Twin Souls

By lonelyscribbles

939 130 0

The topic of boys wasn't something Sanaa was fond of. A young 13 year old girl with a beautiful yet twisted m... More



16 4 0
By lonelyscribbles

Sanaa ☯️


hey ;)

how the fuck did you find me?

it wasn't that hard, tbh. i just typed in @//sanaa and clicked on your account. your bio gave it away.

is that so?

yeah, the "don't mind me, idk wtf i'm doing" really spoke to me.

what if you had messaged the wrong account?

idk, didn't bother thinking that far because i knew i wouldn't make a mistake

this is kinda weird, i thought you were a figment of my imagination

that's understandable

why did it take you so long to find me if you knew i was real?

as hard as it sounds to believe, i was scared.

no need to be, i don't bite (most of the time)

gee, thanks for the reassurance 🙄
why don't you post pics of yourself?

don't like the way i look

that's sad cause you're really pretty. if only i could see an actual picture...

ugh, fine but it's from two months ago
*sent a photo*

gee, even prettier
if only i could physically see you...

wanna catch a flight down to SA to see me?

sure, when will you be free? 😏

probably never but you could still try though...

chile, anyways... so i'm glad i could actually talk to you and not wait until night time.

yeah, me too
don't you have footballer things to do?

not really, i'm done for the day
you still need to study though 😏

thanks for serving as my reminder 🙂

the sarcasm is radiating on my phone

good to know...
anywhoooo... i actually do need to study though.

see you tonight.

uh, i don't think so. we can literally text now.

um, miss girl, i cannot afford to lose my sleep because of you.

ouch :(
you do have a point though, i cannot do that for you either

i'm so glad we understand each other

me too


I buried my head in my pillow, letting out a scream. I actually admitted to myself that I had feelings towards him just to find out that he was real. My heart raced faster as I scrolled through his page which was filled with his accomplishments, training sessions and a few photos with family and friends.

What was harder for me to accept was the fact that he already had me wrapped around his pretty finger. Normally I would never send my pictures or open up to social media friends after the first conversation but he was an exception. I knew this wouldn't end well for me. The thought of ending up as a love sick puppy horrified me because I wasn't the most expressive person.

"SJ?" Ama called out, peeking through the door.


"Are you okay? I could hear your muffled screams," she said, walking into the room and sitting beside me.

"I was that loud?" I asked, rubbing my head in embarrassment. "I'm not, thanks for asking."

"Tell me," she pleaded. "This seems like something that has been bothering you for a while."

"It has... It's just that... Ugh!" I groaned, hiding my face into my pillow once more.

The mere thought of letting someone know about my dreams was off limits but the complexity of the situation wasn't becoming any easier. As hesitant as I was, I had to tell someone, anyone.

"Don't feel pressured to tell me. My curiosity got the best of me," my sister said with a guilty expression.

"No! It's just that I've never told anyone about this."

"Even Mom?"

"Yes, even Mom."

"I'm a bit scared now."

"It's nothing bad, it's just..." I trailed off, thinking about a suitable word to use. "Complicated."

"Okay... I'm ready when you are," she said, looking at my face.

With a deep breath, I told her everything, starting from the first dream to the recent messages. By the time I was done, Ama's mouth hung open.

"I don't know what to say," she said as she stared at my messages with Abel.
"It's slightly ironic because KJ and I were talking about him the other day."

"Wait, really?" I exclaimed, sitting up right.

"Yes, KJ was talking about the hype he was receiving and we were excited about a black guy achieving such success at a young age. I cannot lie, your dream guy is attractive," she explained while wiggling her eyebrows after the last statement.

"Oh, I know," I replied, gently tugging at my box braids. "I wonder how things will go."

"There is no need to overanalyze everything, Sanaa. Just see how things will go. Everything will play out the way it has to. Besides, you have me whenever you need another person's perspective."

"That's actually some decent advice, Ama."

"Thank you," she smiled. "I'm not as dense as I seem."

"I know but I'll keep your reputation safe," I winked.

"That's why I love you," she said, hugging me before leaving my room, not forgetting to close the door behind her.

I looked at my books on the floor in exhaustion. There was no way I would be able to process anything after the overwhelming amount of information I received.

I placed the books on my study desk before returning on my bed, hugging my pillow tightly. My phone beeped again, signalling a message from Nita. She finally got a phone from her family friend which made contacting her quite easier.

I exchanged a couple of messages with her, talking about school and gossiped about her love life. As much as I love her, I don't know how she's so comfortable with dumping guys as much as she does.

But what do I know? I'm a noob when it comes to relationships anyway.

I spent the rest of the evening talking to my other friends, exercising and stalking my crush on every social media network I used, the latter taking almost two hours of the day.

This is getting ridiculous, Sanaa. Let's go to bed.

I'll still see him in my dreams though.

Trust me, you won't.

For the first time in a while, I was happy that my mind willingly shut down, which lead to a dreamless night.

Kaya, Zara and I took a walk around the courtyard while the others ate in the outdoor cafeteria. The last months brought us closer, which I found comforting. We had the opportunity to learn more about each other by engaging in open conversations. I was grateful for feeling like I belonged here.

"I wonder what's wrong with Damon," I said, wondering about the boy's unexpected absence from school. As much as he despised school, he was a regular attendee.

The two girls exchanged sly smiles with each other before directing their direction to me, smirking.

"Am I missing something here?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Do you like him?" Zara suddenly blurted out.

"Him as in Damon?" I rhetorically asked. "What an odd question," I laughed.

"An odd question you still haven't answered," Kaya butted in.

"Good point," I pointed out. "To answer your disturbing question, no, I do not like Damon."

"You could've fooled me," Kaya spoke after a few minutes of silence which was them attempting to analyse my body language to check if I lied or not.
"Why the sudden concern though?"

"When you spend most of your days with someone who tends to annoy the shit out of you, the concern naturally comes out when you don't see them," I explained, shrugging slightly.

"I agree."

"I still think there's something between you two," Zara said, as she walked in small circles. "I don't know how to properly explain it but there's something."

"Ugh! You're the like the eighth person that has said something like that," I groaned. "What's so special about two people bickering all day?"

"Nothing most of the time but it's different when it comes to both of you. I'm pretty sure he likes you."

"I don't think we're talking about the same person because the Damon I know is Satan's son that was sent to make my life a living hell."

"Now you're exaggerating," Kaya giggled. "Yes, the boy is annoying but he is not that bad when he's not bothering anyone."

"Fine, I might have slightly pushing it," I admitted sheeply.


"Fine, a lot. In all seriousness though, the idea of him liking me sounds strange to me," I said.

"Think about it," Zara said, talking to Kaya. "He spends all of his time to argue with her and always has something to say whenever she is mentioned by someone. He also has this look in his eyes whenever she's in his eye range. You know eyes don't lie."

"That's so true," Kaya squealed. "I was so naive to have not seen it earlier."

"I still don't see it though," I shrugged.

"That's understandable. You will realise it in due time though," Zara winked.

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes. "Let me quickly text him to ask."

"You talk out of school?" Kaya asked.

"Yeah, he found me on Instagram."

"Oh really?" my friends said simultaneously.

"Oh, just shut up," I groaned as they laughed.

Dame 💯

hey, are you okay?

hello there ;)
i had a huge headache that's why i didn't come

i hope you're feeling better now

yes, i am
i appreciate the concern. it is nice to know that you think about me.

goodbye, damon

no sassy comeback? i must say, i'm quite surprised.

i don't really have anything to say tbh.

left you speechless👀😌


"Their bickering is so cute," Kaya gushed as Zara nodded in agreement.

"Um, privacy please?"

"You know damn well we won't give you privacy," they laughed.

"True," I said, laughing with them.

"Good afternoon, Mom," my siblings and I said in unison as we gave our mother a hug.

"How was school today?"


"Great to hear."

"Where's Dad?" I asked as my eyes roamed around.

"He's probably still out," she replied with a blank expression.

Are we really surprised though?

"Oh, well," Ama shrugged as he took a seat on the couch. "I'm going to bed."

"It's three thirty in the afternoon?" Kai stated more like a question. "Besides, I don't think being in a sitting position is the best way to sleep."

"No one asked for your opinion," Ama snapped.

"It's not like you would ask," he shrugged before smirking. "You lack the thinking capacity to do so."

"You little twat!" she yelled before she swiftly jumped out of her seat to attack the younger boy.

"Ama! Kai! Stop this nonsense," Mom exclaimed as she intervened.

I laughed at their altercation before leaving them downstairs. My siblings were fond of playfully harassing each other but it did go out of hand at times...

I opened Instagram in hopes to talk to Abel but I had no idea about his schedule. I shrugged and decided to wait for him to text first.

With a lot of free time in my hands, I decided to study and sketch for a while. The sound of an incoming message broke my productive trance. From the rapid heartbeat, I knew it was him.


hey ;)

hi ☺️
how was work?

great, thanks for asking 😌
how was school?

it was good

great to hear.
i was waiting for a text since forever

i don't know when you're free. besides, i don't want to disturb you while you're working

i'll always make time for you.

yeah, yeah but still...
at least we can talk with no interruptions.

yeah, that's nice 😏
how's everything with your art going so far? i hope you're still working towards your goals

i practice everyday. also, there's an art exhibition coming up and i was chosen to showcase my best work! i have a really good feeling about it.

really?! i'm proud of you🤍
don't forget me when you get famous

thanks 😘
i'll try not to 😏

you better!
do already have an idea on how you want to play everything out? (regarding your art journey)

i just want to get into a good art school afterwards

remain focused, you'll get there soon 🤍
i have to get going now, i promised my mom some quality time

you're a momma's boy, cute 🥺

shhh 🤫
sleep tight and don't run away 😏

okay fine 🤭


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