Madam President ✓

By CelestiaNorwood

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After a day that will go down as one of the worst in recent American history, a freshman congresswoman is thr... More

Dream Cast
1. I Don't Owe Him Respect
2. There's A First Time For Everything
3. Debate
4. The Line Of Succesion
5. This Can't Be Happening
6. An Oath
8. Madam President
9. One Crazy Motherfucker
10. Working With A Genius
11. Okay, Maybe He Wasn't Always Bad
12. I Feel F*cking Useless
13. We Can't Take Much More Of This
14. Madam Speaker
15. Adressing The Nation
16. Trust Nobody
17. It Never Ends
18. Victory Is Nerve Wracking
19. Evidence
20. Unity
21. IQ
22. Domestic Violence
23. Don't Be Paranoid
24. An Affair
25. We're So Close
26. A Toast
27. Miranda Rights
28. Political Optics
29. Offspring
30. Interrogation
31. Childbirth
32. I Can't Believe It Was Her
33. Jeremy
34. Dreaming
35. And So It Begins
36. Don't Pretend To Be The Good Guy
37. It Never Ends, Does It?
38. Finding Out
39. Betrayal
40. An Unlikely Survivor
41. Short Notice
42. How Do I Go On After This?
43. An Eventful Evening
44. Changing The Rules
45. State Of The Union
PART TWO- The Dream Cast
PART TWO- 46. A Taste Of Controversy
47. Ignorance Is Bliss
48. Interviews
49. Revelations
50. What A Fucking Hypocrite
51. Prenatal
52. Chairwoman
53. Security Breaches
54. Another Investigation
55. Morality
56. Somebody To Talk To
57. Mental Torture
58. Murder Is Always The Answer
59. Treat It Like A Campaign
60. Not A Moment's Peace
61. I Regret Ever Agreeing To This
62. A Contingency Plan
63. Plotting
64. A Short Stay
65. Playing Dirty
66. Opponets
67. The Morning Of
68. The Hearing
70. Guantanamo Bay
71. A One Time Oath
72. Burnout
PART THREE- The Dream Cast
PART THREE- 73. A Missing Press Secretary
74. Triggers
75. Location
76. A Traumatic Past
77. Literal Fucking Torture
78. Job Interview
79. An Alternate Path
80. Horrible Accidents
81. Sacrifices
82. Anthony
83. Distancing
84. Minister Petrov
85. Another Power Transition
86. The Team
87. Mr.President
88. I Was So Close
89. Eavesdropper
90. A Different War
91. Brutality
92. Training
93. Final Stages
94. Belarus
95. Wrong Place, Wrong Time
96. No Going Back
97. Arrival
98. To The Sewers
99. Rescue
100. Deaths Add Up Quickly
101. Lynn
103. Kept Promises
104. Escape
105. Countdown
106. Promotions
107. Pain
108. Darrel
109. I Don't Get Paid Enough For This Shit
110. Former Opponets
111. Attack

69. Voting

18 3 11
By CelestiaNorwood


The takeout pasta feels like cardboard in my mouth. I slide it across the table, not wanting to even look at it- and focus on Melissa.

"Anything?" I ask.

"Nope." She shrugs. "Not since the last time you asked- exactly forty seven seconds ago."

Darrel glances at his phone. The time reads 4:37 pm.

  "Christ-" he says. "It's been almost three hours. What could they possibly be talking about that requires that much debate?"

"New procedural rules." Carlos shrugs. "A lot's changed since...."

He regrets speaking the second the words leave his mouth, because even though it's far from what he meant, Darrel'll hear: "A lot's changed since your family died."

I forcibly swallow the last bite I managed to shovel in my mouth, and I slowly glance between the two.

Instead of having a full blown panic attack from the flashbacks- he shrugs.

"A lot has changed since they died." He says. "But I'm working through it so I'd really appreciate it if ya'll would stop acting like I'm broken."

I get a mental image of a protest his daughter organized against evictions. A nice concept- but something that'd never work in reality, not anytime in the next fifty years. Her speech and voice was so powerful it was clear they raised her to be strong and speak for herself- regardless of the problems it caused him throughout his political career.

I think about how different everything would have been if I made my sexual partners take paternity tests- tracked him down by getting the guest list for that damn party and started asking around about the guy in his early thirties in the skeleton costume.

Would his daughter even exist today- or would that daughter have been Katie? Would the bombing still have happened- or would the thought never have crossed her mind because she already had one parent in politics?

Would I have ran for office if my spouse or boyfriend was the president of the United States?

Would a younger, early thirties him, having barely broken into the political scene as the mayor of Dallas,Texas- have divorced his brand new wife for the nineteen year old mother of his child? Would he have even wanted anything to do with me or his.... offspring then? It would've been another two years before his daughter was conceived.

I decide that, yeah- he would have at least been involved. His wife would have( rightfully so) divorced him when she found out- and they both would've accepted that it wasn't meant to be instead of being stuck with each other for fourteen years- as morbid as that sounds.


"Madam President?" A congressional aide peeks her head in. "Congresswoman Mathews."

I stand up- and the others follows seconds later. Finally- we're all thinking.

  She steps in and the first thing I notice is a tiny piece of tissue shoved up her right nostril.

  "You okay?" I raise an eyebrow.

  "Nose bleed- high blood pressure. I will be." She sighs. "Madam President- you should know that my colleagues have been debating whether or not to continue with this hearing or... advance it to an impeachment one."


  "We've decided to vote. It's.... It's close. I think I may be the deciding vote." She looks past all of us, staring off in the distance. She purses her lips together- and then I get it.

  "Ahh." I nod.

  "While it would be... super convenient if my potential election opponent went through an impeachment trial...."

  "You can't decide if that's ethical or not since you're the chairwoman of the literal ethics committee."

  "Something like that." She nods, refusing to look me in the eyes. "I could cast a shadow of public doubt so easily- even though we'd never get enough votes in a floor vote to remove you from office. Your approval rating would plummet and you'd... probably never be able to win an election again in your life. I just...  I can't decide if that's the route I wanna take to the Vice Presidency."

"Understandable-" I shrug. "Ya know, If I were in your position I wouldn't even consider playing nice."


  "I think that's the difference between us." I say. "You don't act impulsively. At the end of the day.... I think you would make an amazing Vice President."

"The vote will be a verbal one." She says, with everybody back in the committee room. "My aide will take the roll call."

  I forget how to breathe as the aide reaches into some drawer and pulls out a sheet of paper with the committee members names on them.

  "On the resolution to advance this probe to a public impeachment hearing, the votes are as follows-" the aide coughs.

"Congressman Davis?"

  "Congressman Amon?"


  "Congresswoman Alpin?"


  Breathing. Breathing is a good thing people should do- I have to remind myself.

"Congressman Angevin?"


  "Congresswoman Shin?"


  "Congressman McLaren?"


  "Congressman Sisson?"


  "Congresswoman Livingston?"


  "Congressman Hendrix?"


  "Congressman Cleveland?"


  "Congressman Martin?"


  "Congresswoman Martinez?"

  "Congressman Marcellus?"


  "Congressman Marcellus?"

"......No."he reluctantly says. "It.... wouldn't be right."

  "Congresswoman Moore?"


Eight. That's 8 no's. 6 yes's- and two votes to go.

"Congressman Crowder?"


Godamnit. I close my eyes, lean back, and wait for the inevitable. Who's left? They've been through the speaker, the sex-offender Republican, the Vice chairman and.... Oh god.

  "Congresswoman Mathews?"

  I lean forward as she says nothing for over ten seconds. Like her, I've had plenty of moments that could end in political disaster no matter which way I went. Right now- I remember the unstoppable F5 tornado that tore through the entirety of the Midwest a few months ago. If I sent too much federal aide- I would have been considered a financially irresponsible leader. If I sent too little- I would've been called selfish without a real reason. In the end we used 5B in federal funds and 2B from my own bank accounts.

  As I was waiting for my payments to go through, and then again when I got to watch them be put to good use replacing and repairing thousands of people's homes- I wasn't quite holding my breath. I wasn't breathing either- I was somewhere in that middle ground that's more hellish than either of the above. You know that you don't have to be worried anymore because there's nothing you can do and the outcome is unalterable- yet you can't help worrying because of how engrained it is in your brain.

"Congresswoman Mathews?" The aide repeats herself, a pen ready to tally the final vote.

  Evelyn looks like she might be sick as she forces herself to speak. My heart leaps out of my chest.



  I watch the aide write something out and furrow her eyebrows in concentration. She pushes her glasses up on her nose.

  No? That means-

  "On this vote- the yay's are 9 and the nay's are 7. This will not be turned over to the judiciary committee."

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