I'm Nobody (true stories)

By 0Rebooting0

160 4 2

I'm this story I'll be writing about my life and my depression and anxiety. This is not for you to have pity... More

My first boyfriend
My most real relationship

The First Time I Felt It

79 3 2
By 0Rebooting0

I pulled my pink sweatshirt on as we headed outside. It was my favorite sweatshirt. I loved how it just fit me perfectly, how the warm fluffy inside of it just wrapped around my skin. It was pretty cold, and I was alone. I watched as the other kids played and laughed with one another. I was walking around the parking lot, occasionally sitting down to catch my breath. I look around. Im alone, and that was the first time I had ever felt it.

I was in fourth grade when that happened.

I'm a relatively happy kid, I've always enjoyed being around people. I love the feeling of laughing until your lungs hurt. I love talking late at night about the things I'm scared of. I love people. I've just always felt like I did the wrong thing.

I was very insecure at a young age because of how I was raised. My parents never forced me to brush my hair, or to care about school. So I never did any of that. Which led to a lot of people looking at me weird and judging me and thinking I was stupid.

I hated living like that.

I didn't have a hard time changing schools since I was relatively young. It was fourth grade, I was the new kid, and it was when I made my first friend that seemed real.

"Do you want to be my friend?"

That's what I asked them the first day we met. We sat across from each other, only inches apart. They were the first person I talked to and it just so happened to be someone who was new to the school.

"Sure, I'm new here so I don't know many people"

Was what they replied with. So, the story of my first true friend. We did a lot together, but anytime I was excluded from anything I felt left out.

I have always had a burning thought stuck in my head playing over and over again on repeat.
"I'm alone"

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