The Hollowed Teigu (Self Inse...

By The_Devils_Dragon

39.2K 879 148

Among the 48 Teigu's that were created there was one that It was a mask and anytime someone would... More

Meeting Night Raid
Y/N vs Bulat
First Mission (pt1)
First Mission (Pt 2)
Zanku the Beheader
The Inner World
A Day in the Capital
The Hollow's Past
The Presence of another
New Members
Y/N vs Kisuke
Los Tres
Reaping the Reaper
The Almighty
Y/n vs White
The Blood War Begins
When Gods Collide
Yamamoto's Bankai

Y/n Vs Esdeath

1K 24 12
By The_Devils_Dragon

(With Y/N)

The battle between Esdeath and Y/n was nothing short of destructive. Trees were either being vaporized from Y/N's Reiatsu or being frozen from Esdeath.

Run and Seryu only provided support knowing that they couldn't beat him head-on in a fight. After seeing his power they knew that they stood no chance, the best they could do was support Esdeath from afar, but even then they couldn't scratch him.

The battle was in the air as they would clash before vanishing elsewhere. With a snap of her fingers, she created a gigantic ball of ice as she stood at the top slamming her foot into it quickening its descent as Y/n gripped his sword with a dark energy gathering towards his sword.

"Getsuga Tenshou!" Y/n yelled sending a wave of black energy towards the ball of ice easily cutting through it creating an explosion that lit up the sky in dark red energy.

Y/n quickly turned around and blocked an attack from Esdeath as she created another sword of Ice forcing Y/n to jump back as he cut down icicles sent towards him.

"Perhaps I've underestimated you, you wouldn't be among the most wanted within the Empire if you didn't have the strength to back it up." Esdeath praised as she pointed her rapier at him as he was about to reply before dodging a bullet from Seryu.

Y/n looked at the girl before vanishing and reappearing behind her instantly cutting off both of her legs causing her to scream in pain as Run stared in shock at how easily he escaped Esdeath and maimed Seryu.

Koro had steeled its nerves and turned into its monster form becoming bulky as his teeth became bigger and sharper as he charged Y/n ready to eat him alive...only to be instantly cut down.

Y/n had removed Koro's arms, legs and cut him in half. Granted, of course, he didn't cut his core so Koro wasn't destroyed as he started running in a zigzag completely evading Run's feathers from piercing him, and before he could take down Run Eadeath launched him into the air with a pillar of ice.

"Run! I need you to fall back with Seryu and Koro! You two are no match for him and Seryu will bleed to death without medical treatment!" Esdeath ordered as Run hesitated before nodding as he grabbed Seryu and the regenerating dog and quickly flew away.

Y/n watched them go but did nothing. He was here to kill Esdeath, he'd hunt them down later. He turned his head forward and cut a spear of ice in half as he then blocked an attack from Esdeath.

"I didn't know that the great General Esdeath cared so much of her subordinates. Guess that just means what Zangetsu said about you was wrong." Y/n taunted as he saw her falter at Zangetsu's name and pressed his sword forward adding more strength until he kicked Esdeath in her stomach sending her into a tree as she slammed her hand on the ground creating spikes of Ice that Y/n was forced to dodge as he felt something pierce his shoulder.

He turned and saw Esdeath behind him. This greatly intrigued him, his battle instincts and senses were sharper than his own sword, he had no idea how she managed to sneak up behind him but his battle became all the more interesting.

(With Everyone else)

The rest of Night Raid was having trouble against Kurome's S-Class danger beast the Death Tagool, wondering that if letting Y/n fighting Esdeath was the better idea instead of having him here to fend off against the deadly danger beast.

Susanoo however dealt with the gigantic skeleton as everyone else had their own opponents. Akame was going to deal with her sister, but Tatsumi saw she wasn't acting like herself and quickly snapped her out of it as she went to deal with Bols.

Mine was in a gunfight with a gunslinger named Doya from Kurome's collection of dead puppets, Tatsumi was dealing with an apeman, and Hunter who was a former survivor from a savage tribe having to deal with his speed and acrobatics while dealing with the Apeman's speed and strength.

Leone was dealing with Rokugou who was a Former General of the Empire as he didn't possess an Imperial Arms but a whip that he was very skilled with as he sent the blonde into a wall of rocks with small scratches that healed.

"Alright, you've successfully pissed me off." Leone savagely grinned, almost as if mimicking Y/n's sadistic predatory grin when he would let loose. Leone wouldn't admit it but she knew that some of Y/n's personality rubbed off on her, such as while she may have love fighting before, after meeting Y/n and sparring with him her love for fighting greatly increased.

Chelsea was hidden away in the forest as was Lubbock was setting up traps while Chelsea was waiting for an opportunity to show herself.

Kisuke chose to stay back at the base, it surprised almost everyone except for Y/n and Najenda. They knew that hardly involved himself, unless necessary, they were even expecting him to be nearby one of their battles in case things went south.

Tatsumi was having a very hard time against Kurome's puppets. They attacked in perfect synchronization, the dead tribe member would distract Tatsumi with an attack while dodging his own allowing the apeman to capitalize on Tatsumi's distraction striking him with its inhuman strength.

He summoned his spear as he started fending off the tribe member who aimed for his head which was thankfully blocked by his armor as the apeman bit into his arm which was protected by his armor as he punched him away. He was really wishing that Y/n was here to help him or kill Kurome. Sadly, Y/n was dealing with Esdeath, which was a far greater opponent than the two he was facing so he was silently grateful that they weren't fighting her.

Leone was having a hard time getting past the former General's Whip. She vanished from the corpse's sight appearing next to him and before the whip could hit her she vanished and appeared on the rocks and bounced off it scratching for the man's throat only for him to jump back but still getting nicked.

Leone didn't falter as she bounced off the wall again as she took his left arm with a grin on her face throwing the appendage to the ground and she would've done it again but the whip started striking her body as she struggled to block it until she grabbed the whip and before she could do anything Najenda came in a punched the former General the chest.

"Leone I shall handle him, as a former college and friend it's my duty so I will try and kill him as quickly as possible." Najenda explained her interference as Leone seemed amazed not being able to remember when she was actually in battle.

Leone nodded but before she could move, Kurome had jumped from her spot and severed Leone's arm. She chuckled, explaining that when people leave openings she would always take them.

Leone growled in anger as she started closing her wound to stop the bleeding. Kurome was impressed, she said that she was going to add her to her collection. Leone growled again in response, but before she could attack her she was told to go help Akame and with a sigh, she ran to her friend.

(With Y/N)

The battle between Esdeath and Y/N was anything but quiet. They destroyed the land around them from clashing blades as it was covered in cuts, ice, or turned to dust.

However, from their last clash Esdeath was panting on one knee while Y/n was standing, then he grinned.

Esdeath crashed through boulders, trees, and going straight through the ground until she slammed into a rock wall. She coughed blood as she started grinning. She was enjoying her battle against the Shinigami and she would claim victory when she ripped off the mask and saw his face.

Y/n suddenly appeared above her with his sword above his head as she created a dome of ice protecting herself as she heard the sword clash against her defense which cracked.

In an instant, she created spikes above the shield almost impaling him as the ice spikes ripped through some of his clothing.

Luckily Esdeath didn't see the small scar that was showing. Y/n jumped back giving himself distance as he stared. He may have underestimated Esdeath, something that he'll stop doing unless he wanted to be killed.

Of course, he wouldn't be killed by her. Imprisonment, maybe, death...absolutely not. He could only be killed by one person, not that he'll allow himself to be killed but he'll have to work hard if he wanted to kill him.

Esdeath appeared behind him with her rapier aiming for his shoulder again but he quickly blocked it and slammed his leg into her ribs but she didn't falter as Esdeath created an ice platform and launched him into the air.

Y/n straightened himself out as started cutting Esdeath's icicles that the General sent his way as his eyes widened and in a circular motion cut multiple spears in half.

Esdeath smirked. She didn't expect any less, but of course, her own blood was started to boil from how long this battle was started to drag out. She expected this to end far earlier than she anticipated, and she was getting slightly annoyed.

"This is starting to get have places to be, I have places to be. By coincidence, we have the same place, which only means that one of us can get there." Y/n explained as Esdeath agreed. They both had the same destination, and yet they couldn't walk there as if they were friends. One survives, and one dies.

As much as Y/n wanted to continue fighting he needed to go and support his friends. At the same time, he needed to kill Esdeath, and he knew how.

Y/n surprised Esdeath when he stabbed his sword into the ground. She watched in confusion as he stuck his palm out but her eyes widened when she saw a crimson energy gathering.

Esdeath didn't feel like gambling whether or not her ice could withstand the attack and decided to use something else.

"Mahapdama!" Esdeath yelled just before Y/n's attack reached her as time stopped. Esdeath released a breath she jumped to the side and hid, just as time started moving again.

The land was once again destroyed as anything in the beam's path was vaporized. Y/n looked around, he felt something happen but he didn't know what. While the land was destroyed, Esdeath may have gotten away, and he couldn't hunt her down as he didn't know where she was or where she went.

He sighed in anger, he almost killed Esdeath but she slipped through his fingers. Well, it didn't matter, he would encounter Esdeath again at some point and wouldn't let her escape again.

He turned and vanished heading towards where everyone else was. Esdeath watched as he vanished into thin air but assumed that his speed allowed him to move so quickly.

Then she remembered Run and Seryu but she had no idea if they were alive. She had to assume the worst but decided to look for them anyway, if they were alive she would take them back to the Empire and be forced to abandon Bols and Kurome.

If she went to where all of Night Raid was then she would surely be killed along with Seryu and Run. Besides, she knew that Kurome and Bols could handle themselves, but of course, even they could only last so long before they too are killed.

(Back with Night Raid)

Night Raid had managed to kill some of Kurome's puppets. Najenda had managed to kill her former colleague when the dead danger beast fired a beam of energy from its mouth vaporizing him.

Chelsea helped Tatsumi by tricking Henter into believing she was one of their own...before he was cut in half.

Chelsea immediately ran off leaving Tatsumi to deal with the apeman who was blown to pieces from Tatsumi's strength.

Susanoo was permitted to use his Trump Card as he had easily dealt with the danger beast afterward while Najenda felt the aftermath of having used it.

Mine was swallowed whole by a Kaiser Frog until she shot herself out with some of her clothes burned from its stomach acid.

Akame and Leone dealt with Bols and his bodyguard Wall as Akame cut the bodyguard apart while Leone bit into Bols's weapon making it useless.

However, Bols threw the engine that powered his weapon into the air as he brought out a detonator. Everyone saw and quickly took cover as he pressed it causing a massive explosion that incinerated the entire battlefield.

Y/n had just arrived to see the explosion and also noticed Kurome slipping away. He knew that Kurome was a priority person to kill, but decided that he would go and check on everyone else.

The explosion died down as he saw Susanoo looking completely different as he protected Najenda. Tatsumi was protecting Mine while Leone protected Akame with a shield.

He also noticed that she was missing an arm, which angered him. He quickly appeared by her side surprising Akame and Leone as she chuckled.

"...Hehe...Guess that means you beat Esdeath." Leone chuckled at her predicament as Y/n shook his head. He explained that he felt Esdeath do something which caused her to get away, he smirked but it faded away when he asked who she gave her arm to.

Leone however couldn't answer as she passed out. Akame and Leone shook her trying to wake her but she didn't move as Y/n growled in anger clenching his sword as he looked at Akame.

"Who did this...?" Y/n asked with his voice still echoing as he still had his mask on. Akame answered that it was Kurome but explained that she wanted to kill her. She understood why he was angry, which was surprising as he normally keeps his emotions in check when it comes to Leone, but her sister was her priority.

Y/n would've yelled at her but then remembered that he saw where she went, then looked to Akame.

"Then how about this. Give me your sword, I'll kill her with Murasame...while I give you Zangetsu. I kill Kurome with your blade...while you protect Leone with mine." Y/n reasoned as gripped his black katana and flipped it around showing the hilt to Akame. She looked at it in consideration, she would've grabbed it if it wasn't a sword belonging to a dangerous beast that has taken over and slain hundreds of people.

Not only that, but it was impossible to wield two Teigu's at once. The mental trauma that could destroy his mind was something she didn't want to happen.

"Trust me...his power doesn't lie within the sword but the mask. He can't take control through this." Y/n assured her seeing her hesitation as she slowly reached for it. She brought her own sword up and put it in Y/N's hands as she gripped the Black Katana. Her mind still lingered

Y/n thanked her as he vanished. What he told her was the truth, what didn't tell her was the danger that would come to him should he hold another Teigu for more than 20 seconds.

But 20 seconds was more than enough.

He put the sword to his sword and quickly vanished and appeared near Kurome who seemed to be having a headache.

He didn't care as he gripped Murasame and instantly felt the pain of trying to use another Teigu. Once again he ignored it as Zangetsu did his best to ease the mental pain as Kurome saw having Natala put her down as she drew her own sword.

"My My, being able to wield two Teigu's for this long must mean your strong. I guess I can add you to my collection once you're dead." Kurome squealed like a little girl on Christmas. Y/n only growled as he clashed Murasame against Yatsufsa.


Y/n tripped her and kicked her away and ran after her. This wasn't his sword so he couldn't battle like he used to but he treated it like his Bankai.


Kurome coughed blood as Natala was fending off Y/n who seemed annoyed. After clashing his blade against the spear he kneed the dead person's chest before cutting off his arms and legs.


Kurome quickly got up and defended herself from the One-kill sword as she tried sweeping Y/N's leg only for him to jump and slam his leg into the side of her head.


Kurome was sent into a tree as her headache worsened. She held her head in agony but was forced to roll out of the way from Murasame that had almost cut into her back.


Y/n had channeled dark energy through Murasame and swore he had heard laughter but ignored it. Sending a wave of energy towards her she rolled out of the way but had her leg cut off as she screamed in pain.


Luckily she wasn't cut by the actual sword so she wouldn't die of poison. But she now couldn't walk or run just dodge as she blocked another sword strike but coughed blood from a strike to her ribs.


Y/n quickly swung Akame's sword at her sister who somehow blocked it. He was getting more frustrated which made his attacks wild but far more ferocious.


Kurome couldn't keep up with the constant barrage with one leg along with her headache and fatigue.

Kurome was finally cut.

Y/n had kept a mental countdown and when he finally cut Kurome as he was getting down to the wire. He sheathed Akame's sword as he fell to a knee.

He stared at Kurome as his mask was slowly breaking apart. Kurome looked back, wanting to know who was the one who killed her.

" were seriously a pain in the ass. But everyone has their limits." Y/N's voice came through as the mask faded away showing her his face. Kurome looked shocked seeing his smug grin, she was betrayed again.

The poison reached Kurome's heart as the last thing she saw was Y/N's grin with a tear going down her face as she died.

The puppets that were under her control, which were only two, stopped moving as they fell to the ground. Well, Doya fell to the ground, Natala simply stopped moving as their bodies faded away.

Y/n stopped grinning as he felt the mental pain from using two Teigu's at once. Luckily, he wasn't dead nor was he going insane. He didn't have any sort of mental trauma going on so he deduced that he was fine and only needed some rest.

He slowly got to his feet using a tree as leverage to support himself before he felt himself falling. Before he could hit the ground Kisuke appeared in front of him as he fell on his back.

"...I knew you were hiding somewhere." Y/n chuckled before he passed out allowing Kisuke to grin before he sighed.

"Sometimes I wonder how you're still alive. At least you killed Kurome before you succumbed to the pain of what you did. Although, I can't say that Leone won't kill you for what you did." Kisuke mused to himself before he turned and grabbed Yatsufsa and put it to his side as he walked out of the forest to meet the others.


Currently, all of Night Raid was in a small house with Y/n resting on a bed. He was only asleep and when he was fully rested he would be fine. Kisuke had actually returned to the base to deliver Yatsufsa for HQ to examine.

Leone had been off to the side sitting next to Y/n worried for him but also boastfully talking about her healing abilities for when Lubbock returns to stitch her arm back together so she could heal.

Chelsea had returned after killing Bols as she sat on a chair and said nothing aside from explaining where she was. Lubbock came in shortly after telling everyone where Chelsea was, only to see her on the couch.

"Ho-How did you beat me here?!" Lubbock yelled as Chelsea only gave a chuckle and a peace sign completely ignoring his question as he looked towards the bed and saw Y/n. "What the hell happened to him? I know that he was fighting Esdeath but even he shouldn't look like this."

"According to Kisuke Y/n used Murasame against Kurome. Granted, of course, he still had Zangetsu which is the mask, not the sword. So I'm surprised that he only passed out and his mind wasn't broken or anything." Najenda explained as Lubbock stared at the Shinigami like he was crazy.

"Tch! Just how more badass can he get!?" Lubbock cursed at Y/n while crying as everyone stared at him. They laughed knowing what he must be thinking about Y/n until he stopped and sighed as he pulled out Leone's arm.

"I got Leone's arm by the way. So I can stitch you up now if you want." Lubbock said as he tossed Leone her arm as she caught it. She stared at it until she looked back at Y/n and shook her head.

"Nah, I'm the reason he's like this. So I'll wait until he wakes up to get it reattached." Leone grinned as she gave her answer. Everyone else couldn't help but grin as well until Mine screamed in pain when Susanoo put ointment on her arm.

Tatsumi chuckled giving her pity until she screamed at him for giving her pity.

"Shut the hell up you damn washboard!" Y/n yelled surprising everyone that he was awake...until he fell back asleep getting Leone to laugh while Akame and Chelsea giggled. Tatsumi and Lubbock tried to silence their laughter but horribly failed.

"He woke up to yell at me!?! And who the hell does he think he is calling me a washboard!?!?" Mine yelled as she stomped out of the house before anyone could answer her. Leone continued laughing until something hit her face as she looked and saw it was Y/n. He was still asleep but he must've sensed that it was her because he had directly hit her cheek.

"This Guy..." Leone thought to herself with a chuckle as everyone had a smile on their face. Leone had a small blush on her face as she kissed his cheek ignoring what everyone was thinking or what expression they had on their face as she the small smile appear on his face afterward.

"All right I'm going to go take a bath." Leone announced as she walked out with a big smile on her face she walked out. Lubbock was crying on the floor complaining about how unfair it was but Tatsumi patted his back.

(Y/n's mindscape)

Y/n opened his eyes to see his mindscape. However, something was different. The buildings were the same, but the sky was pitch black and the sun was blood red. Strangely enough, he could still see perfectly.

"Zangetsu! Old Man! Where are you!?" Y/n yelled out wanting the spirits to appear but nothing happened. However, he sensed something was off, something else was here that wasn't supposed to be here as he grabbed the sword off his back.

"I know you're there. So come out! Or else." Y/n threatened as he heard deep laughter. It was coming from all around him and he couldn't tell which direction it was coming from specifically. This obviously pissed him off but he kept his composure, not wanting to give in to whatever demon that was here.

"So this is my host...not as pitiful as I expected." The voice sounded like Zangetsu's and the Old man's but was far deeper and colder. Y/n now held his sword in a defensive position as his eyes were flicking all around him as he would constantly turn around expecting something or someone behind him only for there to be nothing.

"Always on guard...your eyes scream murderer....your stance tells me that you're familiar with the sword. Heh...and here I believed that you aren't worthy..." The voice analyzed with a chuckle. Y/n was starting to get nervous, his instincts told him that he should run, but he doesn't run and he had nowhere to run to anyway.

"So you're just gonna watch me from the darkness somewhere or are you going to face me?" Y/n asked as there was silence. The silence was getting to him, he gripped his sword tighter as he felt something behind him.

He didn't swing, not yet. He waited for it to get closer as with a turn of his foot he turned and swung at the creature who was behind him as it blocked with its arm.

There was a clash of sparks, it was as if he hit steel. Y/n didn't falter as he jumped back and got a good look at the creature.

The creature...the creature looked exactly like his third Trump Card. He couldn't use that one freely like he could with his other two, but he'd always remember what he'd look like when using his third.

There was a difference, where he had pitch-black markings and his hair became longer and turned white. His opponent had red markings, his hair was longer but it was black.

"The resemblance is uncanny, and yet he talks as if he knows me...unless..."

"So you've realized it...and here I believed that you needed a hint." The demon chuckled as Y/n gripped his sword. He was in his mind, he wasn't surprised that he could read his thoughts, it only steeled his nerves even more.

"White...what I don't understand is how you're here. The old man and Zangetsu were split into two different beings that made you up. So, enlighten are you here?" Y/n demanded uncaring that his opponent was the Vasto Lorde himself. He was nervous, something he wouldn't admit, but that wouldn't stop him from fighting him here.

"Such a fool...the moment you drew the demon blade Murasame was when it started happening...the sword is cursed, when the two lesser beings of myself tried and keep the strain of using two Teigu's from destroying your mind...they started fusing together.

Murasame is a cursed demonic is myself. I may have been separated, but my mind still existed. I drew on the cursed sword's power and started fusing myself from it. The mental countdown you had...wouldn't have mattered even if you got to zero." White explained as Y/n looked shocked. He knew that White was powerful but to forcefully pull himself together from an outside power was something that he'd ask Kisuke about.

Y/n immediately used both his Trump Cards, he doubted that he'd have any sort of chance against him without it, and even then he may be preventing the inevitable.

"So I guess that means that you want to take over my body. You're gonna have to work for it...because I'm not giving up so easily, besides I'll just split you in two turning you back into Zangetsu and the Old man." Y/n explained as he brought the black katana in front of him. He wasn't even surprised when White brought out his own weapon, which was vastly different from his own.

Y/n expected a black katana, or a white one, instead, the two blades on his arms grew longer. Y/n brought his sword in front of him in a defensive stance, he wouldn't allow himself to be taken down by his own Teigu.

There was silence between them until Y/n vanished and appeared behind White aiming his sword for his heart but White managed to block with his arm.

"Is that all you got...Shinigami?" White taunted causing Y/n to growl as he didn't even back up and used a Getsuga Tenshou causing an explosion destroying the building they were standing on.

However, it was Y/n who was sliding down the building with White staring. Y/n had lost a portion of his upper clothing as he ripped it off revealing his scars.

White looked intrigued, however, he shoved it to the back of his mind. He saw his host getting back up as he vanished and appeared in front of him as he blocked the two blades that would've pierced his chest.

Y/n struggled to keep the blades away from him until he went to the side throwing White off balance as a foot was slammed into his back launching him across the building.

Y/n couldn't beat him head-on, he knew it well. But that didn't mean he couldn't beat him at all, he was doing damage to him even if it was very little.

Y/n held his hand out charging crimson energy and fired it towards White. The blast annihilated more of the building as Y/n watched and waited for White to show himself.

To his surprise, however, in the center of the attack was White. His back against the floor and the mask was cracked down the middle and yet chuckled before he fully laughed.

His dark laughter echoed through Y/N's mindscape until he stopped. "Guess you are worthy of my power...however, if you wish to use my power to its must forsake the one you love." White said as the mask fully broke in two leaving a small light as Y/n watched from above the crater. The light died down revealing Zangetsu and the old man.

Y/n realized that they were unconscious as he dropped to his knees. His sword had cracked from defending himself, his leg was almost broken from kicking him as well. His mask fell to pieces as he himself fell to the ground as White's words rang through his mind.

"Forsake the one you love..." Y/n remembered before he passed out. Whether he listened or not would be unknown until he woke up.

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