Lay Me Down

By Thischickisbomb

14.7M 128K 27.4K

Lizzie had been forced to sleep with men for as long as she can remember to support her mom and stepdad's rag... More

Lay Me Down Chapter 1
Lay Me Down Chapter 2
Lay Me Down Chapter 3
Lay Me Down Chapter 4
Lay Me Down Chapter 5
Lay Me Down Chapter 6
Lay Me Down Chapter 7
Lay Me Down Chapter 8
Lay Me Down Chapter 9
Lay Me Down Chapter 10
Lay Me Down Chapter 11
Lay Me Down Chapter 12
Lay Me Down Chapter 13
Lay Me Down Chapter 14
Lay Me Down Chapter 15
Lay Me Down Chapter 16
Lay Me Down Chapter 17
Lay Me Down Chapter 18
Lay Me Down Chapter 19
Lay Me Down Chapter 20
Lay Me Down Chapter 21
Lay Me Down Chapter 22
Lay Me Down Chapter 23
Lay Me Down Chapter 24
Lay Me Down Chapter 25
Lay Me Down Chapter 27
Lay Me Down Chapter 28
Lay Me Down Chapter 29
Lay Me Down Chapter 30
Lay Me Down Chapter 31
Lay Me Down Chapter 32
Lay Me Down Chapter 33
Lay Me Down Chapter 34
Lay Me Down Chapter 35
Lay Me Down Chapter 36
Lay Me Down Chapter 37
Lay Me Down Chapter 38
Lay Me Down Chapter 39
Lay Me Down Chapter 40
Lay Me Down Chapter 41
Lay Me Down Chapter 42
Lay Me Down Chapter 43
Lay Me Down Chapter 44
Lay Me Down Chapter 45
Lay Me Down Chapter 46
Lay Me Down Chapter 47
Lay Me Down Chapter 48
Lay Me Down Chapter 49
Lay Me Down Chapter 50
Lay Me Down Chapter 51
Lay Me Down Chapter 52
Lay Me Down Chapter 53
Lay Me Down Chapter 54
Lay Me Down Chapter 55 (COMPLETED)
One Shot!!!!!
Lay Me Down One Shot Winner

Lay me Down Chapter 26

239K 1.9K 293
By Thischickisbomb



 Shoutoutsz to @rubi_ale for the new cover. I personally love it! What do you guys think? Anyways I really appreciate her doing that.

I woke up the next morning before anybody else. I slowly made my way out of bed trying not to wake up Jenny who occupied the other side. I grabbed some clothes and walking into the bathroom closing the door behind me.

I looked at myself in the mirror. The skin around my eyes were darkened due to the mascara and eyeliner that had ran and smudged during the process of crying last night. My hair was in a disarray on my head. I turned on the shower and stripped my clothes from my body. I hopped in and let the warm water consume me along with my thoughts. The water ran down my body and the thoughts ran through my mind. You fuck a bunch of guys, why can't I do a bunch of girls? It broke my heart hearing him say those things to me. I kept trying to remind myself that he didn't mean it. If they paid me would we be even? He had thrown everything back in my face. I was starting to think again that I had no one in this world. No matter what, everybody would hurt you in some kind of way; perhaps not purposely but it would eventually happen. We hurt the ones we love the most.

I ran my hands through my hair trying to detangle it. The water was beginning to turn tepid so I increased my speed. How long had I been in here? I finished and put on some shorts and a hoodie.  I walked out of the bathroom and saw Jenny still lying there motionless. I slipped my feet into some flip flops and walked out of the room closing the door quietly behind me. I assumed that the guys were still asleep because I heard no noises, not that I wanted them to be awake. I really was not looking forward to seeing Carter at the moment. I wasn't mad at him, I was just hurt. He didn't need to say he was sorry because his forgiveness was already granted. I knew it wasn't him, exactly, saying those things . . . well at least I hope it wasn't. You never know though, people tend to speak the truth when they're drunk. They state how they really feel, something they can't summon the courage to do when they are sober.

I slid the door to the patio open and I walked outside closing it behind me. The big ball of fire had not been in the sky for too long so the air was still cool. The breeze from the ocean was cold causing me to shiver. I walked out toward the beach. I lowered myself onto the sand when I was closer to the shore and looked up towards the sky. The clouds were a grayish color indicating that it might rain which explained the cool breeze.

I averted my eyes back towards the sea and stared at it. For how long? I don't know, but long enough for someone to join me. I jumped when Carter sat down next to me.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey." The wind had grown stronger and the waves tousled with the sea. Carter reached out towards me but I flinched, turned my head, and moved away from his touch all at once.


"I guess I deserve that."

I looked at him as last night came roaring into my mind. I felt the tears rise, but I'd be damned to let them fall. "You remember?" I questioned looking out towards the ocean.


"No, but Jay and Jenny told me everything. I'm so sorry Lizzie. I have no control over what I say when I'm drunk. I shouldn't have even gotten wasted. It's just that . . . I just saw you dancing with that guy who had his hands all over you and you weren't stopping him. I guess I got jealous and angry and took more shots to sustain it." He paused and then started again. "I know that's no excuse Lizzie, but I didn't mean anything I said."


"The truth tends to come out when you're drunk. Was that the truth? Is that what you really think of me?" I finally turned my gaze towards him and let the tears fall at their own choice. I just needed to know if he truly thought of me that way.


"No, baby, you know I don't think that. Lizzie . . . I- I didn't mean to hurt you. I wish I could take it all back. If I could I would but, if I thought that, I wouldn't be here with you right now."

I turned my head back towards the sea and wiped my eyes with the sleeve of my hoodie.


"I'm sorry," he said again. "Please don't be angry."  


"I'm not," I told him. He reached his hand out to grab mine but I denied him burying both my hands between my legs. "In the end all you have is yourself," I muttered to myself but he clearly heard me.


"That's not true Lizzie. You know you have me no matter what. You will always have me even if we aren't together." He grabbed my face and made me look at him. "You will always have me," he said pressing his lips against mine.  

"Don't ever think that you can't turn to me," he mumbled against my lips, "because you always can. You know you can, right?" 

I nodded my head and he pressed his lips against mine. "I'm so sorry," he repeated in between kisses. "Don't cry." He pulled back and wiped my face. "I hate seeing you cry." 

He wrapped his arms around me and I buried my head into his chest. "Forgive me?" he whispered into my ear.


"It's all forgotten."He hugged me closer and I wrapped my arms around his waist wishing we could share this moment forever.


I lay with my head in Carter's lap. His fingers danced with my hair causing me to become sleepy which is what I needed so the ride back could be quicker. Although the air was pretty much cleared between Carter and I things had not gone exactly back to normal yet. We talked, but it wasn't like before. Same with the kisses, the hugs and everything else. I badly wanted our relationship to turn to how it was before but it was taking forever.

Everything now seemed to be a thought process; no one would speak without thinking it all the way through which is why our conversations weren't as entertaining as before. I heard Jenny and Jay talking so I turned my attention to their conversation.

"We are not going," I heard her say.


"Why not? It's a party and we always hit up parties."  


"You know why. Your friend can't handle them," Jenny replied. 

I didn't want to be in this conversation so I closed my eyes and pretended I was sleep.


"Carter do you want to go?" Jay asked.


"Uhhh I don't think it's up to him," Jenny replied. "Lizzie," she called.

"Shsshhh! She's sleeping," Carter told her. The car went quiet and nothing else was said and pretty soon I was asleep.


I woke up when I felt the car jerk and we went over a bump. I lifted my head up.

"Sleep good?" Carter asked smiling.


"Yea," I said sitting up entirely. I looked out the window. The blue sky had turned to what seemed black and we were cruising through town. I must have been sleep for a while if we were already back. I stretched my body and leaned my head against the window.


"So, Lizzie, we were thinking about going to a party down here tonight," Jay stated.


"Okay . . . " 


"You down?" he asked.


"Yea, that's fine," I replied. 

Carter shot me a weird look and so did Jenny. I ignored them. Didn't he want me to trust him? All he had to do was not drink and we were good. I leaned my head back against the window until we arrived at Carter's house to get ready for the party. I got out of the car and went to the trunk to grab my bags.


"You sure about this party?" Jenny asked me as I pulled out my last bag.


"Yup," I responded and then turned to go to the house. I heard voices in the kitchen so I dropped my bag and went in there. Carmen, Reed and Sasha were sitting at the table playing a game of UNO.


"Lizzie?" Sasha said as soon as she saw me. I smiled. She got out of her chair and ran to me giving me a hug. I picked her up.


"Hey princess," I said.


"Where's Carter?" she asked.


"He'll be here in a minute." Carter and his mom weren't exactly on agreeing terms yet and Carter and Reed weren't on any terms yet. I sat her back down to let her continue her game.


"How was the trip?" Carmen asked.


"It was great," I responded. "You should see this one picture a guy drew of me and Carter," I told her.


"I didn't really expect y'all to be home this early," she stated.


"We're going back out," I told her, "we just came here to get ready."

"Hey Ms. C," I heard Jay and Jenny say as they walked in.


"Jay, Jenny it's good to see you two. How is school going?" 


"Good," they both said at the say time.


"Carter!" Lizzie yelled jumping back down from her chair. I laughed as she ran up to him and it was like Déjà vu. He laughed, picking her up.


"I missed you," he told her.


"I miss you too," she said giggling. He went and placed her back in her seat.


"Are you winning?" he asked her.


"Yup, thanks to everything I learned from you!" 


"Good," he said.


"Well, we are going to get ready," Jay said grabbing Jenny's hand and pulling her away.


"We should start getting ready too," I said to Carter. I grabbed his hand and walked out the room and going upstairs picking up my bags along the way.



We pulled up to some building that was located like ten minutes away from Carter's house. We had taken a separate car because we didn't know when Jay and Jenny would want to leave. You could hear the loud music from outside which made me sure that the party wouldn't be lasting very long.

I got out of the car and we walked up to the building and since there was no line or any need to wait we entered. Carter was in front of me and was guiding me through the crowd. I wrapped my arms around his waist and stood on my tippy toes so I could place my lips near his ear.


"No drinking," I said to him. 

He nodded his head and continued walking. As we neared the center of the dance floor Carter turned around and grabbed me motioning for me to dance. I laughed and began to move my hips. Carter was a really good dancer. Carter and I were on our fourth song when Jenny stole me away and we began to dance. Jenny danced behind me and slid her hands up my sides as I moved against her.


"Woooowoooo," I heard Jay scream. "Let me get in the middle!"

I practically died laughing as I continued to dance. I don't know how many songs we had danced to or how long we had been dancing when Jenny suggested that we go freshen up. I did not see Jay or Carter anywhere around us so I followed her. I waited on her in the bathroom as she redid her makeup and adjusted her clothes. Once she was done we exited the bathroom and begin to make our way back to the dance floor.

As I was walking someone bumped in to me. It was so hard that it seemed as if it was done on purpose. I turned around and saw Tammy; of course she bumped in to me on purpose.


"Excuse you," she said as if she was intimidating. I rolled my eyes at her and began to walk away. "Where's Carter?" she asked.


"Why?" I asked her.


"I need to talk to him." 


"About what?" 

She looked at me and smiled. "About the next time he'll be in between my legs."

I rolled my eyes. "Just stop trying Tammy, he doesn't want you." 


"Oh, really? So why is he still having sex with me? You should ask him about that," she said before walking away.

He didn't do it I told myself. He wouldn't do anything with her. That was all before we got together, so there is nothing between them now. Carter was my boyfriend and he was the one that I needed to trust. Why should I listen to some girl that doesn't even like me?


"Lizzie?" Jenny said breaking me out of my thoughts.



"Are you okay?" 


"Of course, don't say anything to Carter about what she said," I replied before walking away. I made my way outside and through the crowd to get some air. It was hot and congested in there and I just needed to think for a minute.

 I stood outside leaning up against the building. I had to trust him. I couldn't let this girl try to ruin our relationship. I know that he wouldn't do that, I repeatedly told myself. I felt hands go around my waist and immediately knew that it was Carter.


"I didn't do it," he whispered in my ear. Jenny must have told him what Tammy said. She could not keep any type of secret to save her life.

"You think if I thought you did that I would still be here?"  


"You weren't going to ask me about it?" Carter asked. "Jenny said you told her not to say anything to me about it."  


"Why would I if I trust you and know you didn't do it?" 


"You trust me that much," he asked turning me around to face him. "Even after the other night?" 

"Should I not?" I asked looking into his eyes. "Did you do something wi-"


"No! I didn't," he assured.


"The other night you weren't yourself," I said to him with a shrug. 

He stared at me for a moment before pressing his lips against mine. "I don't deserve you." 


"Yea, you do," I said kissing him back and that's when everything felt like it was back to normal. Our kisses turned back into magic and his touch made me melt.

"I think we should go," Carter told me.




"To bed." 

I laughed. "Your mom and Sasha are home though."  


"They'll be asleep," he said with a shrug. 

I chuckled. "We can't." 

"We can," he said walking us towards the car. I got in chuckling and Carter drove us back to his place.

He put his fingers up to his lips as we approached his front door signaling for me to be quiet. He slowly turned the knob motioning for me to go in. I went in and he quietly closed the door behind us. I made my way upstairs slowly careful not to make a sound. I entered Carter's room and he closed and locked the door behind us before pulling me towards him. I giggled and he put his finger against my lips which caused me to laugh more.


"Shh! You got to be quiet," he said chuckling. I grinned and pressed my lips to his. He slipped his hands under my shirt lifting it above my head then he moved his lips down to my neck as he unclasped my bra. He trailed his kisses across my shoulders but briefly paused so I could remove his shirt from his body. I kissed his chest a few times before he lifted me up and placed me on the bed, hovering over me. Within a matter of seconds, Carter had gotten all my clothes off my body. It seemed as if he kissed every inch of my body, which made me feel amazing. My body was on fire and my heart palpitated in overdrive. Carter was making me go crazy and he was only getting started.

He  gazed into my eyes as he entered me and he didn't take them away until he brought his lips down to mine; his hands continue to roam over my body.


"Carter?" I gasped. A smile spread across his face. 

He brought his lips to my ear and said, "Let's trade places."  


"What?" I said not really thinking straight and before I knew it he flipped us over. That crazy boy. I began to move my body up and down as I gyrated my hips. He sat up as I continued to move my hips and then wrapped his hands around my waist.


"Damn girl, don't stop," he whispered in my ear. I smiled as I felt my legs began to tremble. I was about to hit my climax. I brought my lips to his and captured his tongue. I felt his hands tighten on my waist as he moved his hips against mine; he was making me go crazy. I wished this moment could last forever because it felt so right. I never wanted to leave his arms and I never wanted it to end.

I buried my head in Carter's shoulder as I caught my breath; being on top was always a workout. Carter leaned his head back against the bed and I leaned down with him laying my head against his chest. His fingers drew swirls on my back as we lay there consumed in each other's presence. I heard Carter's phone go off but he ignored it. It eventually stopped and then it rang again. He sighed. I chuckled rolling of him and crawling under his covers. He got up and answered his phone.


"Yea, I'll be there in a sec," I heard him say. He hung up the phone and reached in his drawers pulling out a pair of shorts and slipping them on.


"Jenny and Jay want to stay the night. I'm about to go let them in."

 I nodded as he walked out the door. A few minutes later. I heard Jay and Jenny talking.


"Where's Lizzie," I heard Jay ask. Oh crap! I searched around the room for some clothes, but I figured by the time I got up that they would be walking by the door so I just pulled the covers up to my shoulders.

Jay walked into the room seconds later. "You and Carter in here getting it in? That's why y'all wanted to take separate cars?" 

I could feel my face turning red.

"Who's getting it in?" I heard Jenny asked. Gosh, could they not be quiet. She emerged in to the room. "Oh, Lizzie's getting it in."

Carter laughed and I swear my face just turned redder and redder. "Make them leave," I told Carter clearly embarrassed. 

He laughed. "Come on the both of you, your room is this way." As soon as he dragged them out I let out a breath and slumped back under the covers.

Carter came back in, closed the door behind him, and then slipped under the covers next to me.


"You were as red as a cherry," he said laughing.


"Shut up," I said turning to face him. 

He brought his lips down to mine. "You're amazing."  

"I wish I could say the same for you," I replied. 

He chuckled. "You will sooner or later."

"Hopefully," I muttered as I moved my body closer to his, soon falling into a slumber.

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