By theeginger_

84K 21.2K 6.9K

A guy, a girl, six weeks, one house. If one day is enough to change a person's life, then six weeks is more... More

Before You Begin
c h a p t e r 1: Guest
c h a p t e r 2: Morning
c h a p t e r 3: Club
c h a p t e r 4: Privileges
c h a p t e r 5: Diary
c h a p t e r 6: Special Dish
c h a p t e r 7: Perfection
c h a p t e r 8: The Dream
c h a p t e r 9: Pool
c h a p t e r 10: Visitor
c h a p t e r 11: Moms
c h a p t e r 12: Insecure Jackson
c h a p t e r 13: Groove On
c h a p t e r 14: Stupid Cheap Liar
c h a p t e r 15: Car Ride
c h a p t e r 16: Unknown Messenger
c h a p t e r 17: Wahala
c h a p t e r 18: Ex In The Bin
c h a p t e r 19: #FuckJackson
c h a p t e r 20: Vibes
c h a p t e r 21: In The Morning
c h a p t e r 22: After Effect
c h a p t e r 23: Thirsty Or Not?
c h a p t e r 24: Predators And Preys
c h a p t e r 25: Rebound?
c h a p t e r 26: Deniable Attraction
c h a p t e r 27: Shopping
c h a p t e r 28: Not Special
c h a p t e r 29: Jackson Again
c h a p t e r 30: Jealousy & Distraction
c h a p t e r 31: Somebody's Babe
c h a p t e r 32: Parking Lot
c h a p t e r 33: The Night & Zayley
c h a p t e r 34: Confession
c h a p t e r 35: Confession II
c h a p t e r 36: What Happens Here...
c h a p t e r 37: Rhapsody
c h a p t e r 38: Two Weeks After
c h a p t e r 39: StoryTeller
c h a p t e r 40: ...Until Hell Freezes
c h a p t e r 41: Panic And Heart Attacks
c h a p t e r 42: Wahala II
Few Chapters In [FCI]
c h a p t e r 43: Oops
c h a p t e r 44: Tale
c h a p t e r 45: Bunjee Jumping
c h a p t e r 46: Home
c h a p t e r 47: Overthinking
c h a p t e r 48: Reassurances
c h a p t e r 49: It Wasn't Me
c h a p t e r 50: The Truth
c h a p t e r 51: Official
c h a p t e r 52: The Morning After
c h a p t e r 53: Guest In Kano
c h a p t e r 55: Dinner With The Danjumas
c h a p t e r 56: Him
c h a p t e r 57: Zayley
c h a p t e r 58: Unspoken Words
c h a p t e r 59: The Pawn
c h a p t e r 60: Dilemma
c h a p t e r 61: Truth?
c h a p t e r 62: The Fall Of Zayley
c h a p t e r 63: Orgasms And Eavesdropping
c h a p t e r 64: This Bitch Called Life
c h a p t e r 65: Moving On?
c h a p t e r 66: The Gift
c h a p t e r 67: Surpises
c h a p t e r 68: Hope
c h a p t e r 69: Surprise, Surprise!
c h a p t e r 70: ...'Til We're Hundred
E p i l o g u e

c h a p t e r 54: A Moment For Us

1K 274 42
By theeginger_

Another update before I go MIA. I'll edit pretty soon


"I love your mom," I tell Zayyad when we get into the room.

He stretches, yawning slightly, "Everyone loves her. She's the pillar of the Danjuma family." He walks over to the bed and collapses on it.

"Are you tired?" I ask him.

"A little bit. I hate plane rides, you already know that,"

The room is as big as the one back in Zayyad's penthouse, but with the decorative taste of a younger guy. The bed is queen-sized, resting at the end of the wall with pictures and posters hanging above it—there are pictures everywhere like I'm in a museum telling Zayyad's story.

"Don't you think you think you should take a nap?"

"Babe, I don't take naps, I hibernate. If I close my eyes now, I'm gonna sleep into tomorrow,"

I chuckle, "Then don't sleep because I wouldn't want to be late for dinner," I tell him, walking closer to take a better look at the pictures lined up in different frames on the dresser next to the bed: There's one with Zayyad as a toddler, his father is carrying him but he's crying and reaching out for his mother who's standing next to his father, holding a baby in her arms. "You're so ugly in this picture,"

"Ugly in what picture? Zayyad and ugly can't be in the same sentence, that's impossible,"

"In this picture where you're crying? You're fuckin' ugly here. How old were you?"

He chuckles, "I'm ugly in that particular picture, I don't know why my mom has refused me to take it down,"

"You were not a cute baby at all,"

"I was... that picture of me crying is the only ugly one I've got," He stands up from the bed and walks over to me. "See this one," He shows me one he just picked up, "It was on Sallah day, my favourite picture,"

In this picture, six kids are sitting on a white four-seater couch. "That's you," I point when my eyes land on the golden brown-skinned boy in the middle with a smile on his small face, looking way more innocent than he is now.

"Yeah, that's me," He affirms with the never-changing smile. "And, right there is my older brother, Hamza..." He points at the light-skinned pre-teen sitting at the left end of the chair, "...that's my older sister, Halima, I was born right after her," He moves his index finger to the chubby girl sitting next to Hamza, "Next to Halima is Zainab, she's the oldest sibling, and that right there is Nafisat, the baby of the family." I look at the skinny girl, Zainab, who has a toddler, Nafisat, sitting on her thighs and I smile, everyone's so small, precious, and beautiful.

"Do I get to meet them today?"

"Yeah, definitely. I haven't seen them in like a year,"

"That's a long time,"

"I know,"

My eyes land on the girl sitting at the right end, he didn't say anything about her, so I ask, "Who's that?"

"Um, that's Aisha,"

"Is she your sister, too?"


My brows crease, "Did something happen to her?"

"Yeah, suicide," He casually mentions, placing the picture back at its original spot and walking to the bed.

"Why?" I ask, following him.

"I don't know," He answers, uninterested.

It feels like I've punctured his mood, and I badly want to 'unpuncture' it. Is there even a word like that? "Sorry I asked," I apologise, sitting beside him.

"Nah, it's okay,"

An awkward silence engulfs us and he whips out his phone to make a business call. Watching Zayyad make calls like this, is one of my favourite things, it's such a weird turn-on when he's so serious with work and just being a boss to his employees and second-in-commands.

I stay quiet, listening to every word even though I have no idea what he's instructing them on.

A few minutes later, the call ends. "What's the time on your phone, babe?" I ask, glad that his business call has diverted him as far away as possible from the suicide talk. "Your mom says we have to be ready for dinner before eight,"

He looks at his wristwatch, "it's almost six,"

"I need to find something to wear,"

"For dinner?"

"Yes, baby, for dinner,"

"Bev, you look good in anything. You could be wearing a rice sack and I'd still fuck you,"

I look at him. "Horny much?"

He laughs.

I'm happy to be here with him, seeing his mother accept me in less than a second made me mentally, emotionally, and physically calm, I have nothing to be worried about as long as she's okay with me being here, besides, she's the pillar of this family just like Zayyad said, I don't think anyone would want to go against the pillar of the family.

I rest my head on his arm. "I love you so much, Zayyad. I always have... right from the first day I looked at you at that parking lot. When you called me beautiful, I knew you were talking about me but you being you, covered it up and said you were talking about the city,"

He chuckles, "I love you, too, but I was talking about the city that day, not you,"

I raise my head and look at him. "I was gonna kiss but you just ruined it, go and collect your kiss from Abuja," I stand up from the bed and begin to dramatically walk away from him, heading nowhere.

He laughs, following me and catching up, "Where are you even going, drama queen?"

"Nowhere, just wanted to be dramatic," I answer, and he smiles, wrapping his hands around my waist as I take steps backward until my back touches the wall.

He is looking at me with so much love in his eyes, and I want to spiritually ascend into heaven because... Omo. Is there anyone who'll look at me the way this man does? Someone who'll speak to my soul just from locking eyes with me?

"We were made for each other, Beverly, and yes, I was referring to you that day because you changed my entire being. My emotions. My head. You rewired me. I swear it feels like juju," [Voodoo]

I chuckle. "Juju? See this one, have you been jazzed before?" [Enchanted]

"I don't think so," He sniggers. "Do I get my kiss now?" He asks, already cupping my face in his hand. I don't even say yes before he starts to kiss me and God! This man is like drugs to my body. At this point, if I go twenty-four hours without him I might faint and go into a coma.

I'm kissing him back and my whole-being wants more than just kissing him, but this is his parents' house and I'm not quiet during sex, so, I guess we'll have to stay away from each other for the next hours we'll be h— before I even finish my thought, he starts to reach for the hem of my T-shirt.

"Baby... babe... Zay, don't... don't," I struggle to say but he shuts my mouth with his kiss, barely letting me get words out as he takes off my shirt. Of course, I let him, you think it's easy to resist someone like this.

I continue to kiss him but if I let this continue for three more seconds, we'll be fucking each other on that bed and I don't want that... but where is the might to stop this euphoric thing? It has gone on a vacation to Ghana.

A knock on the door jolts us out of the moment and Zayyad turns to the direction with a frown, "Who the fuck is that?" He rhetorically questions in a low voice.

"Ignore it, whoever's there is gonna go away if we don't answer it," I say, cupping his face and trying to resume kissing him.

You don't mean it. I thought you said you were looking for a way to stop this kiss, my subconscious mocks.

Mind your business. That was three seconds ago, I don't want to stop now, haba.

We resume kissing, but this person doesn't go away, he/she keeps knocking and it gets annoying. "Oh my God!" I let out, annoyed.

"Babe, I'll get it. Go wait for me on the bed,"

"You sure? You could just ignore it," I softly say.

He smiles, "Whoever it is wouldn't go away, trust me. Go to the bed,"

I look at him, brows raised. Can't he see the bulge in his trouser or he thinks it's magically going to disappear when he gets to the door? "Zay, I'll go, don't worry,"


"That," I say pointing at his groin, "is definitely telling me to answer the door,"

He smiles, embarrassed. "Go on then,"

I walk to the door and slightly open it, sticking my head out, and standing there is Nafisat with a smile on her face, "Just the person I wanted to see,"

"H-hi Nafisat,"

"What took you forever to open the door?"

"Uh... Zayyad and I were taking a nap," I say, forcing a yawn.

"Aw, I'm sorry I interrupted your sleep, but Mariam just cancelled our outing to the mall and I desperately need you to please come with me, I can't go alone. Please, plesseee," She says with a grimace, awaiting my answer.

"Um..." I look behind me and my eyes meet with Zayyad before I turn to Nafisat, "why?"

"I have anxiety moving alone and I hate the police escort, they just come with unnecessary attention,"

"I have anxiety when I move alone, too," I chuckle, already wanting to go with her, "but, If I go with you, I'll be late to dinner,"

"No, you wouldn't, I promise. We'll come back just in time for dinner. Please, I'll get you anything you want,"

I sigh. I don't wanna leave Zayyad hanging but it wouldn't be bad to go out with Nafisat and probably bond with her. "Do you know a place I can get amala?"

"Yes I do, but my mom hates it when anyone eats before dinner, so we can get amala tomorrow or the day after,"

"Okay, give me a second, let me fix my hair,"

"Thank you! I'll be waiting for you right here," She cheekily says and I shut the door, returning to Zayyad. "I have to go," I tell him.

He furrows his brows, "To where?"

"The mall. Now,"

"That was Nafisat at the door, wasn't it?"

"Yeah," I climb the bed, move nearer to him and plant a quick kiss on his lips. I want to go but he snakes his hands around my waist, pulling me until I collapse on him, our nose, almost touching. "Tell her you can't go, please,"

"I can't, she looks like she needs my help," I say, sticking out my bottom lips.

"So, you're just gonna leave me in this state,"

"Don't act like you're about to die,"

He gives my ass a brief rub. "I'll die if I don't see you back here in thirty minutes, I fuckin' need you right now," He says, his voice deep and filled with desire.

"Be quiet,"

"I'm just gonna run a cold shower before you–"

The door opens up, "Beverly, do you want me to help you wit– oh!" The moment we hear Nafisat's voice, Zayyad throws me off him and I almost land on the ground. "Ah!" I shriek.

"Nafisat, what the fuck? Can't you knock?" He almost yells.

"I'm so sorry, she said you were asleep, I thought she needed help with her hair and that's why she was taking forever to come out," She sassily says.

"Well, she didn't call for you,"

"And I didn't know you guys were trying to suck out each other's lungs," She chuckles, "but y'all looked super hot just now,"

"Nafisat, go outside, she'll be with you," Zayyad sternly commands.

"Okay, but two more seconds and I'll walk back in here. I can't give you guys the chance to sin in Baba's house," She accepts, walking out of the room and closing the door.

"Damn, I'm starting to miss the penthouse, because what the actual fuck?" He says to himself before turning to me, "are you okay?"

I chuckle, "Yes, I am. I'm gonna go now," I get off the bed and quickly put my sneakers on. "I'll miss you," I tell him before I open the door.

"Don't stay too long!" He shouts as I walk out the door.

"I won't! I love you, bye!" I reply, shutting the door.

"You guys are so freakin' cute!" Nafisat says, holding my left hand, the motion catches me off guard but I settle into it.

"Thank you, but we have to be quick,"

"Don't worry, we will, I know how much you want to return to him and commit sins,"

"Nafisat," I call, embarrassed.

"I also need all the tea and deets on how you guys met," She cheerily requests as we descend the stairs.

"I'll tell you all of it on our way, just let it be a secret,"

"Ouuu, I like secrets,"

Hey guys, I'm going off the internet until Monday, this is my last update for the moment because after my birthday, I'll have to fly back to Toronto and I know I'll be really tired. I love you guys, dw I'm fine. Byeee. ❤️

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