House of Anubis Love - Nedie...

By Writer_in-the_making

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This is a House of Anubis fan fiction. This story starts when they all come back from summer vacation. Now Ni... More

House of Anubis Love - Nidie Love Story
Chapter 1: Welcome Back
Plot of the Story
Author's Note
Chapter 2: First Day of School
Chapter 3: Didn't See That Coming
Chapter 4 : The Break Up
Chapter 5: The New Boy
Chapter 6: He's Here
Chapter 7: Oh My God
Author's Note: Even Though I Hate Them Just Like You Do
Chapter 9: "Busted"
Chapter 10: Nina Can Rap
Chapter 11: Sarah and More Songs
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 8: Finally? No Not Yet

866 15 1
By Writer_in-the_making

Nina's POV*

So it has been two weeks since Jack and Niall came to visit. They both left, but so did Cole because he had to get back to the rest of the band because the are about to start filming for a web series called #Bandcamp. Since I told everyone my story everything has gone back to normal except for the fact the Fabian is now trying to get me back even though he broke up with be. But of the bright side of things Eddie is better and we have been getting closer since we found about everything that included the Osirion and the Chosen One. Although I think that I am acquiring feelings for Eddie. 

Man for some reason I am using those big words that I happened to gain while here. I can't wait for school to be over so I can stop doing that because it is getting really annoying. Anyways yes I have come to terms that I have a crush on Eddie which has led me to do stupid girly things when he is around. Every time I am around him I get this kind of feeling that I didn't get with Fabian. There was only one way I could get over this and that was to talk to the one person who would understand.

"Amber can I talk to you?" I asked Amber as I walked into our room.

"Sure what do you need to talk about Nina?" Amber asked back. I noticed that she was sitting on her bed doing her nails.

"Um well I'm having a problem." I replied to her sitting on my bed.

"What kind of problem?" she asked.

"Well whenever around Eddie I start acting weird and I don't know why." I explained. It was quiet for a moment until Amber started squealing and jumping around.

"You have a crush on Eddie!" she exclaimed. I quickly flipped off of my bed and landed in front of her. I covered her mouth with my hand and whispered, "Don't say that out loud."

"Sorry, but this is so cute." Amber squealed.

"Maybe, but for some reason Eddie has just gotten cuter." I said. Then I realized what I said and started to blush.

"Aw you're even blushing when you talk about him." Amber squealed once again.

"Well if you are done squealing I have to go talk to Eddie." I said hurrying out of the room before Amber could stop me. I just hope that Amber won't tell anyone else about my crush on Eddie. The only good thing about it is that I don't have to worry about Patricia getting jealous because she told me that she was over Eddie.

Amber's POV*

I am so happy for Nina finally figuring out that she likes Eddie. I knew I had to tell someone else or I might tell Eddie. If I did that I knew that Nina would kill me and she can't date Eddie from prison. 

So I decided that I was going to tell Joy due to the fact that her and Nina are actually cool. Since Nina was dating Fabian and Joy wanted Fabian, her and Nina didn't get along. But since Nina and Fabian broke up and Nina has shown no interest for Fabian they are friends now. I quickly ran to Mara, Patricia, and Joy's room making sure that I didn't mess up my toes.

"Joy I have something to tell you." I announced when I walked into the room.

"What is it, Amber?" Joy asked.

"You will never believe what Nina just told me." I replied.

"What did she tell you?" Joy asked.

I walked close to her and whispered, "Nina told me she has a crush on Eddie."

"NINA HAS A CRUSH ON-" I cut her off by covering her mouth with my hand. Then I quickly whispered, "Be quiet before someone hears you."

"Too late." a voice behind me quipped up. I quickly turned around to see Patricia and Mara standing there.

"Oh hey what are you doing here?" I asked hoping that my distraction would work.

"It's not going to work Amber." Mara said.

"Man I thought it would work." I mumbled to myself.

"So what is this about Nina having a crush on someone?" Patricia asked.

"Nothing." Joy and I chorused.

"Liars." Patricia and Mara replied back.

"Fine, but you have to promise not to tell any of the boys." I said.

"We promise." they replied.

"OK Nina told me that she has a crush on Eddie." I told them.

"Wait she finally admitted it?" Patricia asked.

"Wait you knew?" I asked.

"No, but it was obvious by the way that she was acting." Patricia said.

"Yeah I think everyone noticed that they like each other." Mara added.

"The only person who doesn't think that is Fabian because he thinks Nina still likes him." Joy commented.

"But we all know that she doesn't." we all said at the same time making us all laugh.

"By the way where is Nina?" Mara asked.

"After she told me she said that she had to go find Eddie." I answered.

"What is she tells him." Patricia pointed out.

"We can't let her do it like that." Joy said.

"We have to go get her." I declared. We ran down stairs looking for Nina and we saw her with Eddie in the living room. It looked like she was about to say something to her. So I quickly ran into the room and jumped on Nina. The rest of the girls followed after me.

"Sorry Eddie, but we need to borrow Nina for a minute." Joy said pulling me off Nina while Patricia took Nina. We ran back upstairs to their room with Nina trying to get away from us.

"What are you guys doing?!" Nina screamed.

"We were trying to stop you from telling Eddie that you liked him." Joy answered.

"You told them?" Nina asked me.

"Please it was pretty obvious." the three I told replied.

"So why did you stop me?" Nina asked.

"Because when you tell him it should be special." Joy said.

"I was thinking you could sing a song for him." Mara said.

"Yeah ignore him the whole day and then you can sing him the song." I said.

"Fine I'll do that." Nina said.

"Great so let's start planning." Patricia said. For some reason I have a feeling that Neddie is going to be way better than Fabina.

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