BEDEVIL | jenlisa

By chanelwaffle

356K 13.9K 2.5K

[ COMPLETED ] Abducted. Tormented. Owned. Jennie never knew hell existed before she met such an evil person w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 [M]
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 [M]
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 [M]
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 [M]
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 [M]
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 [M]
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 6

9.1K 442 168
By chanelwaffle


Lisa watches the brunette under the moon with a satisfied smile on her lips. Watching her suffer and gasp for air somehow makes her overjoyed. She dipped a finger to the cold water and peek at Jennie underwater, she noticed that her movements decreased, that or she's not moving at all. She shoved her hands inside her pants and starts walking away.

Her men look at one another in disbelief, they couldn't believe she's letting Jennie drown there overnight.

A hand stopped Lisa from leaving soon, and when she turned around, she immediately slaps his hand off her. "What?"

"You can't leave her like that,"

She scoffed, "Who the hell are you to tell me what to do?" She sternly questioned, "You're here for whatever I ask you to do Bobby, you don't boss me around."

He points a finger on the pool's direction, "That girl is going to die if you leave her there, Lisa!"

"That's ironic, don't you think?"

Bobby shakes his head, "If you let her die, you're pretty much the same as him. Aren't you?" He said before walking away, "You don't like murderers but look at you now. What a fucking joke,"

She clenched her fists in anger, wanting to beat him up until he can't walk anymore but what he said was right. Letting Jennie die will turn her into a murderer, she may not like the idea of saving her but she doesn't want to stain her hands for this ridiculous idea of hers.

As soon as Bobby is gone, she removed her blazer and throws it on the ground, leaving her with only red button up shirt. She kicked off her shoes, not caring where it landed.

She jogs all the way to the pool and dives. She's not the best swimmer but she can manage. As soon as she dives deeper, she instantly spots Jennie, who has her arms everywhere and well, unconscious. She digs the key in her jeans and unlocks the cuff before scooping the brunette by her arm and dives up back in pavement.

Lisa catches her breath as soon as her head left the water and used her strength to put Jennie on the pool side. She helped herself up and breathes heavily. Jennie isn't responding yet. Hesitating, she pressed her hands together and pumps her chest to give her air. She performed the usual cpr, minus the mouth to mouth, and checked if she was breathing.

"Fuck," she mumbled when Jennie still never woken up. She runs her hand through her drenched hair before looking down at her full lips.

She was tempted to do something else with those lips but now is not the right time. Maybe soon.


This was clearly against her will but she had no choice but to do it. In fact, she hated this idea. If she could only leave her and let her freeze to death, she would.

However, she kept going to save this girl's life from the danger she gave her. She held Jennie's chin and moved it downward to open her mouth before she leaned and presses her own with hers. It was like tasting her own medicine and well, karma.

Their mouths touch again and again with Lisa pumping the latter's chest with her hands. She didn't stop until finally, Jennie coughed with a handful of water leaving her lips. She sat up and catches her breath, not actually believing she's alive.

She looks at Lisa with a glare and noticed that she was drenched from head to toe. She couldn't believe she still had the audacity to save her when she was the one who put her in that state. Jennie thought Lisa must be out of her goddamn mind.

"You're...a fucking asshole."

Lisa only scoffed and adjusts her dripping sleeves up to her elbows, "I keep hearing that from you, got anything else to say?"

The brunette feel her eyes watering as she couldn't find a single hint of regret in her eyes nor in the tone of her voice. "Why are you-Why are you doing this to me?"

"Does it matter?" Lisa looks at her with a grimace.

"Yes it does fucking matter!" Jennie grabbed her collar and gripped it in anger. "I deserve to know why you're using me as a toy, like I d-don't have feelings. Why you're being such a bitch!"

The black haired woman takes her hand off her collar and with tight jaw. "Didn't I make myself clear that you don't touch me like that?"

Of course, she didn't answer.

"Or what? You're gonna kill me? Again? Sure, have it your way. You can kill me, you have my permission." She sarcastically said and removed her wrist off her grasp.

Lisa nods and stood up, "Mark!" She called and a man in a suit walks up to her side. "Take her to the warehouse, I'll be right there." She gave Jennie one last glance before she walks away, barefooted and leaving drops of water on the way.

The brunette watches her pick up her things on the ground before she was gone out of her sight. Mark instructed her to stand up and she hesistated before doing so.

Mark takes her by the arm and escorted her all the way to this so called warehouse. It's not that far from the pool, only a few meters and was found just behind the mansion. It wasn't that huge but enough for a group that consists of 7-8 people.

It was almost empty, if the lights and some wooden chairs weren't there. It has no paint, just the same concrete wall and floor.

The drops of water from Jennie's drenched clothes echoed in the empty room as Mark leaves her standing in the middle. He stood by the entrance and she saw Lisa once again, now wearing a different outfit holding a clean towel in her hand.

She says something to Mark before he left and she made her way to Jennie, who's giving her a very intense glare. Lisa could only chuckle.

"Are you cold?" She asks the brunette with a tone of mockery.

Jennie clenched her fists, "Fuck you,"

Drying her hair with the towel, she laughed, "Already? No, not yet." She muttered, "Let's get you warmed up first, shall we?"

And right after that, Mark came back now carrying a bucket in his hand and spewed whatever's inside on the floor. Jennie watches him do that and her eyes widen when she realized...

Those are charcoals.

He starts pouring a bottle of gas on them before lighting up a match and drops it, leaving it to flare up strongly. He waited for the fire to die down and just like that, the charcoals are scorching like the sun. Jennie couldn't help but look at Lisa, trying to figure out what exactly what she wants to do with that.

Mark left and closes the door, now they're two.

Lisa walks towards it, "Come here," she called the latter to follow her. Jennie slowly steps forward, having a bad feeling about this. She maintains the distance between them before Lisa grabbed her wrist and pulled her close.

She can feel the heat and it was warm.

"Hold up your hands for warmth," Lisa said in the most not normal tone she ever spoken. Her words were gentle but the way she said it was something.

Jennie gulped and with shaking hands, she let her palms feel the heat. It was relaxing but this is definitely not ending like this.


"What are you doing?" She finally asked.

Lisa shrugged her shoulders, "Warming you up, what else?" She vividly answered.

"I don't believe you,"

She only got a chuckle, "I don't expect you to," she started forming the towel in her hand into a ball, "You might want to bite into this," she shoved the fabric into Jennie's mouth, almost making her gag.

The brunette tried to take it off but Lisa slapped her hands, preventing her from doing it.

"Now..." Lisa muttered and places a hand on her back, "This is going to hurt."

In one strong shove, she pushed Jennie forward, making her step on the hot charcoals, burning her feet right in instant. She lets out a muffled scream against the towel in her mouth and quickly falls on the floor, feeling the heat sting her flesh. Tears fell on her cheek as she couldn't explain how much it hurts and she couldn't find anyone to help her.

Lisa shakes her head and clicked her tongue, "Stand up, Kim. Don't make me drag you back here," she said.

The brunette only shakes her head and muffledly plead, telling her she can't.

"I'm not saying it twice," Lisa warned her with a more stern voice. Jennie weakly tries to get back to her wounded feet, "Walk over here,"

She let the tears fall, not caring if she looks vulnerable and helpless. She will not try to act touch when she's hurt badly. Her legs were trembling along with her hands. In one deep breath, she takes a step over the scorching heat and cries even more louder.

Lisa steps back and watch the latter fall on her knees, taking the pain in. She made her way to her and pulled out the towel off her mouth. She levels herself with her, "Have you learned your lesson now, Kim? I told you, I can do more than that so you need to follow my rules or else you get the worst."

The brunette couldn't reply.

"Did I make myself clear?"

She kept crying silently, wondering what's the worst thing she has ever done for her to do this. She couldn't understand anything. This is hell and this woman in front her is Satan.

Jennie still made a light nod.

"Good, make sure to get sleep, we'll be having so much fun tomorrow." Lisa planted a kiss on top of her head and stands up before leaving the weak girl alone there, crying her heart out.

Not that she actually cares.

When she's gone outside, Saem stood there waiting for her. She has this concerned look on her face and Lisa chose to ignore that. She walks past the old woman but was stopped when she suddenly spoke.


She didn't reply.

"Don't you think this is too much?" Saem asked.

She didn't dare to turn around, "I know it's too much, it's why I'm doing it." When she tried to walk away, Saem spoke again.

"Lalisa, this isn't you. You know better, you always do. Why do you keep doing this to that poor girl?" The old woman forced her to face her, "You know! You know what you're doing is wrong,"

Lisa's nose flares, "I will do what I want with her, I don't care if she fucking dies. As long as I get what I need, she's nothing but a-"


"Saem!" She yelled back, "I don't fucking care what happens to her, I'm not going to show her mercy like how her father did. I'm just returning the favor,"

The old woman sighs, "But she's not her father."

"Oh, I know."

"Then why are you still doing this?"

Lisa prepares herself to leave, "Because I want her to feel the same thing I felt back then," she said, "And we're done, you can take her back to her room. She can't walk, drag her by the hair all the way there or whatever. I don't care, I have things to do,"

Saem watches her back retreating and could only shakes her head in disbelief. She can't just believe she heard those words coming out of her mouth, the words she never thought Lisa would use.

The past really affected her.

And she doesn't even know if she should pity her or get mad at her.

Sighing, she went inside the warehouse and immediately spots Jennie who's still sitting on the floor, with her hands covering her face, crying. She carefully approached her and placed a comforting hand on her shrudding shoulder.

"Let's get those burns treated,"

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