The Heart That's Meant to Lov...

By meganfatheree

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Is life a series of transactions, or does it hold surprises for those who least expect it? Naomi Rowe and Kie... More

Chapter 1: Naomi
Chapter 2: Kieran
Chapter 3: Class
Chapter 4: Appointment
Chapter 5: Lunch
Chapter 6: Task
Chapter 7: Mother
Chapter 8: Information
Chapter 9: Routine
Chapter 10: Collaboration
Chapter 11: Suddenly
Chapter 13: Research
Chapter 14: Monday
Chapter 15: Staring
Chapter 16: Interaction
Chapter 17: Admission
Chapter 18: Tawny
Chapter 19: Conflict
Chapter 20: Stress
Chapter 21: Unexpected
Chapter 22: Conscience
Chapter 23: Petty
Chapter 24: Reminder
Chapter 25: Scare
Chapter 26: Snack
Chapter 27: Money
Chapter 28: Advice
Chapter 29: Mock-Up
Chapter 30: Shark
Chapter 31: Oliver
Chapter 32: Karaoke
Chapter 33: Intrusion
Chapter 34: Breathe
Chapter 35: Choice
Chapter 36: Suitable
Chapter 37: Argument
Chapter 38: Responsibility
Chapter 39: Decisive
Chapter 40: Avoidance
Chapter 41: Saccharine
Chapter 42: Losing
Chapter 43: Explanation
Chapter 44: Coloring
Chapter 45: Introspection
Chapter 46: Blindsided
Chapter 47: Spa
Chapter 48: Retreat
Chapter 49: Baggage
Chapter 50: Predator
Chapter 51: Tension
Chapter 52: Protectors
Chapter 53: Thwarted
Chapter 54: Plans
Chapter 55: Departure
Chapter 56: Interrupted
Chapter 57: Highlights
Chapter 58: Deflection
Chapter 59: Return
Chapter 60: Mugs
Chapter 61: Rendezvous
Chapter 62: The Kiss
Chapter 63: Breakup
Chapter 64: Aftershock
Chapter 65: Hope
Chapter 66: Invasion
Chapter 67: Competition
Chapter 68: Party
Chapter 69: Hurt
Chapter 70: Eavesdrop
Chapter 71: Aftereffects
Chapter 72: Eye-Opener
Chapter 73: Explanation
Chapter 74: Return
Chapter 75: Skirmish
Chapter 76: Stroll
Chapter 77: Thieves
Chapter 78: Regret
Chapter 79: Honesty
Chapter 80: Reminiscence
Chapter 81: Fauxpology
Chapter 82: Tempest
Chapter 83: Graduation
Chapter 84: Ultimatum
Chapter 85: Betrayal
Chapter 86: Thunderstorm
Chapter 87: Morning
Chapter 88: Introspect
Chapter 89: Friendship
Chapter 90: Goodbye
Chapter 91: Revisit
Chapter 92: Dirt
Chapter 93: Deceit
Chapter 94: Deal
Chapter 95: Delusion
Chapter 96: Sacrifice
Chapter 97: Hospital
Chapter 98: Forward
Chapter 99: Reunion
Chapter 100: Finale

Chapter 12: Meeting

22 3 0
By meganfatheree

Kieran kept his eyes glued to the computer screen, hoping others would leave him alone while he thought for a moment. 

He hadn't anticipated an intrusion by the Girl in White. The innocent maiden he had watched on campus. Now she stood mere feet behind him, just waiting. For what? Probably the ability to leave. The shoot had to end before she could return the shoes. 

Kieran could offer her a few more things to wait for, if he gathered the audacity to do so. 

He hadn't meant for this to be their first meeting. A plan had been laid, and this fit nowhere inside it. However, Kieran knew better than to look a gift-horse in the mouth. 

Donovan had provided him with the information he needed to approach her. Though Kieran had a different beginning in mind, he could bow to Fate's whims. It only sped up the timing of their first encounter. Everything else remained the same. No reason to get flustered. 

First things first. Kieran had a photoshoot to finish. 

It might have been easier to separate work from personal life if hadn't been innately aware of the small, naïve woman in the corner. Every single movement she made, every one of her sighs, all told him something new about the girl. Important information that he hated to overlook. Both taking pictures and taking notes required all his focus. Kieran had to choose. 

So, instead of pondering why it had to be that girl who brought the shoes, Kieran set all his willpower on finishing the pictorial. 

One thing at a time, he reminded himself. Keeping his job ranked higher on his list of priorities than that girl ever would. 

She didn't follow them to the third and final set, but rather stayed seated in her corner of the warehouse. All for the better. She would have only been in the way. 

Kieran snapped the final picture as the sun dropped low enough to shine through the warehouse door. 

A quick check to the computer satisfied him that he had taken enough shots. Kieran circled a finger in the air. "That's a wrap! Thank you, everybody." 

Applause went up, along with loud cheers, throughout the sea of technicians and assistants. Far too many people for one little photoshoot, but who was he to tell the celebrities that they couldn't bring along their entire entourage? Why would they listen to a lowly photographer?

Kieran chuckled to himself as the crowd dispersed to the changing room and other various tasks. Celebrities were strange creatures, indeed. 

"You've been sitting here an awfully long time, is there something you need?" 

At the tone of Niall's voice, Kieran lifted his attention away from his job of cleaning the camera lens. That nuisance wouldn't be talking to the Girl in White. Niall didn't pay attention to unimportant people. Right?

A slow turn of Kieran's head brought the scene into view. The Girl in White had risen from her chair. Niall stood in front of her, hands loosely in his pockets and that signature grin on his smug face. What business could Niall possibly have with a girl like that? She didn't belong to the usual caliber of woman that Niall approached, Kieran was certain of that.

Kieran also knew he couldn't let Niall have the slightest sliver of a chance with her. Not if he wanted to put to use the information he had gathered. Why should he allow some dumb model to ruin his plan?

Kieran settled the camera in its bag, zipped it closed, and slung the strap over his shoulder. A decent beginning would be better than none at all. This wasn't how he meant to approach her, it wouldn't be perfect, but Kieran would make it work.

Time was of the essence, but Kieran made sure to keep his strides slow and measured. Confidence won any game. That, and a bit of luck.

Kieran stopped, shoulder to shoulder with Niall. Given that the shoot had ended, Kieran ignored the model and instead focused on the girl. "Are you ready to go?"

Niall stiffened beside Kieran, probably angry at being interrupted.

The girl raised gold-flecked brown eyes to stare wide-eyed at Kieran. "I have to return the shoes," she answered simply.

"I thought Michelle took them. Do you need to go see if she's still here?" If she were smart, this girl would take the hint to either walk away or accept a ride.

A corner of her mouth twitched, whether to laugh or sneer Kieran couldn't quite figure out. "I do. Thank you both for your concern." And she walked away.

Niall shoved his shoulder against Kieran's. "Why did you interrupt me? I had it covered."

"Why?" Kieran chuckled, watching until the girl disappeared into the dressing room. "She's way out of your league. Don't waste your tricks."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Sure you do." This time, Kieran turned his head to look at Niall. "She isn't the type to fall for typical tactics. Try Janelle instead." 

Kieran knew that the jab might get him in trouble later, but he didn't care. So long as he could distract Niall.

The plan worked. Niall's nose wrinkled up like a pug. "Why would you mention Janelle? And why would you think my tactics for picking up a woman don't work? I've never had a complaint before."

"That you know of." Kieran turned, patted Niall on the shoulder, and started for the door. "Good luck with Janelle."

The irritated growl made the provocation worth it.

Kieran smirked to himself. That ought to keep Niall upset enough that he wouldn't be in the mood to mess with the Girl in White. Which left Kieran the opportunity to wait in his Jeep. A win for all involved, as Kieran couldn't interact with the prissy models anymore without snapping. Could anyone be less down-to-earth than those people?

Thus, Kieran watched from afar.

Niall left first, all in a huff and snapping instructions at his attendants. All for the better. Soon after him, Ruby and her entourage snaked their way to the black van they had arrived in.

The sky darkened at the top, leaving only the last vestiges of purple and pink along the horizon. A single light over the warehouse door and Kieran's headlights were the only things that lit the parking space.

The Girl in White stepped out into the dark evening.

Kieran pulled his car out of the parking space and stopped in her path, far enough away not to frighten her but close enough she would have to look up.

Look up, she did.

"Get in, I'll drive you back," Kieran suggested.

The girl studied his car, then shook her head. "No, thank you."

"I promise I don't bite." Kieran sent her his brightest, most winning smile.

Face still stoic, not a trace of emotion showing, she shook her head again. "I'm returning with Michelle."

Kieran resisted the urge to frown. Leave it to a designer to ruin his well-thought-out plans. But he couldn't let the girl see that. He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. "How are the two of you getting back?"

"Michelle called a taxi."

He couldn't convince this girl to ride with him without sounding pushy or desperate. Kieran despised both options. So he created a third.

Kieran opened his door to step out and lean against the side of his vehicle. "I'll wait for the car to get here."

The girl didn't say anything, but her controlled expression faltered for a brief moment. Long enough for Kieran to catch the roll of her eyes. A tough one, this Girl in White. That made it more fun.

Michelle closed the warehouse door behind herself, then shot Kieran a wide smile. "You're still here."

"Your... friend? Says the two of you are taking a taxi." Kieran shot a return smile to Michelle. They had always been on friendly terms. "I want to be sure you get on your way safely."

"How kind!" Michelle reached out to pat Kieran's shoulder. "Thank you."

"It's really not necessary," the Girl in White piped up.

Kieran turned his smile to her, feeling the sarcasm that crept into his expression. "I insist."

"Have the two of you formally met? It was such a mess in there." Michelle wrapped an arm around the girl's shoulders. "This is Naomi, she works in my store. Naomi, this is Kieran. He is a very gifted photographer."

So her name was Naomi. Kieran could start with that. A piece of him warmed with the knowledge, knowing he had made an inroad, however small.

Kieran extended a hand. "Nice to meet you."

She hesitated, a long moment, those gold-flecked eyes studying the offering before her.

To Kieran's surprise, Naomi reached out and rested her fingers inside his. "Likewise."

Something passed between the two, unspoken but not unfelt. Like a jolt of electricity urging them to come back to life. An understanding so instinctual, neither knew what might come out of it.

Kieran knew only one thing. One thought that pervaded all others after he let go of her hand... after the taxi arrived... after he snapped a picture of the license plate and crawled back into his own vehicle.

He had chosen a woman to play with, but something told him she was made of fire. 

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