Sinned Blood

By bukiiwrites

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Sold by her father, Sky lands in the hands of seven brothers hiding a dark secret. Despite their attractive f... More

Chapter 1 ~ The brothers
Chapter 2 ~ Trapped
CHAPTER 3 ~ Dinner's served
CHAPTER 4 ~ Only chance
Chapter 5 ~ Monster
Chapter 6 ~ Sinned Blood
CHAPTER 7 ~ Behind closed doors
Chapter 8 ~ From Fear 2 Lust...
Chapter 9 ~ Not herself
Chapter 10 ~ First time
Chapter 11 ~ Too close
Chapter 12 ~ Twice As Bad
Chapter 13 - A Deal With The Devil
CHAPTER 15 ~ Facing Thorns
CHAPTER 16 ~ Thick Air
CHAPTER 17 - Was It A Dream
CHAPTER 18 ~ Pressure
CHAPTER 19 ~ Pain
CHAPTER 20 ~ Past Affairs
CHPATER 21 ~ New Wounds
CHAPTER 22 ~ Now or Never
CHAPTER 23 ~ Déjà Vu
CHAPTER 24 ~ Cruelty
CHAPTER 25 ~ Shared Fun
CHAPTER 26 ~ The Past Part 1
CHAPTER 27 ~ The Past Part 2
CHAPTER 28 ~ The Past Part 3
CHAPTER 29 ~ Curiosity

CHAPTER 14 ~ Bad Choices

3.5K 44 72
By bukiiwrites


"HGGH!" After throwing Sky into his bed, he takes off his shirt and puts it into the basket.

"Damn, breakfast. I gotta say you got me there too. If he doesn't believe that, then I don't know anymore." He walks to his nightstand and grabs the whiskey bottle pouring himself a glass, "Though, you were pretty hesitant in the beginning." With his eyebrow raised, he looks down at Sky, who props herself up slowly.

"I'm so sorry it didn't come out of the pistol. It's not like I had any time to study my text." She scoffs and turns her head away.

"My my... Look at that sass of yours. What has gotten into you, little one?" He says while taking a few sips. But Sky doesn't respond to him. She rolls her eyes and sits down at the edge of the bed, looking at the tv.

"You can turn it on. I doubt anything is exciting to watch at this hour but try your luck."

She looks at Ryan, who walks to the wardrobe, watching every step he makes. She didn't think of it then, but when he started stripping, she realized that he planned to get changed.
She immediately looks back at the TV after turning it on, trying her best not to turn her gaze back to him.

She is well aware that his physique is anything but a turn-off. At least not to her. With his muscular torso and that angelic face, she knows that he probably had many fans in his life. But he probably lost those fans the moment they got to meet his personality, which indeed is the biggest turn-off she's ever experienced.

"You struggling?"

"WHAT?? No! I- I'm not. It's not hard not to look at you, you know?!"

Ryan: 🤨

"I was talking about the remote. 😌😏"

He walks up to her and takes the remote away from her hand, turning on the menu.

"Do you want to watch Netflix? You can also check if there is a movie playing right now. Here. This is how you switch channels. This tv is pretty hard to get. I didn't want it, but meh. They thought it was a good idea to get this one since you could get seven with the price... of... four..." Ryan raises his eyebrow at Sky, who's been watching him awkwardly this whole time.


"I- Why are you speaking to me like a normal... thing."

He rolls his eyes at her remark and hands her the remote. While going back to his wardrobe, he unbuckles his belt and makes a slapping sound with it after pulling it out.

"Of course, we can also do Netflix and chill if you insist." He smirks at her from over his shoulder, followed by another roll of his eyes, "You think I'm incapable of having a normal conversation?" He takes off his pants and boxers and puts on a new pair, followed by sweatpants.

"I doubt you're capable of anything normal." She jibes while switching through the channels.

"Well, I honestly don't care what you think." He smirks and jumps on the bed, reaching for his glass. He opens the nightstand and takes out his book and his glasses, putting them on.

Not realizing what's happening behind her, Sky does feel weird about this situation. How can she feel comfortable with him lying behind her? Is she supposed to feel relaxed and watch TV while being watched by-

"DAMON SALVATORE!!!" She yells and points at the TV.

"Bless you."

"What? No. Damon Salvato-" She turns around to him and stops her sentence.

Sky: 😟😶
Ryan: 🤓🤏   🤨👓🤏


"You wear glasses? Aren't you guys supposed to have supervision or something?"

"Who tf told you that." Ryan questions and takes a sip of his whiskey.

"Anyways... I didn't know the vampire diaries are playing right now. Of course, I have watched it like eight times already, but whenever I start it again, it's like I fall in love all over again." She raves while eagerly turning up the volume.

"A vampire show, huh?"

"Yes! The best there is."

"Worth watching?"

"Oh, please. The moment you watch it, you'll make fun of everything they mention about vampires." She rolls her eyes.

"That is indeed true." He smiled and finished the glass. While pouring himself in another one, he continues to read his book, hearing her heartbeat racing.

"Ayo, calm your tits. It's just a show."

"This is the scene where Damon is helping Elena with her workouts. God, look how he pulls him close to her. I'd give anything to be Nina Dobrev in that scene. 😩"

"Sigh. Just make sure not to turn the volume up too high. Don't want the others to come in here to complain."

3 A. M.

"You know, this is the moment for little human girls to go to sleep."

"LIFE IS A HIGHWAAAAAAY! I'VE BEEN RIDING ALL NIGHT, LOOOOONG!" Ryan looks at her in confusion as she stands on his bed singing the song.

"It's 'I want to ride it all night long and not... what you said." Sky rolls her eyes at him and sits back down while she continues to watch the movie.

"You're not seriously watching Cars, right?"

"Tsk, and you're not seriously reading..." Sky tilts her head a bit to read the title of the book "'The art of Love'...?" With that being said, Ryan slams the book shut and puts it back on the nightstand, where he grabs himself the empty whiskey bottle. Sky follows him with her eyes as he gets up to put it next to the door on the drawer while getting a new one out.

As he walks back, she can't but wonder what it tastes like. He's been drinking a lot of it and doesn't seem to be drunk yet. Maybe that's some vampire ability as well, she thinks. Tempted by the thought of it, she secretly grabs his glass and takes a little sip of it. But the drink does not meet her taste at all, making her cough. So she puts it away, hoping he wouldn't notice.

"You could have just asked. I could have told you that this drink isn't for you."

"It wasn't bad. But it tastes like I burning wood that's been dunk into a pot of sweet flowers." Ryan chuckles and gets back into bed while putting the bottle down.

Sky turns off the tv and scoots to the edge of the bed, looking down at her blood-drenched clothes.

SKY's P.O.V.

What am I doing here? Did I forget who I am talking to? I can't let my guard down, not even when he acts normal. I slightly look at him from over my shoulder while he fills another glass with whiskey.

This is so awkward. Why can't I just sleep in my bed?

He gave me the chance of obeying him or being manipulated. I don't know what's worse. Being able to make my own choices that my heart and mind disagree with or being forced to obey his will so I have an excuse but no control over my mind.

"Can I please go to my room to get changed? That bastard Zachary bought me clothes today, so I don't have to wear your guys' stuff." Ryan seems to be amused as I call his brother a bastard. Glad he's enjoying himself.

I get up and walk out of the room, inhaling deeply as  I have a little bit of freedom. Quickly making my way to the room they gave me, I find out that Zachary has put all the bags next to the bed.

"What a gentleman." I scoff in disgust, unable to forgive him and Ryan for what they did to me. They almost killed me while enjoying every little bit of suffering I'd felt.

Come on, focus and hurry or that dipshit will get aggressive.

I open the bags in front of me and pull out cute shorts and one of the tops we bought me. Though I dislike that guy, sincerely I must admit that he has good taste. I run into the shower and take off my clothes, throwing them down on the floor.

"Ugh, this blood is all over me... I still can't believe I was at the edge of dying." I walk into the shower and turn on the warm water. It relaxes me, and I feel how all my muscles go back in place from being stiff all day. I close my eyes and let the warmth embrace me gently while I rub the dried blood off my healed body.


Not all healed, I guess.

The bruise on my arm is still fresh and burns uncontrollably strong. Hoping I won't get another one of those, I hurry up and finish washing myself within five minutes. Just when I was reaching for the towel, I notice a figure standing in the corner.


3rd P.O.V.

Zachary, who woke up from the scream next door, rushes out of bed and into Sky's bedroom. Noticing that the bathroom lights are on, he runs to the door and knocks three times.

"Yo, you good?? I heard you scream."

"AGGH!" He hears Sky screaming. He wastes no time and slams the door open only to find her lying on the floor. His hand reaches for the towel on the wall, and he immediately covers her with it as he kneels next to her.

"What happened? Did you fall?"

"Someone's in here!" She panics and watches her surroundings hysterically. Zachary looks around, trying to understand who she might have seen. There is no window in this bathroom, so nobody could have escaped.

"What did they look like? Was it one of my brothers?"

"No! No! I- I don't know who it was. I could barely see it, but it burned me!" She sobs and snuggles into the towel. Zachary stands up and tries to see whether he can see his reflection in the mirror. Maybe it was her reflection that scared her. But from how fogged it is, he doubts it.

He reaches down to her to help her up, ensuring her body is covered with the towel.

"It's all good. Nobody is in here, okay? Just us. Come on." He says and walks her to the bedroom where she had already laid out the clothes. Zachary looks down at them and smiles softly.

"You'll look great in them." He says and sees that she is anything but happy about his remark.

"You good? Did I say something wrong?" Sky's gaze remains on the floor. She does not seek to speak to him after what he had done to her. Making her believe he won't hurt her and yet hunting her down in the city like a wild animal. And knowing that he's been the first one to bite her back then and who made her believe that it was, Ryan still disturbs her. Especially since she cannot forget all those words, he'd been telling her.

"I see. You're mad, huh? Understandable. Still hope we'll have some fun now and then." He says and reaches for her cheek, but she slaps his hand away.

"No. I'm Ryan's from now on. And expect for him... nobody can have me." Saying those words make Sky feel sick to her stomach.

"Eh, did I just hear you correctly? You're Ryan's?" Sky nods and rubs her legs together. Standing in her towel with Zachary in front of her is making her more uncomfortable than she thought it would.

"Well, if you're Ryan's, then I hope you know what you signed up for."

"Huh? What do you mean-" Sky looks up to make eye contact with him only to see that the room is empty. She inhales profoundly and walks to the mirror to look at her burned back. She was sure that she turned the water off before seeing that thing. She knows something burned her. There is no way she's been imaging that.


Finally done with everything, Sky walks back to Ryan's room while being more exhausted than before. Her hair is still slightly wet, but she did not bother to dry it entirely. Not with her being so tired. But how will she sleep with Ryan in a bed? She still doesn't understand why she has to sleep in a room with him.

She thought being his meant being his to suck from. So why do they need to lay in a bed like an old married couple, she thinks to herself.

She opens the door and steps into the dark room, hoping he's already asleep. But the moment she closes it, she's being pulled into bed, her head hitting the mattress.


"Shh. Took you long enough." Ryan pushes her face down into the mattress while being on top of her with her hands behind her back. He leans down to her ear and licks her earlobe teasingly, causing her body to send slight chills down her back. She tries to turn her head away from him, but he continues, and so does the tingly feeling.

"P-please, stop!"

"Why?" He smirks and looks down at her while removing the hair from her face and neck with his free hand.

"Because I don't want to be turned on by someone like you..." Her honest response surprises Ryan. He sure did not expect to hear this from her. Of course, he felt the unease within her. Her heartbeat called it out. But he did not think she would just tell him that.

"What does it mean to be yours? Constantly being sexually harassed, burned, bitten, and punched?" As soon as he hears the word 'punch,' he inhales deeply, remembering the way he slammed her body into the wall.

"For the last time, I'm not interested in your body in that way." He says and takes the belt he put on the bed to use it for her hands. He ties them tightly together behind her back so she can no longer move them. As he finishes, he flips her over, having her struggle to break her arms free.

"Then why are you doing this?" Ryan places his fingers down on her neck, feeling her pulse quicken as blood shoots through her head, making her blush.

"This. Having your head be filled with so much blood and your skin being so hot that I could burn myself, that's what I love." He says and leans down to her neck, licking his way up to her ear.

"You asked me what it means to be mine. For now, it means I'm the only one to touch you, to hold you, and to suck your blood. And once you want me, you'll see that there is much more that you'll desire."

"Desire?! The only thing I desire is being free from this nightmare!" She hisses and slams her head against his to push it away from her neck. But that caused her nothing but a headache.

"Nice try." He chuckles and looks down at her appearance, raising his eyebrow curiously.

"You look beautiful. Did you dress like this for me?"

"I don't dress to impress. I dress, so when I die, I die sexy." She smiles at him proudly, making him chuckle. He takes a deep breath to inhale her sweet scent. The scent he's been craving all day already. The only smell that's been driving him crazy lately.

Sky can see his pleasures expression and shifts shyly in her position, wishing she could hide her red face. Never has she ever been with a guy the way he's been with her. No guy has ever been on top of her this way without sucking her blood. She only realizes now that she'll probably never experience what it means to share those intimate things with another person.

You are giving yourself to be with a stranger or a loved one for a night, sharing their bodies with passion, softness, or roughness. She'll never know. So when he is this close to her, she can't but feel a little curious.

"You're blushing. Probably been a while since a guy been this close to you, huh?" He smirks and moves her up, so her head lays on the pillows.

"Actually..." She's being cut off with him getting up to light the candles in his room. "Wh-What are you doing?"

"Candlelight. This way, I can see your facial expressions better without having a bright light in my face." After he finishes lighting up the last candle, he downs his whiskey glass finishing this bottle.

"You were saying?"

"Never mind." She says while trying to free her arms from his belt.

"You seriously want me to make you say it?" He sighs and gets back in bed.

"You said something, and I wanted to say that I've never... well..." Ryan looks at her in surprise. Sky being a virgin was news to him he didn't see coming. It is not like it matters to him. He doesn't care about her in that way, but it still surprises him.

"I'm not surprised."

"Wow, thanks, you bitch." She says and tries to kick him, but he grabs her leg into his hand and leans down between them, his face inches away from her most sensitive area.

"Ayo! Back off!" She says and tries to push his head away, but he keeps her legs in place. Not interested in what's under those shorts, he draws his attention to her soft thigh that's just asking for him to bite it. He places soft kisses on it and licks the skin, teasing her. Feeling her shiver from his touch gives him a satisfaction he does not want to escape from.

"Your blood must be boiling right now. I wanted to let you rest for tonight, but I can't resist you." He sinks his teeth deep into her soft flesh, breaking her skin aggressively. But instead of bringing her pain and suffering, he figures seeing her enjoying this sweet torture would be just as tempting.

His grip loosens up, and so does his jaw as he starts sucking the blood out of Sky's thigh.

SKY's P.O.V.

R-Ryan... Plea-please stop!" I stutter quietly but receive no reaction. The moment he pushed his teeth into my skin, I felt a horrible sharp sensation like hundreds of burning hot needles being hit into my leg. But I have to admit that after a few seconds, it indeed started to feel... quite different from how I know this feeling.

The way he uses his tongue against my skin while he sucks my blood out. And not only that... The way he sucks, something about it is different. It doesn't burn nor hurt like it always does. This time it's more tingly and... enjoyable? No, what am I thinking? This treatment can be anything but pleasant.


I try to restrain myself from finding pleasure in Ryan's actions, but the more he sucks, the more it tickles. I can feel little shivers running through my body which go right to my clit. It feels like the times I've been pleasuring myself, but this time, the pleasure is being caused by pain.

I try my best not to moan, but the moment he pulls his teeth out and licks the blood off my leg, a little sound slips my lips.

"Oh? It sounds like someone likes it."

"Ryan, please... Just let me go to sleep."

"After hearing you moan like that, you think I'm going to stop?" He chuckles and turns to my other leg. He wastes no time and dugs his sharp fangs into it, continuing the pleasure. The truth is, I don't know if I wanted him to stop just then.

"Ry..." My breathing becomes quicker while I feel the pleasure increasing. The more my desire grows, the I'm afraid that it becomes noticeable. I hear him chuckle and look down with a worried expression on my face.

"I didn't know you like it THAT much. Good to know."

"I d-don't know what you're talking about..."

"No? Well, let me enlighten you then. The scent of you being aroused is tempting me to keep going. So forgive me if I suck so much till you faint."

"Th-the scent...?"

"Oh, come on. Don't tell me you're not experienced with the female body." He chuckles and bites into a new spot that is now closer to my private parts. I didn't even realize it until he pointed it out, but my panties are soaked.

The embarrassment doesn't last long, though, as I am now faced with the overwhelming tingly feeling of his next bite. And the spot he's chosen seems more sensitive because whenever he sucks, I feel electricity shooting right to my pussy, making me twitch.

"F*ck... I hate you..." Why does he have to pleasure me? I despise him so much, so why does he feel the need to make me crazy for his touch?

My head is filled with thoughts that keep coming back after being pushed away by the urge to touch myself. My body starts to move uncontrollably as I try to make my leg more against his mouth. But by moving like that, I can feel myself moving my pussy slightly against his hand, the friction causing me to jerk a little.

Feeling horrible about my actions, I try to stop myself but right now, my body seems to be acting on its own. I move my hips to the side again, where my pussy meets his hand once more, making me moan softly.


I can feel him smirking against my leg. Did he notice? He suddenly stops sucking and licks the running blood off before whispering in his deep lust-filled voice.

"Let me help you out a little..."

Now he is not only sucking the blood out of my leg, but I can feel his finger on my shorts, trying to find the spot that's going to drive me crazy once he touches it. And within two seconds, he found it. With his mouth sucking the life out of me and his finger rubbing my clit gently, I am now being sent over the edge.

"Ryan... Oh god..." At this point, I am no longer controlling my moans anymore. I arch my back in pleasure, trying to meet his touch as his fingers move in a circular motion on my clit. The pleasure that this friction gives me causes my body to heat up immensely. Being touched like that by another person is, in fact, a whole new experience than feeling myself.

It feels like his touch is sending electricity throughout my whole body. My moans have now turned into muffled screams as I bite my lip hard to stay quiet. But Ryan knows no stop. He continues to suck harder and harder till my vision slowly starts to get black. But instead of letting me pass out, he puts more pressure on my clit, making me jump in pleasure.


I feel something build up. Something I've never felt before. The ecstasy is becoming more, and so is the urge to cum from this monster's actions. No longer able to handle this treatment, I let my orgasm flow, my back arching hard as the pleasure overflows my burning body. Though Ryan noticed my reaction, he does not seem to stop.

"S-stop! Ohh myy... Yesss.."

He continues to rub my clit hard, obviously too satisfied to stop just now. I try to move my body away from him, but he keeps me in place and does not only work his finger on my pussy, but the way he uses his tongue while sucking is like he's pulling just the right nerves.

The fantastic feeling is slowly starting to become a mix of pleasure and pain as he brings out another orgasm. I grip tightly onto the bedsheets and tilt my head back at the incredible feeling of another orgasm building up. My body tenses at his touch. It arches while I am starting to scream in ecstasy.


And just when I thought it was over after I came again, he continues. I've never had three orgasms at once. I had little breaks in between, but nothing like this. And nothing has ever felt this good and horrible at the same time. My body is shaking uncontrollably as I think the next orgasm to build up slowly.


No longer able to handle this immense pleasure, I push myself to the side with all my power, closing my legs. When pulling my leg away from his teeth, I could feel them ripping my skin apart. But the pleasure I feel is so immense that I can not focus on anything else and especially not pain.

My body is weak from the blood loss and shaking from the incredible feeling he gave me.


"You did great." He says and comes behind me to untie my arms from my back. Finally able to move them again, I pull them to my front, resting them there. He looks down at the bedsheets, chuckling as he sees something.

"The sheets are ruined for tonight." He amusingly points out, making me more embarrassed than I already am. Now that my mind is at the right place again, I have all time to think about the regret I'm feeling. How could I-

"No, don't do that."

"Huh?" I look up to him and see him lick my blood off his fingers.

"You were enjoying yourself, right? You wanted pleasure and I gave you pleasure, so if you want to regret something, regret... being born. But not this."

"Easy for you to say. You're not the one facing a dilemma."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, it isn't a secret that you guys are all fucking hot. But whenever I think of you or the others in that type of way, BOOM! I have to remember, oh yeah, wow, you are the bad guys! You aren't even guys- GOD, and YOU AREN'T EVEN HUMAN! And knowing what kind of a sadist you are doesn't make the whole immortal thing better, you know? But hey! Who am I to judge because I just let this sadist make me come three freaking times! So what does that make me?? A bad person? An irresponsible bitch? Does it make me hoe?? Am I supposed to feel guilty?? Should I hate myself now??"

"You seem to be overrea-"

"YOU KNOW, if you were a good guy, then I'd be like, OH SHIT, HE'S A VAMPIRE! Meh, but at least he got morals and all and a sense of decency BUT NO! You're the opposite of that! PLUS, you've been trying to kill and torture me for days now, SO PLEASE TELL ME! After letting you, a sadistic, psychotic vampire pleasure me and ignoring facts completely and rather deciding to listen to my desire for your touch, what does that make ME?!"

The room is filled with silence as I start to calm down again from my mental breakdown. I honestly don't know where all that came from. I didn't know how frustrated I genuinely am.

"Well, I'm not an expert, but it makes you human. Calling you a hoe for this, ain't it. And in your world, this was probably a mistake, but in my world, you only live ones, and you have plenty of opportunities to make mistakes, rethink them, learn from them, etc. But even if, who tf cares."

He is right. This was probably a big mistake... letting my guard down and losing all self-respect just like that, but in the end, I'm just human. And this is what I've wished for, making my own choices.

Great. I had the chance to make so many choices, and I'm already fucking up real good. Great job, Sky...


Ryan is the bad guy and that hasn't changed. Don't take Sky as a role model and remember that this is a story which hasn't ended yet. 🐛

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