When It Rains [Sameena]

By cloudedmess

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โ˜† I'm only happy when it rains, I'm only happy when its complicated, And though I know you can't appreciate i... More

one: sorrow
two: essays
three: darts
four: are you okay?
five: practice
six: rain fall
seven: mistake
eight: grounded
nine: angry kisses
ten: bridges
eleven: a step forward and eight back
twelve: amusement parks
fourteen: the plan
fifteen: date
sixteen: moving out
seventeen: later

thirteen: the play and the essays

916 18 39
By cloudedmess

"What's up with you, Sam?"

Sam looks to her side, slowly closing her locker. A popular cheerleader who claimed to be her friend, standing there, asking her questions.

"What do you care?" she replies, fixing her hair.

"I care because you're my friend. You don't ever really get dressed up like this. Is there some school event I don't know of or something?"

"You're my friend, huh? Can you even name one thing you know about me?"

"Your name is Sam."

"I fucking know that, anybody who goes to this school can fucking know that."

"Well, maybe if you talked to us more, then we would know more about you."

Sam just rolls her eyes, holding her folder in her hand. "Talk to you more? I'm fucking tired of this. I've tried. I've been trying. Nobody listens to me. I'm just one of the popular girls. An object, as you could say. Jocks just wanna fuck me then leave me. You guys, who claim to be my friends? Just stick around because you wanna be treated like me. You think I want to be constantly harassed by jocks just because they don't get sex? I don't! I just want to be who I am. Be myself. But I can't when I just have the reputation of a popular fucking cheerleader!"

"Gosh, you're a freak," she laughs, walking away.

Sam slams her hand on her locker, the pain coming over her shortly after but she didn't care. She sighed, standing there, trying to calm down. Once she did, she walked into English class, a smile forming on her face when she spots Deena, at her chair, doodling on her hand.

"Hey," she smiles, sitting down next to her. And that's when Sam remembered— the essays.

She pulls hers out, nervous as she rereads it. She couldn't believe she was doing this, but there she was, staring at the words on the essay.


Sam wraps her arm around Deena, sitting on her lap and playing with her curly hair. "I though you wanted to, keep it a secret."

"Well, what you think I want is about to be proved wrong, Johnson," she teases with the nickname, sitting back on her own chair. Deena just rolls her eyes, and Mr. Spotsor begins to speak as he stands in the front of the room.

"As you guys know, a week ago, I told you to write an essay about somebody in the class of whom I paired you up with. Today, we are going to share those essays. Be patient, be ready, and be respectful and ready to share."

The class nods, and he smiles, beginning to call people up. Sam's nerves grew stronger and stronger every time he called a person up, because she knew that meant that she would soon have to go up and share hers.

"Deena Johnson, please come share your essay," Mr. Spotsor smiles.

She looks up and down, nodding. Walking up to the front of the room, essay in hand, she looks around.

"My name is Deena Johnson, and I wrote my essay about Samantha Fraser," she begins, looking at Sam, who had her fingers locked together, sitting with her hands on the table in a fancy matter. She smiles at the brunette, and she smiles back.

"Not just a cheerleader," she reads the title, clearing her throat before continuing, "When you first take a look at Sam Fraser, you'd expect her to just be another cheerleader. Blonde hair, ocean blue eyes, just another girl that everybody drools over. A popular cheerleader girl that's the most drooled over at Shadyside High. But when you get to know her, she's different. A sweetie, so caring, she makes you feel safe. A sense of home, or warmth. She'll hug you when you're sad, do the sweetest things to try and cheer you up when she notices you're down. Samantha Fraser is more than just a cheerleader."

"But people treat her as an object. They use her because of her looks, they want to get close to her just to mess with her. But Sam isn't an idiot. She can tell when that's happening and she'll be sure to put a stop to it. But usually only if it's affecting people around her, too. You see, Sam is so caring, she usually throws her own stuff to the side. Her emotions, her mental health. And I can understand that more than I would like to admit. So I just want her to know that her emotions aren't a burden. That she should share them when she wants to, when she needs to."

Sam looks at her with the most loving eyes, a true, huge smile plastered on her face. "And that's just who she is. Loving. Caring. Beautiful. And she shouldn't be used for her beauty. Because she deserves so much better, and she deserves love."

She puts the paper down, smiling. She receives some applauds, but the only applaud she cared about was Sam's. Because she sat there, her hands clapping together, with the truest smile that she had had on her face in ages. But that smile soon turned to a blank face when she heard her name being called.

"Samantha Fraser, please come share your essay."

She nods, gulping as she walks to the front of the class, the paper shaking in front of her due to her shaky hands. "My name is Samantha Fraser, and I wrote my essay about Deena Johnson."

Her saying that received some laughs and chatter from the class, but Mr. Spotsor shut them up, and Sam could feel chills go over her. She wondered if people noticed that she was shaking, and they did, but nobody really cared to question it. Except for Deena, but she knew she couldn't get up and ask.

"It's called..." she pauses.


She receives looks from the class, one being from Deena, who just stares, confused. But then realization comes over her, and she just faintly smiles, playing with her hands as she sighs. "When I first got paired up with Deena, I knew she was more on the inside than she is on the outside. On the outside, Deena is rough, tough, but on the inside, she's a sweetheart. A kind, loving, beautiful sweetheart who is hated because of some rumors."

"Deena doesn't deserve to be most hated at Shadyside High School just because rumors spread of her being a lesbian. Deena has changed me, for the better. She makes me feel like myself, like I don't have to put on one of my little fake smiles when I'm with her, because she makes me happy. Genuinely happy. An escape from the space of mine where I'm used to yelling, used to not being myself."

"And Deena, I love her."

People stare, and Sam was still so nervous, but she didn't care. Because her love for Deena was stronger than her nervousness. She places the essay down on her and Deena's table, and Deena just stares at her, smiling as she laughs softly.

She leans in and smashes her lips onto Deena's, staying like that for a good minute before she pulls her lips off and smiles.

Chatter fills the room, some laughs or groans of disgust follow but neither of them cared at this moment. They only cared about each others love in this moment, they didn't care what negative stuff people had to say about it.

"I love you," Sam whispers, sitting down next to her.

"I love you too, Sam."

"Be quiet!" Mr. Spotsor yells, putting his hand up, "Deena, Sam, that's great of you guys. But Sam I do need your essay for a grade. I'll return it."

"Shit," she mumbles, nodding. She walks up to him and hands it to him, the bell ringing after. At the lockers, Deena is stood at hers with a huge smile on her face. Almost as big as Simon's goofy smile, but his was just too much to compete with.

"Somebody's happy," Kate says, approaching her with Simon, "what's up?"

"Sam just said she loved me in the essay! In front of the class," she says enthusiastically. Kate opened her mouth to speak, but the sound of screaming cut her off. She turns around, Simon turning later, and Deena not having to move, as she was already looking at where the sounds came from.

"Back the fuck off!" Sam struggles, trying to get out of the jocks grip. "No! Deena Johnson has clearly brainwashed Samantha Fraser!"

Trying to get out of the jocks grip, she gets an elbow in the face, a groan in pain falling off her lips. "Leave her alone!" Deena yells, jumping on one of the jocks, trying to get him off. "Look, here comes your girl to your little fucking rescue. You know, sometime, you're gonna need a manly jock as a significant other to come save you from these types of things."

"Yeah! What can Deena even do?"

Simon and Kate run in, it now becoming a whole mess fight with a ton of jocks, and then there was Deena, Simon, Kate and Sam. Deena was thrown against a locker, two jocks on her as she struggles to get out of their grip. "What're you gonna do, huh? When we kiss and fuck your girlfriend, when we beat you to shit? What're you gonna do?"

And it's at this point where Deena's anger overcomes her, punching and kicking all the jocks in her way and walking back over to Simon, Kate and Sam.

"Are you guys okay?" she asks, kneeling down to help Sam up. "Yeah. Are you?" Kate groans in pain after she had just been hit in the face with one of the jocks arms. "I'm.. okay. The words hurt more than I expected but it's okay. I'm okay."

And it was okay.

Until a certain jock caught their eye.

Deena grabs Simon and Sam by the arm, and she would've grabbed Kate but her hands were full. So Sam grabbed Kate, pulling them all back to an empty storage closet. "Why the fuck is he here?" Kate asks in an aggressive whisper. "Because he goes to school here," Deena responds, leaning against the wall.

"Why can't he just leave us alone?" Simon groans, rubbing his hand through his hair. "Because he wants me," Sam answers. "It's the only way."

"No. I have an idea," Kate chimes in, earning everybody's eyes on her. "Tonight. Sam's house. You get him to come over, we'll deal with the rest," she explains, pointing to Deena, then Simon, then her, in indication that she meant them three.

Sam looks hesitant, but she eventually gives in, but she knew that Deena was still worried for her. "Be careful," she whispers before they all walk out of the room. Sam nods, and then they all go to their own classes. And the day goes normal, Deena thought something would stir up at lunch, but they didn't even stir the soup on the menu correctly.

And then, at the play, last minute, the cast of the play was told that not only would the whole school be there— the parents would to. That wanted to go. And of course, there sat Sam's mom. The blonde started walking back quickly, walking right into Simon. "What the fu-" he begins, but then he notices the look of nervousness on Sam's face and knows that something is up. "You okay?"

"My, my mom's here and, and I-"

"Calm down. It's okay, Sam."

"My mom.. she's homophobic, as you know, and you know how in the play, I kiss Deena. It's just-"

"She can't do anything about it."

"I know but, it's everything she hates in one. Deena, homosexuals, and me."

Simon frowns, his brows furrowed. "I'm sorry. That really honestly is just shit. But I'm here for you. Deena's here for you. Kate's here for you. We love you, Sam. So just go do your best in that play and show her how good you are."

Sam smiles, wiping a tear from her cheek as she nods. After she gets in uniform, the play curtains pull back, and Mrs. Jane sat by the microphone, explaining the play. "Hello, thanks for coming! My name is Mrs. Jane, the theatre teacher. There are three plays, Lovely Fields, The Way Of The Field, and Blooming Flowers. We will be playing them out in that order."

The people in Lovely Fields walk up, and Mrs. Jane begins to speak again. "Here is the cast of Lovely Fields. The first play that's going on today."

The play curtains pull back again, and the play was about to start.

"Hazel," Ophelia (Sam) yells, "where are you going on such a fine night?"

"To the place where nobody can find us," she smirks, "come on, Ophelia! You've got to see it, I made it just for us!"

As the two walk off into the distance, they can hear footsteps approaching them. "Daniel," Hazel (Deena) nervously laughs, "what're you uh, doing here?"

"Coming to find my future bride," he smiles, pulling her in a twirl. "Oh, Daniel, isn't it so late for you to be out with me now?"

"Isn't it so late for the future queen to be out with this pile of reject trash?" he grits his teeth, walking over to the two of them.

The girls hands graze each other, holding hands as he walks closer, finger pointed in their faces.

"Daniel, cut it out!"

"Daniel!" Hazel screams, seeing the crowned queen running after him, and the two girls run off, the stage shutting. The cast helps set up the scene for the next part, and then the curtains pull to the side again, showing Deena and Sam, in character, sitting on a cardboard oak log.

"Is this the place?" she asks enthusiastically.

"Yeah, and I wanted you to have this," Deena looks at Sam, both in character as she pulls out a necklace and placed it over her head. It had a crown on it, and in the play it was actual gold, but in reality, it was just painted cardboard and plastic with a few cheap gems on it. The girl looked up at the future queen, confused. "I thought this was for, Daniel?" she asks.

"I don't love him," she quietly responds, squatting in front of the other girl, "I love you."

Deena leans in and kisses Sam, starting off as a soft kiss and turning into a make out session as the play curtains pulled back. "Good job," Deena smiles at her as she helps her up, and then they set it up for the next scene.

The next scene opened up to them on a bed together. Deena was on top of Sam, laying on her with their lips connected, staying in that position with Sam's character, Ophelia's overalls on the sheet of the bed. They stayed like that until Daniel walked in, causing them to try and run back under the covers, but it was no use.

"Hazel!" he screams, "you're really staying with this piece of shit trash? I mean, I know you didn't love me but this? This is outrageous."

"Don't tell anybody, please," her voice breaks, Ophelia laying in bed, scared. "Daniel. I don't want this. I want her. She is good for me. What's not good for me is being forced to this life of having to be in a heterosexual relationship just because I'm the future crowned queen. I'm not straight, Daniel."

Daniel stares her in the eye, his fists unclenching when he see's the true pain in her eyes as tears stream down. "I'm not gonna do anything," he sighs, "you know that I, didn't want this either, right? I didn't want to be with you. And I was so rude to Ophelia because, I wanted to play along. I didn't want to be caught, like how you guys just were."

Confused, she reaches out her hands and holds Daniel's. "What do you mean, Daniel?"

"I'm not straight either, Hazel. Now, you guys need to be more careful. Please. I don't want you guys getting cau-"

The queen walks in, concerned look on her face. And then they all hear the soldiers outside, all gulping hard. "Run," she whispers, and the soldiers barge in. Hazel grabs Ophelia and pulls her into the closet, now the only visible thing sat on the bed being her overalls. She stood in her blouse and beige skirt, clinging onto Hazel.

"Surrender her and we shall leave!" a soldier yells, and they can see Ophelia's overalls being thrown through the spaces in the closet.

"What do they mean?" Ophelia quietly sobs, her head on Hazel's shoulder. "Surrender! Surrender!" they chant, just making everybody more scared.

"We need to run. All of us," Hazel audibly whispers. "To where, Hazel? What are we to do? They want me," Ophelia cries.

"Let's go. Away from here. Where we can all be happy. Build our own royalty, our empire."

They sit there until the soldiers leave, which made them have to stay there all night, in the crammed closet. But before the sun arose in the morning, they all snuck out, to the town where they could be themselves, with their royalty just now being a choice. Smiles sat on their faces with the long wave of relief, they sit in an alleyway next to a hotel.

"Let's get some sleep, hmm?" Daniel asks, all nodding in agreement, walking up to the hotel. They were given a room for free, noticing the badges of royalty. The person at the desk said they wouldn't tell others that they were here.

And the curtains fall back as they get it set up for the next scene. But Sam noticed that Deena looked sad as she helped set up the set, so she walked over to the brunette, rubbing circles on her back. "You okay?" she asks, "remember, it's a play. And it's okay, I know you're trying to be careful. It's not your fault that people hate you so much just for being yourself that they wanna bring violence into it."

"And I know it sucks," she continues, "I've suffered with it too. From my own mother usually. It's okay. If you don't wanna do the scene, that's fine."

"It's okay. I'm okay. It just feels a little real sometimes, you know? Knowing that this actually happens to people, it just, hurts. So much."

Sam nods, placing a kiss on her cheek. They get in position and the curtains pull back. Sweet Jane starts to play, and Deena slowly whispers in Sam's ear before they start acting. "You comfortable with this?" she asks. "Yeah."

Anyone who's ever had a heart,
Wouldn't turn around and break it,
And everyone who's ever played a part,
Wouldn't turn around and hate it,

Their lips crash onto each others, Sam being pushed against the cardboard that was in place for a city in the play. Some of the paint wasn't fully dry because they had to repaint some of it this morning to make sure it looked nice enough for the play. Some of the wet paint got onto play clothes, and she felt bad at first, but then she realized that Mrs. Jane probably wouldn't care. And, she was also too in the moment with her lips connecting and disconnecting with Deena's, the kiss deepening each time.

Sweet Jane,
Sweet Jane,
Oh, Sweet, Sweet Jane

Deena pulls her overalls off, kissing her neck. The two were so in it they could forget that they were in character, and that's when Mrs. Jane realized that she had casted the perfect people for the play. Deena and Sam continued to make out as the song continued, the heavy breathing and sound of their lips connecting filling the room.

You're waiting for Jimmy down in the alley,
Waiting there for him to come back home,
Waiting down in the corner,
And thinking of ways to get back home,
Sweet Jane, Sweet Jane,
Oh, Sweet, Sweet Jane

They almost forgot that they were acting, being too caught up with each other, that when the people in the next scene approached, Deena was so shocked that the scene looked so real. She fell off of Sam and onto the other piece of hard cardboard that was right next to it, as they were in an alleyway.

"Sam!" Deena yells out on accident, but it wasn't so loud. Only Sam and the other people in the scene could hear it well. Mrs. Jane could hear her say something, but it wasn't too loud. But she was still anxious that she had messed up. But she slid it past her, knowing she had to do this scene because she said that she would do it.

"Ophelia!" she yells as the people in soldier costumes pull Sam away, and it made her think back to earlier that morning, when the jocks were pulling Sam away  and sometimes punching and kicking her after English class. She gulped, trying to focus on the scene so she could get it over with.

Sam received a ton of fake punches and a fake gunshot, but it all felt so real to Deena. She fell on her knees, holding Sam in her hands as tears streamed down her face. "Ophelia," she cries, placing her hand on the other girls face.

"I love you," she stammers, coughing. Hazel puts her head on top of the blondes, her warm tears meeting the girls cold face. "I love you too. Please, stay."

But it was too late, and the play curtains pulled back, and Sam immediately got up and made sure that Deena was okay. "I'm okay," she reassures her, a kiss falling onto her cheek, "it's okay. It was a play. I know it's realistic but I'm fine."

Deena nods, sobbing as she lays her head on Sam's chest. "Good job girls," Mrs. Jane smiles as she walks by, and Sam nods, mouthing a "thank you" as she pats Deena on the back. "You wanna get changed, clean up and then watch Simon and Kate's play?" she asks with a smile, and Deena nods, wiping her tears.

She helps Deena up, walking to the bathroom behind the theatre with her in hand. Sam washes her hands and then uses wipes and water from the faucet to get the fake blood off of her, and then she helps clean up Deena, wiping her up. They go to change, putting the dirty play clothes in the pile with the rest and then keeping on the clothes they had on below the play clothes on, just fixing them up so there was less wrinkles in them.

Then they walk back into the theatre, sitting next to each other. Sam gulped when she saw her mother, in the crowd, staring at her, but when she felt Deena hold and squeeze her hand, she felt okay. She felt a sense of warmth and home with Deena.

They watched the second play, and Simon and Kate didn't have much screen time. Simon was playing a chef and he kept dropping the fake pizza dough but everybody slid it past them, laughing at it even though it wasn't a comedy, Simon still managed to make it funny. That was his thing. And he was really damn good at it.

Kate was the delivery driver for the pizza, and she kept almost falling when she got on the bike to deliver it, also making people laugh. At the end of the play, Simon and Kate returned to their seats, Simon sitting next to Deena, Kate sitting next to Sam. After all of the plays finished, they walked out together, but Sam gets stopped by her mom pulling her hard on her arm.

"Samantha Fraser!" she yells, causing Deena, Simon and Kate to stop. "I couldn't pick the roles of the play! And even if I could, the only thing I would change is that I would have Simon and Kate casted in our play."

She grits her teeth, still tugging on Sam's arm as she looks at Deena. "You," she yells, walking up to Deena. "What about me?"

"Don't.. don't act like that."

"You don't control me, Ms. Fraser."

"How did you know I got a divorce?"

"I didn't. I just know that you two always yell, so I assumed something was up. Yet you guys still live together? Do you just wanna cause Sam pain?"

"Maybe I do."

Deena kicks her, walking back with Sam in her grip. "Leave us alone."

And they all walk out of the theatre and to the car, driving back to Deena's and just having fun together.


a/n: would you guys want me to start a sarah fier x hannah miller story ? once this story finishes i plan on making another sameena story but i was wondering if you guys would want me to write a sarah fier x hannah miller one also :o

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