The Secret Life of Nessa Odin...

By kms_pages

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A tale about Odin's secret daughter and her life after being discovered by S.H.I.E.L.D after rescuing Tony St... More

Chapter 1: Saving Tony
Chapter 2: The interrogation
Chapter 3: Family reunion
Chapter 4: What now?
Chapter 5: Staying at Stark Towers
Chapter 7: Announcements
Chapter 8: Dreams, Duels and Dances
Chapter 9: But why?
Chapter 10: Let's make a deal
Chapter 11: Learning the truth has it's ups and downs
Chapter 12: A walk in the woods
Chapter 13: Making plans
Chapter 14: Shock, anger, worry
Chapter 15: Good against Evil
Chapter 16: Dealing with traitors and *EPILOGUE*

Chapter 6: Settling in

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Chapter 6 Nessa's POV*

"It was nice staying with you Tony." I said as I walked away and towards Thor who was standing outside on the balcony. "It was nice having you stay here, you can come over any time with Thor, I have a few more pranks in mind." Thor stiffened a bit at Tony's words but then just shrugged to show Tony that he didn't care. I laughed at this. "Yeah defiantly." I replied turning to Tony. Me and Thor positioned ourselves next to each others Thor's arm wrapped securely around my waist. "Bye Tony!" I yelled as we took of flying towards New Mexico.

I was going to miss Tony, I wasn't that ecstatic about staying at Stark Towers but once I got there and started hanging out with him I had fun I really did and I laughed A LOT, I hadn't laughed that much in ages. I defiantly would like to visit him again.


The flight to New Mexico was silent as well as the trip through the Byfrost. Thor and I were currently walking through the palace towards the throne room were we would, once again, talk to Odin.

I despised that man for all he had done to me, I was used as a servant and banished he wanted to get rid of me as soon as he could so once I was of age he banished me to Midgard. He is weak he would not even face his problems, I am ashamed to call him my father. If not because of what he did then who he did it too, his own daughter, his own flesh and blood luckily for him I resembled my mother or he would have questions coming at him left, right and centre.

We arrived in the Throne room where Odin was talking to Friga. "Ah my son you have returned and with your sister so I see." He said head turning to look at me. From the corner of my eye I could see a smile spread across Thor's face at the word sister. Awwwwww. He's so cute! "Yes well it has been decided that she shall stay on Asgard, the Midgardians think it best if she is not in their realm." Thor reported to his father, I rolled my eyes at this. Oh, how loved am I.

"Yes it probably would be best I she stays on Asgard." Odin stated, i scoffed. "Oh yeah, sure now it's best." I mumbled. Luckily neither Odin or Thor had heard me. "You may be dismissed Thor." Odin spoke, Thor bowed his head then walked off looking over his shoulder at me and smiling. Odin whispered something to Friga which I couldn't hear and she soon left leaving me alone in a room with Odin and two guards. "Guards may you leave us for a moment I must talk to my daughter alone." The guards walked off without a word obeying their kings commands. Oh great now it's just me and him.

"You are mad at me I can see it in your eyes." He said. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out. His next word got my blood boiling, it was only one word but it caused me to crack. Letting all of my built up anger from the past 20 years out. "Why?" he said so quietly it was almost a whisper. Why? WHY!? He's asking me why I'm mad at him is he really that blind to not realise that I am mad because of being worked like a slave and banished to another realm? "WHY!?" I yell at a volume so loud I'm sure half of Asgard could have heard me. "Why! After all you've done to me your asking why I'm mad at you!" I started. Odin opened his mouth to speak but I cut him short. "Oh no! You do not get to speak you just listen and let me talk for once!" I screamed. He saw that I had to get this out of my system and also that it may take a while so he calmly got comfortable in his seat and motioned with his hand for me to continue.

"Thank you..." I softly said. Honestly I thought that he would yell at me for being disrespectful to my father and king..... guess I was wrong.

"Well to start..... why did u work me as a servant in the Palace you treated me as a servant, a maid. A higher maid maybe but still a maid?" I said not yelling anymore. I may have gotten a little bit carried away then.... "Well...." He started, looking at the ceiling for a moment thinking carefully before he replied. "I couldn't tell the kingdom about you, you were a child who was bared out of wedlock it had to stay a secret." he said I was about to say something but this time he stopped me. "You've had your chance to talk and you've ask me a question of which I have not finished answering. Fair is fair it is now my turn to speak and your turn to listen." He said in a soft yet stern way.

I shut my mouth and let him continue, because he did have a point. "Originally you were suppose to be killed so that we would not risk the chance of the kingdom finding out about you. Also we were at war with the Jotuns and if they found out they could have used you a leverage. " What? My jaw hung open, I couldn't believe the news that I was receiving they were going to kill me how dare they! Wait, if that was the plan then why am I here now?

The confusion must have shown on my face because Odin had continued to speak. "But then I thought you were just an innocent infant brought into the world under bad circumstances. So I let you live and work as a maid I gave you the best chamber that a maid could get but I had no idea they were over working and abusing you." He paused for a moment letting it sink in. "So, as soon as I could I sent you off to Midgard to get you away from your life of abuse and slavery. " He finished. I was shocked completely and utterly shocked."" I mumbled dumbfounded.

"That is why I did those things, NOT because I hated you as I can see is what you have assumed all these years. " He had gotten off his throne and started walking down the stairs towards me. "You are my daughter and I am your father, I love you Nessa. I love my daughter very dearly and that is precisely why I sent you to Midgard." His voice had gotten softer with every sentence. I was lost for words I didn't know what to say I could barely even think although one thing I did realise is that the saying if you love something set it free had been applied to my life and I had not even realised it. I thought he hated me, I thought that he wanted to get rid of me that, he banished me so he would never have to see me again.

I was overwhelmed with emotions then, so much so that I broke down into tears and ran up to Odin and hugged him.

It was odd behaviour for me because I usually hid my feelings from everyone and am not EVER emotional. But right then at that moment it felt like every little bit of hatred I had ever felt for that man had slapped me in the face for being such an oblivious idiot and not seeing the what his true intentions were. Not to get rid of me but to protect my. GOD I felt like the biggest idiot. "I'm sorry." I quietly whisper to Odin.

"There is nothing to be sorry about me child. " Odin said whilst rubbing my back for comfort. "But there is... I always hated you.... and ignored you.... because I assumed that you.... thought that I was a burden..... upon your life. " I said in between sobs. Oh great now he probably thought I was weak. "My dear, " He started gently grabbing my shoulders and putting me at arms length away from him as he looked into my eyes before he continued." I distanced myself with you because I could not become too attached to you and let's not forget how I made you become a servant and send you to Midgard. It would seem like I hated you so it is not your fault if you hated me, just know that that's not going to happen anymore that you will live in the palace as what you were born to be...." He paused and I looked up at him waiting for him to finish his sentence. "A princess. " There were tears in my eyes threatening to spill over but I held them back.

I couldn't believe that this was happening. He was actually giving me the tittle I was meant to have but what made me really happy was that I had a dad. I finally had a father figure in my life. I hugged him again nothing could ruin this moment.

"Now. " He began as we pulled apart from our embrace. "Let's go get you settled in shall we. I'll have Thor show you to your room." He said silently as he escorted me out of the throne room towards the hall.

We met Thor outside the door of the throne room it turns out he had been waiting for me and had heard our whole conversation. He was really happy that I had sorted things out with Odin cause now we were all one happy family. At the moment at least you never know what could happen, and I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if something did. This was a total game changer, Odin had a daughter and some people may take it as an opportunity to get back at him for anything.


"And these are your chambers. " Thor stated as we stopped outside the big double doors leading to my chambers. "If you ever need me I shall be next door in my chambers." He said whilst pointing to the room to his right."And Loki will be in there." He said pointing the room on his left. Oh great my room was next doors to Loki's.

Loki may not remember me but I definitely remember him, him and all his childish secrets which he couldn't help confessing once.


We were both 10 and Loki was sitting in the bench in the forest with his back to me, crying. No one knew about this part of the forest except me and Odin and recently Loki when he followed me hear thinking I was up to no good.

I usually ignored when ever I would see Loki sad because I never really liked him. But he had obviously known that I would come here so if he wanted to be alone he would've gone somewhere else.

"Loki, are you ok?" I asked slowly making my way towards him."No. " He answered still looking at the ground with his back to me. "Oh." Was all I managed to say. I was hoping that he would say he was fine or at least lie and say he was fine.

"W-what's wrong?" I asked, I myself never really showed much emotion so I wasn't very good with comforting people. "Father took Thor with him to go to Alfheim for important matters which he has not even told me of." He said crying.

It seemed like something little but it wasn't. The other servants are always talking about how they've heard that Thor is going everywhere and doing everything whilst Loki is being told to stay home. "He always favours Thor over me. Everything I do is not good enough it is always second best to Thor. He does EVERYTHING better than me." He said putting emphasis on everything. He wiped his tears with the back of his hand and sniffled.

So he was jealous of his brother..... well he did have the right to be. "It's ok Loki-" I started attempting to comfort him but he cut me off."NO IT'S NOT! " He yelled. "It's never ok. " He said quietly. Keeping his head down. I walked towards the bench and sat down next to Loki.

"It's going to be alright there is something's that you can do that Thor can't so that shows that he can't do every thing better than you." I said trying to cheer him up. I am so not the girl for this job. "Oh yeah? Like what?" he asked.

Oh great now I had to think of something to say. "Well...umm... You can do magic." He looked at me waiting for me to go on."Thor can't do magic but you can and don't think I haven't seen you do tricks around the palace because I have and from what I've seen you are really good at performing magic. So you can do something that Thor can't do at all. " He smiled at me.

"Yeah I guess I can do something he can't." He paused for a second."Thank you." He said and gave me a hug."Umm... no problem." I said hugging him back.


After that day Loki would come to that bench in the forest when ever he felt like he needed someone. We talked it out but most of the time the time we just sat next to each other and hugged. That's all he really needed and if I was ever upset because of what the maids and servants were doing he'd be the one to comfort me that was 'till we got older and stopped talking. We just grew out of it and faced our problems by ourselves or just dealt with it.

"Dinner will be at six o'clock, If you like I can escort you there unless you want to go by yourself." Thor asked politely. I thought about it for a moment but decided it was best if I went by myself."It's fine I can go myself. " I replied. He nodded his head curtly and turned to walk away, but I grabbed his arm to stop him."Wait Thor. " he stopped and looked at me, before replying."Yes?" He asked.

It just felt like the right thing to do you know. I've been distant so I wanted to make up for it."I'm glad you're my brother. " I said as I hugged him. He hugged me back and nuzzled his nose into my hair." As am I that you are my sister. " He said.

We then parted ways and I went into my bedroom. I lied down on my bed deciding that, that was the perfect time to take a nap. It had been a long day but it was not over yet.

Dinner was in two hours and I was curious as to how every one was going to react to me being Odin's daughter. Lady Sif and The Worriers Three would be attending dinner as well as others. Then Odin will announce the news to the whole kingdom. I hope that this will end well.


Hey guys,

Awwwww father daughter moment AND brother sister moment with Thor. Family filled chapter. But the good news is that Nessa finally has a father figure in her life. Yay!

Dedicating this chapter to my friends Jo!! If your reading this thank you for your support with my book love you! Her account doesn't work so I'm just writing it in the A/N.

Hope you guys are liking the book. I might start posting another but It probably won't be a Avengers theme fanfic in fact It might not be a fan fiction at all. I might put up the prologue for it but probably won't actually post the book 'till a bit later. Tell me what you think I should do.

Also if you guys have anything to say about the book. About things you like, things you don't like don't be afraid to comment your thoughts and opinions.

And sorry about the way it's written I notices whilst writing this that my speech marks are really weird and hard to use on my phone everything has to be written certain way so I true but sorry f it doesn't come out right.

Ok so that's it for now 'till next time and don't forget to;




Bye guys -K

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