Y/ntopia (Miitopia x Male Tra...

By TrapMaster20

32K 359 326

What happens when you Isekai a Y/n and then bring more Y/n's who were already Isekaied into said Isekai? The... More

1 - The World of Many Faces
2 - A God's Blessing on Miitopia!
4 - And Then There Were Four
5 - How's it Going Bros, This is the King!!
6 - We've Got Some "Royal" Problems Over Here!!
7 - Greenhorne's Happy Ending
8 - New Place? New Companion!
9 - Working With a Demi-Goddess
10 - Stopping a Genie
11 - Here we go Again!

3 - Let the Adventure Continue!!!

1.9K 22 14
By TrapMaster20

No one's POV

It's now the next morning, and both Y/n and Neptune get ready to take on whatever comes next.

Neptune: You ready, Y/n?

Y/n: Hell yeah! Let's do this!!!

The two then run out of the inn, with weapons in tact. Almost a few seconds after they leave, they get ambushed by two goblins.

Y/n: You take one. I'll take the other.

Neptune: Got it!!!

Y/n then rushes and stabs the goblin in it's eyes, causing it to die instantly, and Neptune grabs his sword and cuts through the other goblin with ease.

Neptune: That was easy.

Y/n: Yeah.

As the duo walk, Neptune stops for a second.

Y/n: What's up, Neptune.

Neptune: I know curiosity killed the cat but... what are we even looking for?

Y/n: Faces.

Neptune: What?

Y/n: Yup. The Dark Lord, for some odd reason, steals people's faces.

Neptune: You don't hear that everyday.

Y/n: Yeah.

Neptune: So where would we find a face?

Y/n: They're normally attached to monsters.

Neptune: So, whenever we fight a monster, we're killing a person's face?

Y/n: No, they go back to their owners. We just have to make sure the ones in Greenhorne are safe.

Neptune: Are you sure we're even going to find one here?

Y/n: I hope so...

After a bit more searching, Neptune stops.

Y/n: Again? Why are we stopping?

Neptune: Look, the face isn't here. We should head back.

Y/n: No! We can't stop-

Neptune then rushes over and shuts him up.

Neptune: Look!!!

Y/n turns around and sees nothing.

Y/n: I see nothing.

Neptune: Just wait a moment...

Almost on cue, Walt Dsny's face comes flying down.

Y/n: How did you-?!

Neptune: All I did was trigger the necessary flag.

Walt Dsny: Huh? What?

Suddenly, a giant butterfly appears behind the face as Walt Dsny's face flies onto it.

Y/n: Get ready for a fight!

Neptune: You got it!!!

As the face makes contact, a bright light surrounds the area, and the duo have their swords out, ready to fight. As the light dies down, it shows them their foe.

Neptune: Time to bring the heat! MIRAGE DANCE!!!!

Neptune then rushes towards the giant butterfly and slashes it 5 times. The butterfly does try to hit them, but it fails.

Y/n: There's the weak spot!!

Y/n then runs towards the butterfly and stabs it a few times. The butterfly falls to the ground, almost dead.

Y/n: Finish it, Neptune!

Neptune: You got it! VICTORY SLASH!!!!!!!!

Neptune then slashes through the butterfly twice, cutting it's wings off. As the monster now evaporates, the face flies up a bit.

Walt Dsny: Thanks!!!

As the face flies back, Y/n and Neptune find and inn.

Y/n: Familiar Inn, huh?

Neptune: Here's hoping there's not another Lenny.

Y/n: Calm down, man! There's no way someone can move from where we started to here in less than a day.

Neptune: True...

The two then walk in to see a girl they're both unfamiliar with.

Inn Keeper: Hello! Welcome to the Familiar Inn!!!

Y/n: Hi, we'd like to book a room.

Inn Keeper: Of course! 5 gold.

Y/n then hands her the 5 gold.

Inn Keeper: Oh, and before you head to your room, a letter was dropped off for you.

Y/n: Thanks!

The duo then head to their room and Y/n opens the letter.

Dear Y/n,

Thanks for helping with Odd1sout.

Here's a little something to show our gratitude.

From Yuri.

Neptune: So, what'd we get?

Y/n: It seems like a coupon for a coffee place.

Neptune: Wanna go?

Y/n: We have the world.

Neptune: True, but every hero needs a break every now and then.

Y/n: Okay you make a point. Let's go.


Y/n's POV

As me and my alternate self arrive at the coffee place, the barista takes our order. After a little bit, she comes back with our drinks.

Y/n: So what did you get?

Neptune: Goblin Stew.

Y/n: Ew...

Neptune: Yeah, it's rather disgusting... but I had to try it!!!

Y/n: Mind if I try a bit.

Neptune: Sure.

Neptune then hands me his drink, and I take a sip, and immediately want to throw up.

Neptune: Told you.

Y/n: Yeah...


No one's POV

After their outing, the duo then go back to sleep and they head out the next morning.

Y/n: Alright!

Neptune: The next adventure begins!!!!

As they run, they do run into some goblins, but they easily take care of them. As they walk, Neptune trips over something.

Neptune: What the what?

Y/n: What was that?

Y/n helps Neptune up and they find a bottle.

Y/n: Should I...?

Neptune: I say we try it!!!

Y/n: Okay... but I get poisoned because of it, I'm blaming you!

Y/n then gulps and drinks the bottle.

Neptune: So...?

Y/n: That was... actually pretty good.

The two then continue their quest, and they stumble upon a chest.

Y/n: Chest time!!

Y/n opens the chest and finds goblin ham.

Y/n: Okay, that's weird right?

Neptune: Definetly weird.

The two then continue for the inn and get some rest for the night. As they wake up, they get ready to head out.

Y/n: Ready for another day?

Neptune: Heck yeah!

Inn Keeper: Hold on a second!!!

Y/n: Hmm?

Neptune: Nepu?

Inn Keeper: A girl came by earlier this morning and is wanting to speak with you two.

Y/n: Where do we go?

Inn Keeper: She's in the meeting hall, it's just down the right hallway, very back, can't miss it!

As the two walk to the area, they start to talk.

Y/n: You weren't expecting anyone, were you?

Neptune: No... What's going on?

Nick: I should probably explain.

Neptune: Hey! It's that Multiverse God again!!!

Y/n: What do you mean, explain?

Nick: Well... remember when I summoned you, Neptune?

Neptune: Yeah.

Nick: Well, I somehow mispronounced the spell...

Y/n: Is that why Neptune fell from the sky?

Nick: No, not at all! The thing is, the mispronunciation has caused this world to have a tear in the multiverse.

Y/n: So...?

Nick: So you guys will have another version Y/n as an ally.

Neptune: Well, this is going to be crazy.

Y/n: *nods head*

Nick: Also, this Y/n had zero combat experience, so I allowed him to know how to weild magic after I explained everything to him.

The two then open the door and see their new ally.

Red Haired Trap: So, are you guys the alternate versions of me?

Y/n: Yeah.

Neptune: Yupperoni!!!

Y/n Ando: Well, I'm Y/n Ando!!!

Y/n: Have a nickname we can call you by?

Ringo: Yeah, Ringo. Why?

Neptune: We're going to be calling you that from now on.

Ringo: Why?

Y/n: We all have the same name. I decided to use just my normal name, since I was the first one in this world.

Ringo: Okay then... well, that multiverse god person gave me magic.

Neptune: So your our mage!!

Ringo: Huh?

Y/n: It's video game terms. Wait, do you not play video games.

Ringo: Not much. I'm more into science.

Neptune: So that's something different.

Ringo: Yeah... anyways, let's do our best!!!

Nick: Well, you all seem to be getting along quite well.

Ringo: Sure are!

Y/n: Hey, try to keep an eye out for more of those dimensional rifts.

Nick: I'll do what I can. Even God's have limits, you know.

Neptune: Don't have to tell me that twice!!!

Ringo: Alright! Let's head out!

Y/n and Neptune: Right!!!

The trio then run out, and prepare themselves. The three then run into some more monsters, and they easily deal with them. Ringo stayed back, since he's more of a long range team member, so Y/n was offensive while Neptune played defense.


We now see the others walking thorugh the plains, when Neptune puts his hand out.

Ringo: Something wrong?

Neptune: My main protagonist instincts from my last 2 books is tingling...

Ringo: What?

Y/n: I don't what he's saying, but I'm sure we'll find out.

???: Hmm? Well, look who it is!!!!

The three then look up and see Waluigi is right in front of them.

Waluigi: You just keep turning up like a bad penny!!!

Y/n: *tch* Waluigi!!!

Neptune: Waitwaitwaitwaitwait. THAT'S OUR DARK LORD!!! *laughing*

Ringo: What's so funny?

Neptune: Right, right... Waluigi, from where he's from, is rejected constantly!!!

Ringo: *holds in laughter*

Waluigi: WILL YOU SHUT UP!!!!

This quickly gets Neptune and Ringo to shut up. Y/n then walks forward, and draws his spear.

Y/n: Dark Lord, Waluigi!!! Prepare to die, right here and now!!!

Neptune: Yeah! *draws blades*

Ringo: We're not going down so easily!!!

Waluigi: Pfffffft...

Y/n, Neptune, and Ringo: Huh?

Waluigi: Mwa ha ha ha haaaaaa!!!! Oh, you three are hilarious! You should take comedy lessons!!!

Neptune: Hey, we're serious!!

Ringo: And we're not backing down!!!!

Waluigi: Well, since you three want it so much... Let's dance!!!

Waluigi then creates a giant spell, ready to hit the trio.

Y/n: Uh oh.

Neptune: That ain't good.

Ringo: We screwed up.

Y/n: Mom... Dad... I'm sorry...

???: Hold it right there!!!!

Suddenly, a lighting bolt comes out and hits the spell, dispersing it.

Waluigi: Who dares...?

A young woman with purple hair then walks up in front of the Y/n trio.

Woman: Hmm... So you're this Dark Lord I've been hearing so much about. You won't be having your way much longer...

BWA Switch: Not if I have anything to say about it!!!

Waluigi: Didn't your mommy ever tell you that nobody likes a party pooper!!! I might just let you live...this time!! Goodbye for now!!! Wah ha ha ha ha haaaa!!!!

The Dark Lord then teleports away, and the three then breathe in relief.

Y/n: Oh thank god!!! I thought we were going to die!!!

Ringo: No kidding!! My life flashed before my eyes!!! I think even saw a bit of my next life, I don't know...

Neptune: I almost saw Eris for, I believe the fifth time already...?

BWA Switch: How do you do?

Y/n: I could be better.

Neptune: Same here...

Ringo: Yeah, I've had better days... Anyways, who are you?

BWA Switch: They call me BWA Switch. I'm a traveling mage.

Y/n: Y/n.

Ringo: Ringo.

Neptune: Neptune!!! The main character... turned side character...

BWA Switch: Is something wrong with her?

Y/n: Oh no, he's fine.

BWA Switch: Wait, he?

Y/n: Yeah. He. We're all dudes.

BWA Switch: Well... I guess looks can be deceiving sometimes... But may I ask why you three we near the Dark Lord?

Y/n: We plan on defeating him!!!

BWA Switch: You plan on defeating the Dark Lord?

Y/n: Yeah... we all have our reasons, and our end goals just so happen to overlap.

Neptune: *nods head*

Ringo: But with what happened just then, with you having to save us...

BWA Switch: I'm guessing you now feel that you're not strong enough?

Ringo: Yeah...

BWA Switch: Well, I sense a strange power within the pink haired one, though.

Y/n: *Image Below* Wait... You sense strange power... IN ME?!

BWA Switch: Yes. You might not think that it's much at the current moment. But if you continue your journey, that power will grow and grow. So just hang in there.

Y/n: Alright...

Neptune: And we'll help you!!!

Ringo: Right!!!

BWA Switch: If fortune is on our side, we'll meet again. Until then!!!

As BWA Switch walks away, Y/n looks at his hands in shock.

(A/n: End music. That music will only be used when BWA Switch is here.)

Neptune: Are you still shocked about what BWA Switch said?

Y/n: Well, DUH!!!! Before this, I was just your average cosplayer!!!!

Ringo: Yeah, that would explain why.

Neptune: Don't worry to much about it! I mean, I was just a high school student before meeting all my friends in my world!!!!

Ringo: Same here!!! In some sense... What we're trying to say is that you'll figure it out.

Y/n: Thanks... well, let's move out!!!

Neptune and Ringo: Right!!!


We then see our main trio in the woods, looking through the area.

Y/n: Hey guys...

Neptune: Yeah?

Ringo: What's up?

Y/n: Does BWA Switch feel familiar to you?

Ringo: No...

Neptune: Well, she does to me...

Y/n: How so...?

Neptune: I think that was her Mii she used when me and my friend Misato were watching her play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe one time.

Y/n: Oh!

As the three head through, they run into a split path.

Y/n: Great... A split path. How are we going to determine this?

Neptune: Well, there's an odd number of us. On the count of three, point in the direction you want to go. 1...

Ringo: 2...

Y/n: 3!!!!!!

The three Y/ns then point. Ringo picks left, while the other two pick right.

Y/n: Let's go!!!!

The three Y/ns then charge ahead, and instantly run into a chest.

Neptune: I'll open it!!

Neptune then opens the chest and finds 120 gold.

Neptune: Yeah!

Ringo: Now let's get moving!!!

As they continue their walk, they run into yet another split path.

Y/n: Same as last time! 1...

Neptune: 2...

Ringo: 3!!!

They all are unanimous in the vote an head left. As they do, they run across another chest.

Ringo: It's my turn this time!!!

Ringo then goes up, and opens the chest, only to find 100 gold.

Ringo: Well, that's fine with me!!!

After a little bit of walking, they find an inn. They rent out two rooms, and Neptune sleeps in his own room, while Y/n and Ringo sleep in the same one.

Y/n: So Ringo...

Ringo: Yeah?

Y/n: The world you were in before this... what was it like?

Ringo: It's a bit crazy. I'm living a normal life with the children of a king.

Y/n: WHAT?!

Ringo: Yeah, pretty crazy, am I right?

Y/n: Yeah... How many children does this king you're talking about have.

Ringo: 9.


Ringo: Yeah, and I've kind of fell in love with one of them.

Y/n: Ohhh, romance~ What's the girl's name?

Ringo: Oh come on! You can't do that to me!!!

Y/n: Well, I just did! So spill it!!

Ringo: *sigh* Her name's Akane. Akane Sakurada. She's a bit shy... but I'm doing what I can to help her overcome it!!!

Y/n: Wow...

Ringo: Yeah... what about you? Any love?

Y/n: Nope. Just a boring loner...

Ringo: I'm sure you'll find someone.

Y/n: Here's hoping...

Ringo: Well, night!

Y/n: Night.

Ringo then turns off the light and the two then go to sleep.

To Be Continued...

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