Games Of Insanity

By akiradachi65

149 0 0

Following a newbie into a secret and secure corporation is how this story goes, watching his life go all over... More

part one
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 14
part 15
part 16
part 17
part 18
part 19
part 20
part 21
Gpart 22

part 9

4 0 0
By akiradachi65

"get up." A solider yells, grabbing Delta and yanking him off of his bed, only getting a bat following the soliders actions, slamming into deltas face. He takes it, however sakura punches the soilder who hit him, pissed off. The solider staggers back, looking at sakura with disgust, spitting on the floor before smirking. He picks up Delta by the collar before cockily grinning, looking at them both. "Something up zeta? He your man or somethin'?" They taunt, laughing as they shove Delta back into sakura, who catches his fall. "Nah that isn't it? He's a mummy's boy ain't he? Go on cry to zeta." They joke, glancing at the others who stay aback, knowing they can't do much.

"Sakura just leave it." Sukuna warns, walking over and grabbing her shoulder, worried. "Their bound to hurt Delta more otherwise." He adds, sighing, "he just needs to learn how to wake up at the right time is all." He warns, walking back. The solider waits watching sakura let Delta step away.

"Alright you idoits, get ya' asses moving, we've got 20 minutes until your physical test is starting." The soilder orders, getting more of the soilders to walk in, all holding handcuffs, "due to your special attack the other day, all of you have been taken under a harsher containment, therefore free roam is forbidden, and breaking this rule is instant week solitary confinement." They add, walking away whilst the others ram the muzzels of their guns into the group's backs, forcing them to walk out, all covered by the group of soliders, making alpha and sukuna remains the most anxious, unlike sakura and Ryu, who remain unaffected.

After a few minutes, the main leader stops, taking out a card and opening a door, glancing at the group as he ushers the group to push them in, although they don't show any kind of retaliation. "Looks like they finally got the memo." The leader smirks, before closing the door behind the group.

"This is way to big." Alpha murmurs, looking around as the ceiling remains almost impossible to see due to how tall it is, alongside the same grey walls fusing with it. Sakura breaks her handcuffs without hesitation, and walks over to the wall, knocking the walls carefully before pausing.

"These are their heavy duty walls. Ryu ain't gonna be walking out this time." She says, turning around as Delta helps take the handcuffs off of everyone else, having taken his own off earlier. Ryu rolls her eyes, and sighs, more sarcastically than anything, whilst Daniel remains almost still and lifeless, his fear alone taking over.

There's no way I'm going to survive this. It's a physical test, not mental. How the hell would I survive that!? Daniel mentally tries to prepare himself, but gets taken back to the now as alpha nudges his shoulder, glancing at Daniel before looking at sukuna. "I know what your thinking, that because their here your dead. Trust me I'm aware of it." Alpha points out. "But you are more likely to die by anything else apart from these tests, the faculty are dumb, but they know how to keep their assets in line." He adds, crossing his arms.

"Is that how you've lived this long?" Daniel whispers, knowing the others are busy talking to eachother. Alpha shrugs, and closes his eye, scratching his chin before glancing at Daniel again. Daniel waits patiently, Hoping that alpha can help him cope with this; barring the same weaknesses almost.

"Who knows, I'm only level 3, pretty common for us to be used as live bait anyways. Whenever the others got too threatening, then the faculty got involved, however I didn't get away unscathed." Alpha pauses, and sighs, shaking his head. "What I'm saying is don't sweat, the faculty will keep you alive but your going to be hurt." Alpha adds, Letting Daniel nod, understanding. "Not to mention you have sakuras regeneration, and not died yet." He adds pausing. Daniel hesitates, unsure but curious, to why alpha is so hung up about this opportunity.

"Can you two nerds shut up for five seconds?" Ryu yells, tossing a small piece of what seems to be cement into alphas head, catching both of their attention. "We have the  test here." Ryu adds, stepping aside to show nothing. Daniel blinks in confusion, as alpha steps back, not trusting it. Ryu claps her hands and snickers, whilst alpha looks back at her.

"Wow, cheap." He snaps back, leaving Daniel confused. "How about be a good little leader and let Daniel see?" Alpha adds, making Ryu tilt her head in a sick curiosity, pushing her glasses up whilst walking over. Sakura and sukuna remain still, as Delta stays just besides them, still slightly dazed by the bat earlier.

"Getting cocky now?" Ryu asks, leaning over alpha as he remains stone faced. "Almost as if you finally grew a pair." She adds, before crossing her arms and smiling, making Daniel sick to his stomach from fear. Alpha however doesn't change, catching ryus interest.

"No, actually, I don't care. We have a test to do, fuck off." Alpha spits, slapping Ryu before walking away. Sukuna jolts in shock, whilst Delta just looks at alpha with confidence, grinning at his action. Daniel steps back, not trusting ryus little or no emotion or reaction.

"What's the test exactly?" Daniel asks, not losing his eyesight on Ryu, whilst asking the others. Sakura shrugs, and pushes something invisible, as it stumbles and reappears in front of Daniel taking him by surprise.

"Probably got shit scared and hid. Won't blame them though." Delta points out, standing next to alpha wary about Ryu. "But he's just a level 1, what's the point?" Delta adds, confused.

"It's not for us." Sakura suggests, gesturing to the stranger who clambers up, frantically looking at the group in fear. Sukuna doesn't look their way, whilst Ryu stands up straight and brushes herself down, glancing over at them before they look at Daniel.

"Wait why are you here!?" They yell, suddenly grabbing Daniel and throwing him down. "It's your fault isn't it! This is all your fault you and your kind did this!" They scream, kicking Daniels side as he staggers, struggling to get up. "all of you! Fucking sciencists! Have fun stabbing us and tearing us apart to get put back together!?" They add, whilst Daniel remains unwilling to fight back.

Sakura grabs sukunas arm, yanking him aback, as he tries to go and stop it. "This isn't our test. So we don't interfere." She sighs, making sukuna yank his arm out and look at her with shocked disgust. Delta and alpha remain close to the walls, meanwhile Ryu just watches.

"Yet you'd do the same if it was me, don't start." Sukuna repiles, walking to the killer as they stop and look over, losing all colour in his face.

"Why would you stop me? He's one of them." The killer asks, stepping back although sukuna merely stands there, helping Daniel up. The killer looks at them both before pausing. "He's your pet? That still wouldn't change anything?" The killer almost pleas, stepping aback more. Daniel hesitates, noticing how the killer is terrified although sukuna hasn't done anything.

"God man do you shut up? Your fucked eitherway just die quietly." Ryu taunts, laughing before sukuna slaps her into the ground, making sakura pause, watching sukuna with hate. Daniel mentally shakes, as sukuna still remains quiet. Alpha and Delta remain by sakura, unsure of what's happening themselves.

"This is Daniels test, why interfere?" Alpha asks, after putting the pieces together, "level one Obviously are nothing but bait. They probably want to see if Daniel has any experience in fighting." Alpha adds, crossing his arms not wanting to be here anymore.

"Don't tell me what I already know." Sukuna repiles, glancing at the killer. "But it's obvious Daniel has none, otherwise he would have fought back, and I'm not wasting my time losing my pet again." Sukuna adds, walking over to the killer as they try to evade his walking, failing as sukuna grabs their collar.

"No! Don't kill me! I was just obeying orders!" The killer yells, grabbing sukunas arm in a futile attempt to escape. Ryu steps back and shoves Daniel with her, letting the others follow behind.

"Wait why are we-" Daniel gets cut off by sakuras side glance, the warning alone shutting him up. Delta opens the door as they walk through, the killers screams for help making Daniels hair on the back of his neck stand on end.

"When it comes to sukuna your better off leaving his methods alone." Sakura warns, sitting on the floor outside of the room, leaning her head against the wall, knowing Daniel is curious. Ryu and alpha lean against the opposite wall while Delta stands guard to the door that they left.

"So what do we do now then? This would be classified as free roaming." Daniel says, awkwardly, making alpha just slam his head against the wall.

"It's not. Unless you want to see something worse than what you have already, just stay here. There's a damn reason why some things stay secret." Ryu spits, somehow annoyed unlike sakura and Delta, who remain waiting.

"How can it be any worse than some guys torso get going off?" Daniel asks, trying to see how far he can ask his questions, staying anxious and worried. Sakura gestures to alpha, who nods, and walks to the door, glancing at Daniel, before slamming the button open, making delta grab Daniel and throw him in, getting a laugh from Ryu.

"You guys cmon! He's just a newbie." She mocks, as the door closes with ease, "aw man, he's going to die now." She adds, closing her eyes and waiting.

"I doubt it. Sadly sukuna sees him as nothing more than a human." Sakura repiles, tapping her head, "afterall he isn't wrong but you know his stupid 'only fight if it's a actual threat's ideal." Sakura adds, making delta sigh.

Meanwhile Daniel pushes himself up, and glances around, finding neither the killer or sukuna around, nor finding any evidence of them being there. "There's no vents or Windows how did-" Daniel pauses, getting the feeling that he's being watched, shaking and turning around Hoping nobody is there, and finding nobody.

"Why are you still here! Scram human!" The killer yells, grabbing Daniels shoulder and yanking him over. Daniel falls over and spots the killers fear, underneath what he can assume to be a acidic type of liquid, burning his face and body. The killer stumbles and runs around the room, grabbing his arm as he keeps changing his running pattern. Daniel remains on the floor in shock, grabbing his chest feeling his heartbeat rise.

Is he insane? No he's getting chased or something? Daniel tries to think of a logical reason, to not go insane himself. The killer yells, and jumps in the air, barely missing what Daniel knows straight away to be a vine like object, similar to what he was attacked with before.

Is he underground? How!? Daniel mentally yells, getting up and staggering around losing his balance for a second. The killer rushes away from the vine, as it sinks back into the ground.

"We're both gonna die don't you get it!?" The killer yells, looking at Daniel with hysteria, his face almost gone because of the acid. Daniel pukes in his mouth at the sight. The killer cries or tries to, shaking as he steps back and looks around. "Take the human first! He's easier to kill dammit!" The killer yells, pointing at Daniel who shakes his head, unable to talk due to his body pumping with adrenaline and fear. Maybe they actually was right for once. Daniel sighs, as the killer shakes and bolts to daniel, taking out a knife and aiming towards him.

Daniel runs back, knowing the door is shut, but stops hearing a loud thudding sound behind him, followed by what sounds like a squishing and crushing sound, before he gets covered in something. I hope that isn't blood, don't let- it's blood. Daniel tenses up, as he turns around, spotting the blood spray on his sleeves and coat, making him yank it off and throw it away.

"You ok?" Sukuna asks, standing up, looking at Daniel, and stepping over what remains of the killer, his head gone. Daniel steps back, and spots sukunas hand covered in blood. Did he really just crush his head!? Daniel leans against the door, out of breath and scared, knowing his adrenaline rush is going, as sukuna walks over and glances at the door, punching the card device to open it.

Daniel falls backwards, as Delta looks down, before stepping away from the door, as sukuna walks out, licking his hand clean. Ryu snickers as alpha and sakura walk over, sakura glancing at the corridors.

"We should make a move, we're due to be by the quad in 15." Sakura points out. "Because the test was meant to end ages ago." She adds, picking Daniel up. Alpha starts to walk away, with delta and sukuna following behind him. "I'll take Daniel, bitch boy probably can't move right now." Sakura adds, glancing at sukuna, "and make sure you get rid of all the blood, I can't be asked to deal with even more fights." Sakura sighs.

Sukuna nods, whilst Daniel doesn't move, or more so unable to, due to his body feeling weak. Why are they so calm about it, or even question it. Man my head hurts.

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