I Wanna Be, I Wanna Be, I Wan...

By Whatevertron

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PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE DESCRIPTION FIRST PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!! This is a re post of a archive of our own story th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 8

296 5 24
By Whatevertron

The sun was high overhead and the campers were all still in their cabins sawing at logs. In the boys' cabin, Harold was the first to awaken. Per usual, he rolled over to paw around for his glasses, squinting hard until the moment he was able to put them on his face. He sat up and scratched an itch through his cowboy pjs. "Does it feel late to any of you guys?" he asked confusedly.

His question stirred the rest of the cabin. Geoff lifted his hat which had been covering his face and poked the alarm clock on the bedstand to check the time. His blond eyebrows lifted. "Dudes, it's like eleven-thirty," he remarked.

"Chris let us sleep in??" Duncan said, peeking out the window slats with incredulty.

"I knew the guy couldn't be mean all the time," DJ said.

"I guess you're right," Trent agreed with a smile.

"Oh man, that felt good," Cody said as he sat up, stretching his back and shoulders. "I haven't gotten to sleep in like that since last summer! Haha."

"Oh no! Did I sleep through breakfast?!" Owen gasped in dismay.

Noah drew his head up from his pillow dazedly, his hair a ruffled mess. "No wake-up call? Why do I have a really bad feeling about this?" he queried rhetorically.

"I'm with cerebral cortex," Duncan hooked his thumb at Noah, "Something's definitely up." He jumped down from his top bunk, quickly sloughing off his wifebeater and pulling on his long sleeves and pants, already on his way out the door.

He found Chris lounging in a beach chair in the middle of the campground, a pair of sunglasses on as he soaked up the late morning rays. "The dead walk," he commented upon seeing Duncan. "I'll just wait until everyone's here. No sense in rushing anyone." He laughed privately.

"You mind explaining what's so funny?" the delinquent demanded.

"I actually do," Chris snarked. "So how about you keep your shorts on and wait for your fellow campers like I said before?"

Duncan rolled his eyes and sat on a stump. The other contestants began to gather outside, emerging one by one or in pairs.

"So, is today actually a challenge day or what?" asked Gwen, folding her arms impatiently. She, like Duncan, seemed to suspect foul play.

The showhost put his hands on his hips. "I'm glad you asked, Gwen. And now that everyone's here, I'll answer that question: Yes." He clapped his hands together. "The object of today's challenge will be surviving a night out in the woods," he continued. "Originally, all your supplies were waiting for you at a pre-established location. But thanks to last night's little escapade..." there was another groan from the campers, "You'll have to hunt them down first." He grinned, pulling two maps out of his shirt pocket and tossing them to both the Bass and Gophers; Gwen caught one and Duncan caught the other. "Use these maps to locate the supply groupings, then assemble camp before dark. Trust me, you do not want to be travelling these woods in the dark." He laughed then, as if there were something he wasn't telling the campers, making them all pass nervous glances at each another. "Just a shame you all slept in so late..." he spoke mockingly, "if you'd gotten an earlier start, I bet this challenge would be a lot easier."


"Letting us sleep in was just a ruse?" Trent wondered aloud. "Man, Chris really knows how to work the angles on this show."


"Do you think it would be a 'major breach of contract' if I rearranged McLean's face?" Duncan asked, punching his knuckles into his palm.


Courtney put her hands on her hips, eyes narrowed. "Um, changing the challenges the night before they're filmed? Now who's breaching the contract? I'm going to get in touch with my lawyer." She pulled out her cell phone and began to dial.


"The first team that makes it back the following morning wins invincibility. Good luck!" Chris winked and walked out of camp.

Gwen went over to the nearest picnic table, unfolding the map to lay it out flat. The Gophers gathered round to look. "There's three supply groupings," Gwen said, pointing to each on the map as she named them off, "Camp provisions," on the eastern beach eleven kilometers away, "a 10-person tent," in the caves fourteen kilometers away, "and sleeping bags," furthest away in the hills eighteen kilometers away. "Our campsite is here," she put her finger down on the spot marked in the forest which was at the approximate midpoint between all three supply groups.

"I say we split into three groups," Heather said. "One for each supply grouping."

"Great idea, Genghis Kheather," Noah said with dripping sarcasm. "Except we only have one map."

"We also have limited daylight," Heather shot back. "If we stick together we won't have enough time to gather everything and make it to the campsite before the sun goes down."

"And why should we listen to you?" Lashawna's hands went to her hips. "We let you be in charge of the talent contest and look how that turned out."

Heather gave an offended scoff. "If you want to point fingers, I'll remind you who's responsible for today's challenge being so difficult." Her glare shifted to Cody; the boy shrunk out of view. She folded her arms and turned her chin, "I'm just trying to make the best of a bad situation. Do any of you have any better ideas?"

Lashawna was immediately in her face, jabbing her index finger on the asian girl's pink halter top. "We stick together. I ain't gettin' lost in the woods!"

"I think Heather may be right on this one, guys," Trent said, rubbing the back of his neck as he continued to study the distances on the map. "It's a long round trip. If we split up, we'll get to the campsite sooner, get more rest for the return trip in the morning, and be more likely to beat the Killer Bass back."

"Thank you, Trent," Heather said curtly.


Gwen's eyes rolled. "Wow. Just wow, Trent. Agreeing with Heather? I thought better of you." She folded her arms huffily.


"Are we done arguing yet?" Izzy asked, flipping a cartwheel for no reason, "Just twelve hours 'til the bugbears come out and devour us all!" She giggled maniacally.

"I think you're confused," Beth said, pushing up her glasses, "Bugbears are fictional creatures, like dragons or unicorns."

"Oh, I've seen one," Izzy nodded rapidly. "It was big, and blue, and—"

"Ignoring that..." Heather diverted, "we're going to need three teams of three."

"Ooh, ooh!" Owen got on his tip-toes to wave his hand above his head. "I volunteer to go get the camp provisions! I don't need a map; I'll be able to find them just by sniffing them out!" He took a deep inhalation through his nostrils, then laughed.

"You're not going without me, Big-O!" Izzy glommed onto his arm.

"Great. I'll be the third in your group," Heather decided.

"Now wait a minute!" Lashawna badgered, "First you convince us all to split up and now you volunteer for the shortest trip?!"

"You cannot expect me to walk eighteen kilometers in cork wedges," Heather put her hand up in 'talk to the hand' fashion. "Besides, someone has to make sure Owen doesn't eat all the provisions before getting back."

Owen laughed sheepishly. "I am pretty hungry..." His stomach rumbled.


"I've only skipped breakfast two other times my entire life," Owen said. "Couldn't we at least have brunch before we leave?"


Noah's eyebrow tweaked. "Heather voluntarily going with Owen and Izzy? Unlikely. If you ask me, she's up to something more than saving her feet and our food."


"If you're so scared of getting lost, your group can take the map to the caves," Heather said compromisingly.

"Fine!" Lashawna snapped, snatching said map from her. "But I ain't goin' to no spooky-ass caves filled with spooky-ass bats. Nuh-uh," she shuddered.

"We'll go with you, Lashawna," Gwen offered, placing her hand on the black girl's shoulder. "There'll be nothing to worry about." Trent nodded agreeably.

"Well, alright," Lashawna seemed to relax at the goth's reassurance. "Thanks, girl. Let's show those caves who's boss!" She smacked her fist down into her palm.

"I guess I know where that leaves us," Noah said on behalf of himself, Cody and Beth; he was clearly none too thrilled by how the events had played out.

"It's okay," Cody spoke up. "I did get us into this. I'm sure eighteen kilometers won't be so bad." He chuckled.


"Have you ever noticed the phrase 'not so bad' is practically synonymous with 'not so good'?" Noah said with a lift of his eyebrow. "So maybe an eighteen kilo hike won't be 'so bad'," he utilized air-quotes, "but it definitely won't be 'so good' either." His arms folded, "My feet hurt just thinking about it."


"Of course I have to take the hardest piece of the challenge," Cody said to the camera. "This might be my only chance to make it up to my team! I don't wanna get voted off at the next campfire ceremony for not doing my part."


"I say we take a few minutes to prepare before we set out," Heather said. "I'm going to get some bug spray."

"Oh! Don't forget to grab bugbear spray too!" Izzy insisted. Heather just rolled her eyes.

"Make sure to familiarize yourself with the map before you leave," Gwen said to the other two groups. Noah sat down to do just that, studying their route, taking note of the bearing at which they'd be travelling (while taking into account the magnetic declination of the area) and over what contours they'd be travelling. Izzy meanwhile oggled the map upside-down, which perhaps for someone as mentally... unique as her, might have been more useful than looking at it right-side-up.

The Gophers headed back to their cabins to grab whatever they'd be needing while out. Beth was just about to enter the girls' cabin when she heard a 'psst!'. Following it around the cabin, she found Heather. "Oh, hey, Heather," the braces-wearing teen greeted. "I'm a little worried about getting lost during this challenge," she revealed, "The longest hike my scout troup ever went on was a ten kilo."

"You're not going to get lost," Heather said, hands on her hips.

"I'm not?" Beth seemed confused by her alliance-member's certainty.

"Nope. Because you're going to go directly to the campsite."

"But what about the supplies...?" Beth began.

"Let Noah and Cody take care of it," Heather said sweetly, placing her arm around the other girl. "You're a valuable team member, Beth. I'm taking you to the top three, remember? I don't want you getting lost or hurt over a few nonessential sleeping bags. Now, here's what you're going to do..."


"Aww, Heather's worried about me?" Beth smiled in the stall confessional. "I'm glad such a good friend has my back. I guess Noah and Cody can handle it themselves."


"Eighteen kilometers, nine sleeping bags, two campers," Heather counted off on her fingers smugly. "You do the math. Noah's good standing with the team is about to be officially sunk." She flushed the toilet behind her for effect.


Beth and Cody regrouped at the picnic table a little while later. Noah glanced up. "Ready? The sooner we get started, the sooner we can get this over with."

"I've got snacks, water, sunscreen, a first aid kit, and everything else we might need," Cody nodded, squeezing the straps on his backpack.

"All set!" Beth chimed in next. "I've got my compass," she showed off the device around her neck, "my Wilderness Safety guide," she held it up, "and..." she placed the vibrant orange safety whistle in her mouth, giving it a loud, shrill blow.

Noah lowered his hands from his ears with annoyance, "Lovely." He stood from the table. "Know how to use that?" he asked Beth, referring to the compass.

"Of course I do," she said, adjusting her glasses. "It's how I earned my Orienteering badge," she pointed to the patch on her vest.

"Fine. Then take our heading," he said disinterestedly.


"I think Noah might be as bossy as Heather..." Beth wondered aloud.


The girl put her compass down on the map, aligning it to their target. She stuck out her tongue and furrowed her brow as she turned the dial to match the lines on it with those on the map. "Fifteen degrees, plus another twelve for declination... is twenty-seven," she determined. She put the compass in her palm, holding it level and turned her body until the red needle pointed into the 'shed', and the three of them set out.


"I'm sure glad Noah and Beth know what they're doing," Cody said to the camera. "The only way I can find my way around is with the radar in the bottom-right hand of the screen, aha."


They travelled single-file with Beth in the lead, Noah in middle and Cody bringing up the rear. They had gone perhaps a kilometer when Beth spoke up. "Hey guys? I gotta go to the bathroom real quick. I'll be right back." She hurried off into the thicket.

"Didn't you think to go before we left?" Noah rolled his eyes. He sighed and found a place to sit while they waited.

Cody folded his legs indian-style and grabbed a stick to doodle in the dirt. He scraped a 'C' and a '+' and a 'G', then carefully drew a heart around the equation. He considered it a moment, but something didn't seem right about it like the times when he'd drawn it before. He glanced up at Noah, who was looking elsewhere, his chin propped in a palm. Cody used his heel to rub out the 'G' and put an 'N' in its place, stopping to consider the change thoughtfully.

"What's taking her so long?" Noah asked. "It's been almost ten minutes. We have ground to cover."

Cody hurriedly stamped out his drawing with his feet before the other teen could see. "Maybe we should check on her?" he ventured uncertainly. Neither boy seemed overly eager to do so. Noah gave a sigh of reluctance and stood from his rock, picking his way through the forest growth Beth had disappeared into. Cody followed. They fanned out and searched, even called her name out a couple of times, but Beth was nowhere to be found. And she certainly wasn't lost, or she would have whistled.

"Ugh, I should have known!" Noah groused, throwing his arms up in the air. "Heather has Beth wrapped around her fingers. She told her to ditch us so we'd be at a disadvantage bringing back the supplies."

Cody blinked. "But why would Heather do that?" he asked. "We're on the same team."


"It's a decent play," Noah regarded the camera humorlessly, speaking as though he were discussing a chess match. "She manipulated the team into splitting up, made sure I got sent furthest afield, even used her 'pawn' to play along like she was going to help us out with navigation." He clicked his tongue. "Now it's my move. It's not checkmate just yet."


Noah pushed aside a tree branch, momentarily more interested in observing the moss growth on it than answering Cody's question. After a rough determination of their continued heading, he resumed their trek toward the hills. "Because she wants me gone, that's why," the dark-haired teen grumbled.

"You?" Cody sounded even more confused. He jogged a bit to catch up, "Why you? I thought she was mad at me."

Noah's face scrunched. He tested his tongue on the roof of his mouth. "Heather's talent show flub? That was me." He stared at the path straight ahead. "I sabotaged her plan to read Gwen's diary on stage."

"She was going to what?!" Cody gasped.


"Okay, that is so not cool!" Cody said with affront. "Girls' diaries are one of the most secret things in the world. It's where they write about their favorite music stars and what boys they have a crush on at school and stuff. It's not something you read aloud at a talent show!" He wriggled on top of the toilet seat a bit. "Although, I would kinda like to know who Gwen has a crush on... eh heh."


"I knew Heather was kind of mean, but I didn't know she was that mean," Cody said softly, scuffing the soles of his shoes in the dirt as they continued along. But now there was another question in his mind: why Noah hadn't told him that to begin with. He studied the teen walking ahead of him thoughtfully. "So, why'd you stick up for Gwen?" he asked.

He wanted to be a bit careful with how he answered this question. "It seemed like the smart thing to do," Noah answered matter-of-factly. "Teammates should stick together, not tear one another down." Well, at least until the game became an every-man-for-himself scenario, anyway.

"Well, smart or not, it was really nice of you," Cody established.

Noah's eyes rolled. "Fantastic. Ever heard the phrase: 'Nice guys always lose.'?" he said flatly.

Cody shrugged. "You're a winner to me."

Noah felt himself smile despite his best attempt to resist it. He rolled his eyes at himself. Slowing down to let Cody catch up, he placed a surprise kiss on the side of his face. Cody's hand touched the spot shyly. Then, wordlessly, Noah picked up the pace, determined to put several more kilometers behind them.

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