Maze Runner AU Preferences an...

By evansgr07

329 0 0

AU preferences and imagines of Thomas, Newt, and Minho. Some images will not go with the full plot. Thomas, N... More

How You Meet
He Realizes He Likes You
You Realize You Like Him
He Asks You Out
First Date
First Kiss
What you call him
What He Calls You

He Asks You to be His Girlfriend

30 0 0
By evansgr07


You checked your reflection once more in your mirror. 

You and Thomas were going on your third date. You skipped down the stairs into the kitchen. Your mom looked up at you.

"You're not going out like that, are you?" your mother asked. You sighed and rolled your eyes. Sure, your style might be a teensy-tiny bit edgy for some people but it wasn't inappropriate in any way. 

"Mom, it's fine. I'm going on my date with Thomas," you replied. 

"Oh, the football player?" your mom asked.

"That's the one," you sighed. "I'll be back by 9 o'clock. Thomas is here."

You ran out into the driveway before Thomas could step out of the car. You jumped into the passenger seat of his old pick-up truck. You kissed his cheek and Thomas blushed slightly at your affection. You drove to the soccer game and eagerly took your seats. At half time the two of you got boiled peanuts, hotdogs, and pecans. Thomas shyly grabbed your hand in his. You blushed a bit and smiled at his adorkableness. 

"Uh-hey Y/N?" he asked.


"I really like you so would you like to maybe--just posabally, be my... girlfriend?" he asked.

You smiled at Thomas, "I would love to be your girlfriend?" 

"Oh, thank goodness!" Thomas sighed. You laughed and continued to watch the game.



You turned over in your bed with a groan and then leapt out of your sheets. It was your birthday! Not only that but your birthday but your quinceanera!!! Your adoptive parents were Spanish and they insisted on throwing you the celebration. (If you don't celebrate a quinceanera then just pretend.) You had your outfit planned weeks in advance. You pulled it out thinking of the day ahead. Today was Friday, so tonight you were having a huge party! Not only did 15 mark you becoming a woman (by historical standards anyways), it meant you were finally allowed to date! You were hoping Minho would ask you to be his girlfriend. 

You slipped on a lilac dress and pink flats. You then put on your favorite pink jacket and silver earrings. You brushed your (long/short) h/c hair and put the top of it high ponytail. You then brushed your teeth and bounded down the stairs. 

"Morning, Papa," you greeted your father. 

He looked up from his newspaper and smiled. "There's the birthday girl," he said as he gave you a hug. "Oh! How you've grown! Now come on hop in the car!"

"But, it's not time to go and I haven't even eaten," you protested. 

"I'm taking my favorite daughter to the cafe for her birthday breakfast!" he cried. "Now vamonos!" 

When you arrived at school your friends began wishing you a happy birthday left and right. You opened your locker only to see a birthday card. You quickly opened it.

Turn around!

You turned around to see none but the man himself, Minho. "Hey, Birthday girl!" he greeted. "Today your turning 15. So I have a question to ask!" 

Just then Thomas ran out holding a sign:


Next, Newt ran out:


Then, Ben:


Followed by Zart: 


Next was Gally:


And finally, Frypan: 


"So?" Minho asked turning to you. You smiled like a maniac. 

"Of course, Minho!" you said giving him a big hug. 

"I'm not surprised," Minho teased. "I mean, who could say no to me?"

You playfully slapped his chest as you both laughed.


You looked in the mirror at your outfit. You were dressed in your usual unique, artsy style. You were wearing a tan crop-top and sandals. You also had a patterned purple skirt. 

You skipped down the stairs. 

"I'm off!" you called to your dad. You then walked the four blocks to the ice cream parlor. When you got there, Newt was already waiting for you. 

"Hey, love," he greeted.

"Hey, Newtie," you greeted and gave him a tap on the nose. Newt instinctively crossed his eyes and you giggled. Then grabbed his hand leading him inside. You loved the ice cream parlor. Newt ordered a strawberry cheesecake cone and you had a (favorite ice cream) shake. As the two of you sat and talked at a table and ate your ice cream, Zart, Winston, and Frypan walked in. 

"Hey!" Zart called, pulling up at chair to your table and plopping down. "If it isn't  Newton and his girlfriend!" 

You both blushed at the word 'girlfriend'. 

"How are you doing, Newt," Frypan asked with his usual smile. 

Newt squeezed your hand under the table, "A lot better," he answered with a small, genuine smile. 

"Well, we better get some ice cream and shimmy on back to my house for game night!" Winston said. "See ya later, Newt. Newt's girlfriend."

They walked away and your heart once more did somersaults. Imagine actually being called Newt's girlfriend! You finished your ice cream and the two of you began to walk back to your house but took the long way. You tried to reason against it but Newt insisted and he was honestly pretty fast with his crutch. You stopped at the duck pond and sat down on a bench. Newt turned to you and his dark eyes were rimmed with anxiety. 

"Um... I-that is... about what Zart and Winston said back there a-about being my girlfriend. Would you, maybe, actually like to be my... g-girlfriend," Newt asked worriedly.

Much to your disgust, you let out a squeal. Ignoring the squeal you hugged Newt. "Yes, Newt! It would be an honor to be called your girlfriend!" 

Newt pulled you closer, "As it would be an honor to be called your boyfriend."

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