The Battleship Of The Future

By ApollyonYamato

7.5K 106 22

Azur Lane X Space Battleship Yamato 2202 More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 2

1.5K 22 4
By ApollyonYamato

Yamato: Please believe us, we were got warpped here and we don't know how to get back to our timeline and universe, plus my ship is a proof of we really came from the future because starting in 2100, humanity is able to fully travel to space, discovering another civilization and fought a galactic war 94 years later, resulting almost wiping humanity…

As the mysterious woman's expression changed from confused to serious all of sudden after Yamato's explanation. She now believes the Yamato in front of her is truly from another timeline and universe because her proof was there, the battleship between the two large Gerald R. Ford carriers. The mysterious woman can clearly see it's no normal battleship considering the large rocket thruster at the back and the 200cm (78 inch) Wave Motion Gun on the bow of the ship.

Mysterious Woman: Okay, I believe you two. Follow me to my office.

Yamato: Thank you so much for believing in us, Yorktown.

The mysterious woman or named Yorktown nodded, she told the personnels and shipgirls around the area to keep an eye on Yamato's ship at all cost. Yamato also made her ship locked tight, so spies from other countries won't get any kind of information about Yamato's ship, especially the engine the battleship uses. The Wave Motion Engine is highly dangerous, if it was given to the wrong people.

Yamato, Analyzer and Yorktown headed to Yorktown's office while walking there, they were greeted by personnels and other shipgirls, especially Yamato getting called "Empress" again. It was something Yamato hadn't heard for so long until today, she had a bad time trying to forget her past including the fact she was resurrected from the dead.

The two women and the Robot reached the office, it was a simple office. A very nice detailed wooden desk, one office chair behind it, two grey color couches, a coffee table in the middle, some shelves filled with books. Yamato assumes those books were old naval books from the past for her, it was rare for her to read those books again, and lastly the air conditioned room. Yorktown sat down on the office chair behind the desk and Yamato and Analyzer sat down on the couch.

Yorktown: Tell me more about the future you came from.

Yamato: The date is 2202, the Garmillas-Earth War was over and my earth was restored back to itself before the Garmillas attacked earth with these bombs that lay waste on the surface, draining half of the ocean.

Yorktown: Garmillas?

Yamato: They are another civilization, we discovered. We tried to make an alliance with them, but something happened, which started the Garmillas-Earth War.

Yorktown: I see… What about your ship?

Yamato: It was hastily retrofitted for space combat, but before it was first conceived as an evacuation ship for survivors fleeing the Garmillas-Earth War, an unexpected gift of highly advanced wave motion technology from the planet Iscandar convinces the leadership of the United Nations Azur Lane Cosmo Force to use it in a more ambitious and dangerous plan to save all life on Earth from extinction.

Yorktown: Wave Motion?

Analyzer: Wave motion, propagation of disturbances—that is, deviations from a state of rest or equilibrium—from place to place in a regular and organized way. Most familiar are surface waves on water, but both sound and light travel as wavelike disturbances, and the motion of all subatomic particles exhibits wavelike properties.

Yamato: Or simply to put it, the opposite side of Dark Matter.

Yorktown: I see… Wave Motion is like the opposite side of Dark Matter? How did you obtain such technology?

Yamato: Like I said, a gift from Iscandar.

Yorktown: This Wave Motion powered your entire ship?

Yamato: Yes, my ship can travel 12 light years with the Wave Motion Engine.

Yorktown was in disbelief, 12 light years? That's extremely fast. But she wondered this Wave Motion technology, does it have downsides because many things have their flaws like the Gerald R Ford CVN-78's electromagnetic Catapults and *cough* Toilets *cough*, until it was fixed on other carriers of the same class including her granddaughter USS Enterprise (CVN-80).

Yorktown: Does it have downsides?

Yamato: Yes, for warpping. My ship simply needed to calm the engines down after traveling. I believe you noticed the large 78 inch gun on my bow, right?

Yorktown: Yes, I was wondering why your ship has that large gun?

Yamato: Well, that gun is called the Wave Motion Gun, a very destructive weapon. As the name applies, it uses Wave Motion technology, but the downside is, using this weapon has drawbacks, as it requires not only time to fire the weapon but time to recharge afterwards leaving the ship immobile and unable to defend itself.

Yorktown: A large drawback.

Yamato: Well yes, but before I was warpped here with Analyzer, the council decided to give my ship another retrofit or upgrade, especially on the engines and Wave Motion Gun.

Yorktown: What kind of upgrade?

Yamato: Analyzer.

Analyzer: The council decided to give Yamato an upgrade, they wanted to give more power to the engine, so the Wave Motion Gun is capable of firing 6 rounds before getting exhausted.

Yorktown is shocked, 6 rounds? She hasn't seen this Wave Motion Gun in action, but the council must have seen the Wave Motion Gun in action before. Because they were planning to give it more power and more destructive capabilities, not only that, Yorktown wondered what kind of stories Yamato could tell after using such a powerful weapon, but decided not to ask her for now.

Yamato: Umm… Yorktown?

Yorktown: Yes?

Yamato: Can you tell uhh my younger self, I wanted to have a private talk with her, especially my sisters.

Yorktown: Of course, I assumed that you haven't seen your sisters for a long time?

Yamato: I haven't seen them for 257 years...

Yorktown was about to contact the Japanese Navy or the Sakura Empire for the private talk, until she heard Yamato say "257 years". Yorktown slowly puts the phone back then stands up to hug Yamato, she felt bad for Yamato, not seeing her sisters for so long. Yamato sobbed a little before wiping her tears.

Yorktown: I'm sorry…

Yamato: It's fine… At least, I have a chance now to meet them, even though. They are not the sisters from my Earth. It's fine.

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