Teach me how to Flirt.

By Chocl8Muffin

2.5M 31.9K 3.2K

Zack: heartthrob of Miami with an amazing body and an impressive bank account; but he can't flirt. Ella: Beau... More

Teach me how to flirt Two
Teach me how to flirt, Three.
Teach me how to flirt, four.
Teach me how to flirt, Five,
Teach me how to flirt, Six.
Teach me how to flirt, Seven.
Teach me how to flirt, Eight.
Teach me how to flirt, Nine.
Teach me how to flirt, Ten.
Teach me how to Flirt, Eleven.
Teach me how to flirt, chapter Twelve.
Teach me how to flirt, thirteen.
Teach me how to flirt, chapter fourteen.
Teach me how to flirt, chapter fifteen.
teach me how to flirt, chapter sixteen.
teach me how to flirt, chapter seventeen.
Teach me how to flirt, chapter eighteen.
Teach me how to flirt, chapter nineteen.
Teach me how to flirt, chapter twenty.
Teach me how to flirt, Twenty One.
Teach me how to flirt, Twenty two.
Teach me how to flirt, Twenty Three.
Teach me how to flirt, Twenty four
teach me how to flirt, twenty five
Teach me how to flirt, Twenty six
Teach me how to flirt, Twenty Seven
teach me how to flirt Twenty eight
Teach me how to flirt, Twenty nine
Teach me how to flirt, Thirty 'last chapter'

Teach me how to Flirt.

332K 2.7K 537
By Chocl8Muffin


Look to the right and watch the video to know how Zack looks like.

NOTE ( 23rd July, 2015) : this is an unedited novel, was written by me when I was 16 years old, English is NOT my mother tongue and I wrote CHIKA rather than CHICA which is the correct spelling for "Darling" in Spanish or Portuguese.

Excuse all those and I hope you enjoy this at least until I start working on an edit.

Teach me how to flirt.

Chapter One:

Summer has just started. The beautiful shiny sun with its warm rays of tanning wealth...

Zack parked in front of a house that had the signs of a beach party. All his friends from school and other schools were waiting outside the house in the hopes of getting inside soon.

Zack smiled. 'My grand entrance' he thought curving his lips into an arrogance filled smile.

Looking at himself in the front mirror, He winked at himself before putting on his ray ban glasses. 

Stepping out of the car, he smiled at the sun and the warm breeze getting through his loose black chemise.

This was heaven.

Walking towards the house, he intended to walk as slowly as possible.

It adds an effect.

A satisfied smile rested on his lips when he heard the slight feminine gasps of all those attractive girls around him, eying him seductively hinting only one thing.

The only thing he didn't want.

Passing by the crowd waiting for entrance, he waved at some and gave a peck on the cheek here and there. As soon as he reached the door, every eye was on him. Calmly, he got out his set of keys before unlocking the door.

' Let the party begin!" he cheered as he turned around to face all those people waiting. Happy cheers followed and the crowd started getting sucked into the house.

Following behind them, he watched as they ran through the house towards the balcony where it faced the crystal blue ocean. It was his own house. Some people called him daddy's boy and he proudly agreed.

Passing by a mirror fixed against his wall, he couldn't help but take a step back and take a look at himself, winking seductively.

'Conceited' was the first word that popped in Ella's mind. As she stepped inside the house that everyone was talking about, being pushed to go by her boyfriend of three years, the first sight that welcomed her was absolutely totally and obviously gay.

The guy was Hot as in steaming hot, she gave him that. As a matter of fact, when she first took a look at that tall muscular body with the amazing brown hair, she felt her stomach rumbling, but she dismissed the idea because of her hunger. Besides, the boy she truly loved was right next to her, having his arm around her waist protectively.

Passing by the guy who was checking himself out, she intended to whisper the word "Gay" as she passed by him. However, when she reached him Noah, her boyfriend, had the pleasure to crash his lips to hers in the most sensual way.

She remembers catching the guy's Dark green eyes but all thoughts fled as soon as Noah's lips fell on hers.

Zack, after making sure his cream pants and black chemise made him look 'as amazing as ever',  he walked out to stare at the beach with some bodies that were strolling around.

This was heaven.

Passing by a couple of girls who giggled as he walked by, he felt another shot of confidence get injected inside him.

Zack was a beautiful guy in and out.

Some thought he was a pain in the butt and some think he is a self centered jerk, also some think that he is a spoilt dude. But they never knew his true self. He was far from conceited and he tends to sprint away from being self centered. He cares about everyone. This was wrong in this modern time.

A girl, his age or younger, caught his eye as she jumped into the pool that had a side view of the ocean. His eyes twinkled with excitement as he approached her and threw a heartwarming smile towards her. He knew she liked him because of how her lips parted slightly which indicated her silent sighs and moans of contentment or maybe, signs that he succeeded in taking her breath away.

Ignoring all the bodies that filled the pool and how almost all eyes were on him, he reached to start unbuttoning his top. Girls' eyes followed the movement as if they're magnetized. Hell, Dudes were eying him as if they're magnetized.

As soon as the top was off, Ella jumped into the pool. The water was amazingly warm and perfect. Waiting for her boyfriend, her eyes watched that same conceited guy unbuttoning his chemise in a slow magnetizing manner.

She was shocked at how dazzled she was by him. She truly imagined he had the 'vampire' allure.

'This is a load of crap Ella. Wake up. We're not in twilight.' She murmured to herself trying to peel her eyes away which were extremely hard. Especially when he took it off completely.

Holy baby sweet Jesus!

'Are those a six pack, or twenty?' a random girl questioned Ella as she whispered in her ear. Ella swallowed and shook her head indicating her ignorance. 'That guy, Zack, is one hell of a hot plate of hot stuff filled with lava hot treats inside. I wish I could take a taste or even a teeny tiny bite.'

The same girl whispered seductively and Ella winced out of disgust at how thoughts invaded her head of this skinny girl and the guy who was called 'Zack' together.

Still, she couldn't get her eyes away from him. It was like life was hanging on a thread, and she was 'forced' to watch him, which was a big fat lie.

She gasped slightly when he started working on his pants and was even flushed when they came off and Zack was standing with his trunks that really strengthened the effect of his amazing torso.

'Okay, I have to control myself. I am Ella for god's sake. I am the girl who can get any one she wants by just a wink! I am the pro of flirting! That dude won't do anything about it either. So I will get myself together!' she hissed under her breath, ignoring how the girl next to her eyed her suspiciously.

Zack smiled contently at how all eyes were on him, and he took a step forward towards the pool, grinning like an idiot when he heard the dreamy sighs around him.

Jumping into the pool, the cool yet perfect water surrounded his body and he dived for a while before getting out of the water to breath. His eyes caught a random girl's contact and he forced a bad boy's lopsided grin to cover his face.

Swimming coolly towards the girl who he intended to talk to from the beginning, she flashed him a flirty smile and he felt his hands getting sweaty... even though he was all wet already. Nerves maybe?

That's one more reason why he is not the typical self centered jerk. Girls for him were not toys; they were delicate creatures with actual feelings and have an urge to satisfy their self fulfillment by being called 'beautiful'.

His granny always said 'Girls are angels with an aura as long as you love, respect and cherish them. But when you change," she leant towards him looking around cautiously before whispering the rest 'they turn into one hell of a vicious bitch.'

Zack, being seven at the time, frowned and asked 'what's a bitch grandma?'

His granny cursed under his breath before telling him 'a very bad thing Zack, a very bad thing indeed'

So, he vowed to respect women, cherish them and make them feel wanted.

Reaching the girl who had changed her stance so that her boobs popped even more out of her already hair thin bikini, he frowned in mild revulsion before saying 'Hey'

She blushed before looking around her in the way that says 'I got him girls, go weep somewhere else'

'Hey' he smiled sweetly before taking a short dive before returning to her and saying 'You know I'm a thief.'

The girl raised her eyebrows in questioning and said 'how is that? I thought you were just rich because of your parents'

Zack laughed before leaning towards her and whispering after wiggling his eyebrows sexily 'because I am so going to steal your heart.'

The girl eyed him with a look that says 'loser.'

He smiled innocently as she stood up straight and said 'you seriously didn't use this pick up line'

He felt his cheek heat. Okay, shit hole... he forgot to mention one little teeny tiny problem.

He is perfect... till he starts flirting.

No, get it back together, say something funny! Something cute! Come on Zack!

'Um, that's not a pick up line; but I thought your dad was a thief to steal all the stars and put them in your eyes, so I thought of breaking the ice'

She eyed him in disgust before suddenly breaking down 'Oh god! Why are the hotties always the losers! God!' the girl exclaimed in frustration. He took a step back and dived into the pool cursing him for relying on the net for these types of stuff.

When he stood straight, some were grinning teasingly at him and yet, he felt like shit.

This was always his point of weakness.

Walking out of the pool, he entered the house and went upstairs to his room where suddenly a girl, who later he recalled was the same random girl who caught his eye a couple of times, ran by him so fast that she hit his shoulder without even apologizing. The weird thing was that she was running towards his room.

Raising an eyebrow in wonder and following her slowly, his mouth dropped to the floor when he stood by her.

A guy, his age or probably younger, was topless, on his bed, on a naked girl.

They didn't seem to know they were caught in headlights because they continued kissing furiously before they broke apart with a pop sound and the guy's eyes widened as they fell on the girl next to Zack.

'Ella' the guy whispered huskily. Zack, frowning and starting to put the pieces together, looked at 'Ella' as her eyes were glassy and empty of any emotion.

A strange urge to hug her enveloped Zack and he had to clench his fists beside him to prevent himself from doing anything.

He noticed how she swallowed before blinking as if she's waking up from a phase.

'Um, Noah, what is this?' she croaked. Noah jumped off the girl and threw the sheets over her body before he pointed at Ella and said 'Babe, it's nothing'

Ella smiled slightly before she had a tear fall on her face. Zack watching her softly felt anger towards the stupid guy who was getting dressed and was denying the obvious.

Ella suddenly wiped away her tears and said 'It's okay Noah, let's just go'

And that for some reason, snapped something inside Zack who uncontrollably laughed and then yelled 'you're going to let him get away with this! He is obviously cheating on you and you believe that it was nothing, don't be just one of those stupid girls!' Ella's head turned towards him and she scowled.

'Who are you?' Noah growled wrapping his arm around Ella's waist. Zack chuckled angrily before he held out his arm and easily snatched Ella towards his body. She gasped before he looked at her and whispered 'thank me later'

She frowned and was about to punch him but stopped when she realized that he pushed her softly behind his back as soon as her boyfriend's hand came down on where her face should have been and yet, thanks to Zack, the slap hit his shoulder.

'You're an asshole' Zack said calmly before walking away and pulling Ella behind him.

When they reached the extra room, he let her go before saying 'what the hell?"

Ella watched him with amusement yet great fury before yelling "what the hell was that!"

He laughed and said 'he was cheating on you, duh!'

She shook her head, not liking the way it sounds, before she said "you had no business in what you saw."

He approached her, yet she took a step back. He sighed before saying "I am sorry that I believed that someone as pretty as you, shouldn't live their lives without the respect they deserve. If you still want that guy who was obviously cheating on you, lied to your face and even was willing to lay his hands on you, then be my guest. But at least I didn't leave you with him when I had the chance to protect you"

She stared at him; his face was sculptured by the gods. That was the only logical explanation for this perfect face. Even when he frowned, he was very attractive. Although she was seething inside, she was very grateful.

'Well, thank you for "protecting me" but the guy I left is my boyfriend of three years. I can't just let him go."  As she headed to the door and held the knob, he said "but obviously he easily let you go when he took that girl's cloths off. Think about that, will you?" and rather than to walk out of the room, she froze in place watching as he stormed outside the room with a scowl on his face.

She felt a little guilty before shutting the path of guilt and running towards the same room. She would open it; say she was sorry and that she believed he wouldn't have done anything and they would go home together make out for a while before her mom asks him to leave. No harm done.

Stepping into the room, she gasped loud and clear.

"You asshole!" she bellowed as she saw her boyfriend... continuing from where he left off.

Reaching for the nearest thing she could throw, something glassy got itself into her grip and she screamed "I hate you!" before throwing it where he stood. Turning around, fighting back the tears, she hit Zack's chest.

"Okay so you were right" she murmured. He smiled before saying "well, yeah. But I have a plan if you love the guy so much'

She turned around and watched as Noah looked at her pleadingly. She shook her head.

"I don't know..."

Zack looked at what she was watching a second ago and laughed sympathetically. "Yeah I totally get you"

She sniffed before saying "but if I was going to do what you had in mind, care to enlighten me on the mission?"

He smiled softly and led her downstairs ignoring the looks he received and said "we can get him jealous, he obviously doesn't want to lose you. We could tease him with jealousy till he bursts; you would have showed him that you're not easy and that he has to work for you to be his."

She listened to him thoughtfully before saying "okay... and how am I going to do that?"         

He rolled his eyes as if it's the most absurd question of all, and he said "by flirting with other guys"

She nodded her head slowly before biting her lips then saying "who do you think could be with me on this?"

She started looking around when he cleared his throat and she looked at him.

"Me?" he said as if she was stupid. She laughed even though she felt she wanted to cry because of what just happened and then hissed "you can't even flirt, I saw what you did out there. You're just too geeky for a flirt"

He covered his heart pretending to be hurt before saying "geeky?"

She smiled and said "yes, care to explain the fact that these cheesy pick up lines were from the internet?"

He stared at her trying to muffle his laughs before getting a brilliant idea

"Look, how about I help you make your EX jealous, while you help me with flirting?"

She raised her eyebrow and repeated "you want me to teach you how to flirt?"

He nodded and explained "you're a girl and you know what girls like, you can teach me and I can help you. All wins."

She nodded thoughtfully imagining walking around the beach with Zack holding her hand and kissing her in the ocean and hugging her close, all for the sake of jealousy.

She will be the girl who 'faked' winning the heart of the heartthrob of Miami and he would learn to stop ruining everything god gave him, as soon as he tries to be sexy.

Deciding on what she'll do, she held out her hands smiling sheepishly before she said "To be jealous and learning flirting"

He raised his eyebrow and chuckled before shaking his head and holding out his hand to shake hers and he repeated

"To being jealous and learning flirting"

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