Tom Riddle Imagines

By tom_riddles_wifey68

337K 4.6K 1K

These are random scenes my mind creates every night when I'm going to bed, feel free to suggest any imagines... More

cold morning bliss
battle of hogwarts
broken promises
rule the world with me
blood and love
betrayed & trapped
betrayed & trapped pt. 2
clouds & fire
i love you and i hate myself for it
fix me
"just friends"
he always wins
simple moments
black coffee
"we all die, its just life."
another chance
kitchen scares
if only
the boy
i like you more than i planned
secret garden

"kill me if you must"

8.4K 122 28
By tom_riddles_wifey68

I watched as he sat at the table, authority in every movement he made, I sat near him; listening to their next plan.

They wanted to explode a street with homes filled with muggleborns, children, adults, all of it. 

Fury quaked in me, staying just underneath the cover, so close to boiling over.

He is truly heartless, no emotions at all, was his love for me just a sick obsession? 

I watched as the meeting ended, the chairs scraping against the cold floor and the stream of death eaters exiting the room. 

I didn't move a inch, Tom was scanning through some papers. He only looked up when he felt my sharp gaze on him. 

"Yes darling?" He asked, one eyebrow lifting up in question. 

My plans for today were that I would go hang out with some friends of mine right after the meeting, Tom knew about it so he was confused on why I hadn't left yet. 

"Are you seriously going to bomb a street of innocent people?" I was trying my best to not boil over and pounce onto him in anger. 

"Yes what about it? They are mudbloods and they don't deserve to be a part of the wizarding world love; we've talked about this." He muttered with an unbothered expression on his face as if he was talking about the weather and not killing people.

"Are you mentally okay? Like seriously? You need fucking help." I pushed back my chair. 

His expression changed quickly, turning from unbothered to furious.

"Watch your mouth." He warned. 

"You really are crazy, insane in the head huh?" I laughed, knowing each button I had to press to make him go wild. 

He stood up abruptly, the heavy chair he was sitting on falling over from the sheer force.

I flinched, and I could only hope he didn't notice. Unfortunately, good luck wasn't on my side today.

He raised an eyebrow in amusement, he just witnessed a crack in the concrete wall I built around me. 

Behind it, I was terrified of him. I knew what he could do, how much power he had and it scared the hell out of me. 

Then there was the part of me who loved him, which him I didn't know. 

The Tom in Hogwarts, who would apologize if he raised his voice at me in argument, the Tom that would stay with me at night when I couldn't fall asleep. Even then he had his flaws, but he wasn't this bad.

I swallowed down any doubt I had, "I'm going to stop you." 

A fire lit into his eyes, "If you even try to dear, I will kill you." 

"Like you did to your father?" I cocked an eyebrow and smirked. 

Suddenly I was against the wall with his hand wrapped around my throat, "He was a selfish bastard, he deserved every bit of pain I made him suffer through." His voice slowly started rising.

"Your mother gave him a love potion, he didn't have a choice at all." I gasped out. 

"It doesn't matter, he should've stayed, he should've tried. I had to grow up without any parents because of him!" 

"You know what, I feel sorry for you, I feel sorry that you seriously think that the whole world revolves around you Riddle." I sneered at him, he was now crushing my windpipe with his hand, I was struggling for breath.

"Stop being so stubborn, I love you like I've never loved anyone, isn't that enough for you?" He pleaded with me. 

"Just listen to me, and go with it my love." He whispered to me, his hand lightening its hold on my throat. 

I finally could breathe properly, I took a long inhale and spoke, 

"Kill me if you must, but I shall not bow to a King who wears a crown studded with the jewels of every life he has ended." I whispered back. 

He let go of me, walked towards the table and picked up his glass of liquor.

He took a sip and laughed coldly, the sound echoing through the room as shivers ran down my spine. 

He then threw his glass against the wall, the glass smashed loudly; surprising me.

I drew in deep breaths, trying to calm my fast beating heart; trying to ignore the voice in my head that screamed at me to run. 

"Get out." He said, so lowly I almost missed it. 

"What-" I croaked out, my throat sore from the grip it was in just seconds before. 

"Get out, before I do something I'll regret later." He said with no emotion in his voice. 

I did as I was told and rushed through the door as quickly as I could, thoughts rushed through my head. 

'Is he going to kill me?' Probably not.

'Will he cancel his wretched plan?' Also very unlikely. 

'Will I stop him?' I'll certainly try. 


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