The Black Panther (Fruits Bas...

By mochi3z

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No one knew about the Panther. Akito hid her from the other Sohmas and Zodiac members. Y/n Sohma would bounce... More

✨Chapter 2✨
✨Chapter 3✨
✨Chapter 4✨

✨Chapter 1✨

637 6 10
By mochi3z

Love this photo of Haru. I found it on pinterest.

Y/n Pov~

Flashback (10 years ago)~

I was walking up these huge stairs to get to this park on a hill. As I was walking to the swings I noticed a boy with orange hair drawing....dried.......EGGS!!! I walked up to the boy "Hey carrot top! Why you drawing dried eggs in the dirt?"  No respond "OI Carrot tops answer me!!"  Still no respond.  "Ok.......then lets have a competition.......who ever draws the most fried eggs win........What do you say carrot tops?"   "Sure, but my names Kyo Sohma not carrot tops."  "Well Kyo I'm still going to call you carrot tops ok? Oh and lets have the competition over there since you already drew some fried eggs here on the dirt."  "Ok"   

TimeSkip To After the Competition~

"YESS!!! I AM VICTORIOUS!!!!!"  I looked at my watch on my wrist. "Dang, I have to go Carrot tops, But I'll come by tomorrow, ok? Ohhh and umm lets be friends ,ok?"  "Ok, but why would you want to be friends with me?"   "Because I don't judge people by rumors or their zodiac curse, that's why."  "How'd you know I was the cat....aren't you an outsider?"  "No I'm Y/n Sohma......I'm the black panther. I am part of the zodiac curse it's just that Akito is keeping me hidden from the rest of you."  "Ohh ok bye Y/n"  I started running to the entrance. "BYEE!!! CARROTT TOPPPPSSS!!!!"

End of Flashback~

"Earth to Y/n........Earth to Y/n.....Y/N!!!!"   "Ahh what sorry I was having a remembering an old childhood friend."  "Ahh ok. As I was saying, what high school are you going to?"  "I was planning on going to Kaibu High School."  "Ohh I hear that Mannabe and Machi go there is that why you're going there?"  "Ya. I was hoping know get the band back together."  "Ohhh ok, Well invite me to one of your guys consetors, Ok?"   "Ya got it. See you later I gotta go now."  "Ok bye."   "Bye Lily."  You grabbed your skateboard out of your backpack and started to head towards Shinzo's House.

 I've been staying at Shinzo's House for the last 4 months because him and Kyo went to the mountains to train. But when Kyo gets back I'm going to beat the living Hell outta of him. He left without telling me, I just found out like 1 month ago. I was really worried. The first day of highschool started in a week, just great 🙄. I was really good in studies and stuff , I mean I'm a straight As student. I skip classes alot, but the school doesn't really care because I still get good grades and stuff. But I show up for pop quizzes, test, PE, and art class. I really like PE classes and art class. When I skip classes I usually I'm trying to write another song or drawing or training. Ya, Ya......I know my life seems soooooo boring to you, but I really enjoy it. I also do bake or cook in my free time for Kisa, Hiro, Hatori, or Shigure.  Right now I'm heading home to cook and bake some stuff for Shigure and Yuki. Yuki is also another one of my best friends....

Flashback TIME~

I was walking towards the main estate and I heard a scream and it sounded like a little boys scream. So I immediately start running towards the scream. Right now I'm running through these narrow hallways. I hear the scream again. I run and run and slam the door open. To see Akito about to hit the boy again.  *SLAP*  *THUD*  It wasn't the grey boy who got hit but me. I didn't have enough time to grab Akito's arm to stop him, so instead I took the hit. "Y/n, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!!!"   Akito was pissing me off right now. I stood up. I was standing in front of the grey haired boy with my arm in front of him in a protective way.  "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING HARMING AN INNOCENT CHILD!!!???"  "BECAUSE HE PISSED ME OFF!!!NOW GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE NOW!!!"    "NO. I'M NOT GOING TO LEAVE SO THAT YOU CAN TAKE YOUR PROBLEMS OUT ON THIS LITTLE BOY. AKITO I'm not afraid of you. I will fight you if I have to so suggest you leave."  An dark aura was surrounding you. And you had a sinsest look on your face, and you eyes showed nothing, but hatred and darkness.  

Akito's POV~

I was about to yell at her again, but I saw that look on her face and her eyes. Her eyes when I looked into them they always held happiness and forgiveness and love. I always hated her eyes they always held happiness and love, but this time I looked into her eyes and saw hatred and darkness. And it looked like in any moment she could kill someone, but in this case it would be me. This wasn't the little sister I always fought with or yelled out this was a completely different person. It wasn't her it was her dark side,her over protective side. I have heard stories about when someone pisses her off to much she would turn dark, or when someone is getting hurt or something that also sets off her dark side. But never once in my life time have seen her dark side. So with that I turned around and exited that room. I was not about to see anymore of her dark side. If I was someone else she probably would have already killed them. She always held back her urge to hit me or physically fight me.  To be honest I was scared of her dark side. I wasn't going to tell anyone that, but I was the first time admitted something to myself was that I was scared of my little sister's dark side.

Y/n POV~

I was trying my very hardest to hold back my dark side's urge to punch Akito's face right there and then. He walked out and I let out sigh of relief, I really didn't want to have to go all hands on my brother.  After a couple of minutes I calmed down and turned around to see the boy still trembling in fear. I couple steps towards him and he started to tremble. He was afraid of me. How much has Akito troubled this little boy?  I took a couple steps back and sat down on the floor. "Hey my name's Y/n Sohma. What's your name?"    "I'm......Yuki.......Sohma...."    "Nice to meet you Yuki Sohma......I heard that your the rat zodiac, right?"   "ya-ya..."   "I'm not going to hurt you or torment you. I'm here to help, not the other way around. Come here you look like you could use a hug."   He slowly walked to me then he hugged me and started sobbing in me shoulder. I started to rock him back and forth. I was used to this I would do this for Kyo or Kisa or Hiro all the time. "Hey it's going to be alright Yuki.......I'm going to help you through all of this.Ok. I won't leave your side."   ""   And with that he fell asleep in my arms. After 15 minutes I placed him back on the floor and grabbed a couple blankets and pillows and made him a makeshift bed in on of the corners of the room. I  placed down on the bed and kissed his forehead I was about to leave and go, but he grabbed my hand. I turned around and looked at him. "Pl-please do-don't lea-leave me....."   "Ok. I'll stay here overnight with you."   I climbed into the makeshift bed and he started cuddling in to me. "Good Night Yuki..."  and with that we drifted off to sleep. And ever since then we've been best friends.

End of Flashback~

Yuki thought I ran away because one day I just stopped coming to visit him. Because Akito threatened to hurt one of the zodiac members if I didn't stop visiting Yuki. So I practically begged Akito to let him stay at Shigure's House. I already told Shigure and he agreed. So now Yuki thought I was either dead or ran away and left him behind to suffer. It hurt me just thinking about how much pain he had to through and then I just left him one night and never looked back never said goodbye. I probably deserved to be thought that I left Yuki behind to suffer, ya I deserved that. I arrived home and made Shigure and Yuki some Beef stew, rice balls, and some strawberry shortcake. I called Shigure asking if Yuki was there, but I doubt it, it's 11 am, so he was probably in school. I decided that today while I was skipping classes I would make food for them. Shigure said that Yuki wasn't home so I decided to drive my black truck over there since I can't skateboard or bike over there with all of this food. So ya, I went over dropped of the food and had a nice chat with Shigure till 3 pm because Yuki was going to be here any minute now so I left. 

TIMESKIP (A Week Later)~

I woke up brushed my crazy looking hair, put my two bracelets on my wrist, one was my Yuki friendship bracelet and the other one was my Kyo bracelet. I wore them everyday never took em off only to show though. I woke super happy today because I heard that Kyo got back from his trip a couple weeks ago, but I couldn't see him because I've been really busy these past couple of weeks.  You decided to wear this, you made yourself some rice balls with salmon filling and you decided to stop at Starbucks and get an iced coffee. 

You skateboarded through the gates of Kaibu High School. You already had your schedule and you knew where everything was because on Sunday Mannabe and Machi gave you a tour of the school. You made it to the gym and stood in one in that back in one of the corners, so no one could see you. The speech and shit was over so I decided to walk around the halls of school. I heard yelling it was coming from the president of this school I met him on Sunday his a pain in the ass. So I walked around the corner to see Momiji, Hastuharu, Kyo, Yuki, and a brown hair. Then the president started saying that Momiji couldn't way the girls uniform and shit. That's when I decided to make my grand entrance. I walked in front of Hatsuharu. "OI, You glasses leave the kid alone. I would hate to have to go all dark mode on you."  "YOU Y/N SOHMA, HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU CAN'T WEAR THAT MANY PIERCINGS AND YOU CAN'T SKATEBOARD ON SCHOOL PROPERTY. YOU CAN'T WEAR THAT YOU HAVE TO WEAR THE SCHOOL UNIFORM."  "So are you done now. Here Kyo hold my Starbucks." You handed him the drink. Kyo and Yuki were still frozen in shock. Your dark side kicked in. "OI YOU GLASSES I CAN WEAR WHATEVER THE FUCK I WANT AND MOMIJI CAN THE FUCKING GIRLS UNIFORM IF HE WANTS TO." You grabbed his collar of his uniform pulled him closer to your face. "JUST BECAUSE I'M A FUCKING GIRL DOESN'T MEAN I HAVE TO WEAR SKIRT I CAN WEAR WHATEVER THE FUCK I WANT. HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF YOU HAVE YOUR ON FREE WILL. AND ME WEARING PIERCINGS WON'T STOP ME FROM KICKING YOUR ASS RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW. NOW APOLOGIZE TO MOMIJI, HASTUHARU, AND KYO."   You shoved his face down to Momiji's height. So they were face to face. "NOW APOLOGIZE NOW."  "So-sorry Momiji Sohma."   And you did that with the rest. You let go of his collar and he fell to the floor. He scrambled to his feet and ran off with he side chicks. After a couple of minutes you busted out laughing. "D-DID YOU SEE HIS FACE AND DID YOU SEE KYO'S AND YUKI'S FACE. OMG SO PRICELESS." You said in between laughs. You were on the floor holding your stomach. After 10 minutes you calmed down. Stood up and dusted the dust off your pants.  You looked at Yuki and Kyo.  "So did you miss your best friends or what. Are you guys going to stand there all day or do I get a hug."  Kyo and Yuki rushed to you and hugged you. They released you and you were now standing in front of everyone. Momiji, Hatsuharu, and the brown hair girl were staring at you in shock.  

"Ok so I know you guys have a lot of questions, ok so first off, I didn't run away or die. Akito ordered me to stop visiting you Yuki. So I setted up a arrangement, I would stop visiting you if you got to leave with Shigure and that you didn't need to visit at all, and Akito agreed to that so ya. Ok and to answer the brown hair girl, Momiji, and Hatsuharu. I'm a zodiac member I'm the black panther. Hint, Hint my jet black hair and my yellow eyes. And the reason you have never meet me is that Akito deiced to keep me hidden from everyone else. And I think that's everything..................Ohh wait ok Kyo and Yuki are my childhood friends. And now that's it."  "Wait so where have you been living n/n (nickname)"   "Well Yuki I've been bouncing from Hatori's house to Shigure and to Shinzo."  "Ohh wait now that explains that locked door that's off limits."   "Hehe...Ya. Soooo what's your name brown hair girl."   "Umm.. OHh I AM SUPER SOO I DIDN'T INTRODUCE MYSELF TO YOU I AM TOHRU HONDA."  "Pretty name for a pretty girl ok. I've heard a lot about you. I think we'll be the bestest of friends Tohru."  Momiji jumped on me and I lost my balance since I didn't see him coming. "Y/N, I GOT YOUR CAKE IT WAS SUPER GOOD I ATE ALL OF IT CAN I SOME MORE AND UMM SOME MORE OF THAT CANDY TOO."   "Ya, ya Momo."  Me and Momiji exchanged looks and with both smirked. "Hey wait why are you two smirking!!??"  "Ohh nothing."  We both said at the same time "3,2,1,.......YUN-YUN!!" And we both jumped on Yuki. He prided us off of him and hit both of us in the head. "STOP CALLING ME THAT STUID NICKNAME YOU SPEND TOO MUCH TIME WITH MANNABE."  "We're sorry..........YUN-YUN!" And with that we hide behind Hatsuharu.  "WHY YOU TWO!!!"  Me and Momiji looked at each other and looked over Haru's shoulder and yelled.  "YUN-YUN."  And stuck out our tongues. Kyo callpassed on the floor laughing his ass of. "Y-Y--YUN-YUN!!! THAT'S so stuip-p."   "WHY YOU STUPID CAT!!!"  And that's when I fell on the floor clutching my stomach and laughing my ass off with Kyo. Tohru joined in and started giggling. Momiji joined us. And Yuki looked back at us on the floor and smiled. Not one of those fake smiles but a real one.

To be Continued~ 

You read a total of 2540 words.

If I write anymore my fingers are going to fall off. I was writing this during my online classes so sorry if it my be sortta rushed. I started this story for my own amusement. I actually got this idea from a dream. I was dreaming that there was black panther in fruits basket and like she was the protector. And that Hatori was the dad figure, and everyone loved her and that she was dating Haru.(how lucky) So ya that's where I got the idea from I dream a bunch of weird shit so ya. Ok well bye Love ya all. I have a good night/morning/afternoon. 

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