Undeniable Chemistry

By Thingimajiga

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I suddenly crashed to the floor, my papers flying everywhere "Watch where you're going, Jesus!" The middle on... More

Chapter 1 | Hey asshole!
Chapter 2 | Might as well move
Chapter 3 | Office...now!
Chapter 4 | Detention
Chapter 5 | *cough* Tyler *cough*
Chapter 6 | Oh it's on like Donkey Kong
Chapter 7 | Welcome to The Palm Tree Diner
Chapter 8 | Amusement park
Chapter 9 | Panic! At the cafeteria (1/2)
Chapter 10 | Panic! At the cafeteria (2/2)
Chapter 11 | Lovers
Chapter 12 | Seven Minutes In Hell
Chapter 13 | What a day
Chapter 14 | Lilah
Chapter 15 | Warrior
Chapter 16 | Uncharted Territory
Chapter 17 | I won't Rosalie, I promise
Chapter 18 | I'd melt the entire building with these looks.
Chapter 19 | 20 Questions
Chapter 20 | November 25
Chapter 21 | Froyo & Friends
Chapter 22 | Always? Always.
Chapter 23 | Boyfriend
Chapter 24 | That's What I'm Trying To Figure Out
Author's Note (please read)
Chapter 26 | The Sleepover Part 1
Chapter 27 | The Sleepover Part 2
⚠️ Important Message ⚠️
Chapter 28 | The Sleepover Part 3
Chapter 29 | The Sleepover Part 4
Information Session
Chapter 30 | Superhero
⚠️ Attention ⚠️
Chapter 31 | Rollercoaster
Chapter 32 | A Sky Full of Stars
Chapter 33 | Karaoke
Chapter 34 | No Answer
Chapter 35 | I get it now
Chapter 36 | My Story
Chapter 37 | Football and Mishaps
Chapter 38 | Someone You Loved
Chapter 39 | The Truth Revealed
Chapter 40 | I'll never forgive you
Chapter 41 | Just Watch Me
Chapter 42 | I Guess I'm In Love

Chapter 25 | Chemistry

1.1K 42 35
By Thingimajiga

Chapter 25 | Chemistry

"Secret Santa!" Tess and E chirped excitedly before sitting down, food in hand.

"What?" Ty, Ali, Dy and I askin unison

"We should do a secret Santa, it'll be so much fun!" Tessa squealed and clapped her hands together "right!" Ethan agreed while the others murmured in agreement

"What'd ya think?!" E inquired jovially, "it's actually a good idea which makes me think it was Tessa who came up with it." Dy joked, causing a glare from Ethan "I'll have you know I'm intelligent and capable of smart ideas!"

Tyler chuckled "yeah right, you're acting like I don't know you" Ethan glared again and pouted "Izzy, they're being mean!" His whiny voice rang through my ears. Biting my lips to prevent me from smiling I 'scowled' at the boys "boys, do I need to teach you a lesson?"

Tyler, being the annoying son of a gun he is replied with "sure, my room at seven." I turned my face and bit my lip harder trying to ignore my beet-red face. Now they were laughing at me and I flipped them off.

"But no seriously, it'll be fun, let's meet at my place later and talk about it." Dylan continued

"I'm game" Ali spoke

"Sweet, Izzy?"

"Yeah okay but I'll be late, I've got work"

"Thought you started at 6," Dylan said "used to, I changed my shift to 4 - 6"

Before he had time to reply, the sound of the bell cut him off and we all said our goodbyes before heading to our third-period class. "Hey!" I slid into the seat beside Mason "Hey, do you know what we're doing today?" "Free period, we got a sub." "Awesome! So when are you planning on hanging with me and the guys?" "Mason, I told you I'm a busy girl." "How about today?" "Can't, I've got work and I'm hanging with the gang after. You could come."

He laughed "I would like to live to see tomorrow and considering Tyler was ready to murder me last week I'll pass." "Suit yourself, but he's not that bad once you get to know him." He scoffed "I'll bet. Have you been friends for long?" "Nope, we started being friends a few weeks ago but we knew each other before. Kinda hated him but the feeling was mutual on his end." "Oh, yea! Didn't you spill coffee on him a couple of months back?" "Yup," I say popping the p "please elucidate, this I gotta hear."

"So basically it was my first day and I was already in a pissy mood then he crashed into me and told me to watch where I'm going so I called him an asshole which made him angry then he called me a bitch which made me pissed so I poured coffee on him and thus began our feud which lasted until a few weeks ago."

He let out a low whistle "remind me to never get on your bad side." I chuckled, "How long have you and Daniel been friends?" "Hmm..about four years, so the start of high school." "Oh okay nice" "Oh uh" he paused suddenly looking conflicted and uncertain "I heard about...that guy...Carl...I'm sorry. He's a dick, he deserved every punch he got from Tyler and more."

"Thanks but it's in the past now, I'm just living my life besides, few more months then I'm out of this place."

"Very true. So does he fight a lot?" "Who?" "Tyler." "No not really, I heard he used to but he doesn't fight unless someone does something he hates." "Okay, you got any siblings?" "Yea, I brother he's 21" "Oh, does he live with you or...?" "No he lives in Michigan with my aunt cause of uni but I'm not complaining, he's annoying" to emphasize my point I scrunched up my face which made him laugh "well I for one am lucky to be an only child, Daniel's brother is so annoying and Kinsey our other friend which I think you've seen has a sister and oh my God this girl is the biggest drama queen ever. She's the type that makes you wanna run and hide not out of fear but sheer annoyance."

I shivered "Reminds me of someone I know and hate. Hey I have a question."


"Does Daniel...does he..." I pursed my lips together and furrowed my eyebrows

"Just ask, I'm sure it's fine"

"Does he...like Tyler? I mean I know they have some weird tension whenever they see each other but I'm not sure why and Tyler's like a brick wall, he won't tell me..."

"It's a guy thing you wouldn't understand."

"Try me. I'm friends with a few guys."

He sighed and shifted in his seat "out of the boys in your friend group who are you closest to?"

"Mmmm, I'm gonna say, Ethan, he's a goofball but I'd say I'm closest to him."

"See you know that, but from the standpoint of an outsider, they'd think Tyler."


"Okay so from what I saw the day I hung out with you, you and those two girls Alison and Tessa?"

I nodded "okay so you guys are like best friends, you share secrets, have sleepovers and you seem like the type of friends that even their parents know you. With you and Ethan you have a sibling complex. He's the goofy annoying older brother but he's there when you need him, with Dylan it's like he's your cousin but you're so close he's practically your brother."

"Okay, so where does Tyler fit in this?"

"Well from afar, you too seem like the type to hide your feelings and fight as a means to protect yourself but when your guard is down, even a little you see two people who really care about each other, deeper than with your other friends"

"Uh-huh," I say slowly

"I'm serious you guys got this vibe...this...this...ugh what's the word...?" He tapped his finger on the desk and looked around until his eyes locked on a science poster and he smiled "you guys got chemistry."

"Me? And Tyler? Chemistry? I think not. And aren't you supposed to be Daniel's friend?"

"I am, and I know you'd never cheat on him because you're not that type of girl, but it doesn't mean I can't comment on what I see."

"And you see chemistry"

"Not just any chemistry, undeniable chemistry."

"I just denied it so I guess it is deniable."

"You can deny it to me, but it's undeniable because no matter how hard you try you can't deny it to yourself."

I blinked three times before bursting out into laughter, followed by a scolding from the sub.

"That sounds like something out of a book! Omg, that's like a book title or something, undeniable chemistry..." Before I could finish I burst out into laughter again only this time tears brimmed my eyes as I tried to be quiet.

He huffed "you're telling me you two have never had a moment? You've never felt any sort of connection- oh my God I need to stop listening in on my mother's book club meeting, connection, what the fuck am I even saying?"

I giggled "but no seriously, can you honestly sit there and tell me you don't feel anything between you and Tyler? Because I think you do. Don't deny feelings for him. He may be a brick wall but nothing's indestructible, with a little push, I know you can send it tumbling down. Be honest with yourself Bella. Do you have feelings for Tyler?"

I bit my lip

"That's what I thought, face it, Bella, you and Tyler got chemistry and no matter what you tell yourself I know you can feel it too, it's obvious to everyone."

"Why are you telling me all this?"

"Because that's what Danny sees, it's why he's so threatened by him, but I know that if you weren't with Danny you'd be with Tyler, there are no two ways about that. And he knows that too."

"So what you want me to break up with Daniel?"

"Oh God no if he makes you happy by all means please stay with him, all I'm saying is as both of your friends, it's not fair to you guys if you aren't truly happy. Well, he is but not you. I just don't want you wasting your time on something that's bound to have a major explosion. It's not worth it, the faster you get over yourself the faster you can save you and Danny from hurt feelings."

"You're saying all of this but Tyler doesn't even like me, not like that."

"He does, call it male intuition, guys can tell when other guys have feelings for girls, and I'm pretty sure girls can too."

The bell rang leaving me with a very confused brain. "Think about it, yeah? Let's head to gym."

As we walked out of the class, I found Tyler casually leaning against a set of lockers opposite my class. Mason gave me a knowing smirk before walking away. "Hey, what're you doing here?" "You have P.E. right?" "Yea...?" "Great, it's not important. Skip with me?" "Uh yeah I don't know about that I mean I'll get marked absent then I'll get in trouble and yea no."

"I figured you'd say that. C'mon."

"Where are we going?"

He smirked at me then led me down the familiar halls until we stopped in front of the nurse's room. I raised a brow. "Just come on!" He opened the door and pushed me inside.

"Hola Mrs. Garcia!" Tyler greeted with excitement in his voice "Tyler! How lovely of you to grace me with your presence and I see you brought the beautiful Bella, how are you dear?" "I'm good." "So what brings you two here today?"

"Mrs. Garcia I need a favour..." "again?" He nodded "class is good for you Tyler!"

"¡No lo entiendes, apesta! ¡El tipo es un chupa-vidas total!" You don't get it, it sucks! The guy is a total life-sucker!

"Está bien, pero ¿qué pasa con la chica? Ella no parece del tipo que se salta la clase, ¡la pobre niña ni siquiera parece saber lo que está pasando!" Okay, but what about the girl? She doesn't seem like the type to skip class, the poor girl doesn't even seem to know what's going on!

"por favor" please

Mrs. Garcia sighed and took the phone "Hi George this is Helen, I have a student of yours here Isabella Evans, she won't be able to make class today due to a minor injury, please mark her as present, she'll be staying with me for the duration of gym class. Okay, thank you, you too, bye now. Happy now? He'll mark you present but whatever you do stay away from the gym."

"Gracias!" Thank you Tyler called out before we walked away. "So, what now?"

"Well the film students are on an excursion so the film studies room is free..." he pulled out a USB "I've got movies on here that need watching." I sighed "lead the way Mr. I skip-class" his smirk made a reappearance as he ushered me to the film room. "Do you need a ride after your shift? I saw that you didn't bring your car." He voiced out as he began to set us up for the movie. "Oh, yea that's great thanks!" He shot me a small smile before turning back to the laptop. He sighed "I'm gonna kill him."

"Who?" I asked slightly amused "Ethan, he deleted all the movies I had on here and put Boss Baby instead." He hung his head and shook it. "Well I haven't seen Boss Baby so let's watch it!" He started the movie and sat beside me. I didn't miss how he had his arm draped around my seat and how close we were sitting to each other.

Despite Tyler's several comments about the movie such as

"How can a baby even talk?"

"What baby wears a suit?"

"Seriously? How are the parents this clueless"

"He showed up at your doorstep standing!"

"His head is disproportional to his body"

"You just expect me to believe there's actually a place called Baby Corp?"

And many many more, I truly enjoyed the movie.

I mean who wouldn't? It's hilarious!


"Bye guys!" I wave to my coworkers. My shift had just ended and I was leaving the diner to meet up with Tyler who texted to say he'd be here in five minutes. "Oh I'm sor-" My voice gets caught in my throat when I realize the customer I accidentally bumped into. "U-uh excuse me please." My voice wavers and my hands shake.

I stepped outside and took a deep breath to calm my nerves. Before I could process what was happening I felt myself being dragged until I reached the back of the diner. When I was face to face with the culprit, I wasn't at all surprised.

"Look, I don't know what you want but I can't do anything alright? Please just leave me alone." My voice wavered. I tried to walk away but I was pulled back and my back collided with the wall of the diner causing pain and probably bruising.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going? You ruined my fucking life you little bitch and now you're gonna pay." Before I could ask him how I was picked up by my collar and thrown to the floor.

I winced and choked from the impact of my fall. "Please, I'm begging you!" I cried out but there was no use. I'd seen that look in my father's eyes, he was furious, and he wanted me to feel his pain.

"Please" my voice comes out in a whimper. "Shut up!" He picks me up and punches me then picks me up again. "We're gonna finish what we started." "No no please stop!" I cry, tears well in my eyes "I swear I never wanted to, It was all Bianca. I never said I wanted to do anything Carl please!" I try to plead with him but my cries fall on deaf ears.

"Shut up!" He punches me then throws me to the floor where I receive multiple kicks. The metallic taste of blood is ever so present and my cries do nothing to quench his smouldering rage. "Do you have any idea what you've caused me?" He yells in my face then slams me against the wall. I fall and look up at him, his chest was heaving furiously, his pupils have decreased in size tremendously indicating anger.

"Because of you, I lost my football scholarship, my parents, my family, my friends, my entire fucking life! You little worthless piece of shit. You're nothing but trash!" He kicks me in the ribs and I fall flat on my stomach. I cough and only blood comes out.

He picks me up yet again and punches me over and over again until I'm barely conscious. He then picks me up by my throat and my legs thrash in the air while I gasp for little air. My vision begins to blacken before he's pulled away and the sound of a broken nose follows.

"Ah! Fuck!" He groans "How dare you touch her?" The voice sounds beyond angry. My eyes shift over to see a blurry image with a recognizable voice. Then it hits me.


Tyler pounces on Carl and throws punch after punch. "Ty" I called out but my voice was too quiet, too weak. I try again "Ty" this time my voice comes out a little stronger. I try to army crawl to him but I'm too weak. With all the strength I can muster I yell "Tyler stop you'll kill him!" Despite It not being powerful he hears it and leaves Carl's unconscious body and rushes to me.

"Bella, shit are you okay?" Before I can answer my body goes slack in Tyler's arms and I'm met with peaceful darkness.

Author's Note

I just started watching 'Lucifer' and I'm loving it!! It's so funny! I definitely recommend it!

Also, I hit 15k! Thanks so much, everyone! I'm also very close to 800 votes!! You are all amazing thanks for supporting me and this book :)

I know the next teenager post is supposed to be #017 however, I decided to reserve that one for a later chapter...

Teenager Post #018: Closing the fridge slow enough to see when the light goes off.

Hehehehe I am so guilty of doing this 😂

Anyway, that's it for now!!!!

Hope you enjoyed it!!

Please comment/vote/fan/ship

- Thingimajiga xoxo

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