Hard working-Lando Norris

By Danique404

68.8K 1.3K 66

Kensi Evans. She's a 20 years old girl. She's a tough one. When she was 16 she joined the military and togeth... More

Kensi Evans and Duke
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟹
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟻

𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟺

3K 64 4
By Danique404

𝕂𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚'𝕤  𝕡𝕠𝕧
I was back at home. I had all my stuff back in place and walked around the house. I passed a mirror and looked at myself. My head started thinking, am I not thin enough for him? I walked towards the kitchen and threw everything in the trash bin that wasn't healthy. I was done and then walked upstairs to change into sportswear. I was done and walked out of the house I had Duke on a leash and started my run. I tried clearing my head but it didn't work. My head kept 'talking'. Run faster, run more, your fat, he doesn't want you, he wants a model, your never gonna be good enough, why are you trying. It couldn't stop. When I came back at my house Lorenzo was sitting there. I looked at my watch. I had ran 2,5 hours. Poor Duke. I walked up to him as he was knocking on my door.

K: "what are you doing?"

Lor: "there you are! Are you okay?"

K: "fine."

Lor: "Lando told me-"

K: "like I said I'm fine. You can leave."

I walked inside and slammed the door closed. His feet came between the door before it closed. He walked after me.







Lor: "I don't want you to get back to... you know what. Never mind. Stick in it. If you want to leave me out. I will not stop you. Just call or text me if you need anything."

I staid silent as he left. When he was out I let my back slide down against a wall. I let my head fall back. Tears left my eyes and then I felt a hairy head on my knees. I looked up to see Duke.

K: "it's okay boy... your the only one I can relay on. It's always gonna be you and me buddy... always."

I staid on the floor with Duke. He was the only one to give me comfort. Even my own family couldn't give me it even if they wanted it. Duke was my buddy and he kept me on my feet. If it wasn't for him... I wouldn't be here maybe. After a while I felt better and got up to go and get a shower.
𝕃𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕠'𝕤  𝕡𝕠𝕧
𝟹  𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚑𝚜  𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛
I walked into Lorenzo's apartment after months. Last time was after Kensi came back from her mission. I got greeted with a bro's hug before one of us spoke up.

Lor: "how you holding up?"

L: "for not having Kensi around... okay."

Lor: "it sucks I know..."

L: "what?"

Lor: "nobody knows how she is... nobody has really seen her in the last 3 months. Her neighbors only see her leave her house with Duke. Not a car... not a anything. Sometimes she comes back with a bag with groceries but she has a hood on so they can't really see her. She doesn't talk to Jasmine as well. We have tried too... but she doesn't want to. She doesn't even respond to a text..."

L: "so... everybody is closed out?"

Lor: "yes."

I shot up from the couch and ran outside to my car. As fast as I could I drove Kensi's house. On the way my head was preparing for everything that I could find there. I finally arrived and her car was a bit dusty. I traced my finger past it leaving a line. I walked up to the door and knocked. No answer. I knocked again. No answer... again.

L: "Kensi! I'm not going until you open."

A voice appeared from behind.

K: "then you can wait very long."

The girl in front of me was Kensi. She didn't look to good. She was wearing a pair of sweatpants, a hoodie and the hood was over her head. Her face was pale and her hands and face looked fragile... like if you would touch them they would break. Her eyes bloodshot red.

L: "what happened to you?"

K: "you happened Norris."

She walked past me and walked to her door. She left it open making sure I could come in. She let me in.

Her head looked sweaty so i think she came back form a run.

L: "you ran?"

K: "yea."

L: "how long?"

K: "I don't know I left at 11:00PM."

L: "that's 2 hours ago."

K: "well there is your answer."

L: "you should probably eat your lunch."

K: "I still need to finish dinner from last night."

She grabbed a salad from the fridge before she looked at it with a fork in her hand. Her eyes became teary and she shook her head before she took her plait and slowly let the salad fall in the trash bin. My heart was hurting. I caused this with a drunk mistake. I looked at her.

L: "no food?"

K: "not hungry."

L: "maybe you should change your hoodie for a shirt? You look like your warm."

K: "I'm fine like this."

Her eyes were down. She wouldn't look at me since we entered the house. I came closer to her and lifted her chin up so she looked at me.

L: "let me explain my mistake."

K: "fine..."

I sighed in relief before we sat down on her L-shaped couch. Duke was lying on top of Kensi, probably feeling she was a bit off.

L: "it all happened in a club. I was missing you and wanted to feel less sad. I got drunk. I can't remember the rest. When I woke up the next morning I was in a bedroom I never saw before. A woman beside me started saying things to me like 'you were amazing'. A few memories came flowing back and I immediately felt guilty. I tried hiding it from you as I was to embarrassed to tell you. It was the biggest mistake I ever made Kensi. Believe me. I love you! I love you so much..."

K: "you love me?"

L: "I do Kensi... I always will."

After we talked a bit further about it she let out a sigh. I sighed as well.

L: "can you forgive me?"

K: "yes."

We both stood up from the couch. She pulled me in a hug. Her arms found her way around my neck as I heard sobs leave her body. I wrapped my arms around her waist. I only then noticed that she could fit 1,5 times in her old body. I felt a tear escape my eyes. I pulled back and looked at her and then to her waist. She sighed as I nodded to her hoodie. She pulled it over her head. She was now standing in front of me in her sweatpants and a sports bra. You could see her whole rib cage. I held my breath while I looked at it. She was so thin it scared the shit out of me. She was so perfect on weight... now she is so far underweight that it wasn't even good. I placed my hands on her waist gently. I looked her in her eyes. We both were crying softly.

L: "please eat. I beg you. Eat. This isn't healthy."

K: "I will try."

I took her hand and got her to the fridge. I opened the fridge. There were only healthy healthy things in there. Nothing with a lot of calories. I just prepared a small meal and she slowly ate it. After half the meal she was full. I looked at her with a small smile. I was just happy she ate again.

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