I Want You, John (PepsiCola \...

By unfogging_fanfiction

21.3K 806 234


Home Sweet Home
To The Pool
Water Fight
The Drive In
a walk in the park
A Day Well Spent
Water Balloons
The First Rainy Day
Let's Not Shop Till We Drop
Bad Dreams
Heading Home
Laundry Day
catching up
cheeky butt secks
Home Alone
Too soon?

first meeting

2.2K 62 34
By unfogging_fanfiction

You and John Egbert have been best friends for years. You tell each other everything. But the one thing you haven't told him is.. You're completely in love with him. You've never even seen him.you've just talked to him on pesterchum.

But all that's going to change soon, cause John, Jade, and Rose are on a plane to Texas right now. You all figured it would be a good idea to meet up eventually, and now just seemed to be a good time.

It took you forever to decide who's place you guys would stay at, but after about twenty minutes of constant bickering on pesterchum, you figured that Bro is laid back enough to not give a shit what you do, so you run your idea past your friends and they all agree. And since Bro is technically an adult, no ones parents have to worry.

It seemed like forever before you got your apartment cleaned up, with empty take out containers and puppets all over the place, it was quite the task. And since your old enough to drive, you can make it to the airport yourself without dangerously disturbing your Bro,who was asleep on the couch, cuddling an empty pizza box.

You now sit in an uncomfortable airport seat and wait for your friends, whose flights are each scheduled five minutes apart. Rose was supposed to get here at 4:00, Jade at 4:05, and john at 4:10. Its currently 4:02. That's when I heard it.

"Dave? Dave is that you?"

You turn around and see a girl who is slightly shorter than you with pale hair and lightly tanned skin. She had thick eyeliner and black lipstick.

She hugs you. " It's Rose. "

"Rose!" You say, awkwardly tapping her back.

" you look so different than I expected!" She said.

" yeah, same, I didn't expect you to be so... Dark." You say.

" I didn't expect you to be so pale, considering you live in Texas."

You feel someone tap your back and you turn to see a girl who is at least six inches shorter than you and she's wearing heels.

"Jade?" You say hopefully.

"Dave!" She says, wrapping her arms around you with her face burried in your stomach.

You tap her back a few time before she yanks you down and wraps her warms around your neck. " Oh god, she's got me in a chokehold." You say. She giggles and lets you go.

"You're so tall!" She says in a dreamy voice.

" And you're so short!" You say in the same voice.

Jade squeels happily and bounces over to rose.

"So, johns not here yet?" Rose asks.

"No, but hopefully he'll get here soon." You say.

" Yeah!" Jade said, adjusting the yarn around her fingers.

"Cool suitcase, jade!" Rose said, gesturing to Jade's newspaper print suitcase.

" Thanks! I bought it from a hobo for $2 and an order of French fries!" Jade says.

Rose starts laughing and jade joins in. Jade snorts loudly and claps her hand over her mouth, still snickering. You look down at your wrist, which is bare, and say " I'm getting kind of worried. Its 4:17 and John isn't here yet."

"I'm right here!" A voice says. Its slightly high pitched.

You look around. That's when you see him, he's walking towards you with a big, toothy grin on his face. Too. Fucking. Cute.

"Oh wow. You're so tiny!" You say.

"Hey! I'm just a late bloomer!" He says, laughing.

"Get over here." You say, crouching down to hug him. You wrap your arms tightly around him and he giggles in your ear.

"John..." You whisper.

You lift him up and he gasps.

"Dave! Don't drop me!" He says, wrapping his legs around your torso.

You start ticking him and he squirms, so you put him down.

"Aww! Why didn't we get that!" Jade says.

You walk over to them and pick them both up, hugging them and shaking them around with jade cackling in your arms. You put them down.

"There now you did" you say.

"I can't believe I finnaly get to meet you guys!" Jade says.

"You can say that again." Rose says,

"Okay. I can't believe I -"

"Jade. Its a figure of speech. You don't actually have to say it again." Rose says, laughing.

You randomly lean down and hug john again. He lays his head on your shoulder and sighs. He smells like pine. You pull away and ruffle his hair.

"I'm Dave's favorite! Hah hah hah hah hahhhh!" He says. "Right Dave?" He says, giving you a sad look. You can't say no to that face. "Sure." You say.

"Told you!" He said, wrapping his arm around my back.

Fighting back a blush, you lead the way to your faded orange truck.

"Why is the door a different color than the rest of it?" Jade asked, giggling.

"Cause its ironic." You say, pushing the shades john gave you 4 years ago up the bridge of your nose. You all pile into the truck and start towards your apartment.

"What's that rattling noise?" Rose asks.

"My nuts." You say. You see Jades face turn red in the rear view mirror.

" the nuts on the hubcaps, I mean." You say, almost smirking.

"I thought you meant-"

"We know" you say in unison with rose and john.

Jade laughs, snorting and smacking her knee.

"This is gonna be great!" Rose says, grinning.

"You're damn right it is."

Okay, so that's it for now. Most chapters probably won't be this long, but I'd love you forever if you'd stick with this. New chapter coming soon.

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