongLiveAriG

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Your Next Obsession. This is a story of Love, Romance, Laughter, Friendship and the Challenges of everyday li... More

Chapter 01 - You're The Biggest Mush Ever
Chapter 02 - I Was Thinking...Thinking About You
Chapter 03 - Everything Will Be Okay
Chapter 04 - You're My Everything
Chapter 05 - Happiness & Dilemmas
Chapter 06 - He's a Keeper
Chapter 07 - I Wanted To Spend The Rest Of My Life With You
Chapter 08 - Can't Let You Go
Chapter 09 - A Permanent Smile
Chapter 10 - I Wish I Could Have Met You Sooner
Chapter 11 - I Will Not Expose You
Chapter 12 - I Thought You Had Respect For Me
Chapter 13 - You Really Love Her Don't You?
Chapter 14 - Could Today Get Any Better?
Chapter 15 - That's What Love Does To You
Chapter 16 - Revenge Is Sweet
Chapter 17 - I'll Never Hurt You
Chapter 18 - I Just Wish She Would Believe Me
Chapter 20 - Happiness At Last (Alternative Ending 2 Part 1)

Chapter 19 - Goodbye (Alternative Ending 1)

361 17 22
By LongLiveAriG

Hi Everyone! I hope you are all doing great.  I just want to say a huge Thank You to all the readers of My Story 'You're My One And Only" writing this story has enabled me to write much better, improve my imagination and have a whole lot of fun just reading all of your reactions to what I write.When I first started writing this story I really really loved writing it, however ever since Jai and Ariana broke up it hasn't been as easy to write. I know it's just Fanfiction but it's still really not the same effect if they aren't dating in real life. I generally feel that it is now time to finish the story but I don't want to end it with a sad ending after so many chapters so I will be doing two Alternative endings. Between Chapter 19 & the final chapter Chapter 20. Jai and Ariana will most definitely get their happy ending :) The story has been so much fun to write and I have to thank all of you for reading and commenting on it. I've taken a while to update because I literally want to create a good ending to such a huge story.

Recap - Isaac returns and finds out that Jai & Ariana are now engaged, Still angry at the previous events of his ex friendship with Ariana, he gets his friend Emma, to try and seduce Jai and ruin his relationship with Ariana. Isaac says he will pay Emma $500, if she gets proof or what looks like proof, that Jai is unfaithful to Ariana. Emma attends the Janoskians M&G and kisses Jai without his permission, in which he disapproves immediately walking out, later that night at a Janoskians after party, Emma fake apologizes to Jai insisting she's just a huge fan before Beau invites her back to their hotel. The next day she sells her story saying she slept with Jai. Ariana breaks up with Jai. 

One more chapter left. This might get quite deep I hope Y'all have tissues. 

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 The deafening thunder and rain fell from the sky drastically, as Jai downed his sorrows into a bottle of vodka. He shivered as the sound of thunder echoed the sky. Jai wore a white vest and black trousers as the rain soaked his brown hair and his whole body. His vest became see-through as the horrific rain got worse by the minute. He looked up at the sky, the sky was black and the large clouds were moving towards him as he sat uncomfortably on the wet grass as the rain continued to soak him from head to toe. He didn't care. He was freezing and was unstably drunk but all he could think about was how his whole life had turned upside down.

 His life was Ariana. He was a nineteen year old boy from Australia, who had a dream of making people laugh, he never thought he'd be portrayed as a monster for something he didn't even do. As he downed his sorrows into the almost finished bottle of vodka, he felt worse by the minute. Indoors, the rain scattered against the outside of the windows as the boys watched a blurred and distressed Jai downing his sorrows through alcohol feeling like nothing but remorse for him. Luke browsed the internet while the other boys continued to watch a distressed Jai. They hated the way he was being portrayed and framed for something he didn't even do. All of the boys knew how much Jai loved Ariana and to think they were engaged and have just started wedding planning for it all to be ruined.

"This isn't right you know, we can't continue like this and it's affecting the whole group. Do you know what's not right? What's not right is how someone can just be portrayed as something they're not and whoever has made this rumor has gotten away with this." Daniel ranted as they continued to look at Jai.

"You'll never believe this.." Luke spoke sternly turning his laptop to face the other Boys. The boys turned around focusing their attention on Luke's laptop. It was on Emma's Facebook page which had a number of pictures of herself and Isaac. Beau shook his head in despair before standing up and pacing up and down at what he just saw.

"It's an old account from around 2009-2010, she doesn't use it anymore but there's a ton of pictures of herself and Isaac. It seems she's a dancer and he's been her manager previously." Luke revealed in his thick Australian accent as James shook his head in disbelief. 

 "No fucking way! So basically they've set Jai up." Beau spat angrily realizing Isaac was the one behind this all. "He can't stay out there.." Beau spoke leaving the room before making his way outside to comfort his brother.

 "That man is just the devil.. if there's ever a definition needed to describe the devil then it's Isaac. I'll call Jeremy, we need to clear Jai's name." James ranted before leaving the room to call their manager.

"Leave me alone.." Jai mumbled drunkenly, looking up at his brother before taking a swig of vodka from the bottle. The drastic rain continued to fall onto a heartbroken Jai. Beau's dark blue hoody soon became soaked by the rain as did his black knee high baggy shorts. He pulled his hood up over his head sitting on the wet grass beside his brother.

 "Bro, It's all gonna be okay, Luke took a Facebook search for Emma and we've found some pictures and well Isaac is in a lot of them." Beau informed his anguished brother. 

 "So you're telling me Isaac is behind all of this mess?!" Jai spat drunkenly as Beau nodded in response watching his brother's face as it grew angry.

 "But if you just tell Ariana then I'm sure everything can go back to normal. Let's go inside it's too cold out here." Beau reassured his brother. Jai shook his head in despair. 

"I'm gonna to kill him!" Jai raged with anger throwing the empty vodka bottle against the concrete wall as the glass shattered. 

 "Please man you need to calm down, If we just show Ariana, everything will be okay." Beau assured his upset Brother. 

"What is normal when the woman you love turns her back on you?" Jai mumbled to himself clenching his fists. Beau frowned feeling sorry for his brother. He always had to pick up the pieces, the last time Jai was like this was when Ariana broke up with him when her Grandfather was dying.

"I just know that if you was in her position you might do the same." Beau remarked as Jai looked on annoyed at his brother.

"How about being in my position? Imagine being accused of cheating on the absolute love of your whole fucking life.. media coverage about it and it isn't even true. Imagine being painted out to be a cheating scumbag when you haven't done anything at all. I love that girl, I fucking love that girl." Jai ranted as Beau looked on at how worked up his brother was becoming. He sat down beside his brother placing an arm around him as the thunder settled down. 

"Do you know what Beau? None of this would have happened if you didn't invite that slag back to the hotel.. of course she must have been planning this all, but if you didn't invite her back.. then.." Jai went on becoming angrier and angrier as Beau cut him off.

"Don't you dare blame this all on me! I'm sorry that your life is upside down right now but you can't take it all out on me, I thought she was just a random girl looking for a good time so I invited her back to the hotel, what's so wrong with that?" Beau spoke questioning Jai accusations as Jai gave him an angry look.

"The fact that you think she's just a random girl.. girls aren't objects you know.." Jai lectured his brother as Beau shook his head in disbelief at how ridiculous he thought his brother was being.

"This isn't my fault, if I want a life lesson I'll start believing in god. Are you going to get Ariana back or what?" Beau went on as he found himself bickering with his younger brother.  Jai ran his fingers through his wet hair letting out a slight sigh.

"She should have trusted me, that's what we were about. We believed in trust. I need to see Isaac first, Can you get Luke to find an address for Isaac or Emma?" He replied calmly looking over at the broken bottle of vodka that was shattered all over the floor. 

Okay but I'm coming with you." Beau insisted as Jai nodded in agreement.

                                   *                *             *                *                * 

You know Emma, revenge is a beautiful thing, who knew ruining people's lives could be so rewarding." Isaac sassed, kicking his feet up and resting it on the beige cream colored sofa arm rest. As Emma smirked in response. He counted a couple stacks of money that had earned from selling the story on Jai.

"I've never seen so much money in my life, we make a great team, I must say. Imagine if the weather was like this and we were still living at that old shitty apartment we'd be screwed." She replied counting her stacks of dollar bills before glimpsing outside of the window at the horrendous weather.

"Hey! I had good memories there.. but I couldn't agree more." He responded in disagreement as Emma gave him a stern look.

"What memories? Rat droppings and no central heating? She mocked him as he straight faced her knowing she was speaking truth.

"Come to think of it, no good memories at all." He agreed with her as she giggled slightly. 

"Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong!"

The loud sound of the door bell repeatedly ringing echoed the apartment interrupted Isaac and Emma's conversation.

"Oooh, sounds like we've got a guest, or maybe guests." Isaac bragged getting up off the sofa and making his way to the door. He opened the door smirking as he was met by Beau and Jai. 

"What are you pair of Australian losers doing here? Don't you have a girlfriend to be looking after Jai? Oh wait, nope you don't." Isaac taunted Jai.  

Jai clenched his first as Beau looked down at them knowing what was going to happen next in a split second Jai had pulled back his arm, clenched his fist tighter and aimed it forward with a force that knocked Isaac backwards when it connected as a loud thud echoed the hallway as he fell onto his back. Jai grew angrier swinging another punch at Isaac as Beau tried to restrain him before Jai kicked a hole into the door of Isaac and Emma's apartment as Isaac continued to stay down on the floor still conscious clenching his nose and he cried with pain. 

"Oh my god!" Emma shrieked rushing to the floor to attend to Isaac. His nose was bloody as Jai and Beau looked on at him. 

"You fucking deserve that!" Beau yelled as Jai gave Isaac a stern look.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Emma ragged as Isaac put a hand over his nose and sat upright.

"That's for fucking up my relationship, we know it was you two. We've got tons of proof and you'll have to give all that money back." Jai answered as Emma sat down beside Isaac as blood poured from his nose.

"But you've just beat the fuck out of Isaac though...I'm calling the police." Emma warned looking up at Beau and Jai as they looked on unfazed.

"I could do so much fucking worse! Call the police, see if I care you've already ruined my whole fucking life. You're the ones who have scammed and created a fake story and earned money for it. Oh by the way you might want to check your phone, looks like you're both front page of TMZ this time. As for you, you need to get a life, really? Ruining people's relationships to get a bit of money from an unfit and lazy choreographer." Jai ranted as Beau backed his brother.

"You're shit in bed as well, it was like sleeping with my mother." Beau added as Emma looked on unfazed. 

"You wasn't saying that when it happened, so shut the fuck up! your dicks small as well so why are you talking?" Emma argued back as they continued to snap at each other. 

"You're a washed up bitch with shit hair dye, surely with all that money you'd be able to make your roots actually match your hair color." Beau fought back as Emma looked on offended. She stood up looking Beau and Jai in the eyes in full confrontational mode.

"You see how Isaac's on the floor, yeah, that's gonna be you, you disgusting creature, aren't you meant to be chilling with kangaroo's or whatever." She responded as Jai looked on at how off topic it became.

"Don't call the police Emma, I deserve this.. we deserve this." Isaac spoke as blood poured from his nose. "We?! You practically forced me into this.." Emma spat as she began to argue with Isaac. 

Jai and Beau left the scene making their way outside to the car. Beau got into the driver seat as Jai got into the other side closing the doors behind them.


The sound of Jai's phone receiving a text message filled the silence as Beau started the engine.

He looked at his phone, he had five missed calls and a brand new text and they were all from Ariana.

Ariana>Jai: I'm so sorry. I can't believe how stupid I have been, I've just seen the article, it was Isaac all this time and I've completely turned my back on you. I love you more than anything and I haven't stopped, if you're in the city please come round we need to talk. I love you so much. 

"It's Ariana.." Jai informed Beau as he showed him his phone with the text message from Ariana.

"See, it's all gonna be okay. Everything will go back to normal." Beau reassured his brother as Jai nodded in response.

"Do you think we can stop off at a flower stall or something?" Jai replied, still feeling a little shaken over what happened with Isaac.

"Sure we can stop off at a flower stall." Beau responded as he started the engine before he begun to drive to their next destination.  

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*Jai's Point Of View*

We've been driving in the car for past hour now and I haven't said much, I'm furious and I'm outraged. People like Isaac don't deserve the good things in life, they don't deserve anything. What have I done to deserve this? What did Ariana do to deserve this? She was my first love, she taught me to love and some of my best moments have been with her yet people want to ruin it. Trust... that's something we both believed in, she could be accused of murder and I'd swear it wasn't true because I love that girl so fucking much. Sometimes you've gotta listen to your heart instead of your head, your heart knows what you're feeling but your head tells you what to feel. I remember when we first started dating we spoke endlessly about everything and nothing.

 Now I fear that one day I won't be able to remember the sound of her voice. I want her in my life forever, but not like this, not anymore, it's not the same. Finding her was like coming home. Maybe I'm being absolutely ridiculous, maybe I'm being the biggest jerk ever, but Ariana and I have been through it all. I've been there through the good and bad with her, at times she's pushed me away, like when her Grandfather died and she broke up with me, I know that wasn't her fault but I was a mess. This has been the second time I've felt like this and I can't go there a third time, It's not healthy. Maybe a soulmate is someone who understands the very deepest parts of you without you having to explain. I only just recently proposed to her, I'm broken, this is the girl I truly wanted to spend the rest of my life with and maybe we will, maybe one day we'll find our way back but right now we're too young and too naive.

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*Out Of Jai's Point Of View*

"We're here, do you want me to wait for you?" Beau asked his brother as he turned the engine off before taking the key out.

"No, it's fine, thanks for today, I'll make my own way home." Jai insisted as he picked up the bouquet of sunflowers that were in the back seat. "These are her favorite." Jai informed Beau as Beau smiled in response.

"You sure you're gonna be okay?" He asked his brother noticing something wasn't right.

"I'll be fine, this is just something I've got to do on my own." He insisted as Beau nodded in response.

*Jai Point Of View*

Sometimes you've just got to do what you've got to do. I got out of Beau's car before he set off back home. I stood still for a moment because of how nervous I was before making my way to  security gate that would lead to Ariana's house. Once at the gate, I pressed the white buzzer and waited for a response.

"Pull!" I heard a voice speak a few moments later. I proceeded to pull the gate door open. As I walked through the gate I was met by a long driveway that was lined with pine trees and glass stakes. I walked along the driveway making my way to Ariana's front door pressing the bell and waited for someone to answer.

"Jai.." Frankie spoke softly as he opened the door. He looked remorseful. The sounds of Ariana's dogs barking echoed the house as I walked in and Frankie closed the door behind us.

"Wow, I've missed you guys!" I beamed bending down to the dogs level as the dogs hurried over to me licking my face. I stood up as Frankie looked on even more remorseful.

"I'm sorry, we all know you wouldn't hurt her. You've always been nothing but the best to her and we should have believed you. My Mom's visiting Nonna at the moment but she said to let you know she's sorry." Frankie spoke apologetically to Jai as Jai put his hand out for Frankie to shake.

"It's okay. She's your sister, you haven't done anything wrong." Jai assured as myself and Frankie shared a hug.

"She's upstairs." Frankie informed me as we broke away from the hug.

"Thanks man." I replied before making my way up the ton of stairs, the sunflowers still tightly in my grip. I made my way along the landing making my way across to Ariana's room. I knocked twice on her bedroom door as I waited for her to respond. A few moments later and she opened the door, My heart sunk as I saw her face for the first time in a while, she had been crying. But she still looked so beautiful. 

"I didn't think you'd show up, I'm so sorry." She spoke softly as I pulled her in for a hug, she was wearing a I love Boca top and black leggings. She sobbed loudly in my arms. I hugged her tightly not wanting to let go of her.

"Please don't cry. I hate seeing you upset. You're so beautiful, please stop crying." I comforted her before breaking away from the hug we was in. I kissed her forehead lightly as she looked up at me. She's the most beautiful-lest girl in the world. We made our way into her room closing the door behind us before sitting down on her bed. 

"These are for you." I mentioned handing her the bouquet of sunflowers.

"Thank you." She beamed before she started talking again. "I'm just so sorry Jai, I should have believed you. I should have known Isaac was behind all of this. I just hope you can forgive me and we can go back to normal. What I have with you is something I don't want with anybody else. I just love you so much. You went out of your way to make me the happiest girl in the world and I've never felt happier when I've been with you. You're the sweetest and most down to earth boy I could ever have in my life." She apologized with a dozen tears filling up in eyes. My heart sunk, I hated seeing her so upset. I didn't respond.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" She questioned me, I couldn't look at her. I put my head down and was met by my watch on my left wrist.

"This whole process has been the worst. I've never felt so shit. I drank vodka everyday and I really wanted to die. I didn't care if people didn't believe me, if you were the only person on this earth that believed me then that's all I would needed to stay strong. I've never felt so alone. All I wanted was you and all I wanted was to just hear your voice. I called so much but you just ignored it." I opened up to her, she was remorseful, I could see it all over her face.

"I'm sorry and I feel so bad Jai, but just imagine it was the other way round.." She defended herself.

"We were built on trust. That was everything we stood for. There were reasons we met, reasons for the good times and reasons for the bad times, and most importantly a reason to end. We have more to learn, more to experience and more loving to do in this lifetime." I spoke deeply to her

"What are you saying?" She said loud enough for me to hear, I saw her eyes fill up with tears and my heart started to beat incredibly fast. 

"This isn't easy for me to do, I don't want to do this." I confided in her. I took her hands holding them tightly as we looked in to each others eyes.

"Then don't do it." She pleaded with me, squeezing my hands tightly before looking back at the flowers then back at me.

"It's what feel right. I've shared a big part of my life with you, you were my first love and truly someone I would never forget. To this day you're my definition of the perfect girl, please don't ever change who you are. I'm going to stay with you because I want you in my life forever but that's all it's going to be. No more sex, no more hands in places they shouldn't be... I think we need to break up." I spoke truthfully to her before blurting out that we needed to break up.

"Break up?! I can't believe you're doing this! I can't be friends with you Jai! You're the love of my life all I'm gonna be thinking about is being with you..." She sobbed, I pulled her into my arms and hugged her tightly again. Seeing her cry was harder than breaking up with her. 

"I'm so sorry, I don't want to hurt you or see you cry." I comforted her rubbing her back lightly. "I don't want to do this babe, but I have to, too much pain has been caused, too much drama, it's not your fault, it's just that we don't work. I can't stand the pain and that's why I have to let you go."I continued. I felt awful. I didn't want to do it. 

"You're are my everything." She spoke softly shaking her head at the through of us not being together. She wiped her tears with her right hand before looking back at me.

"And you are mine, you'll always be." I reassured her, I saw a couple more tears fall from her eyes.

"I can't go on without you, what am I gonna do when I'm sad, you held me in your arms and kissed my face whenever I was crying." She recapped as I felt myself getting emotional.

"You're the most strongest girl I've ever known, you've been through it all, no matter what I'll always be there for you." I praised her as I felt a few tears fall from my own eyes. This wasn't easy. I wanted to cry just as much as her but I had to stay strong.

"I can't even believe this is happening, it's like a nightmare that I can't wake up from. I won't be able to kiss you again, touch you, tell you I fucking love you." She confided in me as I felt worse but the minute.

"Don't make this harder than what is it, I'm just as broken as you are. No matter what happens between us, I will always love you. Whenever you need me I'll be there, day or night, I promise. You'll always be My One and Only." I reassured her again pulling her in for a hug as she accepted.

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*Ariana's point of view*

I'm numb. I'm broken. I'm a wreck. He was my world, my blanket when it was cold and my absolute everything. I should have trusted him. He's so right, trust was our thing. We always said no matter what we'd trust each other, but I went against it and completely betrayed him. It's been a couple hours since... the break up and I miss him already. Frankie's being begging me to open the door so he can comfort me, but I just want to be left alone. I miss Jai's beautiful face, his big brown eyes, his hugs, the way he smelt like heaven, his touch. I miss the way he would kissed me, even when I was sick with the flu. And he'd say "I don't care, I'd kiss you all day if I could," when I apologized for being sick with the flu. I miss how we did most of our kissing in private like it was something too good for others to see. And how sometimes when we kissed, I could feel him smiling against my lips. 

I miss the way he made me smile when I was broken. I miss the way he made me feel like I was beautiful. I miss the way he looked at me like he couldn't look anywhere else. I miss the way he held me in the water when we'd be swimming in my pool. I miss the way I'd sneak out through my window onto the roof, and he'd be waiting there to lay under the stars with me. I miss the way he'd do the most risky things, but still made me feel so safe. I miss the way he kissed me. I miss the way we'd walk on the beach together as the sun would set. I miss the bridge we always sat on when we talked about our lives. The ones we're living now. Without each other.  I fucking miss him.

I blame Isaac of course, he's always been set out to ruin my life, well he's won. My life is ruined, I will be making a statement to the police about him about how he's basically harassed and made false rumors up to ruin my relationship. I always said that I'd be honest with my fans and now or later TMZ will probably make up some bullshit about Jai and I's break up so I'd rather have my say first.


This is for the broken hearted. I know how you feel. My life has been up and down this past year. I don't want to laugh, because I know it's not going to help, but I don't want to cry, because it will just make me feel worse. You feel like your heart is falling apart, but not only that, but you know soon your life is going to feel like it's falling apart too. You don't think it will ever end, and no matter what this person has done to you, it feels impossible to stop loving them. 

And everyone wonders why if they have hurt you so much, then why do you still love them. That's the confusing part, you don't know why, you just do, and the people who hurt you the most, and normally the ones you love the most. And then, after a few weeks, you finally feel a sense of relief, like you're getting happy again, but you know inside that you're just going into denial. And after a few more weeks, you're back to where you were an empty soul and teary eyes. 

You thought you got over them, but really, you just stopped showing it. And you can't help but to show it again. It leaves deep scars on your heart that are there forever. And no one understands how you feel, and how deep you are hurt, no matter who they are, because it hasn't happened to them And even if it has, every broken heart is different. They don't know the true pain you feel and carry each and everyday now, so you learn that basically you are alone with all this. And the feeling starts to overwhelm you, and suddenly you just break down, right there, because you know you've had enough, the tears just instantly start flowing, and you're to the point where you don't care who see's. Because you've spent so many nights lying awake in bed, and so many days being haunted by the scars and fear of rejection. And in the midst of all these tears, you know that its not helping any, and it's not going to bring them back, if you ever even had them in the first place. 

After about a million tears have been cried, you finally pull yourself back together and keep going. Your throat starts to clench and your eyes burn with the tears you are trying to hold back. Everyone says, "It will be okay..." But you know it won't. And that's the truth, it won't. And you look back on all of the hurt you had from this, and you realize that people are horrible. You're still hurt, but you've learned to hide it so that everyone thinks you are okay. So now every time you see this person, you know you still love them, and you feel a slight tingle in your heart yearning for them to love you, screaming out, but for some reason they don't hear it. And then you sit back and wonder how one person could have caused all.

You've probably all seen the article today, I feel stupid, I should have known it was Isaac. For a longtime that man has set out to destroy my life. It's worked. I've lost everything. I've lost my everything.  For the past month, I've been in the headlines due to a cheating scandal that surfaced about my 'Ex Boyfriend' (that hurts to type) it came out today that the story was in fact a bunch of lies. I want to apologies to Jai for not believing him and just thank him for all the memories we shared. He'll always be my one and only.  

                                                                        *           *                 *               *                 *  

And that's the end everybody! 5336 Words of absolute sadness. I worked so hard on this chapter for the past few months I have been working on it, so I apologize for not updating in a long while. I just wanted to create a really good chapter. It's not the end though, I said I'll be doing two alternative endings, ONE HAPPY & ONE SAD. The happy alternative ending will be published very soon.


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