By PunkMecha-G

6.8K 54 26

We all known by now what the dekuverse is. More

Power of NEO
Arbiter pt:1
the shape
A cold night in gotham
The shape burns


1.4K 9 1
By PunkMecha-G

It was a normal day at U.A. High, the students of class 1-A were currently chatting and hanging around with class 1-B in high alliance's common room after their big join training class talking how good each and everyone of them are. The teacher's where in their offices working on grading their their students on how they did. Toshinori Yagi AKA All-might was thinking about his successor Izuku Midoriya and how he unlocked a new quirk and how he can help control it.

But suddenly in a blinding flash of light the teachers and the students were taken from U.A. and brought to a dark room. As anyone would be if something like this happened everyone freaked out. 

Mina: Where are we ?

Kaminari: What's going on?


Aizawa: *activates quirk* shut it!

At this statement and do to fear everyone calmed down. After the whole freak out session they all started to take in their surroundings, what they notice is that the room their seems to be a giant movie theater with recliner seats and a large movie screen.

While looking around Izuku has stars in his eyes seeing how big this place and the designs of old mythological paintings on the walls ranging from Greek, Japanese, Norse and Egypt. But all that wonder ended when his eyes met with a pair of red crimson eyes starring at him from the darkness. In surprise Midoriya screamed gaining everyone's attention even scaring the two idiots of the Bakusquad. Following his train of sight everyone saw the pair of glowing red eyes, fearing it could be a villain the teachers got in front of their students getting ready for a fight. On the out side the teachers looked brave but on the inside they where scared, they could feel the power coming of of this person. It felt demonic but also calming in a way. After a minute of silence the figure spoke in a deep yet masculine sounding voice.

??: So are you going to just star or are you going to do something?

Aizawa: Who are you ?

The figure then stood up and walked into the light showing that he was a well built man standing at 6'10, with black spiky hair, a purple vest with a strange dragon symbol, ripped baggy pants with a long violet sash tidied around his waist, he had black wrist bands and black boots that have purple crystal rings, he also had a long monkey tail waving behind him, but the most notable detail is the countless scars covering his body.

Kira: My name is Kira Ryuketsu I am a saiyan from the planet Vegeta. And before you ask No I'm not a villain, no I'm not going to hurt you, and yes I was the one who brought you. So any other questions?
Kira looked out into the crowd looking at all of them some where still scared and some looked like they suspended something, Kira was about to talk until he was interrupted. by a small mouse, bear thing

Nezu: Greatings mr, Ryuketsu, I am principal Nezu. I have a question on why we are her?

Kira: Of course Nezu-San, I brought you all hear to react to the MULTIVERSE

Everyone: the what?

Kira: 'Oh you got to be kinding' The multiverse is a collection of different realities of every different timeline, take for example that instead of All-might being a hero in a different dimension he's a villain or Izuku was born with four arms or none. Today we are going to be looking at some of these universes.

Setsuna: Really? So we can even see a universe where we are all dinosaurs right?

Kira: yep

Setsuna: I'm in

Yui: I'm in to

Class 1-A: Were in to

Class 1-B: If their in so are we.

Kira: ok but before we start I'm just saying this these universes revolve around a specific person.

Iida: Why is that sir?

Kira: Well you see the realm where my creator is from we are nothing but fictional characters, I'm his OC(Original Character) and you guys are apart of a manga and anime series call Boku no hero academia or My hero academia. And These universes are focus on the series's main character.


Ojiro: And these realities or based off of our worlds main character?

Mina: I wonder who that is?


Everyone just looked at Bakugou like ' You for real?'. Their attention was brought back when they heard Kira start laughing.

Kira: HAHAHA, You the main character? don't make me laugh.

Bakugou: What do you mean?!

Kira: You not the main character, he is

He then points over to Midoriya who right now is freaking out.

Everyone: Izu/DEKU/Midoriya/ME?!!

Kira: yep now If you don't mind please take a seat and we'll get started.

Everyone did as he said and took a seat, as they were about to start Kira then remembered something.

Kira: Oops almost for got, I need to bring in a few more people.

With a snap of his fingers more people where brought into the theater. These people where Eri, Kota, The big 3, the wild wild pussycats, Endeavour, the Todoroki family, Grand Torino, Ryukyu, Miruko, Fat-gum, Rock-lock, bubble-girl, Inko, the L.o.v and All for one.

The heroes & Big 3: Huh where are we ?

Inko: Izuku?

Izuku: mom?!

Eri/Kota: PAPA/Deku-nii!!

Izuku: Hi Eri hi Kota

Lov: HEROES!!?


Everyone then gets into fighting poses activating their quirks.... But nothing happened. Everyone was confused by this trying and trying to get them to work but they didn't.
Kira: I deactivate your powers, I knew something like this was going to happen to I took processions. Don't worry after the viewing you can get them back.

To say everyone was shocked was an under statement. But they agreed that for now they will not fight. Kira snapped his fingers again bringing in more people. Everyone turned to see who it was that he brought and to Izuku, Mario, Shigarkai and All-might's surprise it was people they knew. Standing there was Nana Shimura, the Shimura family and Sir night-eye. With out hesitating Mirio ran and tackled Night-eye into a hug, All-Might was hugged his master while crying and Izuku and Shigarkai just stood there watching, Kira explained to the new comers on what they'll be doing.

Nao: T-Tenko?

Shigarkai froze, He looked up at his mother in pure sadness not forgetting what he did to them.

Tomura: M-mothe..

Tomura was cut off as his mother developed him into a hug fallowed by his sister and grandparents. Kotaro Shigaraki's father did not join the family reunion instead he just looked at them, their happy faces the feeling of love they have something he can't show. The last time he saw his son was when Tenko killed him with a look of anger and enjoyment. Maybe he finally realize that he was the reason that his son became the thing he is today.

Inko: Mom? Kotaro?

Kotaro/Nana: Inko?

The three of them just stare at each other until Nana pulled Inko into a crushing hug bursting into tears, Inko was more or less the same. Kotaro was just standing there just like with his wife and son. Kotaro knew he couldn't be forgiven and knew he was the odd one here and started to walk away from them until Kira grabbed his shoulder making Kotaro look at him.

Kira: Listen just because you did bad back then doesn't mean you can't change now. Make amends with Tenko, reunite with your sister, meet your nephew, have a talk with your mother.

Kotaro: How con you be so sure that will work?

Kira: I don't it's a Leap of faith. You just got to take it. When you're ready take that leap.

Kira then leaves Kotaro in his thoughts letting the information sink in. As everyone got situated from Izuku meeting Nana and finding out she's his grandmother, Shiggy coming to terms that Izuku is his cousin and All-Might telling Night-eye what happened after he died.

Kira: Well is everyone ready to start?

Everyone: yeah!


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