Fighting For Her [Completed]

Av callmeCRAZY8

102K 5.8K 1.3K

Journey has a life made up where she's living out the dream she's always wanted to. Working at a job she lov... Mer

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three

Chapter Twenty Two

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Av callmeCRAZY8

Come by around 9 in the morning

That was the text I got from Diamond a few days after I offered to babysit for her.

Thankfully I'm off work for the next four days.

The text caught me off guard but I texted her back.

Hayden found out about the babysitting situation that night when he came home from work. I knew Violet would tell him and I knew his exact reaction cause when she told him, he laughed then said it was the cutest thing ever.

"I knew you would babysit your future kids."

"You knew she had kids?"

"No." He laughs. "But I knew you would eventually babysit your future kids."

That made me roll my eyes and I was seriously about to knock his ass out.

Violet told him to shut up multiple times but he wouldn't listen to her.

He kept asking me all kinds of questions that night, trying to understand if I intentionally offered or if it just came in a sudden out burst.

Violet watched us from the sink as we were sitting at the table. I could see her shaking her head as Hayden was looking at me, waiting for a response.

"Leave her alone."

Hayden looks back at Violet. "I knew she liked this woman before she even knew."

"I wanted to do it." I told him once he looked back at me. "She seemed stressed out and I was just helping. What's wrong with that?"

"There's nothing wrong with it." Violet said.

Hayden nods then smiles. "Nothing wrong at all. Sorry if I made it seem that way."

"I just can't seem to get away from her. Even when I really want to, I can't."

Violet smiles at me and Hayden walks over to me before wrapping his arms around me and leaning down. I smiled as I patted his arm as he tightened his hold on me before standing up.

Throughout the night, I kept thinking about this whole situation about Diamond and it was going to keep me awake all night.

Violet told me not to overthink it but it was hard.

When I told her that I had to be at her house tomorrow, she told me that it was going to be ok.

But I wasn't sure if it was going to be ok.

I could never get away from her.

I'm always getting myself into some sort of disaster when it came to her.



When I woke up the next morning, I looked at the time and saw that it was a little after eight. I went ahead and got up, got dressed and went downstairs to make coffee.

My nerves were all over the place.

I tried keeping them down but it was hard when I was about to babysit Diamond's kids.

But I offered, so I had to keep my nerves down.

As I was drinking coffee, I saw Hayden walk in the kitchen and he smiles at me. I smiled back as I was leaning against the counter and sipping my coffee.

He makes him and a cup then we both stood across from each other, sipping coffee.

"Are you ready to babysit?"

"A little but really." I saw him look at me as I sighed.

He smiles. "It'll be ok like Violet said."

"Are you going to gym with her today?"

"Yes. I'll be there for her."

Nodding, I took more sips of my coffee. I was trying to keep all these emotions, thoughts and nerves down it was getting harder.

"I hope you have a good day though." Hayden said.

"Thanks." I smiled as I walked upstairs to grab my keys, getting ready to go.

Violet was already gone so Hayden had to meet her at the gym. I knew she was in training cause of this fight so I know she had to be there earlier than usual.

Hayden left before I did and I made sure I had everything before walking out of the door.

I locked it then walked to my car and got in. I sighed as I placed my seat belt on then backed out of the driveway a few moments later.

The drive there was full of thoughts about what was going to happen and everything as my nerves were getting the best of me.

All this shit that I've been doing just to try and get closer to her was getting ridiculous.

After last night, I thought about it and I did this to help her out but to also get a little closer to her and if that doesn't scream stalker than I don't know what does.

It was insane.

I was insane.


Let's just hope I don't do something bad like I always do this time.

But I did realize that fighting for answers from her is harder than I thought.

When I finally pulled into her driveway, I saw the Jeep she was in that day at subway then saw another big truck as I got out and locked my doors.

I look around then stared at the house before walking to the door and knocking on the door, waiting for someone to answer.

As I was standing there, I heard noises from the other side before the door opened and a man stood there. He looks at me before seeing Diamond walk up behind him and he moved out the way.

"Come in." She said.

I walked around the man and looked around as I was completely thrown off guard at how huge this house was.

I was greeted with two huge stairs that curved up towards the second floor.

It was insane.

When we walked into the living room, it was huge and what caught my eyes was the space this room had and the huge windows off to the side.

I looked around before seeing Diamond turn around to face me. "Thanks for babysitting."

"No problem." I look around, trying to see if I could find her kids but didn't see anyone.

Then I heard noises from upstairs and running.

Turning around, I saw two girls run into the living room and I instanly recognized them from that day at the park.

These were her kids?

They ran to Diamond before hugging her and as I was watching them, I saw something for the first time.

Diamond smiled.

She bent down to hug them and she actually smiled that it was so beautiful.

"Are you two going to be good?" She asks as she leans up.

The two girls nodded before turning around and instantly recognized me.

"You're the girl from the park!" One of them ran to me before hugging me and I stood there not knowing what to do.

Diamond was watching us.

"Mom, this was the girl that took pictures of us at the park that day!"

I look at Diamond and saw her staring at me before looking at her girls.

"Can we have those pictures?"

I slightly smile. "Of course."

They both smiled and I heard that man say something before Diamond walked around us and followed him out the living room.

"Do you remember our names?"

"Um.." I look at them and remembered Diamond saying something that night we went out. "Morgan and.. Madison?"


One laughed as she looks at me. "Who am I?"

"Um.. Madison?"

"I'm Morgan. That's Madison."

Madison smiled at me. "One way to tell us apart is I have a birth mark on my neck and she has one on her arm."

Smiling at them, I really couldn't tell them apart. They were insanely identical.

"How old are you?"

"We're ten."

Nodding, I wasn't surprised but that makes me wonder how old Diamond is. I really wanted to ask them but knew that I shouldn't.

As they were talking to me, I overheard yelling from outside. It was pretty muffled but I could easily hear it and I knew it was Diamond.

Then the door slammed and Diamond walked back in before walking to her girls and hugging them. "I'll be home in a few hours. I love you both."

"Love you too!" They both said.

Diamond turns around and looks at me. "Thanks again."

"No problem."

"If anything happens, call me. You know the hours of the gym."

Nodding, I saw her tell her girls by once more before walking out. I heard the door shut from the front then looked over at Morgan and Madison before smiling.

"We're going to have so much fun!"

"Yeah! Did you bring your camera?"

"Yeah, it's in my car."

They both smiled. "Yay! We can pictures by the pool!"

I look at them. "You have a pool?"

"Yeah, come on!" Madison grabbed my hand and we walked through the living room before walking through sliding doors and revealing a huge backyard.

The pool was insanely beautiful, right in the middle of the yard and there were steps that lead to it from the house.

It had everything. A grill, tables and chairs.

There was also a tree house off to the right and a swing set to the left.

"This is our pool."

I followed them to the pool and stared at it as it was crystal clear. I couldn't help but look around and instantly love this place.

"This house is amazing."

"We know." Morgan smiles. "Our mom makes so much money and gives us anything we want."

Nodding, I wasn't surprised. I knew she was making money but this was insane.  

"Was that your dad?"

Madison nodded as Morgan was bending over and touching the water. "Yeah. Mom doesn't like him anymore."

"They got a divorce a few months ago and mom hates him."

I watch them for a moment. "Can I ask why?"

"She wouldn't tell us. We don't know the reason why they're not together anymore."

"Not like we care anyways." Morgan said as she looks at us. "Mom is better than dad anyways."

"Not cause she gives us everything." Madison explained. "She just cares and loves us more."

I nodded. "How so? Your dad doesn't care?"

Madison shrugged as she looks at her sister. "He acts like he doesn't."

"He always talks bad about mom in front of us and he doesn't really pay attention to us like mom does."

Nodding, I understood more about that. "I could tell she really loves y'all cause she smiled when she hugged you. I never seen her smile."

Morgan laughs. "Mom doesn't smile much."

"She really doesn't. But she'll smile for us even when she doesn't want to."

Smiling, that made me happy that her kids brought her joy. I thought she was heartless but even the most emotionless people have hearts.

At least now I know her strength.

One anyways.

"Do y'all ever watch your mom box?'

They both shook their heads and I was confused.

"Mom won't let us."

"She said it's too violent and doesn't want us seeing it." Morgan said.

I guess that was true.

It's amazing to see her parenting skills at the top cause a lot of parents wouldn't even care about letting their kids see fighting.

I've seen her fight so it was best they didn't see her.

Some violence isn't for kids.

"So what do you want to do?" I ask.

Morgan stands up and looks at her sister before shrugging. "Whatever you want to do."

"We can play in our room. Swing or play in our tree hours."

"Or we can swim."

I look at them before looking at the water. "I didn't bring a swim suit."

"Mom has a lot of them." Madison smiles.

"Yeah, she wouldn't care." Morgan said before they both grabbed my hands and walked me inside the house.

We walked through the living room then upstairs, which didn't seem to end. I was completely amazed at how this house never wanted to end.

When we made it to the top, I followed them down the hall and around a corner before looking around.

Did this house have an end?

They walked into a room and I followed before stopping when I realized it was Diamond's room.

The only reason I figured was because it had so many posters of boxing on the walls and pictures of her with her kids.

A huge king size bed in the middle with huge windows on one side of the room.

It fit her perfectly.

They walked to a dresser before opening it and digging through clothes as I was standing there looking around the room.

It was huge and a lot bigger than my room.

At least three times bigger cause mine was pretty small and this room looked as if it should be a living room.

She had a tv on the wall facing her bed with a fireplace underneath.

The walls were covered in posters. It had two dressers and two doors off to the side which I'm guessing was the closet and bathroom.

Which makes me wonder how huge both of them were.

"Here you go." Madison handed me a swimsuit and I looked at it for a moment, debating if I should wear it or not. "Mom won't care."

"We'll say we wanted you to wear it which is true." Morgan smiles.

Nodding, I looked at it then looked at them. "Where do I change?"

"You can change in her bathroom. We'll get ready in our room."

They walked to a door and opened it, telling me this was the bathroom before walking out of the room.

Looking at the swim suit, I sighed as I looked around more before walking to the bathroom. I wasn't sure what to expect but it wasn't anything like this.

When I walked in, it was like I walked into another house. It was huge and so gorgeous with so much room that it was insane.

The tile floor was dark and looked beautiful.

Looking around, I couldn't believe this was even a bathroom.

It was huge.

I looked to see this thing that I didn't even know what it was until I realized it was a fucking shower.

"No way." I stood there and stared at it for a moment before looking around and realizing this was my dream house.

Everyone's dream house actually.

Who wouldn't want to live here.

This place was insanely beautiful.



After I got into the swim suit, I was a little shocked when it actually fit. I stared at myself in the mirror and looked around as I turned around and saw how amazing this fit me.


I walked around afterwards and met the girls outside of the room. I smiled at them as they ran downstairs and I looked around as I was following them but slowly.

Walking through the house was something that I couldn't get use to and it felt like a dream as I was walking around this huge house that I only explored a portion of.

There's still so many more rooms in this house.

The girls were already jumping into the pool when I walked out and I smiled as I looked around before walking down to the pool.

"Jump off the diving board!" Morgan yells.

Looking over at it, I was a little unsure about it but I heard them yell at me and cheer me on.

Smiling at them, I walked to it before getting up on it and walking to the end. I slightly jumped before jumping into the pool and hearing them yell.

When I came up, I saw them clap and I smiled before swimming to the side and holding on as they were getting out and jumping back in.

I watched them as they were having so much fun, laughing and jumping into the pool before swimming around and having contests.

They were throwing a ball around and I was playing with them, smiling as they were having fun and I couldn't help but laugh when they did.

I was honestly having so much fun with them.

We played a lot of games, laughed and had a great time.

I rushed to my car at one point to grab my camera and took a lot of pictures of them as they were jumping in the pool or diving. I smiled as they were having a lot of fun and the pictures came out amazing.

When we got out of the pool, we went to their tree house and climbed up in it. It was fun and I felt like a kid again as I was standing up in the tree and pretended I was on top of world.

We swung afterwards or went back into the pool for a while.

It was fun.

Afterwards, we went inside and I changed before they said they were hungry. I got dressed in Diamond's room again and I looked around before I walked out then I followed them into the kitchen and was mesmerized by the size and how gorgeous it was.

I fixed them a sandwich from the huge fridge that I thought was another pantry until I opened it.

They were laughing at me cause I was so caught off guard and looking around shocked.

After I made their sandwich, we all sat around the counter and ate. I made me one as well and we even ate some cookies and chips.

"This house is amazing."

"You said that." Morgan said before sipping her juice.

Looking at her, I smiled before looking around. "I can't get over it. How do you get use to something like this?"

"We lived here for years."

"Probabaly since before we were born." Madison said.

I chuckled as I nodded. "That's amazing. Growing up into a house like this." I looked around and knew that I would love to live in a house like this but knowing it was far out of my reach.

I don't make enough money to afford something like this.

"We're use to it." Morgan shrugs.

"Yeah and when we bring our friends over, they're used to it." Madison said.

"I bet the parties are amazing."

They smiled at me. "Yeah." Madison said. "Mom's birthday is coming up and we're going to throw the best party ever."

"With your own money?"

"No, aunt Brooke is paying for everything."

"Oh, your mom has a sister?"

Morgan shook her head. "Her friend. We call her aunt Brooke."

Nodding, I smiled as I picked up my drink and took a sip. I watched as they were eating and I smiled at them before looking around.

"Um.. can I ask y'all something?"

They both nodded as they looked at me.

"How old is your mom?"

I saw Morgan look at Madison as they made some sort of twin mind conversation before looking back at me.

"Mom doesn't like anyone knowing."

I nodded, knowing that was coming but thought I could try.

"It's ok. She told me the same thing."

"You asked her age?" Madison asks.

"Yes. When we went out one night."

Morgan furrowed her eyebrows. "You went out with mom? Like a date?"

"Well, a friendly date."

"She didn't tell us that." Madison said before looking back at me after looking at Morgan. "Wait, do you go to the gym where mom works?"

Nodding, I look at them both. "Yeah.. why?"

"She talks about you."

"Or at least we think it's you." Madison said.

Looking at them, I gave them a confused look before seeing Morgan look at Madison before leaning towards her and whispering.

"I think mom likes you."

I saw them both look at me and smile as I sat there, giving them a confused look. I was speechless and didn't know what to say cause her kids just told me the same thing her trainer and Violet said.

"How do you know?"

"She talked about you to aunt Brooke. Saying that this girl at the gym was always taking pictures of people."

Madison nodded. "Yeah, she talks a lot about you. I mean, it has to be you." She smiles.

"But that doesn't mean she likes me." I chuckle.

They both looked at each other before shrugging and continuing to eat.

I kept watching them before finishing my food.

After a while, we settled on the couch and watched movies on Netflix. I had them pick out whatever they wanted and I just sat on the couch as we were all covered up with a blanket.

The movie started and went on, which I enjoyed cause they were laughing and smiling as they were enjoying it.

The time seemed to slip away from us because when we were about to start another movie, the door opened to the front door and we all heard it as we turned to see Diamond walked in.


They both got up and ran to her as I watched them.

Diamond smiled as she hugged them, asking if they had a great day and they said they had the best day.

Which made me smile.

I got up and walked over to them as they were telling Diamond what we did and I saw her look over at me before looking back at her girls and smiling.

"That's great. I'm glad you had a great day."

They ran to me before hugging me, telling me to babysit for them again and how they wanted all the pictures I took.

I smiled. "Of course."

Diamond walked to me as they ran off and I watched as she went through her purse before pulling out some money.

A hundred was in her hand and I stared at her for a moment. "Take it."

"Thanks." I grabbed it before placing it in my pocket.

"Thanks for watching them."

Nodding, I look at her. "No problem. We had fun."

"I'm glad. I'll call you whenever I need you again. If you want to keep babysitting."

"I don't mind."

She nods before looking around and sighing. "Well, thanks again."

"You're welcome."

I saw her rub her neck and roll her head then I looked away as she looked at me.

"I'll see you later." I saw her nod as I walk past her.

"Bye Journey."

Looking back, I saw her placing her bag down on the floor and I slightly smile before walking out the door.

When I was out of the house and getting into my car, I kept thinking about Diamond and how this whole liking thing just didn't seem real.

It didn't seem like she did.

But everyone else could see it.

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