Loving you is a Torture

By HimeShian

746 51 0

Yanna is a 16 years old girl who still coping up from the accident that happened to her 5 years ago. She felt... More

Loving you is a torture


50 5 0
By HimeShian

Memories of mind can be forgotten but the memories that the heart felt ,would live at the people's heart forever

"Yanyan! Good morning!" It was her friend and classmate Kate.

"Good morning"  I replied to her smiling.

Some of our girl classmates hate Kate and since I and Kate were friends they hate me too. I don't know why but they're acting like a bitch. Sorry for the word humans

It's been a week since I joined to their group. Kate and I was the only girls on us. We're 23 all in all to this group of students, on different sections and levels... Hmmn I mean 24, I never met yet the other one of our group. Well, he wasn't coming to school yet even though the classes starts 2 weeks ago.

I heard about the rumors around the school. It was all about our group. Many flirty bitches spreads it. I knew they just want to caught the attentions of our group because our boys are all cuties of the school. Well, I don't really know why I am with them by the way. It was all because of Kate. That cute friend of mine.

After a while, our Math teacher come up and so the class was started when there's someone who caught the attention of our class because he was late.

"Tsk... Tsk... Tsk... First day he came in class ànd he's late" Karline whispered while shaking his head as an act of disappointment

"You are?" Asked of our professor

"Charlie Dmithri"

"Charlie Dmithri— " Mr. Colins looked at his class record "Did you know that the class started 2 weeks ago? Why didn't you come to my class?" Asked of our professor to a new comer but the student didn't answered his question

We're all waiting for the answer of the new comer but he doesn't and he was expressionless. I hate this kind of scene so I cleared my throat while looking to our professor. Yes this was just a public school but my grandma has some contributions and power here. Almost all of the teachers here know who I am so they all trying to be good.

Mr. Colins looked at me then back to the new comer "okay Mr. Dmthri we will talk after class. Go find your seat" He cleared his throat

The guy starts to walk and sit on the seat beside me. That was the only available seat here so he doesn't have a choice

I don't even know that person, but it looks like I seen him before. Maybe I saw him  before. Our Professor was good at teaching. Even my friends said that the easiest class we have was his class.

"okay class go to page 32 and study the instructions we will have a test tomorrow. Class dismiss" He was about to go "Mr. Dmithri, go to my office now" then that new comer followed him

After his subject, it feels like next subjects are boring. Boring because someone thought me those subjects. I just came here to have a friend and to know how it feels to come in school. i don't know but I felt like I was an ice age man.

On our break time

"What happened to Dmithri?" Asked Kate

"Charlie is Crazy man! I don't know what happened to him! He's ruining his life!" Lawrence said

"Yeah he is! But it was just started on his 7th grade" said Auxton

"Oh man! I tried to talk him about that but he said it was nothing" said Luka

I am just listening to them while my eyes on a notebook full of notes. I am just staring on it while thinking about that Dmithri guy. When I saw him his presence seems hopeless. Like something too heavy was bothering him. I can say because I love observing and analyzing people. I know I'm gonna choose psychology on college.

"Yan!" Kate called me so I looked to her

"Yes?" I replied

"Why so serious? It's a break. Stop that studies thingy" then she closed my notebook I just  smile to her

It's just a props but the truth is I am analyzing other things

"Dim, Man! What does that teacher told yah!?" Joshin screamed to the guy walking towards us.

It was the late comer guy who's walking toward us. He just smiled sarcastically. This guy got an attitude problem

He caught my whole attention. I am staring to every movements he was doing. As I was looking to him, from nowhere I felt anger. I couldn't control my anger and the urge to punch that guy when I felt like someone's staring at me.

I look at my left and I saw Tristan seriously staring at me. I didn't look away and so we're staring to each other like for 10 seconds when he smiles and I felt like smiling because I know we looked like idiots. Then I look away while smiling. He's a heart throb here I know that. The friendly one too. This guy can be called handsomely insane

If you catched someone staring at you then he smiled too it feels so laughable, like laugh out loud. But what more if he is an ultimate campus heart throb? A campus crush staring at you intently? Oh wow your self esteem will go up too. But I should not become so assuming, I am just enjoying every happy momemts.

After a while, I felt like there's someone who sits beside me so I turned to that side. When I saw who he is, I managed to make any expression. It was Charlie. I don't really like his presence.

Yan! Enhale Exhale! Enhale Exhale! You can do that! Don't be so ridiculus human. He doesn't did something to you. On other voice of her mind (He ain't YET doing something bad). Bad  mind! Stop arguing! Let us be nice okay? Shocks! Why am I talking to my self? And it is two voices, I am just only one. (Sorry Yan but your talking not only one voice. We're many. And we are from the different part of you) jeez crazy!

"Yan!" I looked to Kate "He is Charlie, our new classmate and also one of us"

I looked again to Charlie and then nodded "O-okay"

He is looking at me now. He seems like memorizing my face when he got a knotted forehead. Crazy Dude . And so I am too. What's the problem of this guy? Hate what he is doing. I looked away before I scold him not to look at me like that.

"Ouch!" I heard him said ouch and then I realized that Kate punch him on his arm. Well I should say thanks to Kate. Pretty adorable she is... "Why did you do that!?" Asked charlie

Kate smiled to him sarcastically "Don't you introduce yourself?"

"Why should I" said Charlie "I already introduces myself to the class this morning" He looks at me "I think she's smart so she already knows my name. Jeez! I told you I can punch him to his cute— I mean freaking face. Not cute! Did I said cute? Well don't believe me he is arrogant and that's not cute at all

He embarrassed Kate for saying that and I think any moment she would punch his face. I don't want any misunderstandings or any war here between the two of them so I stand.

"Have you introduce yourself? When? Well, sorry dude I am not listening to you when you're speaking" with one eyebrow's up "I am busy on other things" I saw Kate smile a bit "Well if you don't want to, it's fine" try to looked like normal "I am not interested by the way" I stood up, get my things "Sorry guys have to go to the library " then I walk going to the library

"Wait me Yan!" I heard Kate called me. As I looked back I felt the cold wind on my face as I saw Kate walking towards me smiling. When I look to them I saw them all staring to Charlie "I have to do something too" I just wait for her

"Thanks Yan" Kate said as we both walk the way to the library

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