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π’•π’‚π’†π’ˆπ’ˆπ’–π’Œ; in which taehyung casually picks up the phone and what he hears, haunts his dreams with boner... More

call me
sleep deprived with a capital S
cock control! ASAP!
not a stalker per se
well slap my dick and call me sally
and BOOM! the pretty boy was right there
is- is this de ja vu ??
an ordinary day of jeongguk
the actual physical meeting *drumroll*
tell me more, hyung
let me admire you sleeping (not creepily)
twink meets twink
hangovers are nasty things
liar liar pants on fire
it pains me to say
the past
flesh over material
stick some metal in me
househusband has a nice ring to it
the live
the live pt 2
a life changing fuck

drown me in champagne

2.6K 89 55

my brain goes BRRRRRRR when I look at jeongguk.

a few days forward and it's already the evening of saturday, aka the day of the fancy schmancy party JEONGGUK had been invited too via kim taehyung, the man he has yet confessed to.

he was giddy, excited, permanent smile on face, butterflies in the tummy; the whole shabang. because it clicks in his mind that this is the first time him and taehyung will be out to a formal event. together. couldn't deny that he was so looking forward to seeing him, curious to see his fit and those brooding eyes that make him feel like dying (in the good way, of course...)

it's around eight thirty so he decides to start to get ready right about now. he hurries along to the living room to ask yoongi for help but he just groans and sinks into the blanket on the sofa, like he's trying to be invisible. the younger tuts at his hyungs 'oh-so helpful' response.

"useless..." jeongguk grumbles under his breath and pads off into his bedroom.

"I'm joking, koo! I'm coming..." he hears yoongi fumbling and almost tripping as he pushes the blanket off his body, yelling and footsteps following him and when they catch up to him, arms wrap around his shoulders, embracing him in a clingy back hug.

so with the help of mighty yoongi, the two of them intently assembles an outfit that is sophisticated and sexy. luxurious, expensive.

they back away to stare at the outfit, like they just created the frankenstein of clothes. the two creators high five each other in pride, chins high.

"it's giving 'mysterious rich celeb going to the met gala, you know back when it was actually good and relevant'." yoongi finalises, arms crossed with a proud smile on his lips.

"I... love it!" jeongguk immediately tries it on, carefully slipping on the sheer lace undertop, paired with a lightweight, black silk button up; a good amount of chest on show and the rest was tucked into his expensive black pants, and accessorises with dangly earrings.

the outfit as a whole really emphasised his thighs and hips and especially his small waist that taehyung loves to fondle. in short: he looks gorgeous. skin gleaming like a greek god. radiance exuding out of every fibre of his being.

"so, how do I look?" jeongguk asks while spritzing some perfume on his wrists and neck.

"I would fuck you. respectfully." yoongi says, circling his finger in the air, gesturing to koo to spin 360.

"and your ass? like 3000/10, outstanding, showstopping, majestic, otherworldly, ethereal." yoongi goes on and on and on, and slaps his ass.

"why the hell are you YELP reviewing my ass? using all the words in google dictionary for what?" jeongguk jokes while putting on his shoes, dark and polished.

"your ass deserves the praise." and his hyung shoots him a finger gun with a wink and then slaps it again.

"thanks." jeongguk rolls his eyes. he finishes doing his last minute touch ups. eyeliner, mascara, tinted lip balm because he can't stand when lipstick goes all crusty and shit. one of his many icks.

"hmm, I think my work here done." yoongi pretends to dust off his shoulders and hands, retreating back to the lovely sofa.

jeongguk scoffs and texts taehyung.

he leaps out of his bedroom, and runs to the door. yelling for yoongi to lock it, as he leaves.

he feels like a runway model, he feels so sexy and glorious. and that confidence exudes, drips out of every fibre of his being. shoes clanking on the pavement below him, head held up high.

although his cheeks flush red and mouth becomes paper dry when he sees kim taehyung, all leaned up against his mercedes benz, looking fucking extravagant and hot as fuck. jeongguk reckons he looks like a movie star.

and he feels like dropping onto his knees and giving him the best suck of his life. it's those lusty, hooded eyes that send the chills down jeongguk spine although he feels like he's on fire. his tan skin was glowing and he just looked so fineeeee. and he smelt so fucking good.

and don't get jeongguk started on his outfit. easily 57272919/10. ah. he loves a man that can dress. his dick may or may have not twitched.

"jeongguk..." taehyung almost chokes on his words, a loss for words.  his eyes flit over jeongguk. checking him out slowly. wanting to ingrain every detail in his brain.

he looked a million dollars; his eyes hazy, his lips red (holding this gorgeous smirk). hourglass figure that was complimented amazingly by his clothes. the silk looked heavenly on jeongguk. like it was made for him and him only.

taehyung felt like snogging him there and then. so he leans in to do just that, but jeongguk stops him cheekily.

"aht! save it for later, loverboy..." he says rather seductively, insinuating they would be endeavouring in another heated rendezvous after... he drags his finger down taehyungs chest and enters the a as car, the burning touch lingering after him.

taehyung fumbles and rushes into the car.

in a matter of minutes, they were standing in front of the entrance of the prestigious hotel where the event was held. "why is there even a party anyways?" the younger asks curiously, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear as they both walk in.

"the company hit a big milestone so they wanted to hold a celebration for it." taehyung says with a shrug, slinging an arm around jeongguks dainty waist.

he blushes profusely.

they walk into the grand hall. could be mistaken for a ballroom if it wasn't for the large bar tucked away at the back. the building was truly elegant, with great big dangling chandeliers made of glass to windows lined with intricate golden woodwork. clusters of rose gold and black balloons were stuck to the walls, and a white banner.

jeongguk looked at everything with wide chocolate eyes (brimmed with dark lashes) and parted red lips, loving how glamourous it looks in here. taehyung gently held his hand, and looks at him with a fond smile.

they don't let go.

they walk further into the elegant hall, polished people wearing classy clothes and swanky jewellery, with their partners, some with friends, holding glasses of golden champagne in their hands. "I'll go get us some bubbly, hm?" taehyung says to the younger quietly, and makes his way to the waiter holding a tray of alcohol on one hand.

while jeongguk was admiring with architecture with his sparkly doe eyes, he gets a tad startled when a guy taps his shoulder.

"hey there! haven't seen you here before... im Jung hoseok! and you're super cute." wow... i love his voice, it feels like a warm hug.

wow, wow, wow! hes hot too. his brunette hair was parted and had a beautiful eye smile. and his smile looks like a heart! his fit was utterly exquisite too. it took jeongguk a bit longer to register that he also had his hand out for a handshake since he was too busy staring at the beautiful man in front of him.

he rushes accept the handshake. woah, his hands feel soft. "hi, I'm jeongguk!" he didn't know; he just felt so comfy with this random guy he just met. something about his aura that's instantly likeable, like a wait! oh shit, he forgot to thank him for the compliment.

"-and thank you!" jeongguk adds with a toothy smile. totally saved. he grins back. he liked this guy.

suddenly, he feels someone holding his little waist. "here's your drink, koo." taehyung was holding two champagne flutes in one hand. and jeongguk gladly sips his champagne. he hums, was good quality, wasn't cheap at all.

and taehyung just watches koo, fondly and all because he's whipped. just has a gentle smiling that he doesn't even know is on his face.

he hears a cough. his hazel eyes beam up and goes to hug him friendly. "hoseok! you crazy motherfucker! how are you?"

"I'm good, I'm good." and then they make small talk with each other. the conversation dwindles down somewhere unknown, something taehyung and jeongguk had never really properly discussed.

"so are you two like together and shit?" hoseok asks cheekily, poking taehyungs bicep.

there was a pregnant pause. taehyung suddenly looks to jeongguk, bores into those large ebony eyes and gives a slight smirk.

in unison, they say yes.

hoseok claps giddily, grinning and all. "yay! 'cause you two match each other sooooo well. it'd be a shame if you weren't together." he says and the younger giggles at that and taehyung feels his stomach flutter at that sweet, sonorous sound he could listen to until he dies. he glances at the boy slyly, how he looks so enticing when he talks, his eyes holding a gorgeous twinkle, a unique glint.

his pretty little button nose, his jawline that deserves to get kisses pressed to, those plump lips that somehow always taste sweet. his silky ebony hair he loves to run his fingers through. god, hes so in love with him.

the newly confirmed couple mingled and met even more people, them more interested in jeongguk because they obviously hadn't been acquainted with him before. or maybe they recognised him.... it wouldn't be a surprise.

some men and women's gazes more lingering than one would think was normal, which made taehyung glare at them. but would soften whenever in eye contact with koo.

jeongguk would pretend he didn't notice that but secretly loves the attention. he was a little whore for attention, not even taehyung could deny, reminiscing to that oh so glorious time in the subway.

as the night whisks on, they end up drinking at the bar, hoseok staying with them for a bit but then being drawn off to socialise with even more people. what a guy.

and then there were two.

jeongguk was on his third martini and taehyung was interested in a different array of drinks. this guy had already had a cosmopolitan, martini, mojito, spritz, although he insisted jeongguk shared some with him because he truly couldn't get through that much alcohol by himself.

he says that but then ends up asking for the whole bottle of strawberry vodka, although hiding it for later.

they do indulge in the variety of hors d'oeuvres, tasty little bites of food that aided their hunger after the alcohol.

for the sake of it being an oh so respectable and sophisticated business celebration, they try their best to act as normal as possible, even though they were beyond tipsy. they could both take their alcohol quite well thankfully, so they weren't tripping or slurring their words that much.

just feeling a bit buzzed.

they'd still break out into random laughter though, which did turn a few heads but hey ho, they could fuck themselves.

back at the bar they both sat, conversing with some of taehyungs colleagues, hoseok too.

jeongguk clung at the elders side, hugging the side of his arm and tracing shapes onto his hands, his thumb tracing over his palm. he could feel his heart beating while taehyung listened to the conversation, chuckle rumbling in the back of his throat every so often. it sent silent shivers down jeongguks spine. he sat quietly, not wanting to add himself in the conversation. his social battery had sort of been juiced out...

maybe it was the alcohol but he suddenly felt... needy?

he just wanted taehyungs burning attention on him and him only. he wanted to bask in the scorching stare of his hazel eyes. to feel the blush creeping up his neck. to feel his stomach plummet in a glorious way he ached for.

he felt touch starved. and a large percentage of horny.

a mischievous glint glazed his large chocolate eyes. and he bit back a smirk at his thoughts.

as taehyung listened attentively to the rambling of whatever those people are saying, jeongguk's hand touches his knee. it sits there for now. his fingers drumming against it almost in a playful manner.

he slowly inches it upwards, let it rest on his mid thigh. no response from taehyung.

but he was certain that would change.

koo leans his head on the elder's shoulder, and stays there for a bit, to avoid suspicion. grinning fake smiles at everyone that gave direct eye contact to him. right now, he didn't want their attention. he wanted his hyungie's attention.

jeongguks head moves again, slowly. his lips grazing the back of taehyungs neck. his hot breath fanning it, and he sees the other tense. he then rubs his hand up his thigh again, now it's at his hip, squeezes it to get an even greater reaction. but to no avail.

jeongguks pout deepens.

his fingers slowly sidle to the right, arrives at the hem of taehyungs pants. to his belt. he gently plays with it. as innocent as ever. his hand runs south.

his lips were back at his nape, placing a wet kiss to it. skimming over to the shell of his ear. "let's ditch this place, taehyungie." holy fuck, it's so erotic; the way his tongue drags over each word, especially his name. it was like a damn moan. he does this all while his hand runs over his bulge, which makes his hips slightly lurch forward.

taehyung moves to stare at jeongguk.

oh yes. fuck yes. that's that stare little koo wanted alllll along. it's lusty, heavy, dark and hazy with a glint of something raw and primal. along with him biting the inside of his cheek. was serious as ever.!jeongguk felt his dick twitch and hole clench a bit.

jeongguk quirks his eyebrow with a michevious little smirk on his perfect little fucking face.

"hmm sorry, I'm off to the restroom! I'll be right back." jeongguk suddenly chimes in, getting up and making sure to sway his hips, to saunter and send a quick smirk to taehyung. and jeongguk can feel the burn of some people staring at his body from the back. he takes pride in it.

a few minutes later, taehyung offers more or less the same excuse. his hands in his pockets, walking to the restroom.

it was large. and fancy. the stalls were spacious and the walls had intricate gold woodwork too. and mirrors illuminated with lights.

his steps echoed in the room, the hollow sound making jeongguks stomach flip in anticipation.

taehyung made sure there was no one else in the restroom; stall doors slacked open except for one. he nears it, and in the blink of an eye, he was dragged inside by his arm. pressed up against the closed door.

the first thing he saw was that mischievous, sly, little, annoying smirk on his flawless little face. red lips curled up.

the dangerous glint in his eyes flashed before taehyung. he crossed his arms.

"wow, jeongguk. didn't know you were that needy, hm?" taehyung spits, holding onto the others jaw that dipped down in embarrassment already. he knew it was fake embarrassment, knew how really, jeongguk got off on this.

"whore for attention. you want all eyes on you, at all times. that's kinda pathetic." taehyung grumbles lowly, talking him down, watching his cheeks blossom red slowly. he keeps his burning stare on him, never faltering.

he hears jeongguk mumble something, weakly.

"speak louder, bitch. where's that confidence gone when you were moaning down my ear like a desperate slut in front of all those people?" and jeongguk stares him right in the eye, loving this taehyung so fucking much.

he bites his lip, holding back a gasp.

"no, only want your attention..." he mumbles, pouting as if that will help anything. his doe eyes shining in the artificial light.

"is that so?" taehyung holds his jaw, using his thumb to stroke his cheek as jeongguk sinks into his touch, preening at it. he rubs his cheek against the elders hand, staring up at him with a contented gaze.

his thumb trails down his cheek, grazing over his thin red glossy lips, slowly, tantalisingly slipping his thumb past. jeongguk opens up immediately, taking his finger into his hot, wet, little mouth.

he sucks on it before it was removed then replaced with two other fingers. his tongue swirled around the two intently, slurping and making a slobbering mess with drool falling at the sides of his mouth.

his gaze never left taehyungs.

the elder watched his orbs change from contented to heavy and lusty in seconds. he felt his pants tighten.

"fuck, get my dick wet." and his fingers thread through jeongguk's silky ebony hair as said boy got right on his knees, in front of taehyungs bulge. he wastes no time in unbuttoning his pants, and pushes them down.

taehyung feels jeongguk mouthing over him through his boxers, making him go absolutely nuts, his hips lurching up.

jeongguk pulls out and grabs hold of the others thick, long cock and slaps it against his wet, pink, lolled out tongue before taking him whole with a moan. his tongue flattens out against his shaft, sharpening against that one vein that ran along his cock.

taehyung winces, pushing his own head against the sturdy door, his grip on the youngers hair tightening. he thrusts his hips down his throat, the tip hitting the back of his throat, jeongguk's nose touching taehyungs pubic bone, and with jeongguk moaning with his hot, sweet mouth full, he gets impossibly harder. he sucks sofucking hard, his cheeks narrowing and his big eyes flitting up to give the elder the most sluttiest stare ever.

"holy fuck...." taehyung breathes, trying to level his volume down to not that loud since they were still in a restroom.

"nothing holy here, baby." jeongguk rasps, moving off and delves his tongue into his slit, sucking right on his tip. he gives that stupid grin and taehyung rolls his eyes.

the smaller slows his pace, just to make this even more excruciating for taehyung. gives slow, wet kisses to his length, all the way to his balls and sucks them too.

taehyung gasps and throws his head back out of reflex but hits his head on the door behind him. "ow!" he whines and rubs his head.

"dork..." jeongguk mumbles, rolling his pretty eyes. and starts to suck on the whole length again.

the elder can feel his stomach burn and balls tighten, he knows he's near. and jeongguk knows too by the way he's bobbing his head so eagerly — he fondles his balls too, which makes taehyungs toes curl.

he feels the tide pick up height, preparing to wash over— groaning, he cums down the others throat, pulling on his hair so tight.

"fuck!" taehyung pants, basking in the warm buzz of a satisfying orgasm. just feels a hot tongue giving small little kitten licks, sucking away all the cum from his pink tip.

"god, you're so hot." he says, watching jeongguk, watching that pink mouth do wonders.

"I know!." he giggles, getting off his knees and pulling taehyung by the collar to kiss him hungrily.

their teeth clashing and tongues sucking in their mouths, slobber falls at the sides.

jeongguk pulls away and whispers something in his ear.

"this is a hotel, no? let's get a room... I have a surprise for you..." and the way he says it is so sexy and seductive; it's raspy and has a quirk of that cute, excited voice jeongguk has.

and taehyung, of course being the king of boners, could feel himself get hard again, but he tries to stop himself for now, thinking about all the people in that room he has to walk through.

"it's a date." taehyung husks, kissing him on his red lips and slapping his pert ass.

they quickly fix themselves up, looking a bit more presentable. they walk out of the stall, and walk into the hall like nothing had happened. only with a quirk of a smirk on their lips when they look at each other.

"taehyungie! go hide the strawberry vodka bottle in your blazer, okay? I hid it behind that plant." jeongguk orders and the other complies easily and when he comes back, he kisses his cheek.

"thank you, hyungie." he winks at him and leads ahead, sauntering, going to the lobby to find the reception desk. taehyung stares at his ass, wow, it looks so round and big and perky and he wonders how he got so lucky.


"coming, darling!" and taehyungs catches up to him, throwing an arm around his small waist.

at the reception, taehyung books a deluxe room and as soon as they have the keycard in hand, they thank the woman briskly, and run to the elevator to make out some more.

the classic fingers tussling through his dark brown locks, while taehyungs hand rested on the small of his back, pushing their bodies closer, tongues down each others throat as they feel each other's bodies up.

they stumble to their room and with a fluid motion, open it and they collapse on the bed. panting, their chests rising and falling and hair messy, splayed on the pillowy bed under them.

taehyung unbuttons his shirt, just lets it hang on him, and he looks so fucking sexy like there's no other word to describe the sight. his tan skin was just gleaming and it seemed he had this godly aura around him. he licks his lips and jeongguk just jumps him.

just jumps ontop of him and snogs him so hard, he swears he can feel his lips turn numb.

"you look too fucking good. I'm gonna need you to fuck me right now or I'll literally combust." jeongguk whispers, sucking his ear and taehyung chuckles/scoffs.

"didn't you say you had a surprise for me?" taehyung quirks his eyebrow and crosses his arms as he watches jeongguk facial expression morph into remembrance.

"wait, oh yeah! I do!" and he shimmies off of taehyungs lap and wiggles his eyebrows. and the elder chuckles at his enthusiasm. cute.

he undoes his pants, slowly; stripteasing wickedly. he pushes them all the way down and kicks them away from his ankles. his legs covered in white lace thigh highs. lord, they look gorgeous. and he's wearing white lace panties with bows at the sides of his hips.

then he undid each button of his silky shirt, until it falls of his shoulders and pools next to his feet. then slid off the lace under top.

"voila!" he giggles, but taehyung feels like he's short circuiting.

like someone cut the wire that connected his brain to his mouth.

jeon jeongguk, in standing in front of him like a god. wearing a white lacey corset vest with a bralette that had a little bow in the middle of each cup, that his pecs filled because the man works out. the dip of his little waist, then his wide hips which adorned cute bows. the color of the set just complimented his pale skin, that flushes with pink ever so often.

"got this from yoongi, when he came back from japan... got some more too..." jeongguk drawls, his finger tracing over the intricate thin lace, biting his lip softly.

he watches him to study the elders reaction, which is just wide eyed, gawking at his body. he huffs and tuts, and puts his hands on his hips.

"taehyung!" he whistles, trying to get him back, and when he does, taehyung grabs him by the hands so he falls on the bed with a squeak and snogs him again. with a different fervour, immediacy, different crackling fire and scorching heat.

the smaller smirks into the kiss, feeling taehyungs big hands run along his skin, his body, over every curve, worshiping him as he straddles his (taehyungs) thighs.

jeongguk bites on his taehyungs lip, staring at him. palming his boner through his pants. his eyes holding a glassy glint, bordering mischievous and arousal.

"fuck... face down, ass up. now." he orders, his deep, velvety voice is resonant and rings throughout the room.
jeongguk does as he's told immediately, and he can hear the sound of him zipping down the zipper and kicking off his pants. he can hear that distinct crinkling of fabric; taehyung removing his shirt.

then he feels warm hands on his marshmallowy ass, so soft and big. he kneads it for a bit, hearing jeongguk sigh contentedly, runs his fingers over the skin, then slaps it, watching the pale skin ripple and redden.

jeongguk moans unabashedly.

"want more?" taehyung mumbles against his honey skin, leaning over to place wet kisses to the arch of his back. he gets his answer when jeongguk begins to whine and circle his hips again, rolling them against the elder.

his large hands slip over the small of his back, tracing his fingertips over his soft skin, over his wide hips, and to his thighs instead. just to tease him more. jeongguk feels flustered, with the lingering touch dancing against his skin. he feels so sensitive.

his cheeks adorn a red blush, as he whines softly, chewing on his lip with his pearly bunny teeth.

"you like that, don't you?" whispers taehyung, knowing full well what buttons to press now. his touch inches back up to his ass, to fondle before laying a slap to it. his skin tinting red almost instantaneously.

"mhhm hm..." he hums, his breath hitching in his throat as his eyes flutter shut.

he feels taehyung move off the bed, and hears the rummaging off wooden drawers. ah, here it is. the elder rolls a condom all the way on his thick cock.

jeongguk feels his warm hands back on his ass. rubbing the skin again. he then feels taehyung unhook the thigh garter, and slips down his pretty little panties and he feels the cold air on his nakedness. then feels a small kiss on his ass.

he croons at it.

cold. he felt the cold, viscous lube drip down his asscheeks and he couldn't help but let a moan escape his throat. taehyung then coated his slender fingers generously and pushed one in his puckered hole. his back arches with a small cry.

he mutters a 'fuck' under his breath and rolls his hips against the finger in him. squirming until taehyung slaps his ass again.

"so goddamn desperate....behave." taehyung whispers, his voice an octave lower than normal, thrusting the finger in and out, curling it.

jeongguk hums, head in the bed, rolling his hips steadily. one of his hands trail down to his cock, pumping the at the rigid, hard length, pre cum dripping at the tip and onto the bed.

he feels two more other fingers jammed in, stretching him gloriously, his eyes rolling back as he feels the elders long, long digits thrust in to the hilt then right back to the fingertip then back in, feeling his fleshy hot walls grip him.

jeongguks hair was sticking to his forehead from sweat and tears, his lips in a 'o' shape almost all the time as he feels the digits brush against that engorged bundle of nerves sitting in him.

"hnnn, so g-good." the little one hiccups, reaching to flick his cute nipples.

"is that so?" but the fingers pull out of him. his throat hurts, whining at the loss, his hole winking emptily. that was so mean. hmph.

jeongguk felt like saying something, he was so far into it, he was just so content with his hyungs fingers stuck in him. he huffs and rolls onto his back, and there beholds the most cutest angry face ever. his arms crossed too, tears streaking his reddening cheeks, thigh high fallen a bit, one bralette strap slipping against his upper arm. his bitten bottom lip wobbling at bit.

"don't try to pull that on me, doll." he whispers softly against his pouty lips, placing a chaste kiss to them.

jeongguk sinks into his touch, albeit short as ever. he purrs when he feels those large hands on his thighs, stroking up and down. then he feels taehyungs red cockhead at his entrance.

with one staggered push because of the tightness of his hole, taehyung bottoms out. and the younger squirms and relishes in the girth and length of it. his toes curl.

he begins to drill into him, balls slapping against his ass. its sudden and knocks the air out of jeongguks lungs, and his fingers scramble and grab at the matress under him.

he makes sure he's folded like a good slut for his hyungie, all out for him to destroy.

relentlessly, taehyungs fat cockhead hammers dead on his prostate, which makes jeongguk go all slack jawed, mouth letting out these gurgled moans like some mindless whore.

"you always feel so good, baby." the larger kisses down his neck, jeongguk gasping with a little mantra of 'yes's. tilting his neck for more access. his hole sucks him in so good, gripping the length in such way taehyung thrusts stutter a bit.

he continues to plough into him until he feels that heat in his stomach again, but decides to ride it out slowly, savouring the moment.

his thrusts drag deliciously, long and firm, rolling his hips to make sure jeongguk could remember the heaviness, length and thickness of his cock in him. jeongguk withers; hes just so overstimulated and overwhelmed by how good it feels. his body is flush with pink, and he's all whiny and loud. god, his dick is so far in him, he thinks that he can feel it in his tummy.

taehyungs lips attach to his pert nipples, his tongue circling it, sucking it and it all makes jeongguk cry as he cums, spurting onto his chest, his red hole tightening like crazy around the cock buried in him.

and then, so does taehyung, cumming deep inside the condom. he moves out shortly.

"you did so well, lovie." taehyung peppers kisses all over the youngers pink, teary, face.

taehyung removes the condom and bins it, while slipping on his boxers again (gives the other enough time to slip out of subspace) and falls onto the bed with jeonggukie, snuggling with him. his face in the crook of his neck. just for a bit, taehyung wants to message his baby; because he was a little rough on him.

so, they both hop into the shower, all steamy and hot, and taehyung washes jeongguk for him; lathering his soft hair with shampoo and washing away everything with a shower cream (very very gently!) he kisses his lips once, and he smiles that pearly bunny smile and his nose scrunches and taehyung realised he would and could sacrifice everything for him.

as soon as he gets out, ties a towel around his babys hair and dries the water from his body (which smelt like peaches) then makes him lay down on his stomach.

"bonjour, I am monsieur taehyung. I will be your personal masseuse today!" jeongguks hears his boyfriend say with a funny french accent. he snickers and wiggles his ass.

"ah really? I need some serious tlc since some guy with a big dick obliterated me." he snarks back lightly and he hears taehyung scoff.

he then squirts some lovely smelling lotion on his hands, warming it up and gently rubs circles onto jeongguks back. those slender fingers slide up and down his spine, splaying out when reaches the broad of his shoulders and messages them. jeongguk hums and melts like putty in his hold.

his touch then slides to his back, hands moving up and down his dainty little waist. then his hands leave his body to put more lotion on. his fingers spread to accommodate the voluptuous curve of his ass, rubbing over in circles. then lingering fingers slip down to his thick, soft thighs.

the smaller moans in delight; this felt sooo heavenly right now!

his fingers move to his inner thighs sneakily and koos eyes crack open.

"no wondering hands, dude! don't wanna get hard again." jeongguk makes clear, slight pout in his voice.

"you say that as if it's a bad thing!" taehyung says jokingly, obviously knowing that jeongguk is tired and pats his butt.

"also, you're calling me 'dude' as if I didn't have my dick up you a couple of minutes ago." he deadpans, smirking when jeongguk cranes his neck to roll his eyes at him.

"well sorry! I thought you were monsieur taehyung, the masseuse!"

"oh yeah. yez, sorry! ze american accent comss out sometimes, don't mind it!" taehyung reminds himself and humoured, all jaunty and silly. he makes jeongguk giggle once again, a sound that will never fail to make him giddy.

taehyung then finishes up the massage, rubbing every bit of soft skin in a thin layer of lotion.

"all done, young sire!" taehyung pats the others ass to tell him that he can get up and change into his clothes so that they can leave.

"isn't that a british accent?" jeongguk points out while slipping on his pants.

"ah, same difference." he puts on his own clothes too, making the room look somewhat presentable even though a cleaner is going to replace and clean everything again. he's not cruel.

once they've both finished dressing, they leave holding hands because why not. taehyung returns the keycard and smiles.

the party was very much over and done with only the bartender wiping down the counter and cleaners sweeping away the confetti and balloons.

and as for the bottle of strawberry vodka, jeongguk still held onto that with a laugh, taking a small swig from it. taehyung holds his waist close to him, as they walk back to his car.

jeongguk stares at him. no shame. just... admiring taehyung. his messed, inky, glorious hair, still half wet from the shower. his gleaming tan skin, the first few buttons of his shirt undone and blazer on. his bitten, plump pink lips  wrapped around an unlit cigarette. he looks otherworldly. simply gorgeous, ravishing. utterly irresistible.

they drive back to taes place.

jeongguk was at his place so often he even had his own toothbrush and pyjamas there, although he loves stealing taehyungs big, comfy shirts. just loved everything about them.

so, as soon as they got in, jeongguk went straight to the bedroom to change into some shorts and a baggy tshirt via his hyungie and jumped straight into bed and taehyung changed and did the same, happily falling asleep, satisfied with a buzzed feeling settling in their gut. intertwined with each other, feeling slumber whisk them away for the night.

thanks for reading and thank you for 32.6k views! I appreciate it immensely!

a/n: ALSO! I would like to clarify this before I send this chapter out. in my head, I forgot about the order of events and stuff, so keep in mind, this is very much a work of fiction!
(I know they drank alcohol and taehyung shouldn't be drinking and driving but this is fiction! please, for the love of god, don't drink and drive in real life! I must also highlight I'm not trying to glorify/romanticise drink driving in any way, shape or form! I thoroughly condone it.)

to consolidate this, here are some drink driving facts to keep in mind:

more likely to be involved in a fatal crash, if you have 50-80 mg alcohol per 100ml blood, compared to 0ml.

more likely to die on the roads, if you have 20-50mg alcohol per 100ml of blood, compared to 0ml.

more likely to be at fault in road collisions, if you have 10mg alcohol per 100ml, compared to 0ml.

> source: brake.org.uk

understand that drink driving is very real and very destructive in real life. it can take lives. be wary and careful.

thank you.

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