Alex Morgan - 1

437 7 1

January 29 2007
Y/N P.O.V.

Hi, my name is Y/N Press I'm gay I have 3 older sisters.Tyler, Channing, and Christen. My parents had me just so they could save their marriage but it didn't really work as they got divorced 2 years laters. Tyler and Channing we're old enough to choose who they moved with being 8 and 10 at the time i was 2. Christen is only 2 years older than me.

Christen moved with my dad and Channing, while I went with my mom and Tyler. I'm 17 now and I am actually talking with my best friend who I want to be more than friends with but I don't know if she feels the same

"Hey Alex, are we still on for our movie marathon tonight?" i said walking up to Alex's locker.

We have been friends ever since she moved here from Diamond Bar, when I was a sophomore and she was a Junior. Now she's a senior and I'm just a junior.

"When have I ever cancelled on you?" she asked, glancing at me before returning to putting some textbooks in her locker.

"Never which makes you my favorite in the whole world." i responding, smiling like a kid in a candy store.

"Anyways i have to go to class, but i'll see you at lunch?"

"Always" i ended our conversation, kissing her cheek and walking away. It's always been our thing to kiss each other's cheek, but she didn't know how much of an effect she had on me.

After school that day

I walked out of the school building and walked to my car, I started the engine and drove home. When I got home I didn't see my dad's car, which isn't surprising.

He's usually working late so he can keep a roof over my head and food on the table. Tyler used to help out a lot but when she graduated highschool and was heading to college, she had her own bills to pay. I help around the house as well when I'm not working at our local grocery store, though I don't work too much as my dad wants me to keep my grades up.

Anyways, I put my car in park and stopped the engine, unplugging my phone from the aux cord. I opened my car door and hopped out, shutting the door behind me. I then got my school bag out from the back seat and then locked my car. Once I got to the front door of my house, I pulled out my house key and unlocked the door. Once I was inside my house I ran upstairs to my room and took off my shoes, and set my school bag by my desk. Then I grabbed a towel and headed into the shower.

Once I was done showering I grabbed a bunch of my pillows and blankets and ran downstairs with them. Then I ran into the little games and movies cabinet and grabbed as many movies as I could, not caring what I grabbed. I then ran back downstairs and started setting everything up. Once everything was set up I checked the time to see how long I would be waiting for Alex. I saw I would only be waiting for around 5 to 10 minutes. So I went to the kitchen and started making some popcorn. Once the popcorn was done, I put it in the bowl and put lots of butter on it. That's when I heard Alex letting herself in.

"Y/N i'm here!"

"In the kitchen"

I heard footsteps getting closer until eventually i knew where she was with her sweet perfume filling up the kitchen and her warm and muscular arms wrapping around my waist.



"Lex is that the only Spanish word you know?"

"Besides Gracias" she responded

"Whatever weirdo"

We sat in comfortable silence after we migrated over the living room making ourselves comfortable on my artwork, i call a pillowfort.

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