Blood and Daggers

By Kate_j56

364 14 4

Ten years ago every creature, myth, and legend that you can think of, and some you have never heard of, decid... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 (End)

Chapter 13

6 0 0
By Kate_j56


After walking to my normal patrolling area, I put in one of my earbuds and listen to the CHA radio system.

The CHA radio system allows all hunters to effectively communicate with each other. When a hunter or group of hunters needs help, to report suspicious creature behavior, need help with clean up, etc. All they have to do is radio in state there hunter family, name, rank and location. Anyone who hears it will come and help if they want.

Some families tho have special family only radio channels, so that only other family hunters can respond to it.

Me being me, I was able to create a master channel so I can listen to all radio channels.

After and hour of walking around my area, I hear over the radio:

"Dawn Blue, family Quarts. Reporting a run away Draken by Land-Chester Road. Found two of them in a pair in the middle of hunting a female, got them as they attacked her. Killed one, the other got away. I'm also requesting medical aid, the one that ran away got me in the side with its claw. Can't follow it with this injury."

A draken is a mythical beast originating from Europe. They are said to be descended from dragons, when they mixed with humans. Out of that union a draken is created. Half human- Half dragon, they can take the form of a human or that of a dragon.

However the dragon form takes a lot out of them, so instead they take on a half state. The half state allows them to have the tough outer scale of their dragon form, the claws, and wings as well. However they say in there human size, though even then the average height of a draken in human form is well over 7ft tall.

Once the report is finished I take out my headphones and run towards Land-Chest Road.

When I get there, I don't see the draken. I do however smell fresh humans blood (female) mixed with leather. Gotcha.

I follow the sent for a couple of minutes, the sent getting strong the more I follow it. When I see him, he has taken on his half state. Showing me his skin covered in dark burnt red scales, broad bat like wings that are at least 10ft wide. The man himself is standing at a little less then 9 ft tall.

Holy shit, he's a big one.

I slow my pace down so he doesn't see me. He suddenly sniffs the air and turn towards me. I see his face for the first time, he has yellow-green eyes with a slit down the middle and two sharp looking horns protruding from his forehead.

...and he has horns, fuck that'll hurt.

He smiles at me and I see all his teeth have been replaced with sharped pointed ones. They are covered in human blood.

"Hello little vampire. What are you doing here?" The draken asks in a deep gravely voice, that slightly growls at he talks.

"Oh well you know, just taking a stroll in the moonlight and all." I say conversationally back.

He lets out a deep chuckle, that I swear I can feel in my chest.

"Do you take me for a fool?" He asks with a touch of anger, "I can smell the silver in you bag, and see the sword at you hip."

Little known fact is that all creatures, no matter the size or species, have a weakness to silver. One touch of anything silver, and the creature is burned. If one is stabbed with a sliver weapon, it kills them instantly. You can cut them too. It won't kill em but, it will slow em down and piss them off.

"Well you never know when you are going to run into a creature that wants to kill yea." I say.

Vampires are know for there power in both monster and hunter circles. In the hunter circles this means if you kill one, it's an instant power elevation. Same in the creature world.

That's put a target on my head from all sides, tho most monsters and hunters know better then to attack a vamp head on. However every now and again a young naive hunter or monster and they'll try to attack me. Monsters I kill, the hunters I just hurt badly.

You think this draken would be smart enough to not attack me head on, but it appears not.

(For best reading experience play the song at the top)

He charges at me, wings spread claws out. I drop to my knees sliding under his legs. Bring one leg in a kneel, I hold my sword and pull it out of the scabbard.

I return the attack in kind and charge at him, both hands on my sword, hunched over slightly. I attack his wings first, as so he can't fly away.

He let's out a cry of pain, as I slice through tendons as easily as a warm knife in butter. The silver of my blade making it sizzle as I slice. I finish my stoke and the draken falls on his knees.

He turns around and releases a stream of fire from his mouth. They did NOT teach me they could do that, in class. I mentally scream out as I just barely dodge the blow. I smell something burning and realize he got the edges of my hair.

"Oh that was SO not a good move buddy." I let the adrenaline over take me. My vision becomes sharper, the edges tinting in red, as I let my senses heighten. I feel my fangs poking out of my gums, and pull back my lips in a snarl.

The drake has the good sense to look slightly scared, as I let more of my vamp side out. The idiot however does not run away. No instead, he shakes his head and smiles at me.

"Well it looks like I'll be able to go back to the den, having killed a little vamp."

This pisses me off, but I remember what dad taught me. I don't let my anger rule my actions. I instead charge him, using my freed speed to race toward him, blade raised. He blocked with his claws, and pushes my back. I let him and fall to the ground, grabbing some of the lose dirt.

I throw the dirt at his face, momentarily blinding him as he puts his hands up to block the dirt. I surge forward aiming for his midsection.

I get a small cut to his abdomen. He howls out at the cut. On instinct he raises his knee and hit me my chest. I recoil from the blow, taking a moment to collect my thoughts and think of new plan.

It takes a short moment but I have one. It's a bit dirty, but I need to take care of this draken before any other hunters find my location.

I reach into my bag and ready my plan. Switch my grip on Imperia so I'm holding it w one hand, the other behind me. I stand up in a fencing pose, waiting for him to attack me.

He sees the opening, I have created for him and rushes towards me. His claws are out and I use Imperia to block them with my right hand. I bring my left hand from around my back, holding the small throwing dagger.

I plunge the dagger into the side of his body. He looks at the dagger in his side, then at my face. I smirk at him as he lets out a low growl, and falls to the ground. I sheath Imperia back in its scabbard, then reach down to pull my dagger out of the draken's side.

Wiping the dagger on the side of my jeans, I take a moment to rein in my emotion. Letting myself go back to the state, were my eyes are their usual redish teal and normal teeth.

"Put the dagger down." I open my eyes to see a hunter aiming a crossbow at my chest, silver tipped arrow loaded.

I drop my dagger and raises my hands up over my head slowly.

"Okay, how 'bout we talk?" I ask the woman who has long black hair, small brown eyes and a skin tone that matches her Asian features. Oh and a fucking arrow aimed at me. "You obviously responded to the draken call, same as me. So why don't you put the crossbow down and we can talk about it."

"Who are you, and why didn't say you were responding to the call?" She asks me, not putting down the bow.

"I didn't say anything because....." Shit, I gotta think of something quick. "Because technically I'm not supposed to go on solo hunts. However, I knew I could. Better to beg for forgiveness, then ask for permission." I say lying out of my ass, like my life deepens on it. Oh wait, IT DOES!!!

She slowly starts to lower the bow, and I breath a sigh of relief. "Been there, it's not easy being a female hunter. Let alone a solo female hunter."

I nod my head in agreement when she asks, "So, what family are you from?"

"Lovedock." I say flicking the pendent, that only blood family from the original hunters and high ranking members get.

"Damn, explains the killer moves. I'm from the Stone family, but my name is Emma Lee. Nice to meet you." She says holding out her hand.

I shake her hand, and suddenly my fingers start to burn.

"Shit" I say pulling back my hand shaking my fingers waiting for the burning to stop. I look at her hand to see what've hurt me. Then I notice she is wearing a bracelet, a silver bracelet.

I look towards her face as the burning in my fingers recedes as quickly as it came. In that split second I see her face change from welcoming a possible new ally, to seeing an enemy.


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