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By Aarka2207

914K 27.5K 9.3K

๐ƒ๐š๐ซ๐ค๐ง๐ž๐ฌ๐ฌ & ๐ƒ๐ž๐ฌ๐ข๐ซ๐ž ๐’๐ž๐ซ๐ข๐ž๐ฌ ๐๐จ๐จ๐ค ๐Ÿ--- She was brought there as their blood source, as t... More

Chapter 18
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 34
Chapter - 55
Darkness & Desire Series Book 2
Darkness & Desire Series Book 3


8.3K 298 242
By Aarka2207

[Author's POV]

"Ma'am, we should take some spicy ingredients... Master Simon like spicy ones..." Sara agreed with Lia as she put some of the spicy ingredients from the grocery section in the shopping basket.

Lia and Sara, both have come to the grocery store to buy groceries. Well, now it was easy for her to ask permission from the boys, as they would let her go outside whenever she wants.

However not without protection where some of the guards would be in front of her eyes while some of them would be hidden from her eyes. 

But, Sara has some idea that they would have surely sent some more guards with her without letting her know.

She doesn't complain realizing the situation and all the evil intentions of those persons who are against the boys.

After Lia and Maira told her how dangerous and powerful they had become in the last five years, she had less fear of their enemies but still she there was some fear in her heart for them.

After the incidents with Aaget, the brothers have become more protective for her and for the outsiders, more brutal.

More than two weeks have passed since that incident now. Everything is getting normal in their life.

Sara is also feeling less nervous around them. However, she would surely feel shy when they would start to show their overly romantic side to her as her husbands are overly romantic.

In those lovely moments, too, whenever she would feel their intense yet dark love in their eyes, it would surely make her feel slightly nervous as the intensity of their love is too much for her to handle.

She feels like their love for her is too much, which she just can't handle. And if she thinks about it more she would realize that their love for her has no limit at all, which scares her also thinking to which extent it will go.

Their cold touch won't fail to send shivers to her whole body making her more nervous to stay near them for more seconds.

Their limitless love, their extreme obsession, and their undying madness, which always reflects in their eyes, scare her whenever they would come near her.

Their extreme love is stopping her from accepting them fully now...

Lia and Sara both were buying the necessary groceries for the kitchen when suddenly Sara's eyes fell outside the big glass window.

A kid was playing with a ball when his ball suddenly falls from his hand rolling on the highway road.

What shocked Sara was that the kid went to take his ball without noticing the car that was coming directly to his way.

Not thinking anything, more she started to run outside. While running, the side of her right ankle hit the table situated near the main door of the shop.

Not caring about the injury she got on herself, she ran outside. Guard got alert seeing their ma'am running like this in hurry. They came running to her.

Sara ran to the kid to save him who was now standing in between the road unknown that a car is straightly coming towards him.

She came running to him and hugged him. She was going to take him to the side but then she saw the car which was not stopping still and then...


"Complete these files and I don't want a single mistake or error in that, understood?" Alvin spoke coldly making the employee in front of him shiver in fear.

They nodded and left the office room. Alvin again focused on his work when he got a call on his phone.

Seeing the caller id, Alvin saw that the guard that was sent with Sara for grocery shopping was calling him. He picked up the call and put it near his ear.

"Speak." He ordered but what he heard from the other side was shocked and surely angering to him.

"WHAT!!" He stood up shouting.

His raging eyes proved how angry he was right now hearing the thing that the guard spoke from the other side.

"Just shut up!! Where is she!!" He asked loudly burning in anger. Getting the answer from the other side he started to walk towards the door of the office room.

"I swear if something happened to her, I'll burn you all alive!!" Alvin spoke loudly as he left the office going towards his car to drove to his destination.

He drove at a high speed to reach the hospital he was told. He was again fearing that someone again tried to attack her.

Stopping the car with a break, he entered inside the hospital searching all over to find his strawberry. Seeing one of his guards, he came towards him.

"Where is she?" He directly asked him with a dark tone.

"I-Inside..." Guard pointed towards the nearby door trembling in fear because of how angry his master was right now.

Without wasting any second he barged in the room to see his wife sitting on the hospital bed talking with the other two familiar people while Lia was standing there.

He was first shocked to see the two familiar people who were talking with Sara. One person, who was sitting just beside Sara.

"Hey, Alvin..." That person greeted him smiling widely at him.

"Nora..." Alvin spoke in a low tone.

Now, Sara had noticed that Alvin has come here and that made her slightly nervous thinking what will his reaction after seeing her condition.

She has started to know them and the most important thing of theirs is that they are really overprotective of her.

Although, she mostly does the cooking, and whenever she got even a slight cut on her body, the boys would scold both the maids.

Until she doesn't tell them to calm down they would not stop. They surely treat her like a queen. Their queen...

"Long time no see, Alvin..." Alvin heard another voice which made him slightly angry to see none other than Jason sitting on the stool beside the hospital bed near Sara.

"What are you two doing here...?" He spoke seriously looking straight at Jason in his eyes.

"We came here to help my best friend whom I thought was dead years ago on that picnic..." Nora spoke with a tint of sadness in her tone.

"Whatever, I'm happy that I got my best friend back... by an accident..." Alvin only caught the words 'accident' in her words.

"What accident...?" Alvin asked narrowing his eyes at them which made them a little tense and especially Sara.

Before anybody could say anything, Alvin's eyes fell on Sara's right leg which was a bandage.

"What happened to you?" He came and kneeled in front of her on the bed to check her leg, but didn't touch her in fear that he would hurt her more.

"How did this happened?" Alvin directly asked her.

"It's nothing... just a slight injury..." Sara replied to him in an assuring manner.

"It doesn't seem like a slight injury, Sara..." Alvin said seriously. He stood up and asked.

"How did all this happened?" He asked her calmly yet in a stern manner.

"Actually, Alvin..." Nora started to speak something but looked like she was nervous to say.

"What is it?" Alvin asked all seriously.

"She was just going to hit by our car-" Nora's words stuck in her throat hearing Alvin's loud voice

"What!!?" Alvin was now angry at them for being so careless while driving.

"How can you be so-" Now it was Alvin's turn to stay silent after Sara cut his words.

"Alvin, it's not like that. It's not their fault." Sara spoke making him look at her.

"How it's not their fault?" Alvin asked her being a little angry because he was controlling himself right now not to thrash both of the idiot humans, who are responsible right now for his wife's condition.

"Alvin, I got hurt in the shop... not by their car. Please calm down..." Sara requested softly to him. Hearing her words, he calmed down a little bit. 

"Fine, let's go home." Alvin said to her as he came beside her standing near her.

"Home?" Nora spoke with a questioning look on her face. 

"What do you mean by 'home'?" Nora asked him.

"A wife should be at his husband's house, right?" Alvin said to her in a serious tone. Hearing his words Nora and Jason both were shocked.

"You both are married now?" Jason asked him.

"Yes, we are." Alvin Looking into his eyes with a serious glare.

"Let's go, Sara." Saying that Alvin directly carried her in his arms in bridal style shocking her in making her blush as Nora and Jason both were present there in the room.

She tried to wriggle out of his grip but he didn't let her and gave her a serious look making her stop all her efforts.

She knew his overprotectiveness. She realized that he won't listen to anybody right now after seeing her condition even if it was just a minor injury in her leg. 

Clutching the collar of his shirt she looked down hiding her embarrassment. Without letting anybody speak any other words Alvin took her out of the hospital and made her sit in the car.

He came to the driving seat and started driving. Sara could feel from his aura that he was in a really serious mood right now.

"Alvin..." Sara called him but just got a hummed reply from him.

"Are you okay...?" Not knowing from where to start they just asked him. Suddenly the car was parked on the side of the road. 

"Shouldn't that be my question, strawberry?" Alvin asked her seriously yet calmly.

"I... I..." Sara didn't find any words to answer him. In between her words Alvin spoke.

"What happened actually tell me?" Alvin asked her by telling her in his tone that he was in no mood to hear any negative answer.

"I told you it was my fault..." Sara told him as he sighed her answer.

"I want to know every single detail." Alvin told her.

Not having any option Sara told him how she ran to the child save him from the car which belonged to Nora and Jason.

Jason stopped the car inches away from her before it could even touch her. However, she was hurt so they took her to the hospital to treat her leg which was bleeding because of the slightly deep wound.

Nora and Jason both were shocked to see Sara alive in front of them as they were thinking that she was dead in that picnic accident five years back.

Nevertheless, Nora was crazily happy finding her best friend alive and healthy. Jason was also happy to find her sister-like-childhood best friend again.

They asked her how she was alive and how she survived in these five years. Sara told them everything except the matter of her memory loss.

Nora was very happy finding her alive. She told her how she missed her in all these years and how she was bored staying alone without her.   

Alvin really wanted to scold her right there for risking her life like this but he calmly spoke.

"How can you take this much stupid step to risk your life, Sara?" She knew that he was really serious now after hearing her real name from him. 

Alvin didn't speak anything after that and started driving. The drive to the mansion was all silent.

Sara was nervous thinking about her other husbands' reaction after seeing her injury which is surely not much for her.

All of them are the same in the matter of her safety. All of them are overprotective of her which surely sometimes annoys her but she doesn't show it.

However, there was not a single moment in their overprotectiveness when she didn't see the worry in their eyes ever.

They surely care about her more than anybody could else do. Well, sometimes it becomes too much for her like their love is too much for her...

Stopping the car in front of the mansion, he came out of the car. Opening the door of her side, Sara tried to get up but before that Alvin came in front of her making her stop by giving her a serious look.

Sara stopped and just looked down. Alvin wrapped his strong arms around her back and waist carried her in bridal style.

Seeing the few guards outside, Sara got embarrassed as she looked down trying to hide her face. Alvin sensed her discomfort.

"No need to get embarrassed, strawberry. You're their madam. They don't have a single right to look into your eyes. Because if they did..." Alvin's tone turned to a dark one at last words which made a nervous and scared as his eyes reflected the deep intensity of their extreme love.

"They know what will happen to them..." Alvin spoke darkly completing his words which surely didn't fail to scare her.

Other than, their overprotectiveness which she had realized in these past few days, she had some idea that they are possessive of her. 

But she just doesn't know how much they are possessive for her. Over possessive or more than that...

Alvin started to walk towards the mansion holding her in his arms. She was getting more nervous with every step he was taking towards the mansion.

She has some assumptions that seeing her injury they surely won't stay calm. Entering in the mansion, Alvin directly started to walk towards her room.

"Alvin... put me down, please. I can walk. You don't need to-" Sara spoke to him but he cut her words with his serious words.

"And do you think that I'll let you walk in this condition before you get totally fine?" Alvin spoke to her with a serious tone making her want to stay silent but still she tried.

"But, it's not-" Again Alvin cut her words.

"You're not leaving the bed without our help. End of discussion." Alvin declared leaving no room for her to argue again.

"What is all this?" Hearing the deep masculine voice, both of their eyes turned towards the direction to see Sean standing there.

His eyes landed on Sara's leg which was bandaged and the same as before, Sean's reaction was the same as Alvin's.

"What happened to you?" Sean asked in shock and worry coming towards them.

"Later. First, let her rest in her room." Alvin spoke straightly as he started to take his steps towards Sara's room. Sean followed them.

Coming into her room, Alvin softly placed her on the bed making sure not to hurt her leg. Sara sat leaning her back onto the headboard of the bed.

"Now, will anybody tell me what happened to her?" Sean asked eagerly wanting to know the reason or the person behind his love's injury.

"She hurt herself while running..." Alvin sighed frustratedly remembering her previous stupid act to save that kid's life.

However, they know how kind their Sara is. But the problem is that they want her kindness towards them, only them.

"And why were you running, love?" Sean asked her making her a little nervous about telling him the reason for her running.

"J...Just forget it, Sean... I'm fine now." She spoke softly yet nervously hoping he would stop asking the same question.

Sean raised an eyebrow at her answer which surely told him that she was hiding something. But he didn't force her knowing that he would get his answers from Alvin.

"As you say, love. Alvin..." Sean called him gaining his attention from Sara who was sitting on the bed with some relief covered her face.

"Your assistant called me saying that you left the office hurriedly. You have an important meeting. You should go, I'll take care of her." Sean informed him to which Alvin nodded after a second.

Giving Sara the last caress on her cheek and telling her to take the rest, Alvin left the room. As he left the room, silence spread all over the room.

Sean came and sat beside her putting his one hand on the bed caging her. He leaned towards her making her back away a little.

"I know that something must have happened, that's why Alvin was serious. But I'm not forcing you to tell me. Just..." His last incomplete words came out in a low voice.

Bringing one hand to caress her cheek, he leaned to her face putting his forehead on hers making her breathe heavily in the nervousness of his proximity to her.

"Don't scare us like this..." He spoke in a deep yet whispered tone as Sara could feel his cold breathing on her face and especially on her lips.

Sara stayed in the same position breathing heavily as her hand clutched the bedsheet tightly forming a fist.

Sean pulled her closer by her waist grabbing it in a soft yet tight hold earning a gasp from her as her hand placed on his shoulder making her directly look into his eyes.

"Will you let me kiss you?" Sean asked her shocking her slightly as it was not a new question for her.

The brothers would always ask for her permission before kissing except few times, to which she had always permitted. 


Maybe because they have started to gain her trust and she trusts them that they won't do anything more than a kiss.

"Hm..." She replied looking down getting embarrassed about her decision which she always gets.

On the next second, her lips were sealed with his one as Sean kissed her with full passion and love.

Closing her eyes and clutching his shirt in her hand, she felt every his emotion and feeling in their kiss.

Sean's one hand was wrapped around her waist while the other one was on her cheek caressing it as he poured every emotion of his, every single bit of his love in the kiss to show her how much he loves her.

The passionate and deep kiss was getting hard and breathless for her now as she was losing her breath but Sean was not ready to break his kiss.

Sara gave him a slight push but he didn't even budge from his place and kept kissing her. Not having any strength to bear her breathlessness, she tried to move her place.

In moving from her place, she accidentally moved her right leg. A ray of stinging pain ran through her body due to the injury in her leg which made her push him abruptly.

"Ahh..." She whined in the pain breaking her kiss with him. Sean got alerted hearing her painful whimper.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Sean asked her worriedly. 

Taking a deep breath after the pain reduced in her leg, she looked at him. 

"I'm okay... just a slight pain..." Sara told him making remember him about her injury in her leg.

"I'm sorry, I just forget about your injury..." Sean apologized to her and internally smacked himself for forgetting about her injury.

"It's okay..." She replied softly.

"No, it's not okay..." Sean spoke making her look at him confused.

"I'll heal your wound." Sean declared making her confused at his words.

Sean knelt in front of the bed. He softly yet carefully put her injured leg on his knee not hurting her. 

"Sean, what... what are you doing?" Sara asked him.

"Calm down, love. I'm healing your wound because I can't see you in this condition." Sean spoke in a soft tone not wanting to scare her.

He slowly started to unwrap the bandage from her leg. Lastly, removing the cotton filled with medicine, he looked at the wound on which her blood was dried up.

Sean took a long deep breath and brought his lips to her wound and placed it on the wound making Sara feel a current as his cold yet soft lips touched her wound.

Her wound was healing slowly as he was kissing her ankle. She could feel that her pain was fading away by his kiss on her ankle.

After a minute, Sean stopped kissing her wound which was now faded away from its place. However, something caught Sara's attention as she looked at Sean.

Sean's eyes' color was changing from his normal ocean blue ones to red ones. The other thing that caught her attention was that his hand which was holding her leg were trembling.

"Sean...?" She called as she was shocked seeing him getting trembled, but for what?

But without answering, Sean left the room shutting the door loudly making her flinch slightly. It was like he just ran away from there.

"What happened to him?" Sara mumbled slowly asking herself if she did something wrong.


Sara's mind was still roaming around the sudden change of behavior in Sean. She left like he was very angry or something.

If she thinks that he was angry then, she is sure of herself that she didn't do anything wrong that would make him angry, then what happened to him suddenly.

She once thought to ask him if something was wrong but when she asked the guards about him, they told her that he went outside and for which work he went, the guards didn't know.

"Ah..." A sudden gasp left from her lips as she felt someone wrap his arms around her waist from behind.

And by the smell of strong masculine cologne, she knew who was the person behind her without turning back.

"Simon..." She spoke his name. She was then turned around by Simon as he wrapped his both hands around her waist, making her put her hands on his shoulder.

"What were you thinking so deeply that you didn't even notice me when I came normally in the kitchen?" Simon asked her softly yet calmly.

Nowadays, she doesn't get scared or nervous if they come closer to her more than the normal distance which is the best thing for the boys as it was the proof that they were improving in their relationship.

"Actually, I..." Sara trailed off but another male's voice made her stop in her words.

"Strawberry, I told you not to get up from the bed." Came the scolding tone of Alvin who stood there near the kitchen entrance with a serious look on his face.

Sara pulled away from Simon's hold and stood beside him. Alvin came near and stood in front of her.

"Why did you get up from the bed, Sara?" Alvin scolded her making Simon confused about the situation.

"Why are getting angry, Alvin? She was just cooking." Simon said to him.

"While she can't even stand on her leg as she was hurt..." Alvin argued making Simon worried about her.

"What happened to her?" Simon asked as he looked at Sara who was standing there a little nervous to see her two husbands getting overprotective.

"Nothing, actually..." She tried to say something but she was again cut off by them as Alvin spoke.

"Sara, you should have stayed on the bed..." He told her.

"He's right, darling, you should have-" Simon was going to say something but Sara cut his words.

"Calm down!" Sara spoke in a little loud voice making them silent. Leaving a sigh after making them calm down she spoke.

"I'm fine, now. So, no need to get worried." She spoke softly.

"But how can-" Alvin tried to say something but again, she spoke in between his words.

"Sean healed my wound." Sara told them to make them relieved.

Remembering about Sean, her mind again wandered around his previous act of running away from her room without saying anything.

She still didn't understand why he left like that in so much hurry. Was he angry, tensed, or something else that she is not understanding?

"Darling..." Startling by feeling Simon's hand on her shoulder as she looked at them who were looking at her with a questionable look on their faces.

"Where did you get lost?" Alvin asked her.

Sara thought to ask them if they could give the answer to her question related to Sean which is roaming in her mind.

"Sean..." Sara trailed off making them confused a little as they both looked at each other than at her.

"What about him?" Simon asked her.

"He... He suddenly left the room and then I haven't seen him till now..." Sara told him. That confused the two males standing in front of her.

"So, what's the matter in it?" Alvin asked her.

"He just suddenly left like something happened, and he was surely not looking fine before he left..." Sara told them as they thought more about the matter related to Sean.

"What was he doing before he left?" Simon asked her after a second he got a reply from her.

"He was healing my wound... and then... he suddenly left..." Sara replied to him.

Her answer made them assume the reason behind his sudden act of leaving her as Alvin and Simon looked at each other. However, they were not sure also.

"And also..." Sara again spoke something making them look at her waiting for her answer. 

"His eyes were glowing red..." Sara spoke making them sure to their assumption now as they looked at each other with a serious gaze.

However, their expression told Sara that they knew something regarding Sean's sudden disappearance.

If they know then, she eagerly wanted to know about him. She felt like Sean was not right and... she was getting worried about him.

"You know something about him?" She asked them softly looking at them one by one hoping to get answers from them. 

Looking at each other for a few moments, they decide to tell her not wanting to hide anything from her.

"Do you know where is he?" Sara again asked them after some time not getting any answer from them for a moment.

"He would have gone for hunting..." Alvin told her making her confused at his words.


"H-Hunting? But why?" Sara asked them instantly. She doesn't know why she was getting nervous to know the answer to the question.

More than her, both standing males were nervous to tell her the answer. As they didn't want to scare her. But they also didn't want to hide anything from her.

"For blood..." Simon replied calmly but his calm answer surely shocked her.

Now, she understood why his eyes were glowing red and his hands were trembling resting on her leg. 

He was thirsty... for blood...

"He would have surely tasted your blood while healing your wound... and his bloodthirst would have increased so he left for hunting... for blood..." Alvin replied in a soft and calm tone not wanting to scare her.

"As your blood is sweetest for us, it sometimes gets harder to control ourselves near you..." Simon added making her slightly shocked and a little bit scared.

"Sean would have surely felt like losing control over himself, that's why he left because we don't want to hurt you for our thirst..." Alvin spoke and his last words surely didn't fail to make her heart skip a beat.

It was not new for her but still, it was shocking to her knowing that they were controlling themselves.

They were controlling themselves because they don't want to hurt her...

"Don't worry about him. He will back in some time." Simon assured her hiding his happiness seeing the slight bit of worry in her eyes for his brother.

Sara nodded at his words knowing that they both would surely know his brother more than her. After kissing her forehead, both males went to their respective works.

Sara continued to make the dinner with their words still roaming in her mind. It was not leaving her mind even if she wants to.

"Ma'am, this is the species you asked for." Maira spoke putting the container of the spice on the kitchen counter. Maira was leaving but Sara called her back. 

"Maira..." Maira turned around hearing her voice.

"Yes, ma'am?" Sara came towards Maira and thought about where to start her questions.

"Maira, do... do vampires need to drink human blood always...?" Sara asked making her frown.

"If you know then please answer me." Sara requested her.

"Well, vampires do need to drink fresh human blood by biting... as it gives them strength, too. But not having any blood for more than a month, can make them weak, too." Maira informed her.

Now, Sara had another question in her mind that for how much time Sean or others haven't consumed human blood.

"Do... brothers drink the human blood...?" She asked her nervously. Maira shook her head as no to her question.

"They do drink the blood, but not the fresh one. They order it from the blood bank for their needs." Maira informed her.

Hearing her word, Sara didn't know what to feel at the moment, shock or worried for them?

At the dinner time also, Sean was also not there. The brothers already knew the reason behind that and Sara was worried for him unknowing to herself.

Sitting on the sofa near the window, she was looking towards the moon shining in the dark sky surrounded by the white clouds as the cold soft wind was hitting on her face waving her free hairs in the air.

Her eyes were telling that she was waiting for somebody. That somebody was none other than Sean as she was now sitting in his room as today is his turn to share the bed with her.

She was still thinking about her talk with Alvin and Simon about Sean's bloodthirst. Looking at her leg where Sean kissed her wound to heal it, she could still feel his touch.

She just looked outside and waited for him to come, while she doesn't know that Sean had already come into the room as the door was slightly opened.

His gaze firstly fixed on Sara who was sitting on the sofa and didn't take him a second to realize and got happy that she was waiting for him.

He slowly came towards her and stood near her. She still didn't notice his presence as she was looking in another direction.

Sean brought his finger slowly towards her face as few strands of hairs were disturbing his beautiful view of her pretty face.

He touched her skin making her startled by his move as she looked at him. Sean removed the strands from her face and put them behind her ear.

"Sean..." Sean smiled after hearing her voice after so many hours. Sean sat beside her on the sofa looking at her with a small smile.

Sara first looked at his attire which was messy unlike Sean as he likes to stay clean. His white shirt and black pants had stains of mud on them making her remind of where would he come from.

"Were you waiting for me?" Sean first asked her to which he got a positive answer from her making his all tiredness went away.

"I'm so glad to know that you were waiting for me, love." Sean spoke with his deep eyes which were only reflecting love for her.

Sara looked down in shyness and also how intense his gaze which was unbearable for her. Sean just kept looking at her slightly blushed face.

"Were you gone for hunting?" A soft-toned question came from her as Sean's face turned to a serious one.

"Yeah..." Without thinking anything else he replied to her knowing that his brothers must have told her.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Sean said caressing her cheek with his one hand. Sean was going to get up and head towards the bathroom to get fresh.

"Sean..." Sara grabbed his one arm with her soft one making him stop in his track as he looked at her then at her hand on his arm.

He sat beside her again and looked at her. Her expressions were telling him that she was wanted to say something but was nervous.

"Do you have anything to say, love?" He asked her softly as he put his hand on hers which was resting on his arms.

"Sean, if you want..." Sara trailed off as Sean kept hearing her.

However, he didn't know that her next words would give him the biggest shock because he never expected her to say this ever.

"You... You can have my blood..."


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