The Son of Lucifer (malereade...

By _Abstractz_

127K 2.4K 781

(Vol1-8)Millions of years ago, Lucifer went back to hell to save the ones he love, leaving his unborn son as... More

The Devil son
Beacon welcomes the devil
The stray
A taste of humanity
Best day ever?
investigation part 1
Investigation part 2
The Snow arrow
Light the candle
Storytime with the devil
A devil of my word(season 1 final)
Extra: path to forgiveness
Family feud (s2)
Heartbreaking reality(s2)
Beginning to an end(s2)
Monster (s2)
Fighting a losing battle(s2)
Author note: important!!
Victory and farewell (season 2 final)
The king has return(s3)
Perfect timing (s3)
Battle of Haven(s3)
One hell of a ride(s3)
The Cold Hard Truth part 1(s3)
The Cold Hard Truth part 2 (s3)
The Cold Storm (s3)
A Trip Into Memories (s3)
Good morning (s3)
Safe at last (s3)
Can't catch a break (s3)
The lost farm boy(s3)
Unwanted change of events(s3)
Deepest desire (s3)
Our way(season 3 final)
Author note: somewhat important
Moving on(s4)
New Arrival/ Plan (s4)
Ace-ops? (S4)
Welcome Back (s4)
What A Week (s4)
A Well Deserve Day Off(s4)
A Surprise......Party? (s4)
Count Down (s4)
Blood Forever (season 4 final)
Extra: a future with you
Extra: A Future with you part 2
Author note: its important for the future
Extra: A Future With You part 3
Extra: A Future With You part 4
Extra: Interview the cast of "Son Of Lucifer"
Extra: A Future With You part 5
Extra: A Future With You part 6
Extra: A Future With You part 7
Note:Coming Soon
Following A Path(s5)
Off To The Races!(s5)
Fault (s5)
A Split In 2 (s5)
The Start Of An Unstoppable War(s5)
A Change In Plans (s5)
Round 1 (s5)
Extra: A future with you part 8
On His Hands (s5)
Dark Skies (s5)
Darkness (s5 final)
Author Note: moving onwards

The New Way (s5)

324 18 0
By _Abstractz_

The scene starts with y/n lying back against a small boulder,  playing with the same coin from pervious chapters ago. He comes to a halt after a few flips, sensing a small surge of power nearby. Knowing where it was coming from, he stood up and walked over to the pool of blood, which was finally starting to resemble his aunt. She grunts, half of her body regenerated, as the pain was far too much for her to bear. Y/n stomps his foot in front of his aunt, startling her.

Y/n: Aunty!!! Damn you appear to have taken a beating.

All she can see is blurriness due to her vision still slowly regenerating. She tries to focus on where the voice came from, and as things become clearer, she notices y/n looking down on her with a commanding aura surrounding him.

Salem: Zeke? Have you returned?

He has to play it smart because he knows she'll use Zeke against him. He takes a step closer to the fallen with a smirk.

Y/n: I'm not him, believe it or not.

Salem: (aware) y/n!?

Y/n: ding ding!! Congratulations, you are correct.

She tries to get up now that her entire body has healed, but y/n stomps her back down to the ground. He starts walking around her, looking to see if she has anything up her sleeve.

Salem:What did you do to Zeke!?

Yes, and there it is, Salem will play it smart as well, using the dead demigod to her advantage, but y/n used to play the same way, so he won't be taken in too easily.

Y/n: (fixing his coat) Oh, you know, he's no longer around. Don't expect him to show up at our next family gathering.

Salem: Where is Zeke!?

Y/n: (glares) you'll be going to the same place if you don't shut your mouth.

Salem: (laughs) you killed you're going to kill me.

Her nephew begins waving his hands in a comical manner.

Y/n: (laughs) Aunty, take your finger off the trigger; I'm not here to kill you.

Salem: What gives you the impression that I'll believe anything you say?

Y/n: (raised brow) really? If I wanted you dead, you'd know. I'd have burned your pool of blood to a crisp.

He crouchs down and looks her in the eyes. Salem is terrified by something about y/n, but she has no idea what it is. She knows, however, that if she wants to see the next day, she must avoid provoking him.

Salem: So, what brings you here?

Y/n: (smiles) I'm here to give you a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

His aunt looks at him with disbelief.

Salem: an opportunity?

He nods before rising to his feet. He then moves to the side, allowing his aunt to get up; y/n understands that Salem may be afraid to do anything. All he has to do now is make sure she isn't aware of his returned abilities.

Y/n: we both know what we want; you want vengeance on god, while I want peace on my planet, but with this war going on, more people are dying than I'd like. I know you don't care, but I do, so I'm here to tell you that I'd be happy to assist you in obtaining the relic.

Salem: What are you talking about?

Y/n takes a deep breath and rubs the back of his neck.

Y/n: I understand the difficulty of comprehension, but know this: I don't care what happened between us. I don't care what happened between you and Charlie just now. I've been on the sidelines for far too long; for the last few months, I've been betting on a team that has shown no signs of progress. Those days are over, and I'm going to act once more by handing you the relic.

Salem: And how are you going to do it?

Her nephew has a serious expression on his face and his hands are stuffed in his pockets.

Y/n: I'm not going to give you any useful information; I just want to know if you're willing to accept the truth for the time being.

His aunt pauses for a moment to consider what y/n said. She is aware that the Morningstar never lies, but they do have an act in which they play tricks with their half-truths.

Salem: From what I've heard, it seems far too good to be true; you must be looking for something in return.

The male celestial takes a deep breath, hoping to finish the task as soon as possible.

Y/n: I do, I'll give you the relic in exchange for leaving the people of this planet alone.

Salem: Oh, I see. That is, after all, your wish. So you're still on the betting team, right? How do you know I'm not going to turn on you? And how will I know you're not going to do the same?

Y/n: (laughs) Would you believe me if I said it's because I'm desperate for a win once in a while?

She starts pacing around y/n, wanting to think about it. Is it really worth the risk of allowing a "enemy" to switch sides after eons of conflict? With a cold tone, she comes to a halt in front of her nephew.

Salem: If you're willing to put your pride aside, I'll agree to those terms, but know that if anyone in your so-called team gets in my way again, I won't hesitate to kill them.

She observes her nephew's evil grin as he shrugs his shoulder.

Y/n: go ahead, it's fine with me. Killing the few in order to save the many is what is required to save the planet.

with Charlie.

Jaune, Ren, Yang, and Oscar are making their way through the dim subway tunnel. Emerald walks ahead of them, her hands in the air. Yang is holding Emerald's guns in one hand and her gauntlet in the other, while Ren and Jaune are using their Scrolls as flashlights. Charlie was struggling to keep up with them, as the fight with his aunt had taken a toll on him, as he had lost the majority of his powers while creating the relics. Fortunately for him, Hazel was standing nearby, checking to see if he needed assistance. The big man didn't have a gun to his head because Charlie thought it'd be safer to keep him apart from Emerald and the others so that if he tried to do something, he'd be able to take him because he'd be immune to his attacks.

Hazel: Why did you putted your life in danger to save ours?

Charlie: What do you mean? Oh...right. You're probably wondering why I stayed behind to fight.

Charlie takes a deep breath as Hazel nods.

Charlie: I'd be lying if I said I did it to protect everyone.

He stares off, and Hazel follows his gaze for a moment, realizing that the celestial had his eye on Yang.

Yang: You can't be serious. You want us to work with her?

Oscar: I'm simply stating what makes the most sense. We're all Salem's enemies, including her.

Emerald: No, I'm with blondie. You don't like me, I don't like you. So how about we just part ways and you never have to see us again.

Jaune: You won't be going anywhere. Not after everything you've gone through.

Charlie wanted to intervene because he didn't want Oscar to do all the talking, but his thoughts were mostly focused on keeping Hazel under lock until they arrived at their destination. He looked at the giant and was surprised to see a disappointed expression on his face.

Hazel: He's right, we've done a lot without really thinking about the consequences.

Charlie: all of that is now in the past.

Hazel looks at Charlie, trying to figure out what he's saying.

Hazel: No, we can't go back and undo everything we did.

Charlie: we're now on the same side, and I know how things appear right now, but it's because we're all afraid. We simply need to regroup and get things in order.

Hazel: you're scared? But aren't you similar to Salem? a god?

Charlie: (sighs) Once upon a time, I was a god, but that is no longer the case. I'm just a human-archangel hybrid, but the emotions I experience are all genuine.

Hazel: (crossing his arms) and you think people will simply forgive and forget?

Charlie:No, I don't believe that is human nature. But, if you want to make amends for your mistakes, I believe you should not stop now. Forgive yourself first, and others will follow suit. (looks down) I know someone who needs to understand this as well.

The celestial begins to wonder how his little cousin is doing and hopes that he is doing everything he can to stay out of trouble.

Oscar: You don't have to forgive her. You have every reason to feel that way. Just maybe give her a second chance. We've already gotten quite a bit of help today from someone we don't exactly trust right now.

Ren: Are you referring to Ozpin?

Oscar is taken aback and returns his gaze to Ren.

Ren: I had a hunch.

The group comes to a halt. Yang, Ren, and Jaune formed a circle around Oscar, causing Hazel and Charlie to come to a halt next to them.

Yang: What are you talking about?

Jaune: Is Oz back?

Oscar: I know how you feel but he saved my life. When we were tortured, he took it. So I wouldn't have to. He entrusted me with this, and the massive amount of power he had stored up in it.

Oscar is holding The Long Memory.

Oscar: Kinetic energy that he accumulated over lifetimes in the cane he built.

Jaune: Is that how you did it? Using all of the available power.

Oscar: Not all, but the majority.

Charlie: (walking up to Yang) I don't feel any more divine energy. He must have known that he could use everything to slow down Salem.

Oscar: you're right, Oz truly wants to help, so I'll do whatever it takes to repay his trust.

He retracts the cane and rests it against his back.

Ozpin: Thank you very much, Oscar.

When the group hears the echo of a baby crying, they decide to run towards it. They encounter a large group of Atlas citizens seeking refuge in the subway. The lights occasionally flicker as vibrations from the grimm attacks above are felt.

Jaune: All of Atlas is down here.

Charlie: this has truly gone to hell.

With y/n

After his little arrangement with his aunt, y/n was happily walking back to the manor with his hands behind his head.

Y/n: Now that I have three sides dancing in my palms, I need to play it smart. I have the ability to manipulate this war to my advantage.

He has a plan that he will not reveal to anyone. If he does, and someone makes even the smallest mistake, they have a good chance of losing.

Y/n: I've finished the difficult part; now I have to return without anyone noticing I was gone.

His scroll began to ring just as he were about to take a step. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone, revealing a call from Ironwood.

Y/n: James?

Ironwood: y/n, I believe we agreed on each other's terms, correct.

The celestial was perplexed by the reason for the ironwood call. Is it possible that something went wrong? No, if that were the case, all three parties would have panicked and attempted to contact him. He has to figure out what this idiot requires of him right now.

Y/n: James, I believe we did. Is there any reason for this call, given that I am surrounded by your enemies?

Ironwood: If that's the case, I don't think it'll be a problem to ask you for a favor.

Y/n: (raises an eyebrow) What kind of favor are you looking for?

Ironwood: your good friend Weiss has dispatched a squadron of SDC freighters to transport the residents of Mantle out of the city.

Y/n: all right? What's the big deal? Would you like me to show them the way?

Ironwood: I want you to destroy them.

Y/n:(bluntly) excuse me? What?!

To be honest, he wasn't surprised that the man wants that to happen because he knows how much ironwood despises the city of Mantle now. He was surprised that the general would summon him for something like that, given that he is basically the ruler of this kingdom. He has the ability to use any weapon, any person, or anything he desires, and no one can do anything but watch, yet he coming to demon.

Ironwood: As much as I'd like to do it myself, I can't make Atlas panic.

Y/n: but an unexplained natural force will not?! Ironwood sorry, but what you're saying-

Ironwood: y/n, I thought we agreed on terms that we'd help each other out if needed.

The demon silently curses himself, his plan having basically backfired because he wanted complete control, but things aren't looking as sweet as they used to. Y/n is aware that he can still come on top and keep all three sides on his palm; all he needs to do is play along.

Yes, you are correct. I won't worry about it; I'll take care of it.

Ironwood: excellent.

Due to his growing rage, y/n crushed his scroll after the call ended. Yes, he knows he's already gone over the fact that he can still carry on with the plan, but it still irritates him that he was made into a fool. He drops his crush scroll and looks up, smiling as he vanishes into a cloud of dark mist.

with Charlie.

Charlie and Yang were standing side by side in front of the Schnee Manor's doors, with the others behind them.

Yang: I don't know what to do, what if she's stay mad at me?

Charlie: Remember what I said.

Yang: what matters is that you are together.

Yang was about to knock when Ruby opened the door of Schnee Manor with Weiss and Blake by her side. Ruby leaps into Yang's arms as they embrace happily. Ruby burst into tears of joy as she looked at her sister, who smiled back.

Yang: I missed you too.

Yang hugs Weiss while Ruby hugs Charlie.


Charlie: (pats her on the back) I'm sorry if I worried you.

Ruby: Until y/n told us you were fine!

She dashes to greet Jaune and Ren before Charlie can ask another question. He then notices Weiss approaching him and engulfing him in a hug.

Weiss: please stop scaring us.

Charlie: I'll give it a shot. By the way, What happened to my cousin? Isn't he supposed to be here?

They part ways, and Weiss's face sinks in sadness, which worries Charlie.

Weiss: I'm not sure when we received your guy's messages. I went to see if I could find him, but he had vanished.

Charlie: gone? Where did he go?

This bothers Charlie because he discovered that the Grimm River contains traces of darkness that can only be found in the dark pits of hell. Allowing a demon like y/n to roam free is not a good idea. Aside from regaining his powers, he's a ticking time bomb.

Weiss: I'm not sure! He and I haven't openly talked much lately...

Charlie: what exactly do you mean by-

He doesn't need to finish that sentence; simply looking at Weiss answers all of his questions. He just looks away, as if he's feeling guilty.

Ren: Where's Nora?

Ruby: Oscar, you--

Charlie looks over to see Ruby go to hug Oscar, but she stops when she notices Emerald and Hazel standing behind him. As Ruby reaches for her weapon, Emerald reaches for her own guns, which are holstered behind her, but Hazel grabs her hand and forces her to lift them up, demonstrating that they are defenseless.

Hazel: We didn't come here to fight.

Ruby: so why are you here?

Charlie moves forward to see if he can defuse the situation, but he is interrupted by Ruby's scroll notification. She takes a look at it and see it's May calling from Mantle.

May: Kids, the cargo ships you sent just made it but they're not alone.

Ruby: Is it May? What are you on about?

Ruby: May? What are you talking about?

May: Oh my gods, run! Everyone, into the mines!

Blake: Were those...?

Everyone hears alarm blaring. Yang and Blake cover their ears when hearing them. Everyone takes out their scroll.

CCT Voice: This is an emergency CCT broadcast.

All CCT's and Scrolls across Atlas show the SDC freighters are being taken down by what appear to be flaming objects.

Charlie: They were brought down.

Weiss: Those ships were supposed to save people!

The broadcast shifts to Ironwood standing in the center of a dark room, illuminated by a spotlight.

Ironwood: I have always promised to defend this Kingdom. Its technology, its future, from those who would see it destroyed. Our enemy is crippled, but one individual still denies Atlas its salvation. The Protector of Mantle.

As Ironwood progresses, Ruby, Blake, and Yang become dissatisfied as everyone looks on.

Ironwood: Penny, I need you and your friends to listen, wherever you are. Because I understand how much Mantle means to you, I'm going to give you a choice. You can come to Atlas Academy and do your duty, assisting me in saving as much of Atlas as possible, and Mantle will be left to fend for itself. Alternatively, you can all watch as I destroy it.

Weiss is taken aback by Ironwood's ultimatum.

Ironwood: I have a weapon, and that is all it will take to demolish your beloved mantle.

Elsewhere, y/n was looking at Ironwood's ultimatum on another scroll he stole before shaking his head and disappearing once more.

Ironwood: If there is no Mantle, there is no reason for you to refuse to collaborate with me. We don't want it to come to that, but one of us is willing to go through with it. Mantle... is gone if anyone tries anything other than what I've ordered. You've got an hour to respond.

Nora, now recovered but concerned, watches Ironwood's ultimatum to Penny in Weiss's bedroom before looking at Penny, who is still unconscious.

Ironwood: I hope you live up to your title.

As the broadcast came to an end, everyone stared in disbelief. Charlie shivers with rage as he rushes out of the manor, followed by Yang.

Yang: I understand you're mad, but using your wings to get to him will do more harm than good.

Her boyfriend became enraged and turned around with his scroll in hand, attempting to make contact with y/n.

Charlie: it's all gone to shit! To make matters worse, I can't get y/n to answer his damn phone!

Y/n: Maybe because I don't want to talk to you, moron.

Charlie turns around to see his cousin standing a few feet away, smirking stupidly but unmistakably.

Charlie: y/n?

Y/n: (waves) hello! What 3 days has it been since we've seen each other? You must have gone through a lot of changes!

Charlie and Yang both frown in response to y/sarcastic n's remarks.

Yang: really y/n?

Y/n: (shrugs) what? Don't like it?

Charlie: y/n, what have you been up to? Why haven't answer anyone calls?

Y/n: hmmm? Oh, you want to know where I've been? I simply decided to try a new approach.

This caused Charlie and Yang to look at him in bemusement; not only did it not answer the question at hand, but they could see a grin forming on y/n lips.

To be Continue

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