Are you alone? No. We're toge...

By AeronSmogg

288 65 814

A Superdetective, a serial killer, a ghost hunter, and a ghost team up to form the Avengers? No. To do some... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Explanation Time!!!

Chapter 5

26 4 105
By AeronSmogg

Ghost Hunter's POV:

I tell only the truth to them but they protest with bigger eyes. Why can't people just accept the truth?

As psychology of human behavior tells us it's Denialism. A person chooses to deny reality as a way to avoid a psychologically uncomfortable truth.

"Look creep, as you know this man is a serial killer and if you don't stop bothering us. He'll be more than happy to kill you," says the detective.

"Yes, you'll be my 100th kill. I'll be really honored to do it with you," adds the serial killer.

"That sounds so scary, Vadi. Maybe we should dash off before he hurts you," says Laura in a concerned voice.

Anyone would be excited for the 100th even if it's a kill. But can he make an exception as leap year does for 100? All years divisible by 4 are leap years except the year 100.

"You're not getting lost in thoughts again are you, Vadi?" asks Laura concerned.

"No. I'm in full control of my thoughts. All thanks to you, Laura." I reply to her but the duo listens to it too.

"See, Danny, how creep is talking to his Ghost girlfriend. Why don't you threaten him with your gun?" whispers the Detective.

"Cause I don't have it. I put it back," the serial killer whispers back.

"Why would you do that?"

"Maybe because I'm not an actual serial killer."

The duo keeps whispering to each other thinking I won't know but Laura standing beside them listens to all and tells me.

I see they are together cause he's not a serial killer. Maybe he was lost in thoughts too and did it by mistake. Anyways I should proceed with my work.

"Look, Detective. I just want you to solve a small case for me. Then I won't show you my face ever again," I say with conviction.

"She won't do anything for you," Danny denies but the detective asks, "You will go away for sure?"

I nod and she takes us inside. They sit on the couch and pass only one chair to us. I demand one more and Danny looks at me with bigger eyes. Finally, the detective passes another chair.

"So what's your case?" asks the detective.

"My friend's necklace has been stolen and he's dying without it. Since the thief is a human, it's out of my domain. I want you to find it," I explain.

"What do you mean by he's dying? Can't he buy another?" she chuckles.

"Don't tell her that Vadi. It'll make things only complicated," Laura warns.

But as she asked I obviously have the obligation to answer it and that too with truth so I reply, "Because he's a devil."

Danny coughs hard and the detective pats on his back.

"That necklace holds all his powers so when taken away he got sick. It's been more than 3 months now and he's on the verge of dying," I explain further.

"So it's like he's Tony Stark and the necklace is his Iron Man Suit that gives him power," she repeats in weird terms that confuse me.

But Laura gets her point and smiling she says, "Wow. I like her already."

"Laura says she likes you, detective," I convey her message. She smiles but Danny frowns.

"Excuse me. What did you mean by the killer in Spencer's case being a supernatural being?" Danny asks.

"I mean it can be a ghost that won't get captured by your traditional cameras."

"You mean like your ghost girlfriend. She is not visible either." He narrows his eyes on the chair beside me. "Maybe she is the killer," he adds.

I get it where it comes from. It's called Xenophobia: Fear of the unknown. Almost all face this in the form of fear of strangers, foreigners, or supernaturals.

"She's ghost doesn't mean she's evil, Danny. She is kind and loving. A ghost is very similar to you or a human in all respects." I explain to him the nuances of Ghostience.

"Does she take a bath?"

"Yes. Daily," I reply with conviction.

He stares at the detective but takes his eyes off as she notices. He asks, "Does she eat?"

"Of course. She is a form of energy only. So she needs food to keep her form stable."

"What if she doesn't eat? She'll die right?"

"That's one exception to humans. She'll not die but change her form to Strings. The most basic form of matter or energy," I say in simplest terms but Danny still scratches his head.

"Okay. That's enough madness for one day. We'll start your search party tomorrow." Detective pads towards the dinner table behind the couch.

We settle on the dinner table and Danny keeps staring at Laura. I guess he must be amused by seeing spoons and forks fly in the air. But he stays fully silent along with the detective.

"The food is really good." I break the silence.

"Thanks, man," Danny smiles. "What's your name?" Danny raises an eyebrow. The detective narrows her eyes on me and holds her breath.

"I don't believe in those. You can call me Mr. Ghosthunter."

"That's way too long. I'll stick with creep," says the detective exhaling.

"Me too," adds Danny.

"You know how to cook, Creep?" Danny asks, smiling.

"No but Laura knows really well," I reply and his smile fades.

After finishing our food we ask for a place to stay for the night since our home is in different town Vancouver.

Danny points towards a bedroom. "I'll take the couch," he says to the detective.

"You want me to sleep with that creep?" she asks disgustedly.

"Oh, God! Olive. Get your prepositions right. It's not with but beside." Danny gives the grammar lesson.

She shrugs and walks to the couch. Danny follows me reluctantly.

When the clock ticks 3 AM. Laura wakes me up and tells me something. I jolt awake Danny. "C'mon Olive, It's not the proper time for coffee," he whimpers.

"No, it's not. It's time for evil souls and they're killing many right now."

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