High School Broly (Story Rema...

By LegendarySaiyan9576

439 12 5

*I do not own H.S. DxD and DBS Broly* Broly loses against the Metamoran Fusion: Gogeta, but Cheelai saves him... More

Chapter 2: Showing the world pt.1

Chapter 1: The lost saiyan

264 7 1
By LegendarySaiyan9576

High School Broly OP 1 [Blood Drunk-JT Music] (Concept Opening)

Narrator's POV

With a destructive between Gogeta Blue who is the fusion of Goku and Vegeta he started to dominate Broly with a supermassive gap between power as Broly's friends, Cheelai which was green short girl, and Lemo who was the orange short experienced man from the Frieza force, robbed the Dragon Balls to save Broly as they activated it with a help of Kikono, a yellow alien with long eyes.

Frieza: "What? No!"

The dragon appears from the ice continent saying...

Shenlong: "I shall grant you any one wish within my power."

Cheelai: *Sarcasm* "Ok. What do we say next? Well FINE! Then I'll shoot!"

As she says as her gun is threatening Kikono if he doesn't say anything... Kikono shakes his head and secretly states in panic.

Kikono: "No! No! Please don't! I'll read it now! *Gets his paper from his grasp* It just says whatever you want to wish for!"

Cheelai: "That's all? I thought it would be harder. ALRIGHT LISTEN UP DRAGON!

As Cheelai and Lemo working with the Dragon balls, Meanwhile Gogeta and Broly's fight wasn't finished


As Broly screams as he rushes towards Gogeta directly but he dodges Broly's attacks and kicks Broly as Broly blocks but Gogeta gives him another but it connected with Broly as Broly shoots a big blast but Gogeta dodges it with ease and punches Broly while flying directly to him, as Broly shoots more blast separately but Gogeta dodges it and keeps punching Broly as later Gogeta flies back to Broly as both of them clash fists and break reality again, but Broly is the one who is sent up flying and Gogeta punches him in the gut as later punches him again with his hand glowing making Broly get stuck in an attack from Gogeta as Gogeta puts his hands in form of an x and blows Broly away while Whis and Bulma look at the battle.

Whis: "How truly magnificent, I think this battle is coming to a rousing finale."

Said Whis smiling as Gogeta puts his hands together around his torso.

As Broly loses from the fight, Gogeta did finally uses Full Force Kamehameha.

Gogeta: "KAAAAAAAAA MEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAA MEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" screamed Gogeta firing a gigantic blast from his hands as Broly return to is hsenses but can't dodge the blast.

It was too late to block or counter his ultimate but Cheelai wishes to Shenron...

Cheelai: "SEND BROLY, AND SEND HIM TO A WORLD WHERE NO ONE WILL HARM HIM, PLEASE DRAGOOOOOO!!!" screamed Cheelai as Broly disappears in front of Gogeta's Full Force Kamehameha.

(Ends music)

Shenlong: "You wish has been granted, fare thee well!!!" said Shenlong as he returns to the Dragon Balls and scatters through the entire world. Broly was losing his consciousness really fast, as he felt changes in his body, but he only felt pain, as he returned to his base form. Broly was losing his consciousness really fast, as he felt changes in his body, but he only felt pain, as he returned to his base form.

Broly: "Ch-Ch-Cheelai... thank... you, for saving... me." said Broly as he loses consciousness.

In another world

There was a girl with red hair and blue eyes, leaving school, walking to a house, until she saw from the sky a meteor, she tried to see the meteor, and she realized that what she was seeing, wasn't a meteor, but a man, and falling extremely fast.

Rias: "Who is that? Whoever he is, he is falling really fast, I should catch up and look at him." said the girl, revealing some wings, as she flew to that falling person.

That person was none other than Broly, falling really fast, he was unconscious, falling at extreme speed, when he fell in a forest, he created a crater, and leaving a lot of wind in the area, as the girl saw the tree, moving a lot their leaves on how much wind there was. The girl flew down and saw Broly in the crater, injured, shirtless. The girl was shocked, seeing him like this, she flies down, and quickly checks his injuries, they were bad, most of his injuries weren't from cuts, more of them are from burns and broken bones. He had broken ribs, broken, fractured left shoulder, and a fractured right leg. Broly was 100% down for the count, the girl was a little worried, on what to do with him, she couldn't leave him there, but she didn't knew either anything about him. But she decided to take him, she made a portal, a red circle in the ground, who took her and Broly.

The girl arrives to a clubhouse with Broly's body, Broly's body weight is around 220 lbs, but because of his injuries, the girl couldn't hold him. A girl with black hair and purple eyes came to the clubhouse, she saw the girl with crimson hair, with Broly on the floor, very injured and bleeding a little.

???: "President! Who is this handsome man?" asked the black-haired girl.

Rias: "I don't know, he came from the sky, I thought it was a meteor, but I later saw that it was him, but... something tells me that he is not human, nor a demon or an angel, he is different Akeno."

Akeno: "What do you mean?"

Rias: "I mean, he is not human, and deep inside him, he has a potential that I have never dreamed of existing, is like a... God-like potential.." said the crimson-haired girl, as Akeno looks at him, making her and the other girl blink and see a vision.

Akeno: "Rias, what is this?" asked Akeno, as Rias didn't know.

Rias: "Don't know, but... LOOK!!!"

Rias said as she and Akeno saw a man, with blue hair, a vest with yellow padding with his obi, being blue with, white pants and black shoes. They saw him and were left confused.

Akeno: "Another handsome man, is the best day of my life!"

Akeno said with a blush and cute face, but the cute face was interrupted as they started to hear a grown.


Screamed none other than LSSJ Broly, as the girls weren't amazed but scared, he was almost 10 feet tall, he was also bulky, scary and his power, was enough to scare them, they saw guts of wind coming from him, he was a complete monster when Broly stopped screaming, he flew to the man, as it was Gogeta when he flew at them, they were pushed from that dream, pushing them to a wall, as they both collided with a brick of walls.

Rias: "What was that?"

asked Rias, as she remembers as she saw at that monster, that it was someone with scars, in his left cheek, left bicep and an X shape scar on his left nipple and two small ones in his abdomen, Rias realized it and saw at Broly once again, and saw that the scars he had and the monster were the same.

(Starts music)

She kept trying, but it seems that they were stuck. She started to smell, and it smelled at a rotten human body, she saw Broly's green fur, around him.

Rias: "Well, at least let me take that off, it smells awful!"

Rias said as when she touches her fur, she sees a quick memory from Broly, she saw Broly, with those exact clothes, but with a black tight shirt and a metallic collar around his neck, he was around Cheelai and Lemo, she hears Broly talking.

(Stops music)

(Starts music)

Broly: "This is Bah's ear."

Cheelai: "Oh, you mean that fur pelt?"

Broly: "I was friends with Bah. Bah was a big, beast. Even bigger than this ship. He went 'bah bah', so I named him that. Bah was very fierce. Every day I trained by dodging his attacks and we became friends. Best friends."

Lemo: "So he was your first friend."

Broly: "He was, but Father got angry, since being friends with Bah wasn't training. And so... Father shot off Bah's ear with a gun.
Bah was mad. He was never my friend again. So I keep his ear with me, to remember when he was my friend, my first and only friend."

Broly said as everyone felt really bad. Rias saw at Broly, as she threw some tears from her eyes.

(Returns DXD music)

She comes out from the dream, and stops touching Broly's fur, she had tears, but she touches it, but only to stroke his fur.

Rias: "Bah, his first-ever friend? What has he went through?"

She asked with tears, she knew that she couldn't take Broly's clothes off, so she had to take her clothes off, and see if the healing at least cures the bad parts of his body, she gets in the bed with Broly, breathing a little heavy, she got comfortable and went to sleep, as she heals Broly.

Rias: "Broly... that's his name, Broly!"

She said as she falls asleep

(Ends music)

It was morning, the first to wake up was Broly, he was not cured completely, but most of his biggest injuries were healed, he looked everywhere, and was really confused, he didn't knew where he was.

Broly: "Where... am I?"

Asked Broly confused while he started to get up, he felt a little pain, but he was able to stand up.

Broly: "I'm... healed!"

Broly said as he touches his chest, he felt movement behind him, he looked back, and there was someone under a sheet.

Broly: "Who's there?"

Broly said as he slowly moved his hand to the sheets, and when he took the sheet, he saw a complete naked crimson-haired with blue eyes girl, Broly was confused.

Broly: "Who is she?"

Asked Broly as the girl was Rias Gremory. Broly touches a couple of times between her breasts to wake her up.

Broly: "Excuse me, excuse me!"

Said Broly as the girl starts to wake up, she opens her eyes and the first thing she sees is Broly in front of her, with a normal face.

Rias: "Good morning!"

Rias said with a smile as Broly was now confused.

Rias: "What were you're name? Was it... Brony?"

Asked Rias with a cute smile.

Broly: "Broly."

Broly said with his normal tone, but he still was confused about where he was and who she is. "Who are you? Where am I?" asked Broly while Rias yawns and cuddles a little.

Rias: "I'm Rias Gremory, I am a demon, and now basically you serve me, since I found you in a forest, injured."

Rias said as Broly was nothing but even more confused.

Broly: "What's a demon?"

Broly said as Rias gives him a surprised face.

"Please tell me that you're not joking, don't you really know what a demon is?" asked Rias as Broly moves his head saying no.

Rias: "I'll tell you later what is a demon."

Rias said as she yawns, but Broly was still confused, so he decided to walk away from the room, but Rias grabs his hand, stopping him.

Broly: "What... are you doing?"

Asked Broly really confused.

Rias: "Aren't you going to tell me anything about yourself?"

Asked Rias as Broly just stayed quiet.

Rias: "You aren't much a conversational person, are you Broly?"

Asked Rias as Broly once again moved his head saying no.

Rias: "Well... are you hungry?"

Asked Rias, as Broly nodded really fast, making Rias get up and puts her bras and panties, and walks to the kitchen with Broly.

(starts music)

Rias starts to grab some stuff from the fridge, as Broly looks at everything that there's on the fridge, the first thing he took to try was some strawberries. Rias saw him that he grabbed some strawberries.

Broly: "What are these, redpointing things?"

Broly asked, as Rias told him nicely, but in her mind, she couldn't believe that he didn't know what are strawberries, but all that's due to him being on an inhospitable planet.

Rias: "Those are some strawberries, try one."

Rias said as Broly grabs one strawberry, he smells it and eats it in one bite, and he likes it a lot.

Broly: "Very juicy, and sweet."

Broly said with a smile, he eats another one and ends eating them, as he puts them on the fridge, he looks at another thing, he grabs some pizza cheese, he opens it and grabs a little with his big hand, he eats it and likes it a lot more.

Broly: "What is this?"

Broly asked.

Rias: "That is cheese!"

Rias said, while Broly puts the bag of cheese in the fridge, smelled the food, and walked to where Rias's cooking, and looks at what she's cooking, and asks. +

Broly: "What are you making?"

Rias: "Just some pancakes and eggs."

Rias said as Broly looks shocked.

Broly: "Those are eggs? They're so... small."

Broly said as Rias looks at him.

Rias: "Small?" Rias asked as Broly nods.

Broly: "The ones of Vampa were very big, I could fit in them with no problem."

Broly said shocking a little Rias.

Rias: "Well, the food is ready, have a sit."

Rias said with a smile, as Broly nods and sits in a chair. Broly sits down, while Rias puts the pancakes and eggs in front of Broly, and sits to eat. Broly looks at the food, and smells it, he saw also a fork and a knife, but he didn't have the minimum idea of what those were. So he decided to grab the 3 pancakes that he had in front of him, and eat with his bare hands, he ate it in one bite, Rias saw him that he just ate 3 pancakes in just one bite.

Rias: "He is a complete caveman!"

She thought as Broly starts to taste the pancake.

Broly: "Is really good!"

Broly said, as Rias was completely shocked, Broly saw how she used the fork, and tried to put that to a test, as he starts to eat the eggs with the fork, but at intense speed, as he finished it in 3 seconds. Rias has barely eaten 3 bites on one pancake, and Broly just finished with his food. +

Broly: "Thank you for the food, I am grateful!" Broly stands up and starts to walk away.

Rias: "You can just say thanks, no need to be all formal,"

Rias said with a smile.

Broly: "Thank you!"

Broly said as he walks outside, as he now realizes that he doesn't have a shirt, so he walks back in.

Rias: "What's wrong?"

Rias said and gave a confused facial expression, Broly went close to her.

Broly: "Do you have a shirt for me?"

Broly asked kindly, as Rias puts her hand in Broly's chest and creates a black shirt, very identical to the one, he had before he arriving on Planet Earth to fight Vegeta and Goku.

Broly: "Thanks for the shirt!" said Broly while he starts to walk, but Rias stops him.

Rias: "Can you... wait for me till I finish? If you wait, I can show you around the whole city!"

Rias said as Broly nods and sits on the sofa, he couldn't believe how comfy the couch was, Broly could even fall asleep in a matter of minutes. +

Rias: "At least he is kind and pacific."

Rias thought and gave a smile.

(Ends music) +

To be continued...

A/N: This is the Remastered Version of High School Broly, the second chapter and all of the chapters where the dreams contain fragments of a strange figure that went too far from another places.

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