Bad Boy, Bad Girl

By Mimi_Miga

182K 2.5K 4K

"I hate you." "You really mean that, Princess?" "Just shut up and kiss me." ... More

I | Gentleman.
II | Hangout
III | Party
Quick Announcement
V | The Mayor.
VI | Countdown.
VII | Can and Can'ts.
VIII | Girlfriend.
IX | Cheating?
X | Aftermath & Camping Trip.
XI | Kidnapped.
XII | The Jealousy Game?
XIV | Birthday
XV | Kristen's Back
XVI | Feelings, Drama, and Frustration
XVII | Baby Daddy
XVIII | Breakup & Issues
XIX | Spring Dance But with A Special Guest, Heartbreak.
XX | Love?
XXI | Enemies... Go On Dates?
XXII | Presents
XXIII | Dinner
XXV | Safety
XXVI | Safety P2
XXVII | Blackmail
XXVIII | Casino Night
XXX | Seven Words
XXXI | Friends?
XXXIII | Prom, Part One
Prom, Part Two

XXXII | Again?

2.2K 35 30
By Mimi_Miga

XXXII | Again?


*You can play the song anytime you'd like, it fits great with this chapter <3


"Are we really doing this again?" I yelled with my arms across my chest.

This is the thirteenth argument we've had this week over complete bullshit and it was only Thursday.

"Okay! Yeah! Go! Again!" I yelled again as he stormed out the bedroom and slammed the door, causing me to tear up.

It's been like four or five weeks after our romantic date, from there, things just flew downhill.

These past two weeks have gotten worse and I've just been an emotional wreck.

"Ridiculous," I scoff as tears pour down my face while I aggressively lift up the blanket and lay down, before putting the covers over my head, curling up into a ball, and sob.

All I could do was cry.

He'd leave and not come back till maybe three or five am in the morning. At this point, I don't even care where he goes. He never tells me, and I don't have any energy to ask.

I just kept crying and crying, not giving a shit about a thing in the world right now. I'n just too heartbroken to even want to move from the bed or stop crying.


**Sorry if I change from speaking in First POV to third POV, idrk how I wanna do it but just go along with it LOL.



It was now 4:13 AM. Alex put his keys down on the kitchen table before making his way upstairs into his and Dominique's bedroom. He scans the bedroom, no sight of Dominique.

He takes off his leather jacket and hangs it in his walk in closet, before exiting his room to look for Dominique.

He looked in all the bedroom in his large modern penthouse– she wasn't in them.

He finally checked the bathroom, and found Dominique staring at the painting in front of her as she sat in the bathtub, shivering, with nothing on, staring at the painting on the wall in front of her.

"Dom–" He started, getting ready to get Dominique out the water, but she quickly shooed him off.

"Don't fucking touch me." She cursed harshly, getting up out of the freezing cold bath water.

"Don't act like this." Alex spoke.

"Are you fucking serious!? Don't act like this!?" She yelled, scoffing after. "Why did you come back? Did you get tired after eating her out and decided you needed to sleep? Or maybe she wanted you to go home after her body was exhausted of you fucking her!" Dominique grabbed her towel and stormed past Alex, who then began to follow her, getting pissed off by the second.

"I wasn't fucking anyone!" He yelled, walking behind her as she was storming to their bedroom to put on her towel before grabbing some clothes she needed.

"Yes you were!" She turned around, stopping what she was doing. "You were at the club having a good fucking time, fucking any girl you'd like, since you're the boy who could get any girl he wanted, right!? While I was in your bed, crying, because of you! Go back and have fun with your girlfriends, Alex! I'm so fucking done with you right now."

"I told you I wasn't fucking any girls, Dominique!"

"Oh, so now I'm Dominique!? Okay, Alex! If that's what we're gonna do now, let's fucking do it." Dominique scoffed and turned around, tears pouring down her face as she stuffed a bag with some clothes.

"You won't even listen to me for a second without jumping to conclusions!" Alex yelled.

"They're not jumping if I'm right!" She turned back around to face him.

"I told you I wasn't fucking anyone, Dominique! How do I know you weren't fucking anyone while I wasn't gone!?"

"Fuck you, Alex! I was sitting in your room crying like a fucking baby and you have the audacity to ask me if I was fucking anyone in your house!?" Dominique pointed a finger in his chest. "I'm not like you, Alex, I don't just fucking walk out when shit isn't right and go out and fuck whatever girl is in sight." She turned back around to pack her stuff, even more tears coming out.

"Oh, like five weeks ago you didn't go fuck that weird Felix guy after he brainwashed you!?" He yelled.

"I DIDNT FUCK HIM!" She turned around and yelled at the top of her lungs.

"So what makes you think I was out there fucking other girls while you were here!?"

"Then why the fuck would you leave the house at almost twelve midnight and come back at almost four thirty in the FUCKING morning!?" She yelled.

"Because I fucking can!" He yelled.

"You know what you can fucking do– LEAVE!" She yelled, muffling a sob.

"This is our house. I'm not going anywhere and neither are you."

"Oh, so now you're trapping me!?"

"This is our house! How the fuck am I 'trapping' you!?" He yelled.

"No, you've been saying it, this is YOUR house, right! So I should get the fuck out!" She yelled, grabbing her bag.

Alex rushed to block the bedroom door.

"You're not leaving this room."

"Move! When couldn't keep your dick in your pants, I didn't do anything! Let me fucking get the fuck out of here!" She yelled, sobs threatening to escape her lips.

"I'm not moving." He bluntly responded.

"I said, MOVE!" She tried to push him, but it didn't work.

She began punching him as hard as she could, over and over till she just gave in and began sobbing.

"Move, please..." She sobbed into her hands.


"Don't fucking talk to me or touch me!" She sobbed.

Tears formed in Alex's eyes. He hated seeing her like this, and he knew he was the cause of it.

"Let's just talk." He sighed.

"I'm not saying SHIT to you! Just go fuck your girl. I'm certainly not, since you feel that it's okay to just walk out whenever the fuck you want! Go! Who's stopping you! Shit, I'll even let her come here so you both can fuck right in this room!"

"Dominique, stop."

"I told you to keep my name out your mouth!" She yelled.

"You're my fiancé, how the fuck could I!?"

"Right, I'm your fiancé, the thing you completely ignore while you're out there having the time of your fucking life. Alex, I'm just so fucking sick of you and I don't want to deal with you right now. Just leave. Please, just go."

"I'm not going anywhere."

"Go, Alex! I'm not sleeping on this bed with you, or doing anything with you for that matter. As a matter of a fact, I hate you Alex. For putting me through all this shit. I hate you."

Alex just stood there, shocked.

He hadn't heard that sentence in what felt like years.

Tears formed in his eyes from hurt, and Dominique caught his expression when they both stared deeply into each other's eyes.

When Dominique knew she hurt him, it hit her like a ton of bricks. Her face changed from angry to completely heartbroken.

Yet as much as it hurt her, she felt the need to make him feel what she was feeling.

"You know what, Dominique, I will leave," He turned around and swung open the door, slamming it on his way out.

Dominique didn't move or say a word. All she could do was cry.

Alex grabbed his key and opened the main door before slamming it and exited the building, then got into his car.

He angrily began hitting the wheel out of anger. It pained him so much to see his fiancé acting the way she was and how she was so hurt by his actions.

They were beginning falling apart, and there was nothing they could do to fix it except for talking, but neither of them want to admit their faults. Each of them knew the others' weaknesses, considering the fact that they were sworn enemies months ago.

One of the common weaknesses they both shared were not admitting their faults. If they did, it would be a 'last straw' move.

Alex sat in his car, continuously hitting the steering wheel as tears fell down his face while Dominique laid on their bed, sobbing uncontrollably as they missed one another.



I got up from my empty bed, sniffling, as I'd been crying all night.

I was getting ready to go take my shower, but then I remembered I left my phone downstairs.

I swing open the door, only to see Alex sleeping with his back on the wall and his neck leaning on the pillar next to my door, with a bouquet of roses next to him.

I just stand there, admiring Alex and how handsome he looked, effortlessly. Roses are always the key to my heart– and he knows that.

I take the bouquet roses and place them on my bed, before walking back to Alex.

"Cmon," I shook Alex a little, trying to get him to walk to the bed.

"Huh?" He spoke in a raspy voice, wiping his eyes. I put his arm around my neck and my other hand around his waist, helping him finally stand up. I managed to get his heavy, muscular body onto the bed.

"Thank you for the roses," I whispered as I put the blanket over him.

"Anything for you, Princess." He closed his eyes instantly after that, meaning he was tired and hadn't slept all night.

"I'm sorry, Alex." I kissed his forehead softly.

I was getting ready to go take my shower but I felt a hand pull me back by my arm, "Sleep with me." I didn't even hesitate and climbed onto the bed and laid next to him, putting the blanket over me and placing my head on his shoulder as he wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me close.

"I forgive you, Princess. I'm sorry too." I heard Alex apologize. "I swear, I was never out with any girls. I promise."

"I believe you. And I never let a guy who you didn't like in our house before or have cheated on you, and never will." I apologized back, still with both our eyes closed.

After a moment of silence, I decided to speak again. "Can we actually talk these arguments we have out instead of you just walking out?"

There was a long pause after his response, "Alright, but you have to watch your tone with me and stop jumping to conclusions," He cupped my neck and brought his face closer, making me gasp and open my eyes at the sudden action, revealing Alex looking at me with a bit of lust in his eyes as our noses almost touched.

"I promise," I responded softly.

He kissed me slowly, slipping in tongue. I had missed his touch these past days and the urge was killing me.

Our tongues swirled together slowly, as his muscular, large hand was still wrapped around my neck, and I loved the feeling that came with it.

"I'm really sorry, Alex." I whispered, breaking apart from the kiss as he let go of my neck.

"I already forgave you, princess. It's okay." He responded.

"I don't hate you, Alex..." I draw hearts on his bare chiseled chest.

"You hurt me, you know that right?" He spoke.

"I know and I'm really really really really really sorry," I apologized, attacking him with kisses all over his face.

He chuckled before going back to a serious state, "You can't say something like that in an argument. That was really far. But, at the same time, I am sorry for anything bad I said, even though don't know what I did bad, but I just want to apologize if I hurt you."

I smiled as he turned his body to face me. I gave him a small kiss on the cheek, only for him to pull me in for a long kiss.

"Cmon, I'm tired." I snuggled into his arms as we both got comfy and instantly fell asleep.


"Get your ass up!" Roxanne yelled over the phone.

"Huh?" I yawned.

"You haven't picked up your calls all of yesterday and today, and I got worried." She explained.

"Sorry, I slept in. I'll explain later," I spoke.

"Prom is literally in two weeks and you haven't even looked for a dress. It's nearly impossible to get a dress at this moment, but my dad fucks with the mayor so I can get a word or two in for us."

"Oh god, I totally forgot about prom!" I quickly got out of Alex's grasp.

"Yeah, so hurry and get your ass dressed because we're going to not only boutiques but we're gonna be checking the internet for dresses. We also need to look for nail techs and makeup artists, as well as luxury shops for accessories. Chop, chop! I'll be there in fifteen." With that, she hung up the phone.

"Shoot!" I quickly got in the shower and washed myself as fast as I could.

"Mmmn, where are you going?" Alex asked, signaling he just woke up.

"I'm going to visit some shops with Roxanne!" I yelled from the shower.

I quickly got out wrapped a towel around me and blow dried my hair, before straightening it.

"For what?" He asked, walking into the bathroom with long, loose basketball shorts and no shirt on.

"For prom," I responded, adding finishing touches to my hair.

"I don't wanna go," He stated as I rushed past him to go look for some clothes to wear.

"I don't care, you're going." I declare, finding a cute light blue bodycon dress and throwing it on my bed with the towel still wrapped around my body.

"Says who?" I turn around to be face to face with Alex's bare chest, with Alex looking down at me.

"Says me." I cross my arms and look up at him.

"And who would that be?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Your fiancé, Dominique fucking Smith," I smirk.

"Put me down!" I giggle as he picks me up by my ass, making me wrap my legs around his waist before he holds me against the wall, so my back is on it.

"Tell Roxanne her friend is busy." He spoke, kissing my neck slowly.

"I can't..." I respond, biting my lip to prevent a moan.

"You can." He begins to suck on my neck, obviously going to leave a mark.

"Fuck, Alex..." I breathe. He pulls down his shorts a bit while he manages to hold me with one hand while the other is taking his dick out his pants.

I close my eyes, filled with complete lust and only two seconds later, I feel Alex's cock in my stomach. He places his hands under my bare thighs as he moves me up and down, allowing me to adjust to the pace of his cock.

"Fuck," I moan, throwing my head back as I wrap my arms around his neck.

It's been a while since we've had sex together, like - almost a month - and it's drove the both of us crazy.

"I've missed you," I moan into his ear as he goes even faster. My eyes roll backwards as I continue to moan even louder. Beads of sweat starts trickling down are foreheads as we please our sexual desires.

I've became so used to Alex's touch that I didn't feel complete without it.

"Fuck..." He groans, turning me on more if that was even possible, as we almost reach our climax.

"O-Oh! Fuck!" I dig my nails into Alex's skin, feeling Alex's cock deep in my insides till I could feel it in my stomach.

"You drive me so crazy, princess," Alex whispers into my ear as I can feel his warm liquid fill me up.


"I'm home!" I heard Roxanne yell.


Alex slid me up so that his whole, enormous and long cock slid out of me, before finally putting me back down.

'Go, go, go!' I mouthed to Alex, throwing his shorts and my towel at him as he ran into the bathroom. I got a shirt on the floor and wiped the leftover cum that was dripping out pussy and down my legs due to how much he released.

I heard footsteps climbing up the stairs as I quickly put on a pair of underwear and my bra.

"Fuck, fuck, where's my blue dress!?" I whisper-yell.

I find it and quickly put it on.

I hear a knock on the door, signaling that it's Roxanne.

"You can come in!" I respond. She enters the room and looks at me with a disappointed look.

"I cannot believe you were here pulling a quickie while I was waiting for you to get dressed," Roxanne crossed her arms.

"How'd you figure?" I ask, breathing heavy.

"I can smell the sex and you can hear the pounding from downstairs. You guys are back on good terms I'm guessing?" She raises her eyebrow at me.

"Yeah," I blush.

"Look at you blushing," She giggled. "How was it?"



"This lady's work is amazing..."

We were currently at a boutique looking for some inspiration on our prom dresses and someone who's amazing at designing to make our dream come true.

"If you guys need a dress made in two weeks time, you're going need to pay up to five hundred dollars for the rush because most prom dresses take time to make, especially with a custom design." The lady explained.

"Alright, thank you." I smiled and left the boutique.

"So, we've visited a ton," Roxanne spoke, opening the checklist. "Which do you think should design our dresses and what do you want your dress to look like?"

"Find me something to eat then I'll give you an answer. I'm really hungry right now." I respond as we begin walking to the Chick-Fil-A that we just passed.

We get into Chick-Fil-A and get each other a sandwich, and drink, and some fries.

"Thank you," I grab our food and as we're turning around to go sit down, we bump into a pair of police officers.

"So, sorry officers." I apologize.

"Are you Dominique Smith?" One of the officers ask.


"Because you are under arrest for the murder of Kristen Spears."


This is the longest chapter I have ever written (3090 words) LOL, and especially after two days of posting a new chapter?? Hell yeah!

I hope you guys loved this chapter, I don't know when another one will be posted, but here's that.


I love you all,

and like always, have a great day/night,





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