USWNT Imagines [ON HOLD]

By Bethany738

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Imagines of the United States Women'a National Team (gxg, g!p) If you have requests for other soccer players... More

Leah Williamson - 1
Alex Morgan - 2

Alex Morgan - 1

428 7 1
By Bethany738

January 29 2007
Y/N P.O.V.

Hi, my name is Y/N Press I'm gay I have 3 older sisters.Tyler, Channing, and Christen. My parents had me just so they could save their marriage but it didn't really work as they got divorced 2 years laters. Tyler and Channing we're old enough to choose who they moved with being 8 and 10 at the time i was 2. Christen is only 2 years older than me.

Christen moved with my dad and Channing, while I went with my mom and Tyler. I'm 17 now and I am actually talking with my best friend who I want to be more than friends with but I don't know if she feels the same

"Hey Alex, are we still on for our movie marathon tonight?" i said walking up to Alex's locker.

We have been friends ever since she moved here from Diamond Bar, when I was a sophomore and she was a Junior. Now she's a senior and I'm just a junior.

"When have I ever cancelled on you?" she asked, glancing at me before returning to putting some textbooks in her locker.

"Never which makes you my favorite in the whole world." i responding, smiling like a kid in a candy store.

"Anyways i have to go to class, but i'll see you at lunch?"

"Always" i ended our conversation, kissing her cheek and walking away. It's always been our thing to kiss each other's cheek, but she didn't know how much of an effect she had on me.

After school that day

I walked out of the school building and walked to my car, I started the engine and drove home. When I got home I didn't see my dad's car, which isn't surprising.

He's usually working late so he can keep a roof over my head and food on the table. Tyler used to help out a lot but when she graduated highschool and was heading to college, she had her own bills to pay. I help around the house as well when I'm not working at our local grocery store, though I don't work too much as my dad wants me to keep my grades up.

Anyways, I put my car in park and stopped the engine, unplugging my phone from the aux cord. I opened my car door and hopped out, shutting the door behind me. I then got my school bag out from the back seat and then locked my car. Once I got to the front door of my house, I pulled out my house key and unlocked the door. Once I was inside my house I ran upstairs to my room and took off my shoes, and set my school bag by my desk. Then I grabbed a towel and headed into the shower.

Once I was done showering I grabbed a bunch of my pillows and blankets and ran downstairs with them. Then I ran into the little games and movies cabinet and grabbed as many movies as I could, not caring what I grabbed. I then ran back downstairs and started setting everything up. Once everything was set up I checked the time to see how long I would be waiting for Alex. I saw I would only be waiting for around 5 to 10 minutes. So I went to the kitchen and started making some popcorn. Once the popcorn was done, I put it in the bowl and put lots of butter on it. That's when I heard Alex letting herself in.

"Y/N i'm here!"

"In the kitchen"

I heard footsteps getting closer until eventually i knew where she was with her sweet perfume filling up the kitchen and her warm and muscular arms wrapping around my waist.



"Lex is that the only Spanish word you know?"

"Besides Gracias" she responded

"Whatever weirdo"

We sat in comfortable silence after we migrated over the living room making ourselves comfortable on my artwork, i call a pillowfort.

"I need to tell you something" we said at the same time breaking the silence.

"You go first" my best friend said

"No you, ladies first" i responded

"We're both ladies"

"But you're more of a women than me" I retorted

"What does that mean"

"You have bigger boobies"

"I-, why do I bother with you, Y/N? Anyways I was going to say that I really like you and I know this is probably a feeling that you don't feel back and I know I should have hope and everything but you're an amazing woman and why would someone as great as you want to be with someone like me. I mean I smell most of the time because of practice, I eat a lot, I Complain a lot, I mean I'm even complaining right now-" I cut her off by smashing my lips onto hers. I was instantly met with sparks rushing through my body. I pull away heavily breathing.

"Alex, if you would of stopped ramling and let me say what I wanted to say then you would know that i feel the same about you, i mean when i first saw you i thought that i was in a car crash on the way to school and you're my guardian angel, you are that beautiful. And yeah you stink but, that's what a shower is for. You eat a lot but it's something I love about you like I seriously can understand how you eat so much yet your abs are still there and I swear everytime i see them they get more and more harder to look at because of how much they turn me on. Now I'm going to shut up and kiss you" I stopped talking and smashed my lips against hers.

As soon as our lips met I pulled her closer with the hand that was resting on her neck. She wrapped her arms round my waist pulling me closer.since we were sitting the only way to get closer to her was to sit on her lap. I let out a moan when I felt her rub her tongue against my bottom lip, automatically allowing access. I pulled away and looked into her bright blue eyes, saying

"I think we should take this upstairs"

"Yeah we should but first" she grabbed a movie and started it.

"What was that for?" i asked confused as to why she put on a movie we weren't going to watch

"In case your dad comes home, sweetheart" she whispered seductively

"Wait, does this make us official?"

April 30th 2010

That was 3 years ago, and I could honestly d=say that was the best day and night of my life. Now I'm a sophomore in college at the University of Berkeley. Alex has been acting really weird lately and I think she's planning on proposing but you never know with that woman right. I'm going to our shared apartment right now. Once I'm outside I hear muffled crying coming from our bedroom. So I immediately rush into our room to see Alex sitting on the bed with her clothes thrown randomly into suitcases.

"Hey, hey, Baby what's wrong, why are you crying? And Packing? I thought camp wasn't until next week."

"Y/N, sit down, we need to talk." she Sniffled "I took a lot of time to think about this and I even talked to some of my national teammates about this. Um, I, I don't think im gay"

"What?! Alex, how have you confused your feelings for over three years?!" i yell angered by this sudden confession

"I don't know, I think it was because i got excited thinking about a serious relationship and knowing I never had one so serious so when I saw I thought I just automatically thought that you could be the one I had that relationship with. Y/N i'm sorry i really am."

"I hope you're packing your shit to move and not just for camp because I want you and everything you've ever owned out of my house by the time I wake up for classes tomorrow."

And that's it. That's how my world came crashing down.

May 2019

And that all leads to now. Right now I'm on the phone with Christen, my sister. We talk a lot, as often as we can, her being the professional soccer star she is and me the business owner i am.

"So Y/N there's something me and Tobs have been meaning to ask you-"

"Yes, I would love to be your maid of honor!!" i cut her off


"I would love to be the godmother!!" i cut her off again

"Y/N no!!" tobin started "we were going to ask if you would be our Plus one to the world cup?"\

"Your what?"

"Every major event that we are away for more than a month we are allowed to bring a plus one so we don't get homesick and me and Toby have discussed this seeing as there is no one Tobin would like to bring along besides her parents who will already be there, we h=decided we want you there, so we can spend more time together." Chris explained

"I would love to just text me my flights and my schedule and where I'm meeting you and we'll be all set."

"Alright, well we have to go to training, so we'll see you soon, sissy." Chris said

"Bye Chris love you, Bye Tobin I love you too"

"Bye Y/N Love you"

Late May in Paris, France airport

I got off of the plane thankful to have finally touched solid ground. Once I got my carryon settled in my arms I went towards baggage Claim hoping to find either Chris or my luggage. Once I get to the baggage claim I see a bunch of girls who look very fit sitting in the chairs near the claim. Its probably either the Canada team or the USA team because they're the only teams who would land in this airport. I get an Idea to try to see if its the USA team.

"Tobin!!" I yell off the top of my lungs. I would have yelled 'Christen' but that's too popular of a name. The whole group of girls immediately look at me, but there were only three faces I cared about in that group. Christen, Tobin, and a certain blue eyed forward, named Alex. Tobin and Christen immediately come and jump on me

"I've missed you so much Y/N" Christen said after she pulled away

"I've missed you too Chris, you as well Tobin, I hope you've been treating my sister right while I was away." i finished looking at Tobin

"As always Y/N. You know how much I love your sister, and how I would never even dream of hurting her." tobin replied

"Can you two just get married already?"

"Shut up." they both said

"Anyways, introduce me to your teammates" I said kind of dreading her name

"Well Y/N this is Alyssa, Becky, Kelley..." I zoned out for the rest of what ever she was saying her wanting to leave but when I zone back in I hear "and you already know Alex" Chris finished

When I was about to respond there was an older lady who started talking

"Alright girls I know you want your plus one to meet everyone but we need to head to the hotel if we want to unpack, have the team meeting, and still be on time for dinner" She finished

I don't know who she is but she has this British accent. But everyone gets up and gets their bags out of baggage claim and starts heading towards the exit. There was two buses one with team USA written on it and the other was just a regular travel bus. Their coach directed us towards the regular bus that was apparently for their plus ones. Then one guy comes and sits next to me. He's bald and has a thick black beard.

"Hey my names Zola I'm Becky's plus one. What's your name?"

"My names Y/N, I'm christens plus one. No offense but why did you sit with me?"

"All the guys that are dating or married to the girls all sit together and laugh and make jokes, but I never really liked them, especially Alex's fiancé Servando, he's just a complete douche."


"What did I say something wrong, I'm sorry if I did."

"no it's just that me and Alex dated for a while until she realized that she wasn't gay and I'm going to be real honest with you even if I barely know you. I'm still in love with her."

"Oh well if it makes you feel any better I Saw Alex look at you the way I look at Becky."

"So you think she likes me back?"

"I know she likes you back, just talk to her."

"Alright I'll do that after team dinner tonight."

Soon enough we arrived at the hotel I immediately get my hotel key and head into my room to take a nap. The staff of the team room the team together on one floor and their guests on another floor, they have their guests rooming together so they can save money.

I don't know who my roommate is but I don't really care. Soon enough I feel my eyes close and feel myself drifting off.

Soon enough I wake up and I stretch. Once I've stretched I grab my phone off the charger and check the time. Seeing as it's now 6:45 I start getting ready for the dinner in 15 minutes. It's just a normal dinner in the hotels personal dining area that's just for the team.

Then I realize that whoever my roommate is, they're very messy, with all their clothes scattered on their half of the room that is closer to the door. Anyways I start making my way downstairs towards the dining area once I'm done getting ready. Once I'm in the dining area I head towards my sister and her girlfriend.

"Look who finally decided to join us" Tobin sai laughing

"What do you mean I'm literally 30 seconds early" I responded clearly confused

"Y/N, what time does dinner start?" Chrissy asked

"7:00, why?" I replied

"No it starts at 6:30"

"Oh well, I'm here now right."

"Whatever go get your food." Chris told me

So I listened getting all sorts of healthy food. Once I filled my plate I sat back down next to Tobin and began eating, joining in on their conversation at random times. Soon enough I was done eating. So I got up and threw my plate away.

"Chris can I talk to you for a sec" I asked seeing if she could talk at the moment

"Yeah let's go. I'll be right back babe." She finished looking at Tobin

"Yeah, have fun. Let me know when your on your way back." Tobin responded

After she said that me and Chris left heading out towards the halls, so we could walk around the hotel.

"So you want to talk about, Y/N/N?" She said using my nickname

"Uhh, I wanted to talk about what happened between me and Alex almost 10 years ago."

"Look Y/N, I know you don't know that I know what happened between you two, but when she found out that I'm your sister she told me so she could be completely honest with me."

"Oh well, I wanted to tell you that those feelings for her, I don't think they ever went away. I really do love her, and I was talking to Zola, Becky's boyfriend, earlier and he said that he saw Alex looking at me the way he looks at Becky."

"Y/N, do you even know if you can trust him?"

"He hates Alex's fiancé so that's enough for me."

"Whatever but I will have a conversion with her after you talk to her." She said heading back towards her room, ending our conversation

I head back towards the dining hall hoping to find Alex, which I do when I see her walking out by herself. I wonder where her boy toy is I think to myself.

"Alex" I say kind of hoping she doesn't hear me. But sadly that's not the case when she turns to look at me.

"Hey, it's been a while."

"Yes it, uh, it has been. But I was wondering if we could talk in a little more secluded area." I ask , trying to be as polite as possible. Without say a word she grabs my hand and takes me to the guests floor. I know what she's doing so I take the lead and take her towards my room. Once we reach the door I grab my key and unlock the door.

"What did you want to talk about?" She asked as she looked around with a face of disgust on as she looked at the messy room.

"Us.... Alex I know you and I know that you still have those feelings for me that I do for you. Oh and this is my roommates messiness, you know I don't like being a messy person."

"I know you aren't messy. But anyways, you're right I never wanted to end us but I thought it was the best thing to do, and yes I do still love you."

"Then why, Alex, Why did you end us?! Huh we were so good together, I knew the moment I saw you, that you were my endgame. That I wanted you to be mine for the rest of our lives."

"Because of my dad, Y/N. You know he's not the most open minded person. So when he heard his little girl was dating a girl he freaked. He said that if I continues our relationship that he would disown me. Y/N he's my dad, I was scared to lose him."

"Oh Al, why didn't you tell me?"

"I was scared of what you'd think of me...."

Alexandra Patricia Morgan, you are the most wonderful person on this planet, you are kind hearted loving caring beautiful and. You are so talented anyone would be lucky if you loved them." That was the moment I made my move, I slowly moved my lips towards hers, my eyes flickering between her gorgeous blue eyes and her beautiful pink lips.slowly she leaned in as well and eventually our lips touched for the first time in over 9 years.

She immediately put her hands on my hips letting my put my hands on her neck pulling her closer in hopes of deepening the kiss. She responded by running her tongue against my bottom lip, I thought I'd have a little fun with her by denying her access into my mouth, which led to her thinking the only way she could gain access was by lifting her right hand if my hip and slamming it down against my right ass cheek. I involuntarily moaned, giving her full access to my mouth. After a little bit of making out she pulled away and attached her lips to my neck. She showed she never forgot where my sweet spot was when she started sucking hard, no doubt leaving hickeys. I let out a loud moan when she started moving lower onto my collarbone. I reached my hands down to tug on the hem of her shirt. Only for her to pull away and take it off herself. Once her shirt was removed she took mine off as well, only after looking at me to make sure it was okay. Once both of our shirts were removed she went back to kissing my collarbone, I traced her abs, going higher and higher with each second we wasted kissing. I cupped her right boob over her sports bra making her moan. Soon I felt her tapping my back near my sports bra, her way of asking to take it off. Once I moaned in response she took it off. She immediately latched her soft plump lips onto my nipple.

"Oh Alex... mmmm"

Right as I moaned the door opened. And of course it was my roommate.

"Lex stop someone's in here." The beds weren't in line with the door so when you walked in you could directly see the beds. But Alex being Alex only sucked harder making me Moan a bit louder.

"Hey are you alright?" My roommate asked rounding the corner making our eyes meet. Only then did I realize he's Alex's fiance. "Alex what the hell?!"

"Shit! Umm we should probably talk later" she said detaching her lips from my nipple.

"No you can talk now." He says infuriated

"Okay well, Serv I do love you but it's been more of a friendship type of love. I've felt real love when I was younger and I don't feel that when I'm with you. So I would appreciate it if you left so I can have sex. You can go back to America if you want."

"Fuck you Alex"

"That's not your job anymore sweetheart" I responded to him really just wanting him to leave so, I can fix the throbbing in my lower half. He scoffed and got his shit and left, where he went I don't care.

"Now, where were we?"

After the game against the Netherlands

I'm currently in my hotel room doing some work on my computer. I wanted the girls to celebrate together, I mean they did just prove that their the best in the world.

Alex's P.O.V.

I'm currently hanging out with my team talking about what our favorite moments were here in France when we were together.

"Hey Alex, let's talk" Christen said, grabbing my wrist and dragging me out of the room.

"What's up Christen?"

"I want you to know that if you hurt my little sister I won't hesitate to beat the shit out of you. I'm one of the only people she has besides our sisters dad and Tobin and now you. When she first told me about you when she was 16 I could tell she was in love with you. Then when she was 19 when she said you dumped her because 'you aren't gay' it broke her. And I wanted to personally murder you. So hurt her and your done for understand"

"Christen in all seriousness she is the love of my life. I only said that because my dad threatened to disown me and I was scared to lose him, but it turns out I already lost him. I can't imagine losing Y/N. So Christen if I hurt her I will personally buy you a bat to beat me up with."

"I'm serious"

"So am I, she's the love of my life"

"I am huh?" I heard the angelic voice come from behind me.

"Yeah you are, I can't imagine my life without I'm you in it." I tell her honestly. I turn back around to see if Christen is still there, I can see her walking back towards where the teams at.

"Do you want to go back to my room, to do adult things?" She whispered seductively in my ear tracing my abs through my shirt. I immediately grab her by the waist and throw her over my shoulder.

Christens P.O.V.

I walk back in the room to see the team staring at me

"What?" I ask

"What was that about?" Tobin asked

"And where is Alex?" Becky asked

"Alex and my sister dated when they were in highschool they broke up when they were in college, Alex dumped Servandofor Y/N and now they're together. And now Alex and Y/N are probably having sex. Does that explain it?" I replied. Responses of yes' and yeah's flow throughout the room

"Well anyways I think we should head to bed. We've had a long day and I'm sure you girls would like to celebrate with your significant others."

The next day
Y/N's P.O.V.

I woke up to the bright sun shining through the curtains. I looked down at the beautiful woman cuddling in the side. I never thought that I'd have her back but laying here with her in my arms. Her chest laying against my abs, her head resting on my chest, her left arm draped around my waist, her right hand holding onto my left bicep. I decide to wake her up even though this is as good as it gets. I placed gentle kisses on her forehead, starting to feel her stir.

"Mmm, no sleep time, bubs" she said barely opening her eyes

"It's time to get up gorgeous" I said



"Fine I'll get up only if you shower with me"

"Of course babe." I said making her sit up and start stretching. She got out of the bad her back facing towards me and kept stretching. I just sat back and enjoyed the view.

"Enjoying the view?" She questioned

"Of course.." I responded "oh and Lex"


"I love you"

"I love you too, Y/N"

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