Arrange Marriage

By RidhZ27

58.2K 1.5K 134

Louis, an omega was forced by his father to marry the Styles triplets. The most powerful business men in the... More

I'm so sorry


4.6K 106 13
By RidhZ27

28 September 2013

Louis was siting in his room doing absolutely nothing. He was done with his work an hour before. He heard a knock on his door. It must be his mom, the omega thought because she's the one who knocks on the door. Others usually barge in.

His beautiful mother, Jay entered his room making him smile at her. She sat beside him with a worried face. Louis asked,"What happened mommy?". She sighed and replied,"Nothing honey. You need to come and help me in the kitchen". Louis nodded and stood up. They both went downstairs to their million dollars kitchen. His father was rich but not in his thoughts.

He didn't treat Louis and his mum right. Saying they're omega they were often beaten or insulted. He was really angry when Louis came out as omega. Because he was his only son.

"Louis make sure you look good tonight and do not wear anything revealing" Mark said making Louis turn into his direction. Louis nodded and replied,"Okay father". He hmmed and ordered,"Make the dinner now. The guests will be here soon".

"Who's coming mommy?" Louis asked in curiosity. Jay replied,"Styles family". Louis nodded. He didn't knew who they were. He never knew any of his father's friends because he never met any. He wasn't allowed to be any near alphas knowing how they would react that Louis was still unmarked.

Louis was always scared of going out. Regular harassment was something he was used to of. He had many situations like these when the alpha grabs him out of no where. Louis can just scream and do nothing else. Louis sighed and continued working.

After the dinner was ready Louis decided to get ready as the family was ten minutes away from their house. He decided to be simple and wear a black full sleeve shirt and black skinny jeans. He didn't really had that much clothes. His clothes are mostly torn because his father won't allow him to buy new ones.

Only the alpha's get new clothes and fresh food.

"Louis" Jay said entering the omega's room. Louis turned around to see him mum in almost tears. He quickly hugged and asked,"What happened mommy? Did he hit you again?". Jay shaked her head as she replied,"I'm sorry Louis. I wish I could make you an alpha". Louis sighed and said,"Mommy it's not your fault. Please don't cry". She buried her face in Louis' shoulders crying on him. He hated when his mum cried. He felt so defenceless all the time.


Reaching downstairs Louis helped his mommy set the table up. When they were setting it up, they heard the bell ring. Jat went upto open the door as Mark stood infront.

Louis decided to go the kitchen not wanting any more scolding from his father.

"Mark, my man, how are you?" Des asked opening his arms for him. Mark hugged him as he said,"All good man. All good". They both parted away as Mark asked,"Where are you sons?". Des replied,"They are here. Meet my sons Edward, Marcel and Harry".

The triplets shaked hands with Mark. They knew why they were here. They were basically forced into all of this.

"She's my omega, Anne" Des introduced his wife. The system wasn't any different at the Styles house. Omega's weren't allowed to speak for themselves but stay by the side of their alpha.

"Come let's head in" Mark suggested. They all went ahead and settled at the table as Anna and Jay were told to bring in the food. Jay took Anne with her as they saw Louis standing in the kitchen Jay said,"Anne this is my son Louis". Anne said,"So this is Louis". Louis turned hearing his name. He could feel the presence of some strong scent.

How does one alpha bring in this much scent.

"Mommy who's outside?" Louis asked. Anne said,"Oh you might be having in the scents of my sons". Louis hmmed in response. Anne could tell the omega didn't knew a thing that why they were here. Anne asked Jay,"Doesn't he know?". Jay shaked her head and replied,"I couldn't and his father didn't tell him. I don't know how he will take the news". Anne replied,"Its okay. I hope he doesn't break down". Jay hmmed in response.

"Louis come here" Mark ordered. Louis didn't knew why he was called outside. Louis turned to his mum who nodded. Louis moved outside when the scent only became stronger.

There were alphas in the room. Louis gulped the lump in his throat and went ahead shyly.

"Triplets this is my son, Louis"

Louis glances to the alphas infront of him. They looked so similar. One of them had long curly hair with a pair of beautiful green eyes. He wore a rather bold suit.

The other had mid-length hair with the same pair of eyes. He was looking directly into the omega's eyes.

The other had short hair but they looked good on him. They were attractive but Louis was scared. Scared knowing how harsh an alpha can get.

The triplets were so amazed by the omega's beauty. There mouth left hanging when the beauty entered the room. They quickly joined their minds.

He's so beautiful. Harry said.

I know. Do you think he knows?
Marcel replied looking at the omega.

I don't think by the type of clothes he's wearing. Edward said looking at the holes in the shirt the omega wore.

"Sons what do you think?" Des asked. Edward asked,"Can we talk to him in private?". Mark tenses upon the question. He immediately replied,"No. No it's our tradition that the alpha can't meet Omega before the marriage".


Louis thought to himself. He wasn't told about anything today. But he decided to stay quite and keep his head down. Mark said,"Come. Sit there" pointing to the seat between the alphas. Louis replied with an okay father and sat there. The triplets glanced at him as he sat beside them.

He's so cute Eddie. Harry said.

I know but I feel bad. He didn't knew. Edward replied.

How can we talk to him if he's not allowed to meet us? Marcel asked.

As Edward could reply Des said,"He's a quite one". Mark replied,"He is taught to be one. Omegas are supposed to be quite". Des agreed as Harry looks towards Louis who wasn't comfortable in this conversation. They decided to change the topic as Edward asked,"So does he knows or not?". Mark replied,"No he didn't knew but I'm sure he won't hesitate to answer now".

Everyone turned to Louis making him nervous. Mark asked,"Louis you are going to marry the triplets. You are okay with it. Right? It's from you consent. Right?". Louis nodded and replied,"Yes father". Marcel glanced at Edward with a worried face knowing he's not ready.

Des said,"Okay it's done then. Here are the papers". Anne and Jay were there glancing at Louis. He was trying to keep his cries inside. He didn't even knew that this day was going to be his wedding day.

28 september

Louis repeated in his mind. He slowly looked at the paper that were handed to Mark. He said,"First the triplets will sign and then Louis and then we all can". Everyone agreed. Louis knew his treatment would start from now. The way his father treated his mum. It would be the same. He'd be forced to mate and have pups with the alphas.


"Here" Edward pointed the pen where Louis had to sign. He held the pen from him and signed where he's supposed to. Everyone stood up clapping as Anne and Jay were called to sign. Louis looked at his mum with sad eyes that he had to leave her now.

"Jay take Louis and pack his stuff" Mark ordered. Jay replied with an okay taking Louis and Anne in his room. As they entered the room, Louis broke down in his mum's arms. Jay said,"Shh baby" rubbing his back. He asked,"W-Why didn't y-you tell me before mommy?". Jay replied,"I'm sorry honey. I wanted to but couldn't. I'm so sorry". Anne felt so helpless looking at how the omega wasn't even knowing this was his last day with his mum.

But who were they to decide. It's an omega's life.

"Baby. Listen to me. Please be a good omega" Jay said. Louis didn't reply but nodded.

"Ready?" Mark asked. Louis replied,"Yes father". Louis hugged his mum for the last time as she was pulled back soon by Mark. Louis bitted on his lower lip and waver to her.

"We're going back son. Take your omega home and then we all will meet at the ball" Des said to his sons. The triplets nodded and opened the door of the car from their mum.

They hugged her last time as she sat inside.

"We should lesve" Harry said. There was so much awkwardness in the air but they could see that Louis wasn't happy. Louis sat with Harry at the back seat as Marcel drove and Edward sat in the front seat.

"Can we ask you something Louis?" Edward asked. Louis replied,"Yes Alpha". He asked,"Did you not know why we were here?". He replied,"No Alpha". Harry asked,"So you had no idea?". Louis replied,"No Alpha".
Marcel sighed and said,"We're sorry you were forced into this". Harry said,"Yeah but we'll treat you right".

Edward said,"Louis you don't have to be scared of us". Louis didn't reply but sighed. He wasn't sure if they were saying the truth because his mum had told him how his father was before marriage. He used to love her so much but after marriage he became abusive.

"We're here" Marcel said. Louis looked outside the window to see an huge mansion. Bigger than his home. As he moved out, Harry carried his bag and led him inside.

He saw the big grey couch in the middle. The house was more black. He assumed the Alpha's liked black slot.

"Do you want a tour?" Marcel asked. Louis shaked his head still scared they might snap at him for not answering. Edward said,"Let's get him to eat something first. I saw you didn't eat well there". Harry replied,"Yeah I'll call Dave". Harry left the omega's side calling in for their chef.

"Can we talk Louis?" Marcel asked. Louis nodded as they all took him to another place in the house. It was a big dining right infront of the kitchen.

Harry was talking to Dave explaining him how he wants the food for his omega. It was only Louis who didn't knew about the marriage. The triplets knew it a month ago. They had seen a picture of Louis but never in person. Everyone in their office also knew so it wasn't a surprise fro Dave either.

"I am Edward. You probably don't even know our names. I am the eldest of all of them" Edward introduced himself.

"I am Marcel. I'm an the middle one" Marcel introduced himself with a smile.

"I am Harry and I'm the youngest" Harry said.

Louis didn't look at them keeping his eyes down.

"You can look up love" Edward said.


Louis looked up at his alphas. It broke their heart hearing him sniff.

"Is everything okay dear" Harry asked moving to Louis. Louis shaked his head and apologized. Marcel said,"No need to apologize baby". Edward said,"Louis. Is anything disturbing you?".

Louis finally spoke.

"That I was forced into a marriage with three alphas whose names were unknown to me"

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