Rose and the Pastas

Galing kay K1i3l2l0e1r

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The world has many mysteries. Many things in this world are unexplainable. In this world, there are humans dr... Higit pa

Chapter one you love me?
Chapter 2 the trade
Chapter 3 Doubts
Chapter 4 The Windigo's cave
Chapter 6 a deal with a clown
Chapter 7 the final battle
Chapter 8 a new life

Chapter 5 first date

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Galing kay K1i3l2l0e1r

Inside Jeff's head, it's pitch black. He can't feel anything except for feeling deathly cold. He can't see, hear, or smell anything. His throat is dry. Suddenly, some sort of light comes on, now he can see himself in a dark void. He sees a mass of tentacles coming at him out of the darkness.

"I'm disappointed in you Jeffrey." The sound of Slender's static voice penetrates through Jeff's ears. "You've been a very bad boy. Your kills have become less, and less frequent ever since you've escaped my clutches. What's even more disappointing is the fact that you have fallen in love with a pathetic human.
I can't stand my children disappointing me, so you are going to be punished. Your body might be dead, but I can still kill you with in your head."

Jeff screams out in agony as one of Slender's tendrils wraps itself around his throat. Another one wines it's way around his stomach. As Jeff is lifted into the air, a black mouth like hole rips open in Slender's blank face. As Jeff gets closer, and closer to slender's mouth, it feels like his soul is being sucked out of him. Suddenly, a extremely bright white light surrounds the two of them. It gets even brighter causing Slender to screech and drop Jeff.

"One more day. Your friends get one more day to live before I destroy them all." Slender hisses before he is forced to retreat back to the human realm.

As soon as Slender disappears, the light fades and Jeff is once again plunged into the dark abyss.

"Jeeeff." A familiar voice calls out.

Jeff raises his head, not believing his ears. The ghostly figure of a 14-year-old comes into view. His green eyes seem to glow in the darkness, and there is a small Smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"Yes Jeff, it's me." Liu replys stepping closer.
"'Liu, I don't understand. Where am I? Where are the others? How are you here?
I thought you were..."
"Dead? Yeah, I am. Unfortunately, so are you."

Before Jeff can say anything, Liu continues.

"I've been watching you. You've done some pretty, interesting things ever since you've killed our parents. I have to say, I'm not happy with the life you have chosen as a murderer, but I'm glad that you have been killing off some of the world's most dangerous creatures as well."
"Liu, I..." Jeff tries to explain, but Liu cuts him off.
"I know, I know. It's not your fault that you have been controlled by Slender man. He took advantage of your rage, your pain, and your hatred. He drove you insane and has been making you kill for him."
"But Liu , I am insane, and I don't think it's just because of Slender's influence. I like watching the life leave my victims' eyes. I crave the feeling of their blood on my hands. Killing is my addiction, and I don't think anyone can stop me. Well, until now."
"Jeff, can't you see that you are more than just a killer? You have shown that despite your anger and hatred, you are able to show kindness and empathy. You have tried so hard to protect someone, and you pretty much succeeded. I am so proud of you. You fought against all odds to save Rosa's little brother. Even when she was doubting you, you risked your own life, not just because you love her, but because you knew that saving her brother was the right thing to do."

Jeff was lost for words.

"Look Jeff, I don't have much time, but I want you to know that you are being given a second chance."
"Ben already has the first page. I'm giving you the second one now. When you go back to the world of the living, I want you to destroy Slender man and set everyone free. If you are going to continue your acts of murder, then I would prefer if you get rid of other criminals. The world can always use less perverted people, don't you think?"

And with those words, Liu gives Jeff the second page. In the same messy child's handwriting as the first, it says...Leave Me Alone.

"Good luck, Jeff." Jeff here's Liu whisper as he puts the page into his hoodie pocket.
"Liu wait I love..." Another bright light interrupts Jeff and he is sent back to the world of the living.

Back in the cabin. The sun has risen an hour ago. None of you have slept. Not a word has been spoken either. One minute. Two minutes. A minute and a half. Wait! You feel a jolt underneath you. Is that a heartbeat? You lift your head up, then you slowly put your head back down to Jeff's chest, listening intently. yes, you can hear his heartbeat.

"Jeff?" You whisper.
"I'm alive." He says weekly.
"He's alive! He's alive!" EJ shouts, as if this was a scene from Frankenstein.

Everyone laughs, except Jeff, but his smile grows wider.

"I did it. I saved your little brother." He mumbles, as his unblinking eyes become more focused.

"Yes, yes you did. Thank you Jeff. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I never wanted you to die though." You say hugging him tightly.

Just as you think he is about to break, he gently pushes you away.

"Of course. I will do anything for the girl I love. And don't worry, nothing will take me away from you again, not even death."

And with those words, you and everyone else feel a surge of energy burst through them. It's as if everything that has happened so far hasn't even happened at all, except for the growing love between you and Jeff.

"I love you, Rose." Jeff says, cupping your face and bringing it towards his lips.

A feeling of warmth comes over you and everything feels right in the world. You and your brother are alive, your friends are safe, and right now, the love of your life is kissing you passionately despite the fact that he is laying on the couch covered in his own blood. This is how things are supposed to be. And you will stop at nothing to make sure they stay this way. Everything is perfect.

"Wait, what's this?" You mumble against Jeff's lips, unaware that your hand had gone into Jeff's hoodie pocket.

"What's what?"
"This piece of paper. Where the hell did you get this from?"

You pull out the page and hold it up so everyone can see. Well, except for EJ, because he has no eyes, but he is able to sense that it is the page regardless of the lack of sight.

"Jeff how did you...?"
"Jeff, you got the page! You got the second page!" Sally interrupts you.

She jumps off of Toby's lap and does a little happy dance. When she's done, she crouches down next to the couch and gives Jeff a big kiss on the cheek.

"Well, you know Jeff. No matter how much trouble he gets into, he always finds a way to pull through. I don't know how you got the page dude, but you are one hell of a hero." Ben cheers, pumping a fist in the air.
"We have two of the pages now, and that's great, but we have to find the other six." EJ says.

"Does anyone know where the other six pages might be?" You ask, handing the second page to EJ.

"They're probably in the woods closer to the mansion. Toby, Ben, and I will go look for the other pages as you, Sally, and Stephen stay behind with Jeff."
"But, I want to look for the pages too." Sally wines.
"Sorry Sally, but it would be a lot easier if the three of them go alone. Slender said that this is our last day to live by the way. So we have to make the most of it." Jeff says, surprising everyone.

"What?" You ask.
"That was the last thing he hissed out before the ghost of my brother saved me. My soul was being sucked out of my dead body at the time, so I kind of forgot to tell you guys before now. Since this is our last day left before he regains strength to destroy us all, you guys better hurry up and get those pages. Stephen, the girls, and I will be fine."
"Well ok then. Come on boys, let's go hunt down those pages." Ben says excitedly, yanking Toby and EJ behind him.

"Be careful." Sally Whispers as the door shuts behind them.

Sally still looks unhappy, but she comes up with a plan, so she can also be helpful. Not wanting you or Jeff to see her scheming, she quietly goes upstairs to her room. Stephen, feeling curious, follows her up stairs as soon as your back is turned. Jeff is not paying attention, instead, he is making small talk and the occasional flirty comment directed at you.

"Has anyone told you how cute and adorable you are?"
"A few people, but because of my visual impairment it's hard to see that sometimes." You reply laughing at your joke.

"Well, that's what I'm here for. I burned out my eyelids so I can forever see my beautiful face, but now I think I found something else to gaze at."
"Aww, It's cute that you find a short and tiny blind girl so attractive. And, you know what else?
"You can't spell cute without cut."
"Ooaw, a fan of the cut smile are yeah? Well if you like it so much why don't you come give it a kiss."
"Sorry Jeff, I'm hungry. That's why I am cutting myself some cheese."
"Oh, so cheese is more important than your injured boyfriend?"
"No I just meant..."
"Then get your ass over here and cuddle me. You can eat cheese as much as you want, but I demand cuddles."
"Why are you so demanding?"
"Because I'm injured."
"Aww, poor baby." You say laying down on the couch next to Jeff with a huge chunk of cheese in your hand.

You let Jeff play with your hair as you eat your cheese.

"There, is my pretty princess less hungry now that she has finished her cheese?"
Jeff says softly.

"Good. Now you can cuddle me properly."

You and Jeff cuddle on the couch for about half an hour. As soon as Jeff starts combing his fingers through your hair, he gets a brilliant idea.

"Hey Rose?"
"Can I braid your hair?"
"Sure, but I should probably wash it first."

You kiss Jeff on the cheek before getting off the couch. Jeff watches you walk up the stairs as another idea pops into his head. Jeff winces in pain as he gets off the couch. Hearing the shower running, he smiles to himself wondering what you would look like in the shower. Shaking away those thoughts, Jeff walks into the kitchen. Opening the cabinet, he takes out his knife and puts it back in his hoodie. The next thing he takes out is a box of spaghetti. Setting a pot of water on the stove to boil, he gets a nice fire going in the fireplace. Moving the couch, the coffee table, and the little arm chairs aside, he makes enough room for something he has planned for you and him. Hearing the water boiling, Jeff goes back to the kitchen. He pours in the spaghetti and stirs it for a minute or two before getting out a beer. He sits at the kitchen table with his drink waiting for you to come back from your shower. 10 minutes later, you come down the stairs. The smell of spaghetti hits your nostrils and you follow the smell eagerly into the kitchen. Your eyes light up as you see Jeff stirring a pot of spaghetti. After a minute of staring, he turns around seeing you. He jumps a bit, but then he regains composure. He is staring at you now. His unblinking eyes seem to get just a bit wider and his mouth hangs open as he looks at you in aw. You have on a flowing black dress and your long curly red hair is dripping down your back.

"Oh, Rose!" Jeff exclaims.

He walks over to you and polls you close to him by the waist.

"I'm sorry Jeff, I didn't mean to scare you."
"A sneaky bitch, I like that. I can't believe you actually startled me. I was only startled for a second though, after that, I couldn't help but stare at your beautiful body. That dress looks nice on you, and your hair is so soft." He whispers in your ear, stroking your beautiful curls.

"Thanks, I really appreciate it. So, what is all this?" You ask, gesturing towards the pot of spaghetti and the table set up nicely with a vase of fake roses.

"Well, despite me still being injured, I decided that this is our first date. I moved the furniture aside so you and I can dance after dinner."

"It's beautiful Jeff, you are so sweet."
"I knew you'd like it princess." He says kissing you softly on the lips.

You wrap your arms around his neck. The more you kiss, the warmer and happier you feel. You start to melt into each other. When you pull away, Jeff gives a smile and hugs you again.

"That felt good."

You giggle, and kiss the corner of his mouth playfully.

"So, dinner time? The spaghetti you made looks great. How did you know that spaghetti was my favorite?" You ask.
"Lucky guess."

You and Jeff sit at the table eating the spaghetti. When you are done, Jeff puts the bowls into the sink. Then he takes you by the hand and pulls you into the living room. He flips a switch on the wall and the lights dim. The sound of sweet dreams by Marilyn Manson plays softly.

"May I have this dance?" He asks.
"Of course." You say allowing Jeff to spin you around.

He starts humming the tune of the song as it plays. You have a big smile on your face and your eyes are sparkling. Jeff starts whispering the lyrics of the song in your ear as the two of you dance.

"Sweet dreams are made of this.
Who am I, to disagree.
Travel the world and the seven seas.
Everybody is looking for something.
Some of them want to use you.
Some of them want to get used by you.
Some of them want to abuse you.
Some of them want to be abused."

"Why are you so good to me?" You ask.
"Because I love you baby,"

He picks you up and both of you sit on a chair next to the fire. You are sitting on his lap and he is now braiding your hair.

"My mom always used to sing that to me when I would go to sleep."
"Oh. Were your parents nice to you both before everything happened?"
"They were pretty nice, I guess. My dad was a doctor and my mom was a nurse."
"Why didn't your parents want to pay the medical bills for you and your brother then? Don't doctors and nurses get a lot of money? Didn't they care about both of you when you guys were put into the hospital?"
"My dad had some substance abuse problems, so a lot of his money was spent on alcohol. My mom said that my brothers illness and my disfigurement were an embarrassment to the family, so if they couldn't pay for the medical bills, then we deserve to die."
"That's so awful. So, what was their reaction when your bandages were taken off for the first time?"
"They didn't have time to get a good look. They seemed pretty scared though. Especially when I suddenly removed all the bandages and stabbed them with scissors." Jeff says letting out a round of psychotic laughter.
"Oh, so that was the day you killed your parents and found out that Liu died?"
"Yeah. I had been unconscious for almost a week after the police dragged me out of the woods. I was already struggling with my sanity since my brother and I were getting bullied long before the accident happened. As soon as I heard what happened to Liu, that was when I, snapped."
"The woods? Is that where you were burned alive?"
"Yeah, I had to go to a party there. I was forced to. My parents thought I had trouble making friends, so they made me go to this dumb kid's party. After hanging out with the kids for a bit I decided to step away from the party. I needed alone time with my thoughts for a while. I didn't have too much alone time though. Next thing I knew, I was being tackled to the ground by one of my bullies. They had jumped me and my brother a few days before the party. I fought them back of course, but they didn't take too kindly to that. Two of my bullies held me down while the liter used a box of matches and some hairspray he stole from his girlfriend to make a flame thrower.
I tried to struggle but it was no use. As soon as the flames touched my skin, the bullies let me go. I heard them running away from the scene before I blacked out. The police found me unconscious in the creek that was nearby."

After hearing Jeff's story, you knew that there was no words you could say. What happened to him was not his fault. He didn't deserve that. It's not his fault that he became a killer. After he's done braiding your hair, you lean back into Jeff's chest. Suddenly, you feel Jeff's lips on the back of your neck. You gasp slightly, but you don't pull away.

"Oh, Rose you're soooo beautiful, you know that right?" Jeff says, planting little kisses down your neck.

"I am?" You ask.
"Of course you are baby. What, do you think you're not beautiful just because your body is so tiny and small?"
"Well, I am extremely thin. I'm kinda malnourished, aren't I? I mean, you can feel my ribs through my skin. My hips and collarbone's stick out way too much. I'm practically a skeleton! How can you possibly think I'm beautiful?!"

Jeff laughs.

"You know, you're pretty cute when you're mad."

You grown and lie down on Jeff's lap. Your head is resting on the arm of the chair as your legs dangle off the other arm. You cross your arms over your stomach and close your eyes..

"Aww, why are you being so dramatic baby?" He asks, running his fingers along you're right collarbone.

"Because I'm fucking depressed!"
"I know baby, I know. These last few days have been so stressful. Don't worry, I'm going to make you feel all better." Jeff coos.

He begins caressing your neck, slowly running his fingertips along it. His fingers move lower and then begin to trace around your throat.

"Hm. And you think all this affection is going to make me less sad?" You say with a slight giggle.

"It won't baby, but it might help calm you down a bit. Now let me show you how I do this."

Jeff starts to kiss your neck faster and faster. The sounds he makes are adorable at first, but soon become very erotic.

" taste so good baby. Mmm..." He whispers into your ear.

Jeff continues to kiss your neck, making sure to keep every inch of your skin covered in his saliva. You open your eyes again and reach your right hand up, playing with Jeff's hair.

"What are you doing?!" Jeff asks.
"Playing with your hair. It's actually quite soft." You say twirling some of the strands of Jeff's choppy black hair between your tiny fingers.

"Mmmm, yes, keep doing that. Keep playing with my hair as I make a few hickeys on your neck. I've got to show everyone that you're mine." Jeff purrs.

You keep playing with Jeff's hair as he bites down on your neck. He makes little hickeys going down your neck. Jeff keeps his mouth wrapped around your neck, biting down on your fleshy part. As he does this, you start to feel a lot more relaxed.

"That's right baby. Just relax and enjoy it. They'll see that you're mine soon enough."

Jeff lets go of your neck and begins kissing you deeply on the lips. Without breaking the kiss, Jeff moves your hands so now they are wrapped around his neck. He gets up from the chair and positions your legs so now they are wrapped around his waist. Your eyes are closed once more. The kiss becomes even more deep and passionate as Jeff tilts his head. Making sure your legs are tightly wrapped around his waist, he walks up the stairs slowly. You didn't realize it, but Jeff had brought you to your bedroom. He makes the two of you fall onto your bed softly. His hands are pressing firmly into the mattress on either side of your shoulders. His knees are on either side of your hips making sure that your legs are pressed up against his sides.

"Hey guys, we're back, and we found more of the pages." You hear Ben yell from somewhere downstairs.

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